Feed Pets Raw Food

Thursday, June 14, 2007

[rawfeeding] Whole prey distributor

Hi all;

For those of you who dont know, I sourced a reputable breeder and
distributor of 02 euthenased prey animals at excellent prices. They
mainly supply the reptile community (so food HAS to be of excellent
quality, etc) - check out www.rodentpro.com - for mice, rats, rabbits,
chicks, quails, rabbits, guinea pigs etc in different sizes from pinks
to fully grown. I cant order from them yet, as they only supply the
States, but hopefully they will be going international soon. Happy

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[rawfeeding] still confused about tripe

As you may recall I bought a 2 lb. container of frozen tripe. I'm thawing it
now to refreeze in portion sizes. What I don't really understand is....what
exactly is tripe and does it count as organs? Meat?

Joanne who is totally confused in NJ.



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[rawfeeding] Re: Hi, I'm new!

"Felicia" <greenmomma@...> wrote:
I'm having issues and need to
> figure out how to word my query as I get this error thing that says I
> have over 5000 results.
How about "new" and "vegetarian"? I'll try some others, see what I can
scare up.

> My cousin lives in Lemont (I live in Naperville). Small world! :)
Yeah well it gets worse. My other brother lives in Naperville.
Chris O

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[rawfeeding] Raw Kitty


Hi all; Have finally managed to gain access to this group, yay! I am
owned by a 4 month old male cat called the Tazmaniac (Taz) for very
obvious reasons. I fed him for a week on commercial food (old habits
die hard) but his little 7 week old tummy was permanently runny. I
cant remember how I made the decision to change him over but since I
have we havent looked back. He makes the teensiest little poops now
and his runny tummy 'miraculously' vanished after his very first raw

I do have a few questions though: He painted the walls, floors and
bathtub very interesting shades of brown after I fed him a
midday 'snack' of liver only. I was told that liver on its own and in
amounts larger than he would eat in the wild would cause this. Anyone
else experience this problem?

My vet did not try to discourage me when I told him Taz ate raw. He
did recommend that I should give Taz a tiny weekly dose of
multivitamins for infants to be sure that he was getting everything
he needed. Is this necessary?

Taz gets mostly whole quail (2 per day, on the bone, organs intact);
4-5 meals a week I take the flesh off the bone and mix it with fish
and chicken or egg yolk and a couple of drops of fish oil. He also
gets chicken drumsticks & thighs, mutton brain once in a while (extra
fat), heart and small amounts of chicken or beef liver. Is this

I will try to post photos of him shortly. He's actually a very large
4 month old and I think he may also be Cryptorchid.

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[rawfeeding] Re: Runny bowel movements

"mypapito_ri" <mypapito_ri@...> wrote:
> > Yes, for now I am feeding both raw/kibble. I guess i'm hoping this
> will give him time to adjust to the raw diet while still consuming
> enough calories to develop properly.
Felix, for heaven's sake, ditch the kibble. Any adjustment that
needs making is in your head, not your dog's digestive system. If
you feed him a healthy amount of healthy raw food (and we would not
let you do otherwise) he's getting all the "calories" he needs.

In the real world, away from laboratories and nerdy types in white
coats who write their results up in books financed by dog food
manufacturers, calories are not the goal. The goal is optimal
nutrition in a form that is highly bio-available and easily digested.

That would be raw.

You are only fooling yourself if you think kibble is supporting your
pup while he somehow learns to eat raw food. You are certainly not
fooling Mother Nature.
Chris O

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Re: {Disarmed} [rawfeeding] Re: Messages


She should be eating 2-3% of her expected adult weight per day. She may not
be getting enough. She can eat about any protein you have available...pork,
beef, fish, lamb, emu, rabbit, turkey...the list is endless. Pork is
wonderful..you just need to add in new proteins and organs slowly. And
expect changes in stools depending upon what is fed.

No need to fly by the seat of your pants. Everything you could possibly
want to know has either been covered in the past and available in the
archives...or in one of the many frequently posted sites or info sent when
you joined the list.

Sandee & the Dane Gang

> Ah, thank you for answering my plea. I have an 11 month old German
Shepherd that I started on raw some time back. She is doing beautifully on
it but I'm not sure I'm feeding her enough. She weighs about 77 pounds and
she gets 1/4th of a chicken in the morning and about 3/4 of a pound of
ground venison in the evening. She still acts hungry to me.
> Also, you mentioned fish....how do you feed these, whole? scales and all?
What about bones? I tried her on some pork but that seems to make her
bowels too loose. What other meats can I give her. Lots of questions I
know but I'm flying by the seat of my pants on this raw feeding.

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[rawfeeding] Re: Pork Ribs

"calypsoecs" <calypsoecs@...> wrote:
>I am assuming the bones were safe for them
> to eat?
Yes, quite.

I don't usually leave them alone with RMBs, but I had thought
> this would be a 40 minute boneless workout the way that beef rib
> are.
Ha ha, fooled you.
Pork spare ribs are easy eating. As you have discovered. There's
nothing wrong with that, except that you have to rethink your workout
bones some.

My dogs are about 30 lbs. Does anyone include pork ribs in the
> diet of their medium sized dogs?
I occasionally feed them to my retrievers (more large sized than
medium) but precisely because they are such easy eatin', I don't feed
them regularly, preferring to offer more complicated parts like
shoulder roasts and "feet". I think pork ribs sound terrific for
your dogs!
Chris O

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[rawfeeding] Food Aggression [was: where do you feed your dogs...]

How was this "nipped in the bud"?
We have a new puppy (he's 9 wks now; have had him for 1.5 wks and have
been feeding raw since we got him) who has just started growling at me
or the kids if we come too close while he has his RMB...The vet today
said anyone should be able to take anything (toys, food) from him w/
no protest. So tonight when he growled at my daughter I growled back
then took his dinner away (stuck it in the fridge for 1/2 an hour or
so and then gave it to him again). I thought the "if you growl you
lose your food" thing made sense, but have I just made the whole thing
worse by actually demonstrating that I *am* competition for his
food??? I'm new to all of this and our puppy classes don't start
until the end of the month so any help is greatly appreciated.

(Guelph, ON)

--- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, "Roni Bergerson"
<roni.bergerson@...> wrote:

> As far as food aggression, that's a behavioral issue, IMO. I
routinely put
> my hands in my pups food dish and take her food away to show her
that I will
> dole out the food when I want to since I am the alpha dog. I also
make her
> sit calmly and wait for her food. I don't feed dogs who are jumping
> about trying to grab food out of my hands. We've had no issues thus far
> although she started to show some signs of food aggression - that
was nipped
> in the bud and we've had no issues since.
> Roni

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[rawfeeding] Re: disdaining liver - need encouragement

"linoleum5017" <linoleum5017@...> wrote:
He has got to eat
> some organ meat, or his nutrition will suffer - that's my
> understanding from the discussion on this list.
Yeah but. Two weeks without liver are not going to do him in.
Yeah but. Nobody said you have to make a meal of it.

So don't despair if the kid ain't buying what you're selling.
And don't feed liver by itself. Add it in small amounts to other
meats, even if you have to cut up the meats to do it. A small amount
here, a smidge there, disguised, hidden, mixed in. Since as little as
3% of his menu needs to be liver, you don't have to get much into him
to meet his needs. And if he manages to pick out every last bit of
liver, try a different liver.

A species appropriate diet isn't about getting it right every meal. It
means getting it right eventually. Even liver is accorded this
Chris O

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[rawfeeding] Re: Hi, I'm new!

--- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, "costrowski75" <Chriso75@...> wrote:
><snip> I recommend you access the list archives by
> oining Yahoogroups, then search for "vegetarian". You should find
> hits soon since we've recently addressed the topic.
> <http://pets.groups.yahoo.com/group/rawfeeding/join>
> Thanks for the search suggestion - I'm having issues and need to
figure out how to word my query as I get this error thing that says I
have over 5000 results. Seems like a time out error or somesuch, very
annoying. I did try to search though! Honest! :)
> (My brother lives in Lemont, has a young golden retreiver and feeds
> it Costco kibble. Perhaps when you are fluent in raw you can do a
> number on him for me.)

My cousin lives in Lemont (I live in Naperville). Small world! :)


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[rawfeeding] Re: Pork Ribs

Hi Kelly,

My 20 lb. Boston eats 'em!


--- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, "calypsoecs" <calypsoecs@...> wrote:
My dogs are about 30 lbs. Does anyone include pork ribs in the
> diet of their medium sized dogs?
> Thanks,
> Kelly Monroe
> Calypso English Cockers

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[rawfeeding] Re: Hi, I'm new!

"Felicia M. Powers" <greenmomma@...> wrote:

> Bella and Katie have been on Innova Evo for about 6 months now and
have done
> very well on it! I am interested in switching to a raw diet for
them, but I
> have one small hang up: we're vegetarians.
There are many vegetabletarians here and the issues involved are
discussed regularly. I recommend you access the list archives by
oining Yahoogroups, then search for "vegetarian". You should find
hits soon since we've recently addressed the topic.


> I went to our library and wasn't able to find ANY books on feeding
dogs raw.
Ain't gonna happen. There are several books that I recommend for
historical (hysterical) perspective, but they are not worth using as
a guide for feeding your retrievers. The guide par excellence is
Mother Nature. Arguably the people who have written the best books
on raw diets are those who continue to research the gray wolf, to
which our dogs are closely related.

I realize that rule numero uno for using the internet is trust no
one, but this truly is a group you can trust. I cannot imagine a
situation for which someone does not have a "been there, done that"
answer. Or perhaps even hundreds of people have such answers.

If you were to put serious effort into reading the archives, you
would have more knowledge than would be useful, at least for now.
But no fooling, that's how broad the accumulated information is.

I was hoping that
> someone here could suggest some good books that I could maybe order
> Amazon or get at B&N to kick off our raw feeding adventure.
Two books by L. David Mech, either will do, both are great--
The Wolf: The Ecology and Behavior of an Endangered Species (1970,
University of Minnesota Press)

Wolves: Behavior, Ecology, and Conservation, co-edited with Luigi
Boitani (2003, University of Chicago Press).

Also good reading--

Chris O
(My brother lives in Lemont, has a young golden retreiver and feeds
it Costco kibble. Perhaps when you are fluent in raw you can do a
number on him for me.)

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[rawfeeding] Re: Peach pit snack

Peach pits, whole, could cause a life threatening bowel obstruction.
The kernel of the pit contains cyanide as prussic acid, if I remember
right. Totally scary on both accounts.
Get advice from a vet ASAP.
Jennifer in Oz

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[rawfeeding] Re: Am I doing this right?

Hi Missy,
I found www.rawdogranch.com to be very helpful. They have pictures and explaintions of what all the abbrev. mean, tips and advice, comparisons on doing it yourself vs. pre-made raw, how to buy in bulk and package and store and they have testimonials. Check them out, I learned a lot there.
Good Luck

^Laura Sherman^
Corona, CA

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[rawfeeding] Re: First day of raw! Help..

Thank you! After I made my original post, he actually went and dug it
up himself and ate a tiny bit more of it. Then he hid it somewhere in
the yard when I wasn't looking! I couldn't find it but I had to go to
work. My mom later told me that he had buried it, because she saw him
dig it up again, and then he ate the whole thing, as far as she knows.
I'm so proud!

- Jeni & Blue -

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[rawfeeding] Re: Breeds of Dog and Rawfeeding?

--- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, "krimsa" <voxcon@...> wrote:
Just my 2 cents worth - in my pack. My cocker spaniels took to the
raw diet quicker than my lab and pit bull. Of course, this is just my
house full, but the little guys are more eager to try new things,too.
I think all dogs are "wolflike", regardless of size. Our preception
is off when it comes to the little ones!!
Vickie & the Six-Pack (4 cockers included)

> Hi. I am a supplier of rabbit meat but I have become curious about
> rawfeeding itself with my own animals. Do you think certain breeds
> dog take to rawfeeding easier and quicker?

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[rawfeeding] Re:Breeds of Dog and Rawfeeding?

Hey, my Toy Poodle took to rawfeeding immediately and never looked back!
Granted she doesn't get whole goat heads or fur-on-bunnies and such, but
she started out raw at nine weeks, the day she came home with me from
the breeder. She's not a big eater, but she pretty much eats what the
big dogs eat, just less of it.

IMO, breed has little or nothing to do with it. Whether the dog is a
food freak or not might play a part, and how open they are to new
adventures, but not the breed.

Carolyn J. Garnaas and Molly Anne Malolly, giNORMOUS five-pound rawfed
Toy Poodle Extraordinaire, and Agility Freak to Boot

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[rawfeeding] Re: need dog food suggestions....

--- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, "LaUrA" <laurasue17@...> wrote:
I was in the same boat - my hubby lost his job - I kept feeding raw.
It CAN be the cheapest way to feed. I had to feed ALOT of chicken and
beef heart for awhile. But not one complaint from my six-pack. They
lacked variety for a few months, but still were eons ahead of any dry
food. I feed 6 of my own and 1 - 3 fosters. I do not have a
freezer. It would surely be easier, but not absolutely necessary.

Raw feeding can be done on a VERY tight budget. Don't waste the budget
$$ on ki**le, it will cost you and your pets TONS more in the end.
Short term - find a chicken source. I started with Walmart (before
they changed brands...) and could feed for .47 /lb. (I don't know
what it is now.)It was LESS than buying the bag o'crap.

Have you even started the raw diet? If not, you don't need to be
concerned on the variety you can afford, yet. Chicken is the way most
of us started out. I fed only chicken for 2 + weeks.

So...Find some cheap chicken - leg quarteres are usually the
cheapest. Use the fridge for storage, it will keep 3-4 days and shop
Sorry if you wanted a different answer, but I don't think anyone here
will recommend ANY ki**le for you. It is to be avoided at all costs!!!
Please let me know if I can be of any help.

Good Luck
Vickie & the six-pack (+ the fosters)

Any suggestions on short term raw diets. Its the freezer space we
are lacking otherwise, I would have them on all raw diet by now.
> (Amber, I am running up to the Wal-Mart today to look at the food
you suggested.)

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[rawfeeding] First day of raw! Help..

I went out and bought chicken leg quarters and breasts today, and gave
Blue his first real meal, a whole breast. I didn't know if I should
leave the skin on or not, so I just took a bunch of it off.. He licked
at it for a while, ate skin and the tiniest bit of meat. He carried it
around a little and then buried it. Should I leave it there, or dig it
up? If I dig it up, should I give it back to him right away or just
stick it in the freezer? I kinda don't want to leave it because it's in
my mom's garden! What do you guys think?

Thanks a lot.

- Jeni & Blue -

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[rawfeeding] Re: gulping puppy

For the record, here, my guy (senior cocker) gulped down a huge piece of
liver and choked (not just gagged) to the point where he couldn't breathe for a
few moments. Thankfully, he coughed it up. Now I'm really scared to give
him larger pieces of boneless meat/organs, etc. He knows enough to at least
try to chew on or break down the bones, but he won't use his paws to tear so he
just chews and swallows anything boneless. Well, and chicken feet too.
Very disconcerting.

So I'd be reluctant to advise anyone to giver larger pieces of boneless meat
UNLESS they were sure their pup is capable of ripping/tearing before
swallowing. Honestly, it was a nightmare there for those few seemingly endless

Responses welcome. I'm on edge every day now.

Carol for Spencer

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[rawfeeding] Negative butcher

Ok, I went to a local butcher today to source a supply of bones for
my puppy, They were dumb founded that I want to give my dog RAW,
UNCOOKED, BONES, The butcher told me about to people he new that had
fed there dog bones and one was dead in 6 month, the other had a
calcium ball in his bladder and had to have an op, both he said were
caused by bones.

Now I've thought about this and there are alot of variables and lack
of info in these stories so I'm not really phased, although it did
make me feel like a bit of a lunny. Is this going to be the general
cencus from the butcher trade?

Anyway I can get lamb neck, ox tail, turkey neck (when in season) and
pigs ears from them. But this may be an uncomfortable arrangement as
I feel that they may call the RSPCA! or mental hospital. Do I just go
with it or try another butcher?

But on the brighter side, I gave my pup a chicken thigh tonight for
the first time and after working out what exactly she was going to do
with it, it went down a treat :) . So I'm really pleased with her.


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[rawfeeding] Re:Breeds of Dog and Rawfeeding?

I don't think that age makes a difference. I have a 5 month & 3 1/2 year old rottie and a 8-9 year old bull mastiff mix( SPCA), that have been on raw for about a month . I have had NO problems at all on raw and am going to try my 4Th meat source (pork) soon. I do have one problem it is that when i am feeding them I can't get it to them fast enough.

Thanks for all your help, Dee & Kodi & Onex & Raina

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[rawfeeding] Re: Freecycle?

Freecycle is a kind of recycling group where members offer things that
they no longer need/want so they don't have to throw it away. Usually
you join and then offer something first. After the offer is made you
can post a wanted add. When I asked for a freezer, three people
responded to me. You'd be surprised how many people have a big
freezer that they don't really want anymore.

You can go to freecycle.org and look to see if there is a group in
your area. There are also other similar groups starting up that are
just as good. Someone posted a website to search for these groups
about two days ago, but I don't recall the site. If you search the
archives for "freecycle" you'll see another thread with lots of info.


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[rawfeeding] Re: Breeds of Dog and Rawfeeding?

I only deal with chows and shar-pei and have found they jump into it
without any hesitatation whatsoever. It's a huge deal with the
shar-pei because of the multitude of skin issues that can occur due to
fallen immune system issues.


> Hi. I am a supplier of rabbit meat but I have become curious about
> rawfeeding itself with my own animals. Do you think certain breeds of
> dog take to rawfeeding easier and quicker? For some reason I think in
> my head, the more "wolflike" the dog, the easier the transition will

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[rawfeeding] Re: "Sell by date" on frozen fish

Veronique Cartier <cartiervero@...> wrote:>
> "Recently, I bought frozen sardines at asian market, "the sell by "
> date was march 13, so its 2 months after , is there any experience
> that says that date has to be honored??/
> I know I can try and find out, but are there any serious risks?
No. Not even any moderate risks. Not even for people. Frozen is

Our dogs are more than able to devour freezerburned meat; frozen fish
only two weeks past what was certainly a conservative best-by date
anyway is truly no big deal.

What I would be inclined to do in this situation is see if I could get
the package for a reduced price.
Chris O

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[rawfeeding] Re: Breeds of Dog and Rawfeeding?

"krimsa" <voxcon@...> wrote:
> Hi. I am a supplier of rabbit meat but I have become curious about
> rawfeeding itself with my own animals.
If you haven't posted the CarnivoreFeed-Supplier list, please do so.
We are always looking for rabbit suppliers.

Do you think certain breeds of
> dog take to rawfeeding easier and quicker?
No. It's not a breed thing. It's a health thing or a personality
thing or a food choice thing. It may have to do with the human's
attitude or how the human allowed the dog to develop, or not develop.

For some reason I think in
> my head, the more "wolflike" the dog, the easier the transition will
> be. Meaning a toy poodle might not take to it as soon as a Australian
> Sheepdog or something along those lines.
For the reason of preconceived notions, most likely. I have no doubt
at all that a toy poodle weaned to raw is as receptive to its food as
an Australian Sheepdog whatever that is. A spoiled toy breed is just a
smaller version of a spoiled larger breed. And vice versa. Perhaps
it's unwise to make any sweeping generalities about what breed of dog
eats raw "best".

IMO it's how we set our dogs up that makes the difference. Failure or
success: it's our doing entirely.

There are too many happy rawfed Chi's and too many picky German
Shepherd Dogs on this list for your theory to hold any water.

is it possibly more related to how long your dog ate standard
> canned/kibble before attempting the switch to the raw diet?
I doubt length of time on commercial food makes a big difference for
dogs--though it probably does with cats. I really think the attitudes
we humans bring to our relationship with dogs is what makes the
difference. Except of course when dealing with ill health (which alas
in most cases is probably our fault as well).
Chris O

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[rawfeeding] Re: need dog food suggestions....

"LaUrA" <laurasue17@...> wrote:

> But now I lost my job, so it's one step back financially to get the
freezer for raw feeding.

What freezer? It's not like a freezer is a prerequisite to raw
feeding. Been doing it almost 4 years, never have had a freezer. Just
the over-the-fridge freezer in my apartment (not a big fridge by any
means, I live in a 1-br apt.) has always worked. It holds at LEAST 40
pounds of raw food, plus the 10 I usually keep defrosting in the fridge.

As Chris O said, we can help you with cost-cutting on raw feeding.
Heck, if you're just starting, limiting the diet to cheap chicken is no
crime. Ask your grocery store what they'd charge you for a case of
whole chickens or chicken leg quarters. I'd be surprised if it's more
than you'd pay for kibble.

-- sandy & griffin

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[rawfeeding] Re: Breeds of Dog and Rawfeeding?

--- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, "krimsa" <voxcon@...> wrote:

> Hi. I am a supplier of rabbit meat

Hi Jennifer,

Please tell me you ship to Nevada. Feel free to email me privately.

> Does it matter about breed or is it possibly more related to how
> long your dog ate standard canned/kibble before attempting the
> switch to the raw diet? Just

I'm not sure I'd consider myself experienced compared to many on
this list - but, I've been feeding raw to my Labrador for 3 years.

You know what I think about what contributes to a successful switch?

I believe in the theory - "If you think you can ...or if you think
you can't - either way, you're right".

Also, as we've seen on this list - some folks have a problem with
being the pack leader. And, their dogs know it.

Now, granted..I have a Labrador and Labs are not known for being
picky eaters. <VBG> But, as I see it....my job is to hunt the food
and it is Taylor's to eat it. While I do give him variety - he
really doesn't have alot of choices, if you catch my drift.

In my opinion, raw is the best way to feed a dog.

Valerie in Pahrump, Nevada

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[rawfeeding] Re: need dog food suggestions....

I am and have been a member of two area freecycle groups. I haven't been one of the lucky ones chosen when freezers where available. Still waiting. I agree with what you said though about the kibble. I am just at a loss.

Proud Mommy to Miss Samantha (9 years old going on 16! LOL!!) and step mom to Heather -17, Nikki - 14 and Michelle - 8 - the most beautiful girls in the world!!!!!
Mom to furbabies: Snoopy (male - neutered - 9 month old - pit mix - 60lbs.) and Zoey (super smart deaf female - spayed - 5 month old - pit mix - approx. 30lbs.)

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[rawfeeding] Re:need dog food suggestions....

I get chicken bones *(very meaty) from a restaurant supply company for
20 cents per pound. This makes up a major part of my dogs' food. This
ends up being 20 - 30% cheaper than even the cheapest kibble, I really
appreciate the savings because I am feeding 275 pounds of dogs between
the three of them. If you look in the yellow pages under restaurant
supply of food wholesalers, you might be able to find a similar deal. I
am in Rhode Island, we pay more for nearly everything here.

I hope this helps.

and RastaKahn, RastaKhina, and Lucille

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[rawfeeding] Re: Throwing up White Foam and related questions



My lurcher used to do this on weekend mornings when her feed was
coming about two hours later than she was used to.

I ditched the feeding schedule and after a few days she was fine, no
more vomiting! With her I think the stomach was expecting food, and
getting ready for it. When the food didn't come, she sicked up the
excess bile. Now she doesn't know when she's getting fed, so stomach
doesn't build up bile in anticipation.

I know others that want/need to keep to a feeding schedule and feed a
bedtime biscuit or chicken wing. This seems to have worked well for
them. I guess it depends on the size of your dog etc what will help
with regards to betime snack.


--- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, "rach9876" <rach9876@...> wrote:
> Recently, Tyler has been waking up about at about 5:30 am and
> throwing up white bile a few times. We are usually still sleeping
> that time. He'll whine for a bit and then either play by himself or
> come back to bed until we are ready to wake up. I did some research
> on this and it sounds like he is throwing up bile bc his stomach is
> empty. We have him on a pretty rigid eating schedule which i know
> not ideal but it is what works best with our schedules. Anyway, i
> read that a solution to this is to feed a snack before bedtime.
> Rachel

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[rawfeeding] Re: Breeds of dog taking to raw.

krimsa (Jennifer) wrote about more "wolf like" dogs taking to raw
easier than other breeds.

My daughter has a German Shephard and a Corgi. The Corgi took to it
and acts like "this is what I wanted all along." On the other hand,
when she opens the fridge and takes out meat for their feeding, the
shep will literally CRY and turn her back. She does not like the
switch to raw.

My Collies are very picky, but are doing ok on raw. Believe me, they
are not and never were enthusiastic eaters, so I would say they are
more consistantly on raw than with processed foods.

Karen with Collies

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[rawfeeding] Re: need dog food suggestions....

"LaUrA" <laurasue17@...> wrote:

> I am looking for a good food recommendation (not Nutro, made Snoopy
sick, all of them) that won't break the bank, but doesn't have corn
and all the crap in it. Is this type of food out there? LOL!!
It is not the purpose of this list to recommend or even discuss the
relative "merits" of kibbble or canned food. If you feel you have to
feed it, there are other lists that can help you decide which poison
to pick. If you want help in feeding raw though, you are in the
right place. You can feed a raw diet on the cheap. Many of us do.
Sometimes you have to work harder to do it but it is completely

I am really pissed that we cannot feed raw for a while now, that set
us back.
Um, I don't understand why you think you can afford kibble but not
raw food. Short term is really easy. Chicken, liver, heart. Fish
once in a while (canned if you want), pork when it's on sale. Done.
Chris O

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[rawfeeding] Re: Did I get a deal?

"Kendra Borland" <kbbooks@...> wrote:
is this because she is relinquishing her
> authority to him? Or is it because he's the puppy of the pack?
It's my understand that most adult wolves cut most pups a lot of slack,
at least up to a certain point. Pups get cuffed when they deserve it,
otherwise, they are tolerated.
Chris O

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[rawfeeding] Re: working up to whole carcass fur and all

"imaginationdead" <deadoikos@...> wrote:
> going from ki**le to raw, introducing one protein source per week, how
> long should you wait until you just throw a whole rabbit or other
> carcass down for them to eat?
You can proceed as quickly as your dog's digestive ability allows.
There are no rules for introducing new food, just suggestions; and most
people suggest taking one's time because that's what seems to work best
for most people.

If your dog is good at eating raw, give it a whole rabbit or something
and see what happens. With a whole carcass, there's little likelihood
of gulping; IMO the worst that can happen is loose stools. FWIW, for
my dogs whole small mammal carcasses have not produced loose stools.
Chris O

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[rawfeeding] Re: Throwing up White Foam and related questions

I'm a newbie on this list. My JRT has been diagnosed with IBD
(inflammatory bowel disease) and exhibited symptoms very much like
what you describe. The vomitus would be white foam, a little yellow
bile and gluey, gooey mucous. If your fur-kid continues with this, I
would definitely recommend a vet visit.

It helps a lot if it is a mild case to feed smaller meals - more
frequently and to make sure they don't go all night with nothing in
their stomach which means making the last meal a good deal later than

Hope this helps.


. . .sounds like he is throwing up bile bc his stomach is

> Rachel

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Re: [rawfeeding] Did I get a deal?

> Now, chicken, a good deal, is anything under .50 cents a
> pound, whole, or cut up.

When Talking about "Deals" We really have to say where your from. I am in Calgary, Alberta Canada, given the canadian dollar is only at $0.937 exchange right now.. $0.50 per pound for chicken would still be out of this world for me!

The best I have found is $12 for a 5kg box of back/leg quarters ($1.08/lb)

-Ross S (From Canada eh)

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[rawfeeding] Re: Breeds of Dog and Rawfeeding?

From what I have seen, some dogs don't really get that raw is food and
they might hold out for a day or two before they give in, but this has
more to do with the individual dog than the breed I think. My German
Shorthaired Pointer mix took to raw immediately, while my Newf mix
took a skipped meal before he realized I was giving him food. Since
then, he hasn't looked back.

When dogs come to stay at my house, they get raw regardless of what
their usual food is. I've fed a lab, two chis, a pug, and a mini
schnauzer in the past year. One of the chis refused food until he saw
his brother eating it, but other than that they all went for it. The
cutest thing I've ever seen is a 8lb chi running around with a chunk
of beef tongue that looked as big as he was!


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Re: [rawfeeding] Did I get a deal?

I get chicken quarters for $.48 a pound at Wal-Mart.
Laurie, Kokomo, Indiana

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[rawfeeding] Freecycle?

--- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, "Andrea" <poketmouse45@...> wrote:
I signed onto a local freecycle group and got a 5 foot upright freezer
for free.

What is Freecycle? I keep seeing it posted but have no clue what it is?

Erin Pepper
Huntsville, AL

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[rawfeeding] "Sell by date" on frozen fish

"Recently, I bought frozen sardines at asian market, "the sell by "
date was march 13, so its 2 months after , is there any experience
that says that date has to be honored??/
I know I can try and find out, but are there any serious risks?
And THANK YOU for the Displaysia/OCD feedback., it was very helpful!!


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Re: [rawfeeding] New member with 13 year old lab


i am feeding my daughter's 14 year old black lab raw and have been for about 3 years. she too is a gulper so i feed the meat a little bit still frozen. she has to really chew before she can swallow. she loves it!

Sandee Lee <rlee@plix.com> wrote:
Hi Christine,

The very best thing you could do for this guy is get him on a raw diet. He
needs those nice raw meaty bones to prevent periodontal disease which will
compromise his organs.

Dogs don't chew...ground up foods are not the solution. Feed him some nice
large complicated meals that he can't gulp and has to work at...he'll be
fine. For now, just start him on some chicken quarters or halves. Best way
to do that is get a couple of whole chickens, quarter them yourself. That
way he gets the benefit of all that nice breast meat and a bit of organs.

He needs lots of meat, a little edible bone and some organs...no veggies.
Feed him approximately 2-3% of his ideal weight per day.

BTW, just about any grocery store has organs and you don't want necks. :)

Sandee & the Dane Gang

From: "cmt_1970" <cmt_1970@yahoo.com>

I would love to put Jack on a raw diet, but he doesn't chew his food
very well and I'm terrified that he will choke on the bones. What
type of bones can I give him that he would be able to eat?

If I can't bring myself to feed him the bones, I've found a website
that I can buy the bone and meat ground , but I'm not sure how much
to feed? They say it also includes organs. Does this mean I don't
have to buy the organs separate?

He's about 80lbs and I would like him to lose about 5 to 8 pounds.
I've read that I should feed him about 24 ounces a day. At 70% RMB
that's about 1lb a day (is this sufficient?) and what makes up the
other 1lb. I'm going to blend some vegetables in the evening, but I
don't know what to mix them with and how much.

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[rawfeeding] Re: need dog food suggestions....

Sorry, Laura, you aren't going to get any reccomendations for ki**lbe
here. Crap in a bag is crap in a bag, even if it's "organic" crap.
The good news is, you don't really have to give up on raw. I signed
onto a local freecycle group and got a 5 foot upright freezer for
free. Eventually I'll save enough money to get a good, energy
efficient, large freezer, but for now this works fine. Once you have
a freezer you can just stock up on chicken. Though a diet of chicken
a la chicken isn't superb, it is still much better than any ki**le.
You can take this time to do the legwork to find other meat sources.
Once you get back on your feet, you'll know where to go to get a
variety. Good luck!


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[rawfeeding] Throwing up White Foam and related questions

Recently, Tyler has been waking up about at about 5:30 am and
throwing up white bile a few times. We are usually still sleeping at
that time. He'll whine for a bit and then either play by himself or
come back to bed until we are ready to wake up. I did some research
on this and it sounds like he is throwing up bile bc his stomach is
empty. We have him on a pretty rigid eating schedule which i know is
not ideal but it is what works best with our schedules. Anyway, i
read that a solution to this is to feed a snack before bedtime. Any
suggestions on what would be a good snack and what amount would be
enough to satisfy him until morning? Should I break his dinner up
into two portions and give him one at dinnertime and one before bed?
Or, is this something that will work itself out if i dont try to
solve the problem? Or is the only real solution to this making
feeding times random? Here is his current info:

50-55 lb boxer
eats twice a day, 1 lb at each meal
breakfast is at 8 a.m.ish and dinner is at 8 p.m. ish (these times
can vary by an hour or so)

One more question, there is a longer time between his breakfast and
dinner and he is fine during the day, so any ideas on why is this
affecting him in the morning? Thanks!


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