[rawfeeding] Digest Number 12052
There are 25 messages in this issue.
Topics in this digest:
1a. Re: Older dog with diarrhea- help
From: Belinda van de Loo
2a. I think my puppy is allergic to chicken -getting desperate-
From: one_sojourner_one
2b. Re: I think my puppy is allergic to chicken -getting desperate-
From: Andrea
2c. Re: I think my puppy is allergic to chicken -getting desperate-
From: one_sojourner_one
2d. Re: I think my puppy is allergic to chicken -getting desperate-
From: Misty Sargent
3a. Re: Why don't vets recommend raw food?
From: Shannon Parker
3b. Re: Why don't vets recommend raw food?
From: Daisy Foxworth
3c. milk-replacer in litter of Cavalier King Charles Spaniels
From: Caren OConnor
3d. Re: milk-replacer in litter of Cavalier King Charles Spaniels
From: Sonja
3e. Why don't vets recommend raw food?
From: blue eyed
3f. Re: milk-replacer in litter of Cavalier King Charles Spaniels
From: Tina Berry
3g. Why don't vets recommend raw food?
From: mrskheath
3h. Re: milk-replacer in litter of Cavalier King Charles Spaniels
From: Caren OConnor
4a. Re: UK suppliers
From: Belinda van de Loo
5a. some tartar on his teeth
From: Marisa
5b. Re: some tartar on his teeth
From: Andrea
5c. Re: some tartar on his teeth
From: costrowski75
6a. Re: Suggestions for a dog who HATES beef liver!
From: shane clays
6b. Re: Suggestions for a dog who HATES beef liver!
From: steph.sorensen
6c. Re: Suggestions for a dog who HATES beef liver!
From: shane clays
6d. Re: Suggestions for a dog who HATES beef liver!
From: Goin8@aol.com
6e. Re: Suggestions for a dog who HATES beef liver!
From: Laura Atkinson
6f. Re: Suggestions for a dog who HATES beef liver!
From: steph.sorensen
7a. Re: boneless meals/what to feed?
From: swilken61
8a. Re: RE ON suppliers
From: Howard Salob
1a. Re: Older dog with diarrhea- help
Posted by: "Belinda van de Loo" auntielindyloo@yahoo.com belindavandeloo
Date: Thu Sep 20, 2007 7:34 am ((PDT))
Hello Heidi,
We feed a 13 yr.old Bichon and he occasionally gets a bout with his
tummy. IMHO the body is trying to tell you something... his system
probably needs some rest so it can heal up a bit. If it were my dog
I'd fast him for a day and then give him some broth (cook one of his
bones in water and give him just the broth when it's cooled) as his
first meal after the broth.
Naturally speaking dogs systems are prepared for irregular meal
schedules and they will even go "off feed" for a few meals so that
their body has a chance to cope with what's going on.
It might be as simple as that.
To give him his pills you could still do it the way you normally do,
with a little bit of venison.
Re: the meds... IMO going "raw" is the first step in (re)building a
healthy immune system. Once we went raw with our clan, the next step
was removing all chemicals (flea collars, vaccinations, heartworm
meds, etc.). It takes a while for the body to rid itself (detox)from
all the chemical buildup but it was well worth it. Taking your dog
off meds is your own decision. You may want to consult a homeopathic
vet in the matter because there are natural ways to deal with
All the best!
Belinda and "Honey" from Holland
Messages in this topic (4)
2a. I think my puppy is allergic to chicken -getting desperate-
Posted by: "one_sojourner_one" onesojourner@gmail.com one_sojourner_one
Date: Thu Sep 20, 2007 7:35 am ((PDT))
We are trying to make the switch over to raw. We have been feeding
chicken for the past couple of days. Our 4 month cairn has thrown it
up 2 times now. The first time we did not see it happen and I think he
cleaned the mess up. there were just a few remnants left. This morning
he would not eat his breakfast and then about 20 minutes after I took
it up he puked all over the place. A growing puppy needs to eat so I
can't let this keep happening. what should I do?
Messages in this topic (4)
2b. Re: I think my puppy is allergic to chicken -getting desperate-
Posted by: "Andrea" poketmouse45@yahoo.com poketmouse45
Date: Thu Sep 20, 2007 8:21 am ((PDT))
Peter, did the puppy re-eat the breakfast this morning? Usually
allergies to meats are pretty unusual and dogs end up with major
itchies or hotspots because of an allergy. Since the pup re-ate the
first time, I'm thinking the problem is something else.
One possibility is that he is eating his food too quickly. Geiger has
been known to bolt down small pieces of food whole only to bring it
back up half an hour later and eat it again, chewing this time. Give
the pup larger portions that he has to work to eat so that his stomach
juices can get going before the food gets there.
The food might also be too cold. This has never been a problem with my
big dogs, but my sister's chi has problems holding down food straight
from the fridge. He's fine eating the same thing around room temp,
Lastly, you might check to make the chicken hasn't been enhanced with
juicifiers and broth.
So, make sure your chicken is minimally processed, feed bigger more
akward pieces, and let food get to room temp before feeding. If that
doesn't work, let us know. Good luck.
--- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, "one_sojourner_one"
<onesojourner@...> wrote:
> Our 4 month cairn has thrown it up 2 times now. The first time we did
> not see it happen and I think he cleaned the mess up. there were just
> a few remnants left. This morning he would not eat his breakfast and
> then about 20 minutes after I took it up he puked all over the place.
Messages in this topic (4)
2c. Re: I think my puppy is allergic to chicken -getting desperate-
Posted by: "one_sojourner_one" onesojourner@gmail.com one_sojourner_one
Date: Thu Sep 20, 2007 9:12 am ((PDT))
Thanks for the response. I will fill you in with a few more details.
This morning he did not eat at all so he threw up the chicken he at
last night. This pup is extremely picky when it comes to food. He
would not touch the chicken at first and now he is only eating it if I
throw it on the skillet for a few seconds and add garlic. I have given
him and egg with that a few times and he seems to eat it better. He
got his first bone last night and all he did was sit there and look at
it. I cut some of the meat off and he ate that very slowly then picked
the meaty bone up and carried it around. Its like he has no idea what
to do with it.
Messages in this topic (4)
2d. Re: I think my puppy is allergic to chicken -getting desperate-
Posted by: "Misty Sargent" jrtlover27@yahoo.com jrtlover27
Date: Thu Sep 20, 2007 12:12 pm ((PDT))
Hi Peter,
Have you tried beef, lamb, rabbit, or pork? I would fast her for a day to let her tummy settle, and then try a different meat and see if she tolerates that. Also, how are you feeding her? Ground meat, whole bone-in meat, or a pre-packaged raw diet?
one_sojourner_one <onesojourner@gmail.com> wrote:
We are trying to make the switch over to raw. We have been feeding
chicken for the past couple of days. Our 4 month cairn has thrown it
up 2 times now. The first time we did not see it happen and I think he
cleaned the mess up. there were just a few remnants left. This morning
he would not eat his breakfast and then about 20 minutes after I took
it up he puked all over the place. A growing puppy needs to eat so I
can't let this keep happening. what should I do?
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Messages in this topic (4)
3a. Re: Why don't vets recommend raw food?
Posted by: "Shannon Parker" mrbatisse@yahoo.ca mrbatisse
Date: Thu Sep 20, 2007 7:38 am ((PDT))
Hi Jennifer,
Simply put, Vet's just don't know better. They have one course on animal nutrition in school (an elective course) and it is sponsored by a kibble company. I can tell you this with certainty as I am a Vet tech who had the same nutritional training. As far as being money hungry, I wouldn't say that is their only motive. Vet's on average do not make that much money from their practice...selling kibble does give them good profit...they mark it up tremendously. They push the kibble because that is all they know. The seminars they attend to get new information is sponsored by kibble companies, and let me tell you ...these companies know that raw is getting more attention and they are trying their hardest to scare the vets into not promoting it. I talked to a Tech who recently attended one of these seminars and she was adament that I was going to be infected with Salmonella. I gave her some commonsense advice as well as factual information about raw and though she will
not promote it, I belive she'll be a little more open minded with clients who do feed raw. I hope. I am lucky, I have a vet who is fine with the raw. If he ever has a question, I am armed with the correct information to ease his mind. He's seen the difference in my animals and he just can't dispute it. Trust me, ditch the kibble and go raw....you won't regret it, and perhaps your Vet friend may see the light as well.
Best of luck,
jend404 <jend404@yahoo.com> wrote:
And not just this vet, but all my vets I have ever had, have been
adamant about not feeding raw food to animals. Also, I do not believe,
and refuse to accept that these people are financially motivated to push
poison. Some of them have been close, personal friends of mine and feed
their own animals package food.
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Messages in this topic (18)
3b. Re: Why don't vets recommend raw food?
Posted by: "Daisy Foxworth" daisyfoxworth@yahoo.com daisyfoxworth
Date: Thu Sep 20, 2007 8:49 am ((PDT))
>I have a vet who is fine with the raw. If he ever has a question, I
am armed with the correct information to ease his mind. He's seen the
difference in my animals and he just can't dispute it.
That is my situation as well. My vet believes her responsibility is
to make sure her clients are informed. If it is apparent that her
clients have obtained that information on their own and it is working
for them, she's ok with it. Bottomline, she can't dispute that raw
has benefited my cat.
Messages in this topic (18)
3c. milk-replacer in litter of Cavalier King Charles Spaniels
Posted by: "Caren OConnor" cavkist@yahoo.com cavkist
Date: Thu Sep 20, 2007 9:14 am ((PDT))
Hello Group -
I have a litter of Cavaliers who will be 7 weeks old tomorrow. I have been weaning them from their mommy and supplementing with a milk-replacer. I decreased their nursing capability - removed mommy gradually - and began feeding raw at about 4.5 weeks.
My question is - May I now stop the milk replacer and just have them drink water with the raw food?
And, I'm not sure why I used milk replacer. Does everyone do this with their litters?
Thanks for sharing.
Caren O'Connor
Nansemond Cavaliers
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Messages in this topic (18)
3d. Re: milk-replacer in litter of Cavalier King Charles Spaniels
Posted by: "Sonja" ladyver@sbcglobal.net lonepalm77
Date: Thu Sep 20, 2007 10:14 am ((PDT))
The breeders I know use goat's milk as a supplement to mom's milk if mom doesn't have enough, but they're completely off of it by 7 weeks.
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Messages in this topic (18)
3e. Why don't vets recommend raw food?
Posted by: "blue eyed" eyed_blue@yahoo.co.uk eyed_blue
Date: Thu Sep 20, 2007 10:14 am ((PDT))
you wrote: various anecdotal evidence does not a scientific study make.
Maybe I'm not taking you correctly (correct me if that's the case) but what do you mean no scientific evidence/study?
Where is the scientific evidence to prove that kibble is better?
For them to do what you would call a 'fair' scientific study with a comparison of raw feeding to kibble feeding then they would have to have done a trial in the first place and that would involve a scientific study comparing proper raw feeding over time compared with kibble feeding. So where is the study that provides evidence on kibble being 'better' If they haven't got any on raw then they cant possibly have it on kibble either. They must just be comparing their kibble with worse kibble.
you wrote: I really am ready to start going all raw but I am very afraid that if I
don't supplement with kibble that has been vitamin enriched I will harm
my dog.
This is what mass marketing has led people to believe, we must feed their perfect and balanced food to give our pets what they need. We couldn't possibly provide it through fresh natural food/nutrients. How much vitamin A have you ate today? Was it the perfectly balanced amount in a pre packaged food that you need in the right percentage every day? get my point?
Kibble is vitamin enriched because it has to be, all the natural vitamins have been heat destroyed usually, not only that but I heard that their 'foods' are so lacking in vitamins that they by law have to add in a minimum amount (just what I heard)
Where is the scientific evidence that the vitamins/minerals sprayed into kibble are utilised properly by the dog?
I don't need scientific (sponsored by some pet food company) evidence to tell me that my dog is better on raw food. Without great detail on my own dog, I can tell you that I noticed a difference from the very first meal and he only continued to improve in many ways. Before raw feeding he was in and out of the vets, since raw feeding he has not even been once. This is enough evidence for me.
The vet that was your friend and feeding commercial food can feed what he likes, make your own mind up and do what you feel comfortable with. I for one cant go back to feeding my pup anything but raw as my conscience wont let me.
Tom Lonsdales book Work Wonders is what I started working from and I would recomend it but once you get started its really not as complicated as it all sounds.
sorry if this was a bit long winded,
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Messages in this topic (18)
3f. Re: milk-replacer in litter of Cavalier King Charles Spaniels
Posted by: "Tina Berry" k9baron@gmail.com k9antje
Date: Thu Sep 20, 2007 2:27 pm ((PDT))
"May I now stop the milk replacer and just have them drink water with the
raw food? And, I'm not sure why I used milk replacer. Does everyone do this
with their litters?"
I only used goats milk at 4 weeks of age mixed with raw deer burger to wean
them.. after 6 weeks or so we were done with milk.
Tina Berry - MT
Kriegshund German Shepherds
Working Lines ~ Naturally Reared
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Messages in this topic (18)
3g. Why don't vets recommend raw food?
Posted by: "mrskheath" mrskheath@yahoo.co.uk mrskheath
Date: Thu Sep 20, 2007 2:32 pm ((PDT))
> you wrote: I really am ready to start going all raw but I am very
afraid that if I
> don't supplement with kibble that has been vitamin enriched I will harm
> my dog.
I am absolutely 100% certain by my own experience that my dogs are
happier, healthier and their ideal weight with thanks to raw feeding.
My husky male had problems gaining weight on kibble and my bitch
always had allergies to kibble. Raw has benefited them in a way that I
myself notice.
Their teeth are cleaner
They have more energy
Their stools are healthier in form and substance
They never leave their food
Their coats seem much better - they in fact seem to shed less - not
sure of the connection here but it certainly has changed since feeding
a raw diet.
They are generally happier dogs
Anal glands even seem to hardly need draining at all
The evidence speaks for itself.
You don't need a doctor to tell you that a natural diet is healthier
for you
You don't need a vet to tell you that a natural diet is healthier for
your pets!!
Messages in this topic (18)
3h. Re: milk-replacer in litter of Cavalier King Charles Spaniels
Posted by: "Caren OConnor" cavkist@yahoo.com cavkist
Date: Thu Sep 20, 2007 3:50 pm ((PDT))
Tina -
Thank you for your kind response. I don't know why I worry about this but I just want to make sure I'm giving them all the calcium they need - as though they're not getting it with the chicken necks I'm giving?!
Tonight they're enjoying the last of their watered-down milk replacer. Tomorrow it's strickly water. Maybe I just want to keep them babies longer:)
Caren O'Connor
Tina Berry <k9baron@gmail.com> wrote:
"May I now stop the milk replacer and just have them drink water with the
raw food? And, I'm not sure why I used milk replacer. Does everyone do this
with their litters?"
I only used goats milk at 4 weeks of age mixed with raw deer burger to wean
them.. after 6 weeks or so we were done with milk.
Tina Berry - MT
Kriegshund German Shepherds
Working Lines ~ Naturally Reared
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Messages in this topic (18)
4a. Re: UK suppliers
Posted by: "Belinda van de Loo" auntielindyloo@yahoo.com belindavandeloo
Date: Thu Sep 20, 2007 7:38 am ((PDT))
Thanks for that info, Sandra.
In the same vein, anyone looking for raw suppliers in Holland - I could
give you a list of resources.
Belinda and "Honey" in Holland
Messages in this topic (5)
5a. some tartar on his teeth
Posted by: "Marisa" mrsdog_lover@yahoo.com mrsdog_lover
Date: Thu Sep 20, 2007 8:13 am ((PDT))
Hi, it's 4 moths now that i feed raw meaty bones to my 3 dogs, and they
are thriving and happy, yet their canine teeth, near the gum has a
light yellow soft covering, which easily scrapes off. How come the
bones that they eat, aren't working as they should to clean them ?
Messages in this topic (3)
5b. Re: some tartar on his teeth
Posted by: "Andrea" poketmouse45@yahoo.com poketmouse45
Date: Thu Sep 20, 2007 10:38 am ((PDT))
I noticed the same thing with Geiger's canines a couple of months ago.
When I thought back to what I had been feeding him I realized I was
giving him smaller portions that he primarily ate using his back
teeth. Beef heart, tongue, chicken, ribs, rabbit, etc. When I started
giving him bigger pieces like a piece of 6 way cut goat and whole pork
shoulder he had to dig in and tear pieces out and the bits of tartar
went away. Try adding in truly big and complicated meals and see if it
makes a difference.
--- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, "Marisa" <mrsdog_lover@...> wrote:
> their canine teeth, near the gum has a light yellow soft covering,
> which easily scrapes off. How come the bones that they eat, aren't
> working as they should to clean them ?
Messages in this topic (3)
5c. Re: some tartar on his teeth
Posted by: "costrowski75" Chriso75@AOL.COM costrowski75
Date: Thu Sep 20, 2007 11:30 am ((PDT))
"Marisa" <mrsdog_lover@...> wrote:
How come the
> bones that they eat, aren't working as they should to clean them ?
Probably you are not feeding bones that the dogs must use all their
teeth on. Teeth cleaning is a mechanical process. Whatever teeth the
dogs don't use don't get scrubbed.
Feeding a variety of body parts as well as variety of sources is one
way to help clean the unreached bones; also feeding bigger and more
complicated body parts will help. A good meal for cleaning the
inscisors is a slab of ribs; a better meal perhaps but harder to find
might be a body part with some hair/fur/hide left on. And for cleaner
canine teeth, the dogs need to be fed meals they literally can sink
their teeth into.
Chris O
Messages in this topic (3)
6a. Re: Suggestions for a dog who HATES beef liver!
Posted by: "shane clays" shane_clays@yahoo.com shane_clays
Date: Thu Sep 20, 2007 8:47 am ((PDT))
I have a dog that refuses to eat beef liver by itself. I did the old "if you wont eat what I give you, you wont eat" routine. She went 7 days without a meal. Finally, she ate about half a piece then rolled in other half....
I have found that what works best with her is that I give her cut up liver (approximately 1 inch x 1 inch) mixed with ground meat (turkey, beef, pork, whatever) and an egg. It has somewhat of the same consistency of ground meat and the egg helps cover the taste. She gobbles it down.... I guess I gave into her by mixing the liver but to me, she won the battle, I won the war....
Matter of fact, she gobbled down a bowl of the stuff this morning.....
Shane Clays
Phoenix, AZ
"steph.sorensen" <steph.sorensen@yahoo.com> wrote:
> > From: "steph.sorensen" <steph.sorensen@>
> >
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Messages in this topic (17)
6b. Re: Suggestions for a dog who HATES beef liver!
Posted by: "steph.sorensen" steph.sorensen@yahoo.com steph.sorensen
Date: Thu Sep 20, 2007 11:41 am ((PDT))
You know, that is a great idea!! I may try that tomorrow. I recently
put an ad in Freecycle for any meat people wanted out of their
freezer, and a lady contacted me to give me a 7lb roll of hamburger,
so I'll have plenty to give! Thanks for the idea! Lucy just sniffs
it, gingerly takes it, then spits it out and walks away. It's like
she doesn't want to be impolite, but she just doesn't like it! Kind
of like going to someone's house for dinner and feeding it to the dog
under the table because you didn't like it but don't want to be rude!
Scarlet, Lucy, and Minkey (the kitty)
--- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, shane clays <shane_clays@...> wrote:
> I have found that what works best with her is that I give her cut
up liver (approximately 1 inch x 1 inch) mixed with ground meat
(turkey, beef, pork, whatever) and an egg. It has somewhat of the same
consistency of ground meat and the egg helps cover the taste. She
gobbles it down.... I guess I gave into her by mixing the liver but to
me, she won the battle, I won the war....
> Matter of fact, she gobbled down a bowl of the stuff this
> Shane Clays
> Phoenix, AZ
Messages in this topic (17)
6c. Re: Suggestions for a dog who HATES beef liver!
Posted by: "shane clays" shane_clays@yahoo.com shane_clays
Date: Thu Sep 20, 2007 2:27 pm ((PDT))
One other thing. You may want to mix something with a heavy bone content into this meal and or expect some lose stools the first few times you feed it. Its a rich meal and, obviously has no bone. I usually throw a chicken drummy or two at her at the same time just to help keep the stools firm.... its a big meal so I usually only feed a very small meal the next day and again, its usually a heavy bone type meal.
Shane C.
Phx, AZ
"steph.sorensen" <steph.sorensen@yahoo.com> wrote:
You know, that is a great idea!! I may try that tomorrow. I recently
put an ad in Freecycle for any meat people wanted out of their
freezer, and a lady contacted me to give me a 7lb roll of hamburger,
so I'll have plenty to give! Thanks for the idea! Lucy just sniffs
it, gingerly takes it, then spits it out and walks away. It's like
she doesn't want to be impolite, but she just doesn't like it! Kind
of like going to someone's house for dinner and feeding it to the dog
under the table because you didn't like it but don't want to be rude!
Scarlet, Lucy, and Minkey (the kitty)
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Messages in this topic (17)
6d. Re: Suggestions for a dog who HATES beef liver!
Posted by: "Goin8@aol.com" Goin8@aol.com menoebs
Date: Thu Sep 20, 2007 3:51 pm ((PDT))
Why does your dog HAVE to eat beef liver? I would simply say if he refuses
to eat it then just dont feed it! Its that simple. Theres so much other stuff
to feed that it shouldnt be a big worry. Mine get it for a treat though and
LOVE it! :) Audrey
In a message dated 9/20/2007 11:48:38 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
shane_clays@yahoo.com writes:
I have a dog that refuses to eat beef liver by itself. I did the old "if you
wont eat what I give you, you wont eat" routine. She went 7 days without a
meal. Finally, she ate about half a piece then rolled in other half....
I have found that what works best with her is that I give her cut up liver
(approximately 1 inch x 1 inch) mixed with ground meat (turkey, beef, pork,
whatever) and an egg. It has somewhat of the same consistency of ground meat
and the egg helps cover the taste. She gobbles it down.... I guess I gave into
her by mixing the liver but to me, she won the battle, I won the war....
Matter of fact, she gobbled down a bowl of the stuff this morning.....
Shane Clays
Phoenix, AZ
"steph.sorensen" <steph.sorensen@yahoo.com> wrote:
> > From: "steph.sorensen" <steph.sorensen@>
> >
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Messages in this topic (17)
6e. Re: Suggestions for a dog who HATES beef liver!
Posted by: "Laura Atkinson" llatkinson@gmail.com lauraatkinson2002
Date: Thu Sep 20, 2007 4:00 pm ((PDT))
Liver, because of the number of vitamins it provides, is a must do. Whether
you warm it, freeze it, sprinkle it with cheese, hide it in something else
or whatever...it's a necessary component of a healthy raw diet.
On 9/20/07, Goin8@aol.com <Goin8@aol.com> wrote:
> Why does your dog HAVE to eat beef liver? I would simply say if he refuses
> to eat it then just dont feed it! Its that simple. Theres so much other
> stuff
> to feed that it shouldnt be a big worry. Mine get it for a treat though
> and
> LOVE it! :) Audrey
Laura A
Kaos Siberians http://www.kaossiberians.com
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Messages in this topic (17)
6f. Re: Suggestions for a dog who HATES beef liver!
Posted by: "steph.sorensen" steph.sorensen@yahoo.com steph.sorensen
Date: Thu Sep 20, 2007 5:25 pm ((PDT))
Well, I had read that they need 10% organs per week, and that 5% of
that should be liver, and the other 5% a mix of other organs (tripe,
heart, kidneys, etc). There are nutritional benefits to liver that I
would like to get into her body somehow.
If it is not a necessity, I would like to know, because I do not want
to force it down her throat if she doesn't like it.
Scarlet, Lucy and Minkey (the kitty)
--- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, Goin8@... wrote:
> Why does your dog HAVE to eat beef liver? I would simply say if he
> to eat it then just dont feed it! Its that simple. Theres so much
other stuff
> to feed that it shouldnt be a big worry. Mine get it for a treat
though and
> LOVE it! :) Audrey
Messages in this topic (17)
7a. Re: boneless meals/what to feed?
Posted by: "swilken61" powrfemme@aol.com swilken61
Date: Thu Sep 20, 2007 9:47 am ((PDT))
and in my experience not cheaper than doing it yourself. I feed my two
small dogs and one cat for less than I using the premade raw. Not for
less than kibble, but when you see what's in that, you know why.
Alos, the premade raw had too much bone, one of my dogs was
constipated from it, I had to add extra meat. So I figured, I may as
well do the whole deal myself. Three months in and the dogs have never
looked back. The cat, she's another story, but has come around.
Messages in this topic (21)
8a. Re: RE ON suppliers
Posted by: "Howard Salob" itiskismet1968@yahoo.com itiskismet1968
Date: Thu Sep 20, 2007 10:38 am ((PDT))
Shannon Parker <mrbatisse@yahoo.ca> wrote: Dear Group,
Anyone know of any suppliers in orange count New York?
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Messages in this topic (3)
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