Feed Pets Raw Food

Thursday, May 31, 2007

File - Not a miracle cure

Hello new member to the raw feeding list,

I've just read on another email list, a person who used to be on
this list complaining because she thought a raw diet was a miracle
cure for her dog's problems, despite being told several times by
people on this list that it wouldn't be.

So let me re-state this again (at the risk of sounding boring, I

A raw diet provides an excellent platform upon which great health for
your dog (or cat) may be achieved. However, it is not the panacea
for all problems. It is not a miracle cure.

Many dogs (and cats) when moved to a raw diet, have found significant
health improvements. However, it is a wise animal guardian that
remains, at all time, vigilant about the condition of their animals
and themselves, and addresses issues appropriately if they arise.
Crossing fingers, and hoping for the best, is not recommended.

As such, it is up to all list members to take on board (or otherwise)
information people provide about their own experiences, but indeed,
it is the individual person who is accountable for the decisions made
in the end.

Clearly a raw diet will not fix many things. It won't fix brain
tumours, it won't fix broken legs, and it won't fix low thyroid
conditions, to name but a few. And for many of us, it won't fix a
flea problem either.

However, for many of us, it has provided our dogs with the best
possible health, but we are wise to appreciate, there may well be
issues where nothing can prevent the inevitable from happening.

If in doubt, email me privately (email: janej@tpg.com.au ), and I'll try to be more clear about this message.


List Owner

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* To learn more about the rawfeeding group, please visit


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File - Other related lists

This list is part of a group of lists run by the same moderation team. Since several of the lists are quite large we often encourage that threads be taken to some of the smaller subject specific lists so you may want to join the lists that cover issues you are interested in now.

The lists are:















And if you are stuck on a particular issue that you just can't seem to work out, try this list:




For vets, vet techs and vet students only

There is also a list of lists where other raw feeding lists can be found. Many are breed specific, location specific or subject specific.


Thanks from the moderation team!

File - treats


One of the common questions on the list is what should
we feed the dog as training treats.

Most of us use dried or cooked liver.
While we know this is not a "raw" food, the very small amount used
should not impact the dog at all.

You can buy cooked liver as a training treat,
but it is much cheaper to make yourself.

You need to slice it very thinly and bake slowly.

For further discussion on raw treats and training,
make sure you join the rawchat list:


Training issues per se, are not considered "on topic" for the main rawfeeding list.


The List Mgmt Team
(LG's to our friends!)

File - List rules


thank you for joining the raw feeding email list. We are a friendly community.


We do however have rules because there have been some very bad puppies on some of the email lists:

- No spamming, no advertising of any kind, no trolling, no flaming.

Additionally, no emails from this list are to be forwarded to anyone without the express permission of the author and every single one of the list moderators.


No emails from this list may be forwarded without the permission of the author and each of the list owners. If you do forward an email without permission, you will owe the author and each of the list owners $1000 for each letter contained in the email. By joining this list, you agree to pay this fee if you breach this rule.

Please note - for those breaking the rules, we immediately unsubscribe them and ban them from all lists we are associated with.

Spammers are reported to spam cop.


This is not the list to discuss kibble. If you want to discuss kibble, please join another list. Discussions on kibble will be shut down immediately. This list was started to promote appropriate feeding methods, not ways to harm your pet. Kibble is not an appropriate food source for any animal.


If this is unacceptable, please unsubscribe now by sending a blank email to rawfeeding-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com

Kind regards,

the List Moderating Team.

File - Dogs are carnivores

The domestic dog and the wolf are one and the same. Dogs are not
omnivores, as some have claimed. Dogs are carnivores, exactly like
wild wolves. Geneticist Dr. Robert K. Wayne at UCLA has conclusively
proven that the domestic dog is a subspecies of the wolf. Subsequent studies
have verified this conclusion.

Next, it must be understood what wolves actually eat in the wild,
especially when they are not pressed by loss of habitat and human
intervention. Contrary to some claims, wolves do not eat the stomach
contents of their prey nor do wolves consume much vegetable matter.
The preferred food of the wild wolf is the meat, bones, and organs of large
hooved Mammals. In times of scarcity, desperate wolves will try to eat a variety of
food items, just as would any starving creature, but they strongly prefer to eat
meat, organ, and bone. Dr. L. David Mech has been studying
wolves for decades, and has published many books and articles on
wolves and their diets.

Dr. Wayne's website:

Dr. Mech's website:

File - Admin-Trim it, Sign it, and Sig lines

Hello all! (Don't delete without reading. Yes, there is a test later.)

Firstly, the raw feeding list was established in 1999. It has evolved under a couple of different names, but remains with primarily the same list moderation team.

This primary objective of the list is to provide a place where people who
feed raw food or who want to feed raw can discuss this and closely associated issues.

This is not a list to discuss which kibble or home cooking method is best.
There are other email lists that can provide you with that sort of forum.
The forum here is specifically to discuss appropriate raw diets.

*******A learning environment

We aim at all times to maintain a learning environment.
Every so often someone joins the list with a different agenda.
We work hard in the background to do everything we can to keep discussion on topic at all times, and those who don't find the environment comfortable (about 0.5%), we encourage to join other more suitable email lists.

The most important thing is you join a group you are comfortable with.
We acknowledge the vast differences that exist between people and their learning styles, and as you'll appreciate we can't make everyone happy.

Now for a few of the easy rules:


This means when you are replying to an email DO NOT include the ENTIRE EMAIL in your reply.

You can include a SMALL portion of the email you are replying to. Try to stick to a couple of relevant lines.

Delete all headers and footers.

List members who do not trim their posts will be placed on moderation.


This means when you are to sign your name at the bottom of every single mail you send to the list.

List members who continue to send unsigned posts after being warned risk having their mail deleted!!

This is a high volume list. Changing subject lines allows people to delete those messages that are topics they have no interest in. IF you change subject lines properly then when responding to a post of the same subject you should not have to include ANY of the email you are responding too since those reading the thread will be able to follow it anyway.

Several lines are ok but nothing over 4 lines please.
(and please don't advertise in your signatures either)

You will not get OFF of moderate until you prove you can trim your posts and change your subject lines. ALSO the moderators do not have time to trim your posts for you so if a post comes through moderate that is not trimmed it will be sent back to you to trim before it is sent to the list.

If you are currently off of moderate but stop changing subject lines or trimming posts for some reason you will be put back on moderate.

Following these simple rules will make life easier for folks on digest
and save money for those folks who must PAY for their Internet by the amount of time they are on line.

Thanks so much.

List Moderators

File - Related Links and Sources for Raw Feeding Info

The following web pages and books are recomended for additional help and information on raw feeding:

Raw Meaty Bones Promote Health, Dr. Tom Lonsdale
Work Wonders, Dr. Tom Lonsdale

Web Pages:

File - rawisbestlogo.jpg

File : rawisbestlogo.jpg
Description : Raw food logo

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File - Advertising on the list

Hi all,

We're glad you've joined our list, and we need to remind people of some of the rules. Yes, we do send updates regularly.

If you are ever unsure of a list parameter, please send a private email to:


It is important to note that advertising on the list is banned unless specifically given permission from the list owners.

In the past, people have taken to using many email lists for their own financial gain.

We take the running of this list very seriously, and we all give up our time for free with no kickbacks from anyone, and we don't want any! It's important you know we are free from bias based on financial incentive.

The whole idea here is a free learning community. We don't want this list, or its members taken advantage of from people attempting to sell their goods.

If in doubt, email the list owners. Offenders have their posting privs removed at least, but more commonly will be immediately removed from the list. Invariably, they are also removed from any other lists the moderators own.

For 99% of list participants, there is no issue with this.

Those who are unhappy with list management are encouraged to start their own list and leave this one immediately.

kind regards,

The List Management Team

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Welcome to the rawfeeding group!

take a moment to review this message.

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send email to

If you do not wish to belong to rawfeeding, you may
unsubscribe by sending an email to

To see and modify all of your groups, go to


The fabulous team at Raw Feeding

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File - We call it Raw Feeding now

Feeding a dog or cat an appropriate natural diet is now known as "raw feeding".

Some people used to call it "barf" and a small number of people still do.
Now that's a term that really is "so last century" now.

On this list, we only use the term "raw feeding". Sometimes we call it the "prey model", which refers to the way that carnivores were designed to eat, of course.

It's a simple generic term, and we don't have to then spend a lot of time
explaining an acronym that most people find distasteful and some even associate
with vomit.

Increasingly the filters that organizations apply to website access
(and many people do access the internet at work), are increasingly blocking
sites using the "b" term, which is just another reason we don't use the term
on this list, or in any general conversation.

So enjoy "raw feeding", and on this list we'll try to answer all your questions!

File - Disclaimer of Liability


The advice given on this list are opinions only. List Owners, Moderators and List Contributors are not liable for the use or misuse of any advice or information provided. All of the information obtained from this group is to be used at your own risk.

This list is not meant to replace a veterinary medical opinion, only supplement it with additional knowledge for the pet owner and caretaker.

Under no circumstances will list owners, moderators, nor members be liable in any way for any Content, including, but not limited to, for any errors or omissions in any Content, or for any loss or damage of any kind incurred as a result of the use of any Content posted, emailed, transmitted or otherwise made available via this list.

If you do not agree to this, you must immediately unsubscribe from the list.


Not unsubscribing specifically means you have agreed with these terms.


Any threats of legal action will result in plenty of raucous laughter.

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