Feed Pets Raw Food

Sunday, August 5, 2007

[rawfeeding] Digest Number 11882

There are 25 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1a. Re: Re-check on fish oil amounts
From: costrowski75
1b. Re: Re-check on fish oil amounts
From: inavioletworld
1c. Re: Re-check on fish oil amounts
From: c_lindaberry
1d. Re: [rawfeeding} loose stool
From: GloribelR

2a. Physical Symptoms Since Starting Raw
From: Eve
2b. Re: Physical Symptoms Since Starting Raw
From: costrowski75
2c. Re: Physical Symptoms Since Starting Raw
From: Eve
2d. Re: Physical Symptoms Since Starting Raw
From: costrowski75

3a. Re: Flies!!!
From: kennramas
3b. Re: Flies!!!
From: r ej

4. Grocery chicken and Turkey
From: Yasuko herron

5a. chicken quarters
From: esmolensky

6a. Just started yesterday
From: lmclaen
6b. Re: Just started yesterday
From: katkellm
6c. Re: Just started yesterday
From: c_lindaberry

7a. Labels on meat
From: Greta Hill
7b. Re: Labels on meat
From: c_lindaberry
7c. Re: Labels on meat
From: costrowski75
7d. Re: Labels on meat
From: Morledzep@aol.com

8a. Quantity to feed?
From: harrynala
8b. Re: Quantity to feed?
From: c_lindaberry

9. Jack/Chi Mix Acts Like He's Afraid Of New Foods!
From: ahomebasedbiz

10. dog won't eat liver & ?? re: bones...
From: Terri Leist

11a. Re: Upset stomach
From: doreenchui

12a. Re: Raw Guidelines? -- Any No-No's ???
From: linoleum5017


1a. Re: Re-check on fish oil amounts
Posted by: "costrowski75" Chriso75@AOL.COM costrowski75
Date: Sun Aug 5, 2007 8:55 am ((PDT))

"diannem200400" <diannem200400@...> wrote:
> I recall a post that talked about specific "therapeutic" amounts of
> fish oil to feed if, for example, you have a dog with severe
> and are trying to boost the immune system.
The notion is thus:
--1000mg fish oil (180 EPA and 120 DHA) per 10lb of dog
for "therapeutic" use.

--1000mg (180/120) per 30lb (or 20lb) of dog for "maintenance".

I think it said to feed daily 100mg per 10 lbs of body weight.
> So, that would be 12 of the 1200mg capsules per day for a 120 lb dog,
> right?
1000mg capsule.
If you are using a "single" strength (180mgEPA/120mgDHA) product, you
would give one 1000mg capsule per 10lb of dog so yes 12 capsules would
be correct. This is of course a recommended amount, but they don't
call it therapeutic for nothing.

It might be easier/cheaper for you to dose with a liquid salmon oil
Chris O

Messages in this topic (5)

1b. Re: Re-check on fish oil amounts
Posted by: "inavioletworld" inavioletworld@yahoo.com inavioletworld
Date: Sun Aug 5, 2007 4:25 pm ((PDT))


I don't think 12 x 1200mg is correct.

My holistic vet said to give my dog who is almost 60lbs TWO 1000mg capsules (so
2000mg total) a day. I used a high quality brand (solgar)

My dog was getting loose stools from them and they didn't seem to help with the allergies,
so I had decided to stop giving them. (I might go back and just do 1 capsule a day)
I imagine that amt of fish oil you mentioned (12 x 1200mg) would give your dog explosive
diarreah. Oil isn't the same as just adding fish to the diet, If you use fish, fish has bone
and flesh and organ to balance the oils. I would be very careful not to add too much of oils
especially at once, you should work up to the amt gradually.

For a Great Dane I would think maybe 4 capsules a day would be tolerated well?

:) Julie

--- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, "diannem200400" <diannem200400@...> wrote:
> I recall a post that talked about specific "therapeutic" amounts of
> fish oil to feed if, for example, you have a dog with severe allergies
> and are trying to boost the immune system. Now I can't find that
> post. I think it said to feed daily 100mg per 10 lbs of body weight.
> So, that would be 12 of the 1200mg capsules per day for a 120 lb dog,
> right? (Obviously, my math skills are deficient) That seems like an
> awful lot of fish oil!
> Dianne M.

Messages in this topic (5)

1c. Re: Re-check on fish oil amounts
Posted by: "c_lindaberry" c_lindaberry@yahoo.com c_lindaberry
Date: Sun Aug 5, 2007 5:15 pm ((PDT))

> My dog was getting loose stools from [2 caps/day] and they didn't
seem to help with the allergies,
> so I had decided to stop giving them. (I might go back and just do 1
capsule a day)
> I imagine that amt of fish oil you mentioned (12 x 1200mg) would
give your dog explosive
> diarreah.

In this, like almost everything else, it depends so much on the dog.
My 80lbs inhalant allergy boy gets 4 1000mg caps a day which he
handles without the faintest sign of loose stool. I've given him 6 at
once and had no problems, and I bet I could give him more if I wished
to without causing a mess.

It's important to remember that it can take 3-6 weeks before O3/fish
oil will even START to help out with allergy issues. It can be three
months before you're looking at the maximum improvement it's going to
give you. It's a long time to wait and not see any improvement
(luckily I never had bowel problems thrown into too!) but for me at
least, it's been worth it since I have been able to wean him off the
high doses of benadryl(diphenhydramine HCl) he needed before that and
was able to avoid steroid shots completely.

Know thy dog.
Crystal and the Zoo

Messages in this topic (5)

1d. Re: [rawfeeding} loose stool
Posted by: "GloribelR" gloribelr@yahoo.com gloribelr
Date: Sun Aug 5, 2007 6:59 pm ((PDT))

I have a 4 month old Australian Cattle Dog and I am thinking about going to the raw diet but I have a question. As of yesterday he has had loose stools and I have no idea why. I haven't even started the diet yet. He got his second booster for parvo yesterday and I was wondering would that had made his stomach upset? Any help will be very much apprecited.
What would you give your dog to help him settle his tummy and stop the loose stools??
I haven't feed him anything new and for now he has been in puppy chow...
Thanks for your help

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Messages in this topic (5)

2a. Physical Symptoms Since Starting Raw
Posted by: "Eve" loulou_bean@yahoo.com loulou_bean
Date: Sun Aug 5, 2007 10:02 am ((PDT))


My peke just started on raw chicken a few weeks ago
and has been doing fairly well. He has a few strange
symptoms though and I'm curious if anyone might know
anything about the following in regards to the
diet/general health.
-His eyes have been running a brownish mositure for
the past 4 days or so. It's turning his cream hair
under his eyes brownish red.
-His ears have been terribly waxy.
-His coat seems different than before he started on
the diet. It seems kind of dull.

Is there something wrong? Is he missing something?
He's been having a mixure of chicken meat, bone and a
little liver. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Messages in this topic (14)

2b. Re: Physical Symptoms Since Starting Raw
Posted by: "costrowski75" Chriso75@AOL.COM costrowski75
Date: Sun Aug 5, 2007 10:46 am ((PDT))

Eve <loulou_bean@...> wrote:
> Is there something wrong? Is he missing something?
> He's been having a mixure of chicken meat, bone and a
> little liver. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Are you feeding a premade mix or are you are feeding a variety of
chicken parts that you purchase youself? If you are feeding prefab,
what other ingredients are there? How much fat is included? How much

It may be your boy is not responding well to chicken; it may be he's
responding to other ingredients. If it's chicken YOU are buying, make
sure the package label doesn't say "enhanced" or indicates that the
flesh has been injected with solution to tenderize or add flavor.

IOW, get the food down to as clean and plain as you can; see if that
Chris O

Messages in this topic (14)

2c. Re: Physical Symptoms Since Starting Raw
Posted by: "Eve" loulou_bean@yahoo.com loulou_bean
Date: Sun Aug 5, 2007 2:29 pm ((PDT))

I am buying chicken parts and the packaging doesn't
say that it's enhanced with anything. There's not too
much fat at all. I give him breast, legs, etc. without
the skin. And he gets the right amount of bone I

We incorporated pork over the last couple of days,
which now that I'm thinking about it may be the
culprit. Is there another good option to move on to?
Beef? ??

--- costrowski75 <Chriso75@AOL.COM> wrote:

> Eve <loulou_bean@...> wrote:
> > Is there something wrong? Is he missing something?
> > He's been having a mixure of chicken meat, bone
> and a
> > little liver. Any help would be greatly
> appreciated.
> *****
> Are you feeding a premade mix or are you are feeding
> a variety of
> chicken parts that you purchase youself? If you are
> feeding prefab,
> what other ingredients are there? How much fat is
> included? How much
> bone?
> It may be your boy is not responding well to
> chicken; it may be he's
> responding to other ingredients. If it's chicken
> YOU are buying, make
> sure the package label doesn't say "enhanced" or
> indicates that the
> flesh has been injected with solution to tenderize
> or add flavor.
> IOW, get the food down to as clean and plain as you
> can; see if that
> helps.
> Chris O

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Messages in this topic (14)

2d. Re: Physical Symptoms Since Starting Raw
Posted by: "costrowski75" Chriso75@AOL.COM costrowski75
Date: Sun Aug 5, 2007 7:35 pm ((PDT))

Eve <loulou_bean@...> wrote:
> I am buying chicken parts and the packaging doesn't
> say that it's enhanced with anything. There's not too
> much fat at all. I give him breast, legs, etc. without
> the skin. And he gets the right amount of bone I
> believe.
> We incorporated pork over the last couple of days,
> which now that I'm thinking about it may be the
> culprit. Is there another good option to move on to?
> Beef? ??
Pork is generally a fine next step; I'm not so sure that recently
introduced pork or any new protein can so quickly dry out a coat.

It's possible you haven't been feeding enough fat--with not much
visible fat plus no skin you might have gone too far into the no-fat
zone. My guess is you are feeding more bone than is recommended
however, that ought not affect coat or produce goopy eyes.

Ask where you buy the chicken parts if they are minimally processed
or are enhanced through injection or "flash glazing". It seems that
quite a few dogs respond poorly to these artifices; I think it's
worth the effort to find out.

Frankly, I don't know what to say about the goopy eyes; my dogs get
goopy eyes from poking their faces into dusty places and their eyes
water after wrassling with big body parts; but switching them to raw
made no difference at all.

The dull coat may arise from lack of fat, from not enough food, from
reliance on an unsatisfactory protein source. You may need to add
fish body oil. You maybe have to ditch the pork and return to a
chicken only menu; or ditch the chicken altogether and feed minimally
processed pork for a while.

I suggest you not try beef right now, since been bones are generally
inedible and you'd have to rely on either chicken or pork bones which
would kind of undermine the idea of sticking to one protein source.

Could the goopy eyes be entirely unrelated to raw? Did your switch
coincide with environmental changes? Vaccines or other meds?

Chris O

Messages in this topic (14)

3a. Re: Flies!!!
Posted by: "kennramas" jakrr@usa.net kennramas
Date: Sun Aug 5, 2007 10:35 am ((PDT))

--- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, "delcaste" <delcaste@...> wrote:
>First let me apologize for not signing the original post.
Secondly, I want to thank you all for the replies. There are some
ideas and products we'll be trying out for sure.

Thanks again.
Kenn, Julie and her Irish Wolfhounds

> --- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, "kennramas" <jakrr@> wrote:
> >
> > +++++Mod note: welcome newbie, please sign all emails +++++
> >
> > Newbie here with our first question and the subject says it
> > do you all deal with your fly issues.
> Hi there!
> I also feed on concrete and use a fly bait that was recommended on
> forum: http://www.fliesbegone.com/ This is the best stuff. I no
> have ANY flies.
> Silvina and the pugs

Messages in this topic (12)

3b. Re: Flies!!!
Posted by: "r ej" ejtwins2002@yahoo.com ejtwins2002
Date: Sun Aug 5, 2007 3:37 pm ((PDT))

i too feed on cement but only in the winter time. now, i feed on grass and believe me, i still stand guard with a fly swatter. i am feeding 4 dogs raw and 2 are small so they tend to take more time and the flies come!!!

kennramas <jakrr@usa.net> wrote:
+++++Mod note: welcome newbie, please sign all emails +++++

Newbie here with our first question and the subject says it all...how
do you all deal with your fly issues. We feed on a concrete patio and
clean it off (hose) immeadiately after the dogs are finished. Sure
seems to be a lot of flies still lingering. So we're asking for some
ideas on how to minimize the problem. I realize there is no eliminating
them but reducing their numbers sure would be nice.

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Messages in this topic (12)

4. Grocery chicken and Turkey
Posted by: "Yasuko herron" sunshine_annamaria@yahoo.com sunshine_annamaria
Date: Sun Aug 5, 2007 10:37 am ((PDT))

Hi. I went to grocery yesterday and chicken breast was 1.88/lb and I got 5-6 breast with about 5-7 dollars so,it was good buy.The breast was for me to eat but I thought that I could reserve 1 piece for palette so that I can use some of it to add to bony part meal some times.

So,I was going to bag 1 piece into zip bag but,noticed later that the chicken had water and salt and 1 something else I cannot pronounce/remember very well..so,I ended up save all for me to cook.The Giant where I usually shop grocery do this big buy stuff now and then and usually they sell stuff just water added package but not this week.I was bit dissapointed.

Then,I also got Turkey breast too because on sale and was thinking I could stock up to add to bony meal.

Well this was worse.That was packed in Turkeybroth,salt,sugar...The brand name was shaddy something farm and, I found ingredient very tiny on very edge corner..when tried to bag this morning.

Yesterday,we went to shopping rather late and was sort of in hurry so,I missed reading that parts..my fault.

Next time when I go shopping I check if they carry water added only poultry or not but I be dissapointed if I did not find one.

Does anybody can point out shop name in VA that carry poultry;chicken and Turkey,not in solution or in brined?

Other stores like ukrop or shoppers,we go sometimes but,I have not been paying attention as much after palette moved on to other meats like beef..not sure if they carry one that is only water added. Do they?

oh well..


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Messages in this topic (1)

5a. chicken quarters
Posted by: "esmolensky" esmolensky@yahoo.com esmolensky
Date: Sun Aug 5, 2007 10:37 am ((PDT))

Will chicken quarters fulfill the meat/bone ratio to for now a 7536
mos. old boeboel pup? Or is that way to small portions. I just happen
to see frozen quarters for $5.90 for 10#bag. I think this is cheap.
Most times i can't find whole chicken under 1 dollar.

Emil and Reagan

Messages in this topic (4)

6a. Just started yesterday
Posted by: "lmclaen" bmclaen@rochester.rr.com lmclaen
Date: Sun Aug 5, 2007 12:52 pm ((PDT))

Hi! I am new to the group and just started my almost 2 1/2 year old lab
on raw feeding yesterday. I've researched for almost two years before
*finally* having the guts (no pun intended) to do this. Previous to last
night's dinner she has been on Canidae.

Last night she got a chicken thigh and leg. She is a small lab, only 42
pounds. About 2 hours after eating she threw it up. She wanted to eat it
again, but I stopped her due to my own squeamishness... after reading
further on this board I realize it would have been fine to let her at

This morning she got the same thing, and so far has not thrown up
(fingers crossed). Assuming all goes well for about a week, my plans are
to introduce her to some chicken organ meat and then fish.

Does this sound right? All opinions and hints are very much welcome, and
thanks in advance!


Messages in this topic (3)

6b. Re: Just started yesterday
Posted by: "katkellm" katkellm@yahoo.com katkellm
Date: Sun Aug 5, 2007 2:27 pm ((PDT))

> Does this sound right?

Hi Laeny,
Any combo of chicken parts for the first week sounds good to me.
Don't limit yourself to legs and thighs only. You can feed them as
two separate pieces, or joined together as leg quarters, or you can
feed breasts, or you can buy a whole chicken and whack it into meals
which allow the wings to be fed still attached to a larger part of the
bird. My 3 dogs don't care for fish, so i couldn't recommend fish as
a second protein. Pork was my second meal. KathyM

Messages in this topic (3)

6c. Re: Just started yesterday
Posted by: "c_lindaberry" c_lindaberry@yahoo.com c_lindaberry
Date: Sun Aug 5, 2007 5:15 pm ((PDT))

> This morning she got the same thing, and so far has not thrown up
> (fingers crossed). Assuming all goes well for about a week, my plans
> are to introduce her to some chicken organ meat and then fish.

Congratulations on getting started! Remember that whole chickens are a
great buy since they come with the heart and liver, both of which are
great feeding.

I wouldn't use fish as your second protein though. There's nothing
wrong with it, but there are many dogs that won't eat it to begin
with, and others whom can't have very much of it without vomiting or
diarrhea. Definitely introduce fish at some point, but while you're
both new to raw, it might be best to choose something that's generally
easier fed and tolerated for your second meat. Maybe pork, turkey, or

Just trying to help from my own experience. My dogs can't do fish-only
meals without either horking them back up (outside if I'm lucky) or
getting diarrhea. Mine LOVE fish, and I feed it to them, I just have
to remember the keywords: In Moderation. Luckily, I figured this out

Crystal and the Zoo (who each got a salmon head and tail today)

Messages in this topic (3)

7a. Labels on meat
Posted by: "Greta Hill" GretaHill@aol.com sunstate23
Date: Sun Aug 5, 2007 12:52 pm ((PDT))

Does it have to say on the label if anything has been added to the
meat? My local Winco carries pork that has a generic label that doesn't
say anything, not minimally processed or enhanced. When I ask, the guys
that work there give me different answers. Thanks :)


Messages in this topic (4)

7b. Re: Labels on meat
Posted by: "c_lindaberry" c_lindaberry@yahoo.com c_lindaberry
Date: Sun Aug 5, 2007 4:23 pm ((PDT))

> Does it have to say on the label if anything has been added to the
> meat? My local Winco carries pork that has a generic label that doesn't
> say anything, not minimally processed or enhanced. When I ask, the guys
> that work there give me different answers. Thanks :)
> Greta

I buy pork at my Winco too! It has a label that says "Always Tender"
on it, in the upper corner that says nothing about minimal processing
or about enhancement, and I take this to mean that they've added salt
solution to it. That wouldn't surprise me since I usually buy the
carnitas meat since that's the cheapest. While it's not ideal to have
added salt, etc, it doesn't seem to bother either of my dogs, my cat,
or any of the fosters I've had, so I don't worry about it too much.
Even 'enhanced' meat is a load better than kibble, and if your pets
don't have a problem with it, there's no reason for you to worry.

Crystal and the Zoo (who all live on one poor student's budget)

Messages in this topic (4)

7c. Re: Labels on meat
Posted by: "costrowski75" Chriso75@AOL.COM costrowski75
Date: Sun Aug 5, 2007 7:12 pm ((PDT))

"Greta Hill" <GretaHill@...> wrote:
> Does it have to say on the label if anything has been added to the
> meat? My local Winco carries pork that has a generic label that
> say anything, not minimally processed or enhanced. When I ask, the
> that work there give me different answers. Thanks :)
It's supposed to but Winco's pork is usually repackaged, not
processor labeling. I've run into this at Winco before as well. It
used to be (maybe still is) that the big bag meats at one end of the
meat counter were Farmer John brand pork; I assumed then that the
repack pork was also Farmer John and in fact was told that by the
meat manager. It's been awhile since I've shopped at Winco, so this
might have changed.

You gotta ask the head honcho I think for the real lowdown. Someone
has to know the true skinny about pork; keep poking til you get a
definitive answer.

Caveat emptor, hey?
Chris O

Messages in this topic (4)

7d. Re: Labels on meat
Posted by: "Morledzep@aol.com" Morledzep@aol.com morledzep
Date: Sun Aug 5, 2007 7:28 pm ((PDT))

In a message dated 8/5/2007 11:52:50 AM Pacific Standard Time,
GretaHill@aol.com writes:

Does it have to say on the label if anything has been added to the
meat? My local Winco carries pork that has a generic label that doesn't
say anything, not minimally processed or enhanced. When I ask, the guys
that work there give me different answers. Thanks :)


never believe what a winco employee says.. none of them are trained, they
haven't a clue. I believe they buy all of the meat prepackaged and just put the
labels on and put them in the cases.

all of the pork that Winco used to sell was enhanced, but they only put the
labels on the cut meat, not the meat "in the bag". Just last week i went to
the Winco by me and NONE of the pork products had labels. I don't know if that
means they started buying the unenhanced pork, or if they are just trying to
fool folks into buying the meat.

i like Winco's prices, but i'm nearly fed up with the employees all whining
about having to actually work.. I guess all that "ownership" crap goes to their
heads pretty quick.

Catherine R.

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Messages in this topic (4)

8a. Quantity to feed?
Posted by: "harrynala" michelle@synertex.co.uk harrynala
Date: Sun Aug 5, 2007 12:57 pm ((PDT))

Hi everyone, I've just joined this fab group and have already learnt
loads looking back through the history!

I have 2 dogs, a 16 month old male and an 8 month old female, both
mixed breed and both around the 22kg mark in weight.

I have been feeding raw for about a year now, learning over a period
of time from internet research. I have several questions, but I'll
just start with one for now :)

So, my original net research advised to feed raw meaty bones of
between 2% to 3% of body weight, so I feed 3% to be safe.

Would everyone agree with this? I ask as my female is always looking
for more! Or does it not matter?

I have actually experimented with her today - she currently has 650g
a day split into 2 meals due to her age. Tonight I gave her a whole
sheeps head weighing 850g. She scoffed the lot and still looked for
more, so with her 325g breakfast she has had 1175g in one day and is
still not satisfied :D

Many thanks in advance

Messages in this topic (2)

8b. Re: Quantity to feed?
Posted by: "c_lindaberry" c_lindaberry@yahoo.com c_lindaberry
Date: Sun Aug 5, 2007 5:15 pm ((PDT))

> So, my original net research advised to feed raw meaty bones of
> between 2% to 3% of body weight, so I feed 3% to be safe.

Why 'play safe'? Don't look at the numbers, look at your dogs. Are
they gaining weight at 3%? If so, feed less. If they're losing weight,
feed more. 2-3% is just a starting point. For a vivid example, I have
a 38kg dog and a 26kg dog who get fed exactly the same amount because
that's how much they need to maintain a proper weight. It works out to
1.8% for the larger dog and 2.6% for the smaller. Here's the kicker-
they're both 3yo GSDs! They just have very different metabolisms.

> Would everyone agree with this? I ask as my female is always
> looking for more! Or does it not matter?

It doesn't matter. Given the chance, my larger dog will eat over 5kg
of meat and bone every single day. He'd turn himself into a blimp if I
let him! That's how many dogs are- they'll eat as much and as often as
you'll allow them. I know he's not actually starving because he's not
losing any weight...he just thinks he is.

> I have actually experimented with her today - she currently has 650g
> a day split into 2 meals due to her age. Tonight I gave her a whole
> sheeps head weighing 850g. She scoffed the lot and still looked for
> more, so with her 325g breakfast she has had 1175g in one day and is
> still not satisfied :D

If you really want to experiment, do what I did. Get a LOT of food
ready, then keep feeding them until they stop on their own (that's how
I know he'll eat 5kg+ at a go) and then just feed them VERY light or
fast for a couple days. It's actually rather fun to do, and also fun
to laugh at them afterwards when they look like they've swallowed a
beach ball and don't want to move because they're so full.

Crystal and the Zoo

Messages in this topic (2)

9. Jack/Chi Mix Acts Like He's Afraid Of New Foods!
Posted by: "ahomebasedbiz" workathomefirms@aol.com ahomebasedbiz
Date: Sun Aug 5, 2007 5:17 pm ((PDT))

I've been feeding raw for about a year now and while all of my dogs
love the diet,my 10 year old Jack Russell/Chihuahua mix acts as though
he is confused and sometimes even afraid of new foods. My big dogs are
on a whole prey diet primarily,but they still sometimes eat stuff from
the grocery store. On the other hand Spunky won't touch whole prey and
I am still having the buy his food at the grocer. I am trying to get
him on more varied and exotic foods,but even though I try the tough love
he is quite stubborn. Should I just accept him as an individual based
on what he will eat? I managed to score some chicken feet, kangaroo,
and few other meats from our asian market,and everyone loved them
except for Spunky.


Messages in this topic (1)

10. dog won't eat liver & ?? re: bones...
Posted by: "Terri Leist" qahri@sbcglobal.net qahri
Date: Sun Aug 5, 2007 6:57 pm ((PDT))

1. I have 2 labs. 1 will eat anything you put in front of her & when she's full, she's done. My hoover dog is picky, but what she likes, she will eat until hers is gone & her sisters is gone (if she finds some not eaten). The pickier eater won't eat liver or kidney. They get heart, but that's the only organ they get. Is heart enough? I can very, very easily get heart, sometimes free, sometimes just $1 for each heart.

2. Pork bones. I know pork bones are not as hard as beef bones, but my hoover girl eats w/ MUCH gusto! She has worn her teeth down pretty bad & I know it's my fault for giving her beef rib bones w/ very little meat on them, so now I am trying to figure out which bones are the best. I know that chicken bones are fine, & rib bones w/ lots of meat. What about pork loin & pork shoulder bones? I have a store that usually has pork loins on sale for $.89, so they are easy to get!

They also get tongue & chicken parts as well. Caught a good sale on beef meat not too long ago. So good variety recently. Just making sure I am feeding correctly. It's been about a year for my 2 year old girl & my new-ish girl has been 4 months. They are looking well, & are very happy!! But I like to check in now & then to ensure I don't mess things up!

Thanks for any advice/answers you might have! Thanks whoever said go to the butcher, talk about gold mine!!!

Terri & the Raw Fed-"Muttly Crew" Kadin & Lilly:
Learn how: www.rawfeddogs.net



Over exposure to the SON; actually PREVENTS burning!!

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Messages in this topic (1)

11a. Re: Upset stomach
Posted by: "doreenchui" doreenchui@yeos.com doreenchui
Date: Sun Aug 5, 2007 6:57 pm ((PDT))

Hi Sandy
This is an update.
My whippet is still having stomach upset as mentioned below. I have
been giving him digestive enzyme after each meal. Shall I fast him once
a week? Will this help?
Pls advise yrgently.
Thank you.
--- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, "doreenchui" <doreenchui@...> wrote:
> >
> > Hi Sandy
> > My whippet starting taking raw in the morning since 2 months ago.
> > Just meat, chicken, beef, mutton/lamb. Fish, once in a while, as
> > treats, never as the main meal.
> I tried giving with bones(chicken)> but he does not like it.
> I am trying to get him eating raw boneless
> > meat first, get his stomach right and slowly introduce other things.
> > I started full raw recently, meaning no Abady. With chicken(he does
> > not like it) and beef, his stools are alright but not with
> > mutton/lamb, it tends to be loose. Beef fed for more than 6-7 days
> wii result in an stomach upset.
> For each new protein, I start
> > with 50gms.
> > Doreen

Messages in this topic (10)

12a. Re: Raw Guidelines? -- Any No-No's ???
Posted by: "linoleum5017" linoleum5017@yahoo.com linoleum5017
Date: Sun Aug 5, 2007 6:58 pm ((PDT))


Jeni said lots of good stuff - but I want to add that you want to
avoid 'weight-bearing bones' of the larger animals,'marrow bones.'
Dogs gnaw away at them, and actually wear down their teeth, over

Also, add one new meat at a time, for about a week, until the dog's
system gets used to it. If you introduce too much variety too soon,
you might end up with loose bowels.

Another thing that might cause loose bowels is too much organ
introduced too quickly. Just give a little bit to start, then
increase if desired, (keeping within the 10% guideline) adjusting
down if you notice diarrhea.

And keep reading the posts - the people here have lots of good
experience to share.

Sounds like you're off to a good start w/the chicken. Be sure to
give lots of meat, and not too much bone.

Happy feeding,

-- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, Cynthia Brown <temecula_lady@...>
> Hi Guys ...
> I know that since we're just starting out, to stick with chicken
(that's what I started with) for a good couple of weeks. But, what
I want to know is -- when I start adding other types of meats,
poultry, or fish -- is there anything I should avoid giving to the
dogs because it is taboo / harmful, so therefore off-limits?
> ---------------------------------
> Fussy? Opinionated? Impossible to please? Perfect. Join Yahoo!'s
user panel and lay it on us.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Messages in this topic (3)

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[rawfeeding] Digest Number 11881

There are 25 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1a. Re: Border Collie Mix & Chicken Wings
From: carnesbill
1b. Re: Border Collie Mix & Chicken Wings
From: costrowski75

2a. Gave fish another try!
From: John and Jeni Blackmon
2b. Re: Gave fish another try!
From: Tracy P-C
2c. Re: Gave fish another try!
From: linoleum5017

3a. Re: drop of blood
From: carnesbill

4a. Re: Flies!!!
From: Giselle
4b. Re: Flies!!!
From: John and Jeni Blackmon
4c. Re: Flies!!!
From: John and Jeni Blackmon
4d. Re: Flies!!!
From: Linda
4e. Re: Flies!!!
From: mousegirls
4f. Re: Flies!!!
From: mob1043
4g. Re: Flies!!!
From: Giselle
4h. Re: Flies!!!
From: delcaste
4i. Re: Flies!!!
From: delcaste

5.1. Re: New Member
From: Giselle
5.2. Re: New Member
From: Brandi Bryant
5.3. Re: New Member
From: Giselle

6a. Re: All these non-problems
From: Morledzep@aol.com
6b. Re: All these non-problems
From: linoleum5017
6c. Re: All these non-problems
From: John and Jeni Blackmon

7a. Re: Can you feed bone every meal?
From: pigasus718

8a. Raw Guidelines? -- Any No-No's ???
From: Cynthia Brown
8b. Re: Raw Guidelines? -- Any No-No's ???
From: John and Jeni Blackmon

9. Re-check on fish oil amounts
From: diannem200400


1a. Re: Border Collie Mix & Chicken Wings
Posted by: "carnesbill" carnesw@bellsouth.net carnesbill
Date: Sat Aug 4, 2007 6:34 pm ((PDT))

--- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, "skiblader2003"
<skiblader2003@...> wrote:
> Hi, I'm new. In my enthusiasm to get started feeding raw, I
> ran out
> and purchased a package of whole chicken wings to feed to my 1 yr
> old BC mix.

> Also, is bacteria a real concern? Does freezing eliminate
> this risk
> or should I flash boil any raw meat before serving to kill the
> bacteria?

I wouldn't throw the wings away. I would feed him breasts a few
days to see how he does and if he doesn't appear to be a gulper,
feed him a wing along with breasts until they are gone. I wouldn't
buy any more.

Bacteria is not an issue. Dogs handle it well. They eat poop, lick
their own and other dog's butts, and eat squirrels that have been
dead for several days. Bacteria doesn't hurt them. Serve them all
meat right out of the fridge or if you want to leave it out on the
counter for a day, thats ok too.

Bill Carnes

Feeding Raw since October 2002

"Unnatural diets predispose animals to unnatural outcomes"
Dr. Tom Lonsdale

Messages in this topic (3)

1b. Re: Border Collie Mix & Chicken Wings
Posted by: "costrowski75" Chriso75@AOL.COM costrowski75
Date: Sat Aug 4, 2007 9:56 pm ((PDT))

"skiblader2003" <skiblader2003@...> wrote:
>Then as I was reading some of the resources, I read
> that they are only appropriate for tiny dogs. He licked on one for
> a bit but hasn't tried to eat it (it's back in the freezer after
> what I read). I don't think he'd gulp it initially and I intend to
> watch him closely. Should I ditch them and go back for breasts or
> thighs or is it okay to start him on the wings?
Since you really have no way of knowing--yet--what your dog's
response will be to chicken wings, I'd say leave them in the freezer
for now. If you find he's a kinder and gentler eater, let him finish
off the wings. If he shows himself to be an enthusiastic eater, then
maybe the wings will be useful never.

My bc pup weighs 31lb at 10 months. Chicken wings have ALWAYS been
too small for her, even when she was a wee bairn. I doubt she was
much older than 16 weeks when she powered through most of a hen
turkey neck, then swallowed the remaining two inches because things
were going too slowly for her (or perhaps she thought the cat was
about to steal it, I don't quite know).

Rib-in breasts and thighs seem more reasonable to me; also consider
Cornish game hen quarters, perhaps even leg quarters from a
smallish "ordinary" chicken. I'm feeding my kid about 3/4lb of food
a day (plus/minus, give or take, sorta-kinda, in general) once a day
and an "ordinary leg quarter" is a good day's meal.

>> Also, is bacteria a real concern?
Not any more so than the bacteria he was exposed to when fed kibble.
Or that you are exposed to during your usual comings and goings. You
cannot kill bacteria, you can only slow them down. They were here
before us and will be here when only the cockroaches remain.

Does freezing eliminate this risk
There's no notable risk for your dog and if you follow simple, common
sense cleaning procedures--soap and water primarily, avoid harsh
chemicals--you will not be at risk either. At least, no more than
you were pre-raw.

> or should I flash boil any raw meat before serving to kill the
> bacteria?
No, this is not necessary. You do not need to parboil your dog's raw
meat. He's built for the job of eating raw meat, comes fully
equipped. The less you interfere with his talents, the better for
him. Really.
Chris O

Messages in this topic (3)

2a. Gave fish another try!
Posted by: "John and Jeni Blackmon" jonjeni777@sbcglobal.net jeniavidiva
Date: Sat Aug 4, 2007 6:34 pm ((PDT))

Ok, my dogs wouldn't do fish, at all! But after getting together with some local rawfeeders, it was brought to my attention that some kind of fish oil was needed in the diet. One gentleman suggested, that canned mackeral was on sale at the canned food warehouse. So, I saw it yesterday at the base, and bought some, four cans, thought, it's only .70 cents a can, if they don't like it, no biggy.
Well, I split it up for the two big danes, and gave a little smiggin to the pomchi, knowing she'd turn her nose up to it, she hates all things, not game hens, and proceeded outside for feeding in the crates. (the stuff stinks you know)
Zeus and Zena went to eat like it was any other day, and Daisy our pomchi, sniffed around the crate before going in, thinking I'm sure "what the hell is that stuff?"
But went in, because I put her in.
And then they were all eating FISH! YES eating and enjoying the mackeral!
Go figure, I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, thanks to a friends husbands suggestion, my dogs ate fish!
Just wanted to share:) I'm so happy I don't have to add suppliments to our food now, it's fish and no need for oils, YIPPPEE!

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Messages in this topic (3)

2b. Re: Gave fish another try!
Posted by: "Tracy P-C" tpreston721@yahoo.com tpreston721
Date: Sat Aug 4, 2007 8:27 pm ((PDT))

I tried fish today for the first time --- It was salmon, yes from the Pacific Northwest, but it had been frozen for a year and my dad just got back from another fishing trip and we refilled our freezer, so the "old" stuff had to go - I was a little nervous about it as I have heard about dogs horking it back up - So, I sliced off a small piece for both dogs - Gave it to my "old lady" golden and she spit it out and then gave the other piece to Kimber, my 2 yr mix, she inhaled hers and grabbed the goldens also - I sliced off another Small piece and the golden ate it - Both watched my husband and I eat the fresh caught stuff and DROOLED - They haven't horked it up yet and ate the rest of the dinner without any problems - I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it doesn't come up in the middle of the night :o)

Have a great evening
Tracy, Nugget and Kimber

John and Jeni Blackmon <jonjeni777@sbcglobal.net> wrote:

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Got a little couch potato?
Check out fun summer activities for kids.

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Messages in this topic (3)

2c. Re: Gave fish another try!
Posted by: "linoleum5017" linoleum5017@yahoo.com linoleum5017
Date: Sat Aug 4, 2007 9:19 pm ((PDT))

Hip, hip, hooray, Jeni!

-- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, John and Jeni Blackmon
<jonjeni777@...> wrote:
> > And then they were all eating FISH! YES eating and enjoying the
> it's fish and no need for oils, YIPPPEE!
> Jeni

Messages in this topic (3)

3a. Re: drop of blood
Posted by: "carnesbill" carnesw@bellsouth.net carnesbill
Date: Sat Aug 4, 2007 6:34 pm ((PDT))

--- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, "lhmcmaken" <lhmcmaken@...> wrote:
> hello everyone
> this is day 7 of raw for my two danes. am getting small stools
> are a tad slimy and the female had a drop of blood on hers this
> morning.

I don't worry about slime nor drops of blood. Neither are that
unusual. Liver can make a stool look like it has blood in it
sometimes as can beef heart.

> does a chicken leg quarter have two much bone?


Bill Carnes

Feeding Raw since October 2002

"Unnatural diets predispose animals to unnatural outcomes"
Dr. Tom Lonsdale

Messages in this topic (4)

4a. Re: Flies!!!
Posted by: "Giselle" megan.giselle@gmail.com megangiselle
Date: Sat Aug 4, 2007 6:39 pm ((PDT))

Feed indoors. ; )


> Newbie here with our first question and the subject says it all...how
> do you all deal with your fly issues. We feed on a concrete patio and
> clean it off (hose) immediately after the dogs are finished. Sure
> seems to be a lot of flies still lingering. So we're asking for some
> ideas on how to minimize the problem. I realize there is no eliminating
> them but reducing their numbers sure would be nice.

Messages in this topic (10)

4b. Re: Flies!!!
Posted by: "John and Jeni Blackmon" jonjeni777@sbcglobal.net jeniavidiva
Date: Sat Aug 4, 2007 8:24 pm ((PDT))

You're too funny!

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Messages in this topic (10)

4c. Re: Flies!!!
Posted by: "John and Jeni Blackmon" jonjeni777@sbcglobal.net jeniavidiva
Date: Sat Aug 4, 2007 8:24 pm ((PDT))

Hello Newbie, you didn't give us your name,
We have alot of flies here in California too. And it's so bad the dogs stop eating to snap at the flies.
At home depot they have these flie things that you fill with water and hang somewhere, away from where you don't want the flies, I put them away from where the dogs eat, like on my clothes line, it's easy to hang there. They catch alot of flies, but stink if you put them too close to the house. I throw away after a week. But they are worth it.
And you can't leave the food out long either. I put the food in stainless steel dishes, on raised wire racks (hanging plant holders that I hook in the crates on the sides with s hooks) in the crates, so they have to eat the food from the dish, but it still comes out of the dish and onto the crate. But less clean up. When you have to hose it down the flies still find the remains. I can wash the crate bottom off with soap and water, and no flies. Hard to do that with the whole patio. You can use a little bleach on the patio without hurting the dogs, and that would help. Just use a bucket with a couple of teaspoons of bleach, to five gallons of water, and dump it on the whole patio and follow with a hosing off, that ratio should be ok for the animals, even the cats and birds are ok with that here. We do it here when we have to clean up after a large rawfeeder split or food spill:) Works great. Hope that helps.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Messages in this topic (10)

4d. Re: Flies!!!
Posted by: "Linda" aumicapa@peoplepc.com micap12000
Date: Sat Aug 4, 2007 8:24 pm ((PDT))

I feed indoors on a towel...no flies!

> seems to be a lot of flies still lingering. So we're asking for some
> ideas on how to minimize the problem. I realize there is no
> them but reducing their numbers sure would be nice.

Messages in this topic (10)

4e. Re: Flies!!!
Posted by: "mousegirls" mousegirls@gmail.com ladysown
Date: Sat Aug 4, 2007 8:25 pm ((PDT))

I feed outdoors as well, on grass and don't have an increase in the
amount of flies. Granted I grew up on a farm and have a horse field
right behind me so a certain amount of flies is normal to me. :)
Seems weird if I don't have at least one fly around. :)

To get rid of them though
1. rinse area down with more than water. Do a vinegar water rinse.
2. keep doors shut as much as possible to keep the flies out
3. fly zapper. costs a bit, can be noisy BUT highly effective
particularly if placed so that bugs can fall into a pond for fish food. :)
4. fly traps - there's a variety on the market
5. feed as far away from the house as you can. Seriously...gives the
flies farther to travel.

That's all I have in my brain at the moment, I can always write again if
I have more ideas for you.


"What a man is alone on his knees before God, that he is, and no more".-Robert Murray M'Cheyne
"I believe that prayer is the measure of the man, spiritually, in a way that nothing else is, so that how we pray is as important a question as we can ever face"- J.I. Packer

Messages in this topic (10)

4f. Re: Flies!!!
Posted by: "mob1043" ynotbeastar@marykay.com mob1043
Date: Sat Aug 4, 2007 8:26 pm ((PDT))

--- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, "kennramas" <jakrr@...> wrote:
> +++++Mod note: welcome newbie, please sign all emails +++++
> Newbie here with our first question and the subject says it
> do you all deal with your fly issues. We feed on a concrete patio
> clean it off (hose) immeadiately after the dogs are finished. Sure
> seems to be a lot of flies still lingering. So we're asking for some
> ideas on how to minimize the problem. I realize there is no
> them but reducing their numbers sure would be nice.

Ya know my hub and I were just discussing that. I think you could
use a mix of vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Not only is it not
harmful to the dogs it is a sanitizer.

The flies are going after the leftover smell of blood and raw in the


Messages in this topic (10)

4g. Re: Flies!!!
Posted by: "Giselle" megan.giselle@gmail.com megangiselle
Date: Sat Aug 4, 2007 11:00 pm ((PDT))

Gee, Jeni, and I was totally serious! : >

Seriously tho', I have fed up to 8 dogs in the house, with and without
crates - NP, once you get everyone settled into *their own*
comfortable eating place. I think its important to supervise mealtimes.
Did I mentioned they were Newfs (big) and Schips (busy)?

> Giselle,
> You're too funny!
> Jeni

Messages in this topic (10)

4h. Re: Flies!!!
Posted by: "delcaste" delcaste@yahoo.com delcaste
Date: Sun Aug 5, 2007 4:41 am ((PDT))

--- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, "kennramas" <jakrr@...> wrote:
> +++++Mod note: welcome newbie, please sign all emails +++++
> Newbie here with our first question and the subject says it all...how
> do you all deal with your fly issues.

Hi there!

I also feed on concrete and use a fly bait that was recommended on this
forum: http://www.fliesbegone.com/ This is the best stuff. I no longer
have ANY flies.

Silvina and the pugs

Messages in this topic (10)

4i. Re: Flies!!!
Posted by: "delcaste" delcaste@yahoo.com delcaste
Date: Sun Aug 5, 2007 4:41 am ((PDT))

--- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, "kennramas" <jakrr@...> wrote:
> +++++Mod note: welcome newbie, please sign all emails +++++
> Newbie here with our first question and the subject says it all...how
> do you all deal with your fly issues.

Hi there!

I also feed on concrete and use a fly bait that was recommended on this
forum: http://www.fliesbegone.com/ This is the best stuff. I no longer
have ANY flies.

Silvina and the pugs

Messages in this topic (10)

5.1. Re: New Member
Posted by: "Giselle" megan.giselle@gmail.com megangiselle
Date: Sat Aug 4, 2007 7:15 pm ((PDT))

Hi, Brandi!
Just because a dog has shown some intolerance to kibble that has
chicken or cooked chicken, doesn't mean that it will have a problem
with the raw protein - its like comparing apples and oranges, really.

Often, its the "other stuff" thats in kibble - and there's a LOT of it
- that causes food intolerance reactions.

Hmmm, haven't used any flea or tick prevention of any type in quite
awhile - haven't seen any fleas, but saw 1 (one) tick this year, and
it wasn't attached. On me, not the dog. ; ) After dogs are switched to
raw, often they are much more resistant to parasites, and you don't
have to resort to all the chemicals to try to keep them bug free.

Diatomaceous Earth is a natural way to eliminate fleas, etc. in the
house and yard. But, it kills all bugs, good and bad, so use
sparingly. You should only use food grade DE around the house, your
pets and your family.

This list supports and advocates feeding a species appropriate raw
prey model diet; feed whole raw prey animals, skin, fur, innards,
heads 'n all. If you can't source and feed whole prey, then feed an
approximation thereof; a variety of body parts from a variety of animals.

To start; go to the store and buy a bunch of whole chickens.
Read the label, make sure they aren't enhanced or injected with salt
solution or flavoring/seasonings.
Cut some in half, some in quarters, a couple in eighths.
Freeze some.
Feed Max and Duke each a half chicken. Catori could do with a leg or
breast quarter twice to three times a day. Give Roxie a thigh or
breast half - she probably won't eat it all, but thats OK. Cut the
heart, gizzards and liver into bits and toss in with the cats meals,
raw is good for them, too!

That's all you need to do to get started. I recommend that while you
are feeding through those chickens, you take the time to read the
files on the website. Also, read the messages from the last week or
two from newbies like yourself, and the responses to them.

Its pretty simple to start, and you can learn what else you need to
know as you go along.

with Bea in New jersey

> Hello, my name is Brandi - I live in Bartlesville, OK - and I have 4
dogs, 3
> cats, and 1 Missouri Foxtrotter.
> Ok - I'm on the German_Shepherd_Dog yahoo group list and most of
them feed
> raw, some of them gave me some suggestions such as:
> Max may be allergic to chicken - to start out with turkey or wild
game such
> as deer
> Start out on turkey
> Someone said that I shouldn't use Frontline because it makes their
coats oily
> and nasty (which Max's coat isn't in the best condition) that I
should use
> K9-Advantex.
> Someone also said that I should use Diatamaceous Earth - I have no
idea what
> this is, where to get it or how to use it, anybody?
> So, I joined this list to help me get started on a good first time
> raw meals to my k-9s, have no idea where to start, how to prepare
the meal,
> the do's or don'ts etc....
> Can anybody help me out, please!!!
> Lost,
> Brandi
> Bartlesville, Ok
> www.obediencetrainingclubofbartlesville.com

Messages in this topic (114)

5.2. Re: New Member
Posted by: "Brandi Bryant" bbryant573@gmail.com bbryant573
Date: Sun Aug 5, 2007 4:41 am ((PDT))

>>>To start; go to the store and buy a bunch of whole chickens.
Read the label, make sure they aren't enhanced or injected with salt
solution or flavoring/seasonings.
Cut some in half, some in quarters, a couple in eighths.
Freeze some.
Feed Max and Duke each a half chicken. Catori could do with a leg or
breast quarter twice to three times a day. Give Roxie a thigh or
breast half - she probably won't eat it all, but thats OK. Cut the
heart, gizzards and liver into bits and toss in with the cats meals,
raw is good for them<<<<

Thanks for the information. Just a couple of questions: can I just go
straight from kibble to raw chicken. If I'm giving Max and Duke half a
chicken - I just cut the chicken right down the center, right? And I can
break it up for them - like tear the wing off, the leg off and cut into
managable pieces right? And do I need to take the skin off of it? I know
bacteria isn't a problem with dogs, but do I need to wash it off, and it
needs to be thawed some right? And I just put it all in a bowl and let them
have at it? Wow, I'm kinda excited about all of this. I think if I can I
might try to start it this week.

Thanks again for the information, and if anybody else has some good tips
please send them this way!!!

Bartlesville, OK


Bartlesville, Ok

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Messages in this topic (114)

5.3. Re: New Member
Posted by: "Giselle" megan.giselle@gmail.com megangiselle
Date: Sun Aug 5, 2007 6:04 am ((PDT))

Hi, Brandi!
Yes, donate all the kibble to your local animal shelter!
Get it out of the house! There's no need to use up the kibble or
switch gradually. Not for the cats; cats are sometimes hard to switch
and must eat every day - so feed them what they're eating now, and try
adding some bits of raw until they/re convinced raw is better!

Yes, just cut the chickens into rough portions with a knife or kitchen

NO, don't cut them into smaller pieces! You want to have their
portions as large as possible! One of the benefits of feeding raw is
the physical and dental activity your dogs will get from it.
Manageable pieces for us would be swallowing/choking size pieces for
them. Dogs don't chew, they tear off hunks small enough to swallow and
then just do that - their digestion doesn't start until it hits the
stomach, unlike humans. We have to chew and chew because our saliva
starts the digestion process.

Don't remove skin, or visible fat unless you are getting some loose
stools. Then, only remove as much as needed temporarily, then
gradually stop removing them.

Thaw the food completely at first, even leave it out get to room
temperature or warm it under warm water, so your dogs'll recognize it
as food. You may want to feed frozen, or partially frozen later, after
your dogs are not noobs at this. Feeding partially or mostly frozen
portions is a good way to slow a gulper down a little, or cool a dog
off in the summer, help a pup who is teething, or just plain
convenient. You might not want to do this with the whippetx, the
smaller a dog is, the easier it would be to have them get too chilled
by eating cold or frozen meats.

You probably won't need bowls; if you feed indoors, you just put
towels or old rugs or something down as place mats, put each dog on
one and pass out the parts. ; )

Keep reading the files, and the past few weeks "newbie" messages and
responses; all the basics and specific Qs have been covered many times.
with Bea in New Jersey

> Thanks for the information. Just a couple of questions:
> Thanks again for the information, and if anybody else has some good tips
> please send them this way!!!
> Brandi
> Bartlesville, OK
> www.obediencetrainingclubofbartlesville.com

Messages in this topic (114)

6a. Re: All these non-problems
Posted by: "Morledzep@aol.com" Morledzep@aol.com morledzep
Date: Sat Aug 4, 2007 7:53 pm ((PDT))

In a message dated 8/4/2007 5:00:22 AM Pacific Standard Time,
deep_ocean_of_sorrow@yahoo.com writes:

my dog's about 17lbs, should i be worried how much i give the slippery
elm bark? or will just a bit of sprinkle (sort of random) be okay?

****slippery elm is ONLY for digestive upset.. it's not a suppliment, it
should NOT be used as a regular part of the diet.

and no, i know nothing of doses, i have some here for emergencies but have
never had to use it.

Catherine R.

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Messages in this topic (8)

6b. Re: All these non-problems
Posted by: "linoleum5017" linoleum5017@yahoo.com linoleum5017
Date: Sat Aug 4, 2007 8:27 pm ((PDT))

Bravo, Tammy! And BoJ doesn't stare at his bowl of processed ki***e
anymore, wishing for real food. Nor does he any longer reek of skunk-
breath, and I can't seem to find much poop to accidentally step in.
Sure do wonder what the vet looks/smells like, but well..... Gee, but
we wanna stay raw!!!!!

Lynne & BoJ

--- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, "temy1102" <tammy.a.jp@...> wrote:
> At the risk of tempting fate, I want to let any concerned
> newbies know that I have no problems right now. Any problems I had
> just took a little tinkering, sometimes a lot of time, and a lot of
> judicial "wait and see."
> Tammy & Grover

Messages in this topic (8)

6c. Re: All these non-problems
Posted by: "John and Jeni Blackmon" jonjeni777@sbcglobal.net jeniavidiva
Date: Sat Aug 4, 2007 8:27 pm ((PDT))

slippery elm, use it by the pinch, it's easy, but like said, only when needed, not necessary for everyday. Add to water or favorite food.

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Messages in this topic (8)

7a. Re: Can you feed bone every meal?
Posted by: "pigasus718" pigasus718@yahoo.com pigasus718
Date: Sat Aug 4, 2007 8:24 pm ((PDT))

--- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, Yasuko herron
<sunshine_annamaria@...> wrote:
> >Also, where do you find gullet and trachea?
> you can find at www.greentripe.com

Nicole also has a nice selection of such items at www.prey4pets.com

I have also been feeding a very, very small amount of bone at each meal
to my mini

schnauzer and shih tzu. We're new to raw and someone in one of the
threads recommended

a small amount of bone at each meal when switching them over.

They stated it would help with the soupy poop thing.

It's working like a charm for us.


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Messages in this topic (17)

8a. Raw Guidelines? -- Any No-No's ???
Posted by: "Cynthia Brown" temecula_lady@yahoo.com temecula_lady
Date: Sat Aug 4, 2007 9:19 pm ((PDT))

Hi Guys ...

I know that since we're just starting out, to stick with chicken (that's what I started with) for a good couple of weeks. But, what I want to know is -- when I start adding other types of meats, poultry, or fish -- is there anything I should avoid giving to the dogs because it is taboo / harmful, so therefore off-limits?

Day 3 here, on the new great "raw adventure," and 2 out of my 3 are finally starting to get it. The hold-out is my 3-yr old Lhasa-mix; she doesn't even try, even when I cut a piece of chicken small enough for her "dainty" mouth. I know-I know ... she won't starve herself and will eventually get with the program ... but it is "a bit" frustrating!

My 65 lb. sight-hound mix finally started getting into it when "Dad," decided to hold the chicken leg for him. And my Shih-Tzu is doing her best - still nibbling at and around it.

I've given them big knuckle bones in the past and not a one of the dogs has had a problem chewing those -- really getting into it ... so I know it's just a matter of time (hopefully sooner than later) before they each do a "happy dance" (that's what you seasoned vets are telling me!!!!) before dinner!!! LOL - the things we learn to look forward to as dog parents!

Thanks for your help and support!

Cynthia ... Duffy, Sophie, Tinkerbell
Temecula, CA

Fussy? Opinionated? Impossible to please? Perfect. Join Yahoo!'s user panel and lay it on us.

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Messages in this topic (2)

8b. Re: Raw Guidelines? -- Any No-No's ???
Posted by: "John and Jeni Blackmon" jonjeni777@sbcglobal.net jeniavidiva
Date: Sun Aug 5, 2007 4:40 am ((PDT))

Weekends are a little slow, so you'll have to be patient around here, but we get to you pretty quick.
On the don't, usually don't just give up.
On the fish, you'll have to wait for the seasoned fish people here to jump in, there are some do's and don't's there, espescially if they are fresh caught and all, and they will tell you, you could also check some of the past, and pretty recent emails about fishing.
On my little new addition, she's a pomchi, (we have Great Danes, so everything has always been giant size here) we started her out on Game hens, and it took her a while, but she was sneaking the cats food, and he was letting her! Got wise to that quick.:) So make sure they aren't getting snacks from a family hold out, like my hubby, who thinks they are starving.:) And take it away if they don't eat it in like 10 minutes or so. Don't let them make food a toy, or run off with it for later. When they get hungry enough they will eat and you'll love it. And they are exploring, so that is good. You can try adding something stinking to the mix like garlic, rubbing it on the chicken, or some smelly cheese, for the smell factor, kibble and canned food really smelled like it had something to it, and raw just doesn't, so they don't think it does. Just a thought. Keep up the great work, and don't worry, it will happen. When Daisy, the pomchi finally got
it, I had to take pictures because my husband was in the opposite end of the house, just so I could prove she could do it too:) You're doing great!
Oh, when I finally added another meat, I did pork, it is cheap, and I did rib racks, whole, and pork shoulders, lots of meat and a big bone for chewing later, and pigs feet, they love those. And it was easy on their stomachs. Mine didn't like fish at all, but recently, if you just read the emails, we did canned mackeral, and they loved it, so we'll do that one! We switch meats alot now, but you wait awhile, make sure they do ok, and no problems. Keep us posted and let us know how their doing. And welcome.
Owned, operated, and often tricked daily by my two danes, Zeus and Zena and now Daisy, (she thinks she's a Rotty) and the cat Lucky, who's going raw one way or another, we're working on him!

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Messages in this topic (2)

9. Re-check on fish oil amounts
Posted by: "diannem200400" diannem200400@yahoo.com diannem200400
Date: Sun Aug 5, 2007 4:42 am ((PDT))

I recall a post that talked about specific "therapeutic" amounts of
fish oil to feed if, for example, you have a dog with severe allergies
and are trying to boost the immune system. Now I can't find that
post. I think it said to feed daily 100mg per 10 lbs of body weight.
So, that would be 12 of the 1200mg capsules per day for a 120 lb dog,
right? (Obviously, my math skills are deficient) That seems like an
awful lot of fish oil!

Dianne M.

Messages in this topic (1)

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