Feed Pets Raw Food

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

[rawfeeding] Re: poo conundrum

Christine wrote:

>I have a poo conundrum...yes, another one - I knew you were all bored to
>tears since one hasn't shown up on the list since yesterday!

Whew! I was starting to go into withdrawal!

>ONE of my 3 dogs has the runs...I have come home from work the last two
>days to find
>a loose goopy green poo puddle on my basement carpet! . . .
>Anyway - I'm not sure which one it is. . . .
>And outside of any
>creative ideas to figure out who it is, . . .

1. Check their heinies for evidence of green smears. You may have to wipe
with a bit of toilet paper to be sure.
2. Separate the likely culprit one day you're gone.
3. Walk the likely culprit until poop appears.

>How does everyone keep track of poops of mulitple dogs when rawfed dogs
>poop so rarely?!?! :)

I've had the same challenge, but with a Collie and 2 English Setters, there's
often enough butt hair to figure it out. Otherwise, I sit outside with them
first thing in the morning and after dinner in hopes to ruling out at least
one or two of them.

Evanston, IL

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[rawfeeding] Re: New puppy, transitioning to raw

> On the page it says you can and should feed older puppies once a
> day. We have been feeding twice a day. Is it better to feed only
> once and why? If once a day, what time is best?

*** I switched my aussie to one meal per day because he tends to be a
picky eater and has to be really hungry before he is focused enough to
eat. I still might give him a morning snack before a big hike, but it
might be more for my peace of mind, as he is never lacking energy.
There may be people with more scientific explainations, but I just find
once a day to be most convenient for us. My opinion is that it is
personal preference, and what works best for your dog that counts.
> My other question is re. creatinine. Our pup just got spayed and in
> the pre-op bloodwork her creatinine levels came back high-normal. Is
> this common amongst raw fed dogs? Or is this something to worry
> about?
*** Not sure about this one. Hopefully you will get some other posts!


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[rawfeeding] Re: What do you stock your freezer with?

"ajoebgen" <ajoebgen@...> wrote:

> Where is it you go to get all of this variety of meat -- and what
> should I expect to spend??

In my laziest moments (such as recently), I do almost all of my meat
shopping at a single grocery store (Food Lion) near my house. (I
say "almost all" because I am constantly on the lookout for cheap
meat, and may pick up dribs & drabs wherever I happen to be
shopping.) My guideline is under $1 a pound -- sometimes I find
great deals, so I have a bit extra and don't mind splurging on
something else. I imagine, since I splurge fairly often, that I
actually average something over $1 a pound ... maybe more like $1.25
or even $1.50 some months.

This will all vary based on your geographic location, I'm sure; I'm
in Richmond Virginia.

Regular items I can reliably find at my store:

pork shoulders of all kinds (generally just over $1 a pound, but
sometimes go on mad sale -- when they do I stock up)
pork ribs (look for about-to-expire markdowns)
pork feet
pork liver
whole chickens (cheep cheep cheep)
chicken parts (which I rarely buy, preferring the whole chicken)
chicken livers
chicken hearts & gizzards (just got several marked-down packages
today for around $.75 a pound)
whole turkeys
turkey breasts (bone-in, usually)
beef heart (a favorite -- very affordable red meat)
beef ribs (look for about-to-expire markdowns)
beef brisket (ditto)
ground beef (for Kong stuffing; usually can find at least one big
roll on about-to-expire markdown for around $1 a pound)
beef liver
beef kidney

And occasionally there are other "finds." Lamb, for example, is
almost never cheap, but if I find some marked-down shanks or necks
for $2 a pound, I snatch them up.

Periodically I venture over to a local Asian market, where I
supplement the usual items with whole rabbits, goat shoulders, and
all manner of pork innards -- kidney, liver, unidentifiables, tongue,
heart, stuff I would rather not know the name of. And fish. Usually
I average about $1.50 - $2 a pound for this stuff -- hence the reason
the trips are only "periodically."

HTH --

-- sandy & griffin

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Re: [rawfeeding] Re: new to the group -- border collies

Opps...sorry! That should say beef "cheeks"!! :))

Sandee & the Dane Gang

From: "Sandee Lee" <rlee@plix.com>

> Great...then begin adding lots more meat and variety. I get most of my
> from the local grocery stores, watching for sales and stocking up. Pork
> generally quite inexpensive. Look for fish, beef briskets, checks, heart,
> kidney and liver, pork roasts of any kind, lamb...whatever you can find.

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Re: [rawfeeding] Re: new to the group -- border collies

Great...then begin adding lots more meat and variety. I get most of my meat
from the local grocery stores, watching for sales and stocking up. Pork is
generally quite inexpensive. Look for fish, beef briskets, checks, heart,
kidney and liver, pork roasts of any kind, lamb...whatever you can find.

Sandee & the Dane Gang

From: "ajoebgen" <ajoebgen@yahoo.com>

His teeth and mouth are in great shape -- nothing that should prvent
him from chewing. I am going to switch him to a once a day feeding -
(as another member suggested) and I have purchased some chicken
gizards, liver, and beef neck. Hopefully more protein will help him to
put on more weight. Where do you go to get cheaper meat??

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[rawfeeding] Re: What do you stock your freezer with?

> What do you stock your freezer with?
Well... right now it contains:

Turkey thighs
Whole wild salmon
Whole chickens
Pork Butt
Beef liver and kidney
Elk ribs
Ground beef
A few offal patties

*Whole lamb necks
*Beef hearts
*Bison tripe
Will be joining the party at the end of the month from my raw buyer's
co-op purchase.

Hmmmm.... sounds like a lot, and yet I am always on the look out for
more good deals! =)


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Re: [rawfeeding] Re: Very dry skin ... and extremly dull coat ..

He could be loosing his puppy coat...but regardless, this diet is far too
high in poultry and lacking in meat (for both dogs)! After a few days or a
week, various proteins and organs need to be added. He requires lots meat,
lots of variety, a tiny bit of bone. Add beef meat (not just fat)...it will
contain the necessary fat. Pork roasts (shoulders, blade, etc) are pretty
economical with lots of meat and plenty bone.

You only need approximately 10% bone in the diet...that's not much.
Concentrate on meat!

Sandee & the Dane Gang

From: "Melda " <melda25_fl@yahoo.com>

-Thanks everyone ... He is a catahoula. He is about 15-18 weeks old
(he was a rescue) ... anyway He has been on raw for about a month now
and his coat has slowly slowly slowly got dry... he use to be
sooooooo soft. Anyway, I will ditch the fish oil and see if it makes
a difference I will alo try to add some pork in. I am able to get an
unlimited amount of beef fat for free so maybe i can add a little
extra in to help him out .. What is the cheapest cut of pork I can
get and what about the bone? he still needs it so how do i keep the
ratio right when cutting back chicken ?

Thanks, Melda

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Re: [rawfeeding] Re: OT: looking for pics of no/low allergy dogs

What are the pictures for? I have 4 shih tzu's just wanted to know what the pictures where for, I would love to share them but was just curious.

bluegracepwd <janea@tpg.com.au> wrote:
sorry guys, I should have been clearer - I'm looking for pictures of
dogs with non allergenic coats. (not dogs that have no allergies, but
thanks for all those pics so far)

so if you have a dog who has a non shedding coat (poodles, etc), and
would be happy for me to put those pics up, I'd love them.



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[rawfeeding] Re: Won't eat fish

--- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, "Carol Anderson" <andersonc@...> Hi

I've been looking for smaller fish like sardines and mackerel, but have
found only the frozen salted variety. I don't know where you're
located; I'm in Central Jersey; Do you have a hard time finding it or
is it readily available where you live? What do you think about just
soaking the salt out? Thanks again for the info.

> Hey Laurie:
> My PWD went through the same issues until he discovered frozen whole
> sardines and mackerel. Now he gets one every morning for breakfast
> is quite disgruntled if I substitute something else.
> Worked for us.
> Carol and Coda

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[rawfeeding] Re: What do you stock your freezer with?

> What do you stock your freezer with?

My freezer is currently stocked curtesy of Freecycle and a Hunter's
wife. I've got everything you can imagine.

All sorts of chicken parts
Pork heart and kidney
Ground beef and turkey
Beef and pork roasts
Trout, Salmon heads
Pork chops
and even some Antelope, Bison and Elk!!

No rabbit though. Guess I'll have to wait and see if mine are bunny
eaters or not.

Crystal and the Zoo

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[rawfeeding] Re: What do you stock your freezer with?

Where is it you go to get all of this variety of meat -- and what
should I expect to spend??

--- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, "Giselle" <megan.giselle@...> wrote:
> Hi, Ross!
> Going shopping Friday, after I defrost the (mostly) empty freezer.
> on my list;
> whole chickens
> bucket o' livers
> bag o' gizzards
> pork shoulders
> fresh pork hams
> beef ribs
> beef heart
> some hamburger, if its on-sale-cheap (it often is)
> whole pork neck bones
> chicken feets

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[rawfeeding] Re: Feeding Rabbit

Hi, Stephanie!
My Bea loves the rabbits she catches in the yard! ; ) Usually the only
way I know she's caught and eaten one is when she leaves an ear, tail
or foot behind for me to find.
I don't buy or feed it intentionally much, as its spendy for me, with
no local sources but the grocery store.
The only suggestions I would have is;
1) keep offering it at mealtime until they eat it. : (
2) cut it up and serve a hunk with other meats
3) try all the *tricks* you would use if you were introducing raw to a
reluctant new-to-raw dog.
with Bea in New Jersey

> Has anyone had any experience feeding rabbit? I have a "picky
eater" who has decided he's sick of his meaty chicken bones. I
thought I'd try something different, so I bought some cut up rabbit
(with organs) and he wont touch it! I have 3 other dogs so I thought
if he wont eat it, "I'll give it to one of the others". The other 3
are pigs and consume their food in a blink of an eye! One by one, I
tried giving it to each of the others, but none will eat it. Now I
have all this rabbit just taking up needed space in my freezer.
> Any suggestions on how to entice them to eat it?
> Stephanie

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[rawfeeding] Re: new to the group -- border collies

His teeth and mouth are in great shape -- nothing that should prvent
him from chewing. I am going to switch him to a once a day feeding -
(as another member suggested) and I have purchased some chicken
gizards, liver, and beef neck. Hopefully more protein will help him to
put on more weight. Where do you go to get cheaper meat??

--- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, "Sandee Lee" <rlee@...> wrote:
> Hi Alicia,
> I would check his teeth and mouth to make sure there are no problems
> would prevent him from chewing on bones. Regardless, he does need
far more
> meat. All of the chicken parts you mention are quite bony. He also
> other protein sources and organs. Once you begin adding in pork,
beef, etc.
> he'll put on weight.
> Sandee & the Dane Gang

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[rawfeeding] Re: does anyone feed intestines

Intestines, I do feed Green Tripe from Green Tripe.com. I have only ordered it through a group I belong to. So a bit of a discount and help with delivery. It is a new purchase (about a six weeks ago) and so far my dogs do like it and no problems when they eat it. I have fed it about every other week. You can ordered it indifferent ways.

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[rawfeeding] Re: new to the group -- border collies

Thanks for your suggestions. I realized that I probably am expecting
him to eat too often.. I am switching to a once a day feeding --
probably in the evening seeing as that is when he seems most hungry.
If he has not had activity -- he won't eat. Pepper too is very leggy -
- and looks nice and sleek -- but when wet you can see every bome in
his body.
--- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, Chia <chia.m@...> wrote:
> I too have a vibrant, healthy, Border Collie who could care less
> eating. He is 50 pounds but looks INCREDIBLE at this weight.
> like I've never seen on a BC.
> I can't really say if your boy will ever enjoy food like 'normal'
> but my guy only eats 4 or 5 times per week. Hates to have to work
hard for

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[rawfeeding] good deal on turkey

I found Norbest Free Range turkeys at Smith's in Nevada today for 49
cents per pound. 8-12 pounds frozen. Great buy, I think.

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[rawfeeding] Re: poo conundrum

Hi, Christine!
Sometimes it might take awhile for an intolerance to additives, new
proteins, etc. to show up.
The dog biscuit ice cream sw may just have been the *last straw* to
tip a dog's struggling digestive system over the edge into goopy green
poos. Enhanced alone might not have been a problem, dbic sw alone
might not have been a problem, but together they may have been *too
much* to handle.
You could pick the most likely culprit, and follow them around until
you see poo - putting the chosen one on lead would make it easier if
the dog will eliminate on lead. If that one isn't the green poo
monster, choose another next time. ; )
SEBP and a fast all 'round sounds like a plan, if you can't find the
poo monster. It certainly won't hurt them.
Chicken or beef, or introduce a new protein, your choice.
with Bea in New Jersey

> ONE of my 3 dogs has the runs...I have come home from work the last two
> days to find
> a loose goopy green poo puddle on my basement carpet! I'm not sure
which one it is. We've been feeding raw 3 weeks
> and they have had chicken and beef and seemed to be doing well.
Since we
> started, I've seen good poo's come out of the puppy and my 12yo BC, but
> I haven't seen any poo come out of my 4 year old Whippet. I let
them have a dog biscuit ice
> cream sandwiches, The chicken I've been using was
> enhanced, but up to this point nobody seems to have had a problem with
> that, can it take this long for that to affect them? should I just
slippery elm them
> all, fast and start with chicken again?
> How does everyone keep track of poops of multiple dogs when rawfed dogs
> poop so rarely?!?! :)
> Christine and her pack of puzzingly pooping pooches.

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[rawfeeding] Re: What do you stock your freezer with?

Hi, Ross!
Going shopping Friday, after I defrost the (mostly) empty freezer.
on my list;
whole chickens
bucket o' livers
bag o' gizzards
pork shoulders
fresh pork hams
beef ribs
beef heart
some hamburger, if its on-sale-cheap (it often is)
whole pork neck bones
chicken feets
a couple of rabbit, if they're not too spendy
anything else thats cheap and looks like meat!
Bea is a Newfy girl, 6yo and a little *fluffy*, as I don't weigh
anything. ; )
I feed gorge 'n fast 2-3 times a month, and am currently trying to
regain her girlish figure, so I fast her an extra day here 'n there.
with Bea in New Jersey

> What do you stock your freezer with?

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[rawfeeding] Thank You!!!

Hi to all members,
I have been lurking and reading since I joined, but I wanted to take the
opportunity to thank the member(s) here who suggested posting on
Freecyle to pick up freezer burnt meat. I also asked for anything left
over from hunting. I got several responses when I posted, and today I
went and picked everything up. My haul included:
17 lb. of chicken (mostly legs)
16 lb. of fish
a lamb neck, liver, kidneys and ground
66 lb of venison!!!

My guys are now chowing down on a lamb neck, and boy oh boy do they ever
love it. I am going to have to find a source for those suckers! This
meat would have been wasted if it hadn't been for the suggestion I saw
on this list, and Raw Chat. Thanks again so much for the wonderful

Karen, and her 3 greyhounds (Bailey, Lou and Romi)

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[rawfeeding] Re: RAW Feeding Menu options and allergies - Help!

Oooh, Honey, have I got a recipe for you!!!!
But, first, return that prefab stuff, and get your money back! Ditto
for the kibble, and toss out whatever you have open in the house!
Now, with all that refund money, go to the grocery store, and buy
several whole chickens. Cut them in quarters and feed one quarter at
each meal. You feed two times a day, right?
Ta-Da! Now, how easy a menu/recipe is that? ; )
Seriously, most food intolerances are, I suspect, from all the cr*p
thats added to kibble, even the hypo, ID, KD, special-whatever-it-is
yuck. And yes, dogs can show intolerances to cooked forms of proteins
and not the raw form.
Make sure the chicken you buy isn't *enhanced* - no added water, salt,
flavorings or seasonings - these can cause allergy-like symptoms, too.
You can start off with a different protein, if you prefer, turkey,
rabbit, pork, lamb, beef - but feed only one protein for at least a
week, maybe two, until your dog has adjusted to it, then add another.
Let us know how you progress, and if Sarge is having any problems,
we'll help you figure out what to do next!
TC, and let us know what your name is. ; )
with Bea in New Jersey

> Hi everyone
(could the chicken
> only bother him in kibble because of the processing? would Raw be
> OK?). I would
> like to start feeding Raw. I am unsure where to start with him. I
> did get from the natural food store a few packs of pre-packed raw
> food, frozen, it is beef and buffalo blend (also on her
> recommendation). The problem with this is its approx 7$ for 2
> pounds, he should weigh about 75-80 pounds and I am not sure I can
> sustain that type of expense (which in itself makes me feel quite
> bad).
> So I was hoping if any of the people on this board could suggest or
> help me build a menu for Sarge (my boxer), or give me some tips and
> pointers I would be forever grateful!
> Thank you all so much for your time, and sorry about the length here
> I think I rambled, I am just so worried for my dogs health as I am
> sure all or at least most of you here can understand.
> p.s I have talked to his vet about this, but seem to get the same
> answer.. another bag of hypoallergenic kibble.

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[rawfeeding] Re: OT: looking for pics of no/low allergy dogs

sorry guys, I should have been clearer - I'm looking for pictures of
dogs with non allergenic coats. (not dogs that have no allergies, but
thanks for all those pics so far)

so if you have a dog who has a non shedding coat (poodles, etc), and
would be happy for me to put those pics up, I'd love them.



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[rawfeeding] Re: Do I really have to wait to go raw?

Hi, Melissa!
Don't wait, start you guy on raw asap!
I rescued a little Schippy 3 years ago, he was about 7-10 yo at the
time. He had uncontrollable diarrhea, was in constant terrible
abdominal pain and was bare of fur on his back and sides. I already
had been a raw feeder for quite some time, but fiddled with cooked
foods for weeks, until I settled on canned fish as the only cooked
protein he could tolerate. When I *finally started feeding him raw, he
was ecstatic, and did so much better. He mostly only tolerated
chicken, but could, and did, eat bone and some skin. Most fat I had to
trim from the meat. He loved beef and chicken heart and gizzards and
liver and fish. When he had flares, Slippery Elm Bark Powder helped
soothe him until he was settled again.
He was a happy little guy, and health wise, I felt he had come a long
way from when I adopted him. But unfortunately, I lost him to a very
sudden onset of illness due to a large tumor on his liver, almost 3
weeks ago.
Perky never would have lived as long as he did with me, nor been as
physically comfortable as he came to be, if I didn't feed him raw.
So, my recommendation is, don't wait to feed your guy the best diet
you can possibly give him.
with Bea in New Jersey

> When I joined this list, I was determined to switch to raw, and I
still am.
> But my dog has IBD, so vets and nutritionists have warned me about
feeding him raw.
> Does anyone have any opinions about this? Should I just stick out
the 8-12
> weeks to play it safe or should I switch to raw sooner?
> Thank you,
> Melissa W

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[rawfeeding] Re: Very dry skin ... and extremly dull coat ..

-Thanks everyone ... He is a catahoula. He is about 15-18 weeks old
(he was a rescue) ... anyway He has been on raw for about a month now
and his coat has slowly slowly slowly got dry... he use to be
sooooooo soft. Anyway, I will ditch the fish oil and see if it makes
a difference I will alo try to add some pork in. I am able to get an
unlimited amount of beef fat for free so maybe i can add a little
extra in to help him out .. What is the cheapest cut of pork I can
get and what about the bone? he still needs it so how do i keep the
ratio right when cutting back chicken ?

Thanks, Melda

-- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, "calypsoecs" <calypsoecs@...> wrote:
> What breed is this?
> It sounds to me like your puppy could just be losing his "puppy
> which is very normal for many breeds and sometimes involves
> I have a puppy going through this right now.... He may need a trip
> the the groomer for a deshedding. I would add a little more fish
> and see if that helps...
> Warmly,
> Kelly Monroe
> --- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, "Melda " <melda25_fl@> wrote:
> >
> > My poor pup is not doing all that great on this raw diet but my
> Adult
> > is thriving... they are getting very similar meals for the most
> > part ...
> >
> > Here is a sample of a day or 2.
> >
> > Chicken Leg (in the morning)
> > large Chicken Thigh or breast (with skin on) in the evennig ,
> > Heart or canned jack makerall
> > small chicken liver or part of a beef liver every other day.
> > and egg every other day and fish oil and vit. E every day.
> >
> > I have also give them beef heart about every other day in place
> one
> > of the chicken meals. He is growing well and evry things seems
> good
> > but his coat looks HORRIBLE. He is losing fur and very
> dandruffy ...
> >
> > Can someone help because I am about to give up here ...
> >

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[rawfeeding] Re: New St. Bernard pup and older mixed breed

Thanks - I started yesterday with chicken leg quarters (got them for .79/lb), wings, gizzards,
and feet. My big guy wasn't much on the leg quarter but he gobbled up those chicken feet
like popcorn. The puppy really chomped down on a wing - she gnawed on that thing for a
good 30 minutes til it was gone. She also gobbled a big chunk of gizzard. They had already
eaten kibble earlier in the day so I didn't load them up too much. Today I started them off
with chicken and a nice hunk of beef short rib tips for my big dog. He really goes for that.
I'm breaking up the feeding to 3 times a day right now and will feed fewer larger meals once
the pup is older.

Both dogs really seem to like it and I never realized how eating could keep them busy for
such a long time.


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[rawfeeding] Re: Thawing meat

dianne morrison <diannem200400@...> wrote:

> By letting it thaw completely at room temp,
> am I inviting a dangerous amount of bacteria?

For healthy dogs, I doubt you have anything at all to worry about.
Other than the dogs getting into the stuff while it's thawing. If it
helps, I do this ALL the time, have done for years, and have never seen
any kind of ill effect.

-- sandy & griffin

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[rawfeeding] Re: Meat only meals

"jmwise80" <jmwise80@...> wrote:

> Then on a dog forum that I frequent they started talking about
> meat only meals not being good.

I'm sure we could also find a forum that insists that you'll kill
your dog if you feed raw, which we all know is poppycock. Don't feel
the need to believe everything you read!

> I'm a recovering "raw feeding calculator fanatic" and have
> taken on a much more relaxed way of feeding.

Congratulations on your recovery!

> I feel this is ok variety and since 4 days are spent eating 2 whole
> game hens then its ok to feed "unbalanced" the other days.

Your menu sounds fine. It sounds much like what my dog has been
eating (albeit in larger quantities) for almost four years, with
marvelous results. I stopped worrying about "balance" a loooong time
ago, and I too have found it easier and more enjoyable.

You're doing great -- don't let the uninformed throw you off course.

-- sandy & griffin

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Re: [rawfeeding] Thawing meat

Dianne. No need to worry about it. Let it thaw and just refreeze in more manageable portions. After all, wolves will return to a large kill at times for days.


dianne morrison <diannem200400@yahoo.com> wrote:

Penny Fusner
Home of UWP, Multi CH Red Dog Ridge Beaute' Rouge TT, CGC, WDI (2)
J&T North of the Mason Dixon CGC


Pedigree indicates what the animal "should be"
Conformation indicates what the animal "appears to be"
But Performance indicates what the animal "actually is!"

~Author Unknown~

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[rawfeeding] Liver and Eggs

Hey guys,

I'm seeing the 80%/10%/10% idea thrown around a bit, often with the 2-5%
liver in regard to organ meat...
Do you mean - 2-5% of diet should be liver?
or ... 2-5% of organ meals should be liver?

Also, does egg belong in the meat group? :/ (I don't see it fitting in
bones or organs? But it doesn't seemlike a meat, either!)

Thanks! :)

& Border Terrier MacDogald

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[rawfeeding] Re: Freezer died :-(

Hi Nicole,

if it was me, I'd refreeze. I'm currently trying to defrost the 100
kilos of dead stuff in my freezer, which is frozen solid together.

I will re-freeze it when I've finished.



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[rawfeeding] Re: Freezer died :-(

If you have another freezer to put it in, I'd just re-freeze it.
Doesn't sound like it was thawed long enough to go bad. Thawing and re-
freezing isn't a problem.


--- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, "nkjvcjs" <nefreed@...> wrote:
> Stuff that was still partially frozen we are keeping, but what about
stuff that thawed
> completely?

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[rawfeeding] Freezer died :-(

Our Freezer died sometime within the last 48 hours, we don't know exactly when.
Best guess is that the inside was at abut 40 -50 deg F.
Stuff that was still partially frozen we are keeping, but what about stuff that thawed
We're looking at losing 10 lbs of chicken leg quarters, 5 lbs of Goat chunks, 5 lbs of tripe,
5 lbs of ground beef, 2lbs of ground mutton, a duck and 2 lbs of beef liver chunks. I'm
thinking throw it out, since I don;t want to take the risk of making my furbabies sick, but
man it is frustrating to throw that much stuff out!!!!!!

Katie, Petey and the cats.

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[rawfeeding] Freezer died :-(

Our Freezer died sometime within the last 48 hours, we don't know exactly when.
Best guess is that the inside was at abut 40 -50 deg F.
Stuff that was still partially frozen we are keeping, but what about stuff that thawed
We're looking at losing 10 lbs of chicken leg quarters, 5 lbs of Goat chunks, 5 lbs of tripe,
5 lbs of ground beef, 2lbs of ground mutton, a duck and 2 lbs of beef liver chunks. I'm
thinking throw it out, since I don;t want to take the risk of making my furbabies sick, but
man it is frustrating to throw that much stuff out!!!!!!

Katie, Petey and the cats.

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