[rawfeeding] Digest Number 12350
There are 25 messages in this issue.
Topics in this digest:
1a. Re: Chicken skin question
From: Andrea
1b. Re: Chicken skin question
From: carnesbill
2a. Re: afraid to feed turkey necks
From: Jessica MacMillan
2b. Re: afraid to feed turkey necks
From: cujo1012
3a. Re: another knackery drop off
From: Mary Tinder
3b. Re: another knackery drop off
From: merril Woolf
4a. Re: Wild Rabbit Organ
From: Susanne MacLeod
5a. Re: update and a few questions ;)
From: Andrea
5b. Re: update and a few questions ;)
From: costrowski75
6a. Re: Anyone feeding DDB a RAW Diet?
From: Doguefan@aol.com
6b. Re: Anyone feeding DDB a RAW Diet?
From: A I
7a. Re: Section of deer where it was shot...
From: Tina Berry
8a. Re: Feeding Foster Puppies
From: costrowski75
8b. Re: Feeding Foster Puppies
From: carnesbill
9a. List: Confused: BARF, Grains, RAW?
From: T Smith
9b. Re: List: Confused: BARF, Grains, RAW?
From: Chia
9c. Re: List: Confused: BARF, NO Grains, RAW
From: rosey031801
9d. Re: List: Confused: BARF, Grains, RAW?
From: Sandee Lee
9e. Re: List: Confused: BARF, Grains, RAW?
From: Tina Berry
9f. Re: List: Confused: BARF, Grains, RAW?
From: carnesbill
10.1. Re: Hello! I just joined.
From: costrowski75
11a. Today's finding;Turkey liver and Vitamin A
From: Yasuko herron
11b. Re: Today's finding;Turkey liver and Vitamin A
From: Tina Berry
12a. Re: Yikes --- Is it DETOX??
From: Sandee Lee
13a. new to rawfeeding
From: sheila
1a. Re: Chicken skin question
Posted by: "Andrea" poketmouse45@yahoo.com poketmouse45
Date: Thu Dec 6, 2007 6:56 am ((PST))
You are balancing out the bone with meaty meat, so nutritionally it
isn't a problem. Some dogs don't do well with boney meals though. One
of my dogs gets dry hard poo any time he eats half a chicken, so I know
he wouldn't be happy with a chicken back meal. If your pup's stools
have been ok you're doing fine. If he's having dry crumbly stools you
might want to feed one back per meal with meaty meat added to it.
--- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, "jaygaughan" <jaygaughan@...> wrote:
> I am feeding the puppy all meat for his second meal (Chicken, turkey,
> and beef). Is this enough to balance out the chicken backs he gets in
> the morning or should I add meat to his morning meal and cut back on
> the bone?
Messages in this topic (9)
1b. Re: Chicken skin question
Posted by: "carnesbill" carnesw@bellsouth.net carnesbill
Date: Thu Dec 6, 2007 7:04 am ((PST))
--- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, "jaygaughan" <jaygaughan@...> wrote:
> I am feeding the puppy all meat for his second meal
> (Chicken, turkey,
> and beef). Is this enough to balance out the chicken backs he
> gets in
> the morning or should I add meat to his morning meal and cut back on
> the bone?
Hey Jay,
I think you are too concerned about "balance". Balance is a concept
that had been designed by humans and is completely arbitrary numbers.
When I got my Thor at 12 weeks, I fed him 2 chicken backs in the
morning (I still do this every day) and the evening meal is whatever I
feel like feeding him. Sometimes it's chicken quarters, sometimes
turkey necks, sometimes turkey wings, sometimes pork roasts, sometimes
venison roasts, sometimes beef roasts, sometimes fish, sometimes
ground venison and some leftovers almost every night. A few times a
week I add some beef heart to his meal and every week or so I will
feed a glob of liver with his meal.
He is going to have his 3rd birthday next month and is healthy,
energetic, happy, and has a good build. His stools are solid and he
hasnt' been to the vet in his life except for puppy shots and
heartworm tests. I have been feeding my Abby (7 1/2 year old Dane)
the same for over 5 years and she is just as healthy.
Feed a variety of animal parts from a variety of animals and don't
worry about balance. Balance will work itself out over time. No one
knows what balance is anyway. Just keep an eye on his build, on his
stools, his coat and his energy level. If anything is out of whack,
one of those will tell you.
Bill Carnes
Feeding Raw since October 2002
"Unnatural diets predispose animals to unnatural outcomes"
Dr. Tom Lonsdale
Messages in this topic (9)
2a. Re: afraid to feed turkey necks
Posted by: "Jessica MacMillan" spotted101@hotmail.com jessica.macmillan
Date: Thu Dec 6, 2007 7:04 am ((PST))
I feed turkey necks on a pretty regular basis and my dogs LOVE them. I feed them whole and the dog's chew and chew like crazy.. My two are not gulpers (fortunately).
Assuming you have a good sized dog, he has been strong teeth to chew through bones like turkey necks. Turkey necks are even great for little dogs and growing puppies.
I do hear occasionally that my mom's 12 year old dog (who has been eating raw for about 8 years) used to occasionally upchuck a bone, but just a small piece and it would get eaten right up.
Jess M
& the Shepherd Girls
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Messages in this topic (10)
2b. Re: afraid to feed turkey necks
Posted by: "cujo1012" knuj101@cinci.rr.com cujo1012
Date: Thu Dec 6, 2007 7:04 am ((PST))
My shelties get turkey neck when I have them and the only incident we
had was a couple of time my very timid female got the bones stuck on
her back teeth. She would just stand there with her mouth open looking
at me. After helping her a few times, she seemed to figure it out
because I don't noticed it anymore.
> anyone had any problems with turkey necks?
> Thanks for your help,
> Barb
Messages in this topic (10)
3a. Re: another knackery drop off
Posted by: "Mary Tinder" mtinder@tinderco.com mmmaryt
Date: Thu Dec 6, 2007 7:04 am ((PST))
Jane, you are an inspiration!
What do you mean by dressing?
Mary Tinder
All I have to do is take to them with an axe to make them
> manageable for the freezer.
Messages in this topic (3)
3b. Re: another knackery drop off
Posted by: "merril Woolf" merril@kentfieldwhippets.com whippetsrus2002
Date: Thu Dec 6, 2007 10:08 am ((PST))
--- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, "bluegracepwd" <janea@...> wrote:
> I got a call last night from the knackery to say they are 2 sheep and
> 1 foal - all deceased and did I want them. Well of course I did. For
> $30 I got all this, and delivery included, and of course, the knackery
> does all the hard work of "dressing them", or "undressing" them as I
> call it. All I have to do is take to them with an axe to make them
> manageable for the freezer. The foal didn't make it through the
> birthing process. It was very suprising how substantially hard the
> bone was on the foal - much harder than the sheep.
> The dogs think I am the best hunter ever!
> cheers
> Jane
Good score, Jane!
We've had baby calves who didn't survive the birth process given to us also. They were
easy to cut up next to a full grown cow though. Bones were pretty much totally
I wish we could get ours already dressed. How sweet is that.
Messages in this topic (3)
4a. Re: Wild Rabbit Organ
Posted by: "Susanne MacLeod" suzmacleod@rogers.com skull25ca
Date: Thu Dec 6, 2007 7:04 am ((PST))
Perfect Bill...thats great...just wanted to be sure!!!
Suz Kate and Joey
Messages in this topic (3)
5a. Re: update and a few questions ;)
Posted by: "Andrea" poketmouse45@yahoo.com poketmouse45
Date: Thu Dec 6, 2007 7:11 am ((PST))
> With the great deal on lamb I really want to stock my whole
> freezer with it.
Lamb breast is kind of fatty in my experience, so I'd make sure to
have some meaty meat meals as well. The heart will work well for
this. IMO lamb is a much better staple than chicken is, and that
price makes it even better.
> If a window adjacent to the yard is open when someone makes a
> deposit in the yard you will definatley smell it in the house! They
> have gas that will peel the paper off the walls and when they burp
> it smells like decomp or rotten chicken.
Some dogs are prone to gas/burps/etc. with new proteins, and some
proteins seem to cause more gas at first than others. Lamb is at the
top of the list for causing weapons grade gas in my house. It seems
like after a couple of days the gas production dies down a lot.
Either that or my sense of smell goes on strike after a couple of
days. Once they get used to the food I don't notice any bad gas
unless I quit feeding it for over a month and then come back to it.
Messages in this topic (7)
5b. Re: update and a few questions ;)
Posted by: "costrowski75" Chriso75@AOL.COM costrowski75
Date: Thu Dec 6, 2007 11:12 am ((PST))
Erika <Erika@...> wrote:
With the great deal on lamb I really want to stock my whole freezer
with it. I know that variety is important but would it be ok to feed
the majority of meals in a week consisting of Lamb breast with a bit
of other meat added, like heart and then feed pork one day and
chicken or turkey another day? or is that overdooing it on the lamb?
It's a tough call when something that is soo good is so cheap!
You do not have to feed variety on a daily basis; you don't even need
to feed variety on a weekly basis. If you have something great like
lamb, feed lamb. Feed it til the source dries up, if your dog are
good for it. If you want to stretch the supply, then certainly you
can rotate other meats. But you don't have to. Not at all.
I have read everyone speaking small size and of lack of waste odor,
and dog gass since changing to raw. Now my dogs do have the small
compact poops but my god to they stink to high heaven.
I have not especially noticed this (or else I simply don't notice it
any longer) but I'm sure meatymeat waste will be more aromatic than
meatybone waste, and that waste from a high-bone-content meal will be
even less smelly than waste from a meal that was, say, 50% meat and
50% bone.
I'm pretty comfortable saying the gamut of "normal" raw stools are
far less stinky than the gamut of "normal" kibble stools were. With
my dogs.
They have gas that will peel the paper off the walls and when they
burp it smells like decomp or rotten chicken.
Yes, after seven plus years my dogs can still belch me awake at
night, especially after a big old lamb meal. And yes, chicken can
produce some dreadful rotten fumes, I agree. Perhaps you might
reduce meal size for a while; perhaps you will have to feed smaller
meals indefinitely. Or remove the fat for a while. Hard to know.
You could try a digestive enzyme--one specifically for protein and
fat, not Beano or other vegetable-based products.
My dogs rarely demonstrate digestive distress (knock wood) and their
stools generally reflect what was et, so I don't worry much about
death breath these days. If the total, overall digestive experience
seems uneventful, I make the usual snide comments and that's that.
Chris O
Messages in this topic (7)
6a. Re: Anyone feeding DDB a RAW Diet?
Posted by: "Doguefan@aol.com" Doguefan@aol.com knoxkennels
Date: Thu Dec 6, 2007 7:57 am ((PST))
Hi Erika.? I think there are quite a few of us on here actually.? I feed 4 DDB, and I will never go back.? One fo mine is also 6 weeks pregnant and she looks fantastic, I am anxious to see my first "raw" litter and to see how Momma does!? My dogues look incredible on raw....it is a challenge because I am feeding such large amounts to keep prices down, but we do pretty well.? I feed all sorts of stuff-beef heart, whole chickens, ostirch scrap, beef scrap, all sorts of pork, lamb necks, mackeral, salmon chunks(when I can't get it I use oil), tripe, and and great organ mixture with tongue and beef meat mixed in.?
The DDB's really seem to do well on this diet, no skin issues any more, the puppy is growing great, and my older girl looks young again!
If you have any questions feel feee to e-mail me.
eaux <Erika@redangelbordeaux.com>
To: rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thu, 6 Dec 2007 12:04 am
Subject: [rawfeeding] Anyone feeding DDB a RAW Diet?
I am just wondering if there is anyone on the list who has been
feeding there Bordeaux a RAW diet.
Feel free to contact me off of the list.
I'm looking to get advice and share some breed specific experiences of
feeding RAW to our breed of dog. Especially interested in chatting
with a fellow breeder!
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Messages in this topic (4)
6b. Re: Anyone feeding DDB a RAW Diet?
Posted by: "A I" bordeauxpups@yahoo.com bordeauxpups
Date: Thu Dec 6, 2007 10:08 am ((PST))
Hi Erika - I think I wrote you off line a week ago or so. I also have DDB's that I do Holistic/Organic Raw with. It is wonderful and my pups are just beautiful! We had a litter of 14 in May. All gone now and I miss them so much but I talk with all the owners quite frequently and many have continued the diet.
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Messages in this topic (4)
7a. Re: Section of deer where it was shot...
Posted by: "Tina Berry" k9baron@gmail.com k9antje
Date: Thu Dec 6, 2007 8:30 am ((PST))
"3-sided arrow point in her dog's crate after he finished eating. It was
buried in the ribs. Needless to say she was extremely upset especially at
the thought if she had fed the same slab to one of her gulpers.
I'm considering a metal detector because we have quite a lot of venison."
Good idea - i've found 3 sided arrows twice - thankfully before I gave it to
my dogs; I feel all the meat super carefully with thin gloves so I can feel
for the bullets, arrows, shattered bone shards....
Tina Berry - MT
Kriegshund German Shepherds
Working Lines ~ Naturally Reared
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Messages in this topic (5)
8a. Re: Feeding Foster Puppies
Posted by: "costrowski75" Chriso75@AOL.COM costrowski75
Date: Thu Dec 6, 2007 9:25 am ((PST))
"carnesbill" <carnesw@...> wrote:
> The thing you want to be careful about with giant breed puppies is
> over nutrition. This can cause all kinds of bone growth problems
> I am sure you are aware of.
Over NUTRITION is not likely to do that. Over FEEDING may well do
that. You should not dumb down nutrition for fear of speed-growing a
pup; you should feed the pup high quality, easily-digested nutrition.
But the amount of food should keep the pup appropriately lean.
Chris O
Messages in this topic (5)
8b. Re: Feeding Foster Puppies
Posted by: "carnesbill" carnesw@bellsouth.net carnesbill
Date: Thu Dec 6, 2007 11:26 am ((PST))
--- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, "costrowski75" <Chriso75@...>
> Over NUTRITION is not likely to do that. Over FEEDING may well do
> that. You should not dumb down nutrition for fear of speed-
>growing a pup; you should feed the pup high quality, easily-
>digested nutrition.
> But the amount of food should keep the pup appropriately lean.
I think you typed that before you stopped to think. Nutrition is
what causes growth. You can feed a puppy 10lbs of cardboard or
sawdust a day and he won't grow. You can feed a pound or so
(depending on the puppy's size) of beef heart and he will grow
fast. You have to feed nutrition to get him to grow. Nutrition
causes growth in a puppy not the amount of food. Yes, if you feed
less food, you automatically feed less nutrition. Going back to my
original statement, overnutrition causes bone growth problems in
giant breed dogs, is true.
Bill Carnes
Feeding Raw since October 2002
"Unnatural diets predispose animals to unnatural outcomes"
Dr. Tom Lonsdale
Messages in this topic (5)
9a. List: Confused: BARF, Grains, RAW?
Posted by: "T Smith" coldbeach@gmail.com lhasaspots
Date: Thu Dec 6, 2007 10:08 am ((PST))
I joined here thinking it was specifically Raw prey model diets.....I am
hearing mention of the rice & grains, etc....
My question is about what is the specifics of this list: raw meats & bones
with some fish oils, or miscelaneous type diets that include veggies &
I am just curious :-) I am trying to stick with just meats & Bones only &
just want to be sure this is correct & that I don't add these extras.
I DO add some green beans for my obese dog in order for her not to be
"hungry" during her very very strict diet. It's a lose or die situation so
I give her 2 -3 small pieces of meat with those OR I give an organ piece
with them. Just trying to do the vet best, but I don't want to start making
the rice, grains & veggies again for my dogs, this was why I quit feeding
BARF, it was insane, expensive, messy & a failure.
Agains, I am still what I consider new to RMB & want to be sure I am
learning it right.
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Messages in this topic (6)
9b. Re: List: Confused: BARF, Grains, RAW?
Posted by: "Chia" chia.m@shaw.ca cia22m
Date: Thu Dec 6, 2007 10:22 am ((PST))
I joined here thinking it was specifically Raw prey model diets.....I am
hearing mention of the rice & grains, etc....
My question is about what is the specifics of this list: raw meats & bones
with some fish oils, or miscelaneous type diets that include veggies &
#### you only hear mention of rice/grains etc by misguided people who
peruse the internet and find incorrect information, and question all of us
about it.
Dogs are carnivores and do NOT required ANY vegetation or grains. If they
did, Mother Nature certainly would have built them differently. If you
have a horse, feed grass, if you have a carnivore, feed flesh.. simple as
YOU are on the right track! As for your overweight dog, ditch the beans
and have her have to work for her food. Feed as large and cumbersome a
piece or carcass as possible as this will increase the meal duration. I do
not know of her age and dental health, but if everything is fine in that
area, try and have her work for her meals and gradually increase exercise.
She'll lean out beautifully.
Read the archives since it is a goldmine of info and ask us more specific
questions when required!
It's easy....it's simple...it's following nature's plan!
Chia & Ricco
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Messages in this topic (6)
9c. Re: List: Confused: BARF, NO Grains, RAW
Posted by: "rosey031801" rosey031801@sbcglobal.net rosey031801
Date: Thu Dec 6, 2007 10:50 am ((PST))
I think there are some who do give the dogs vegies or grains. That
doesn't mean it is ok. In my opinion, they only need meat and bone. My
dog has eaten nothing but meat and bone, eggs and organs since June
2006. He is healthier than I have ever seen him. He is at least ten, I
have had him for 8 years. Ignore the ignorant and do what's best for
your pet!
Messages in this topic (6)
9d. Re: List: Confused: BARF, Grains, RAW?
Posted by: "Sandee Lee" rlee@plix.com mariasmom2001
Date: Thu Dec 6, 2007 11:11 am ((PST))
We discuss appropriate diet daily on this list. Not sure where you have
seen any recommendation to feed rice and grains?
Sandee & the Dane Gang
From: "T Smith" <coldbeach@gmail.com>
> I joined here thinking it was specifically Raw prey model diets.....I am
> hearing mention of the rice & grains, etc....
> My question is about what is the specifics of this list: raw meats & bones
> with some fish oils, or miscelaneous type diets that include veggies &
> grains.
Messages in this topic (6)
9e. Re: List: Confused: BARF, Grains, RAW?
Posted by: "Tina Berry" k9baron@gmail.com k9antje
Date: Thu Dec 6, 2007 11:26 am ((PST))
"but I don't want to start making the rice, grains & veggies again for my
I too started out with oats, fruits, veggies and RMB; after much research I
only feed 80% muscle meat, 10% organs and 10% bones - no supplements other
than a daily raw egg with fish oil for my "german shedders" LOL.
Tina Berry - MT
Kriegshund German Shepherds
Working Lines ~ Naturally Reared
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Messages in this topic (6)
9f. Re: List: Confused: BARF, Grains, RAW?
Posted by: "carnesbill" carnesw@bellsouth.net carnesbill
Date: Thu Dec 6, 2007 11:26 am ((PST))
--- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, "T Smith" <coldbeach@...> wrote:
> Agains, I am still what I consider new to RMB & want to be sure I
> learning it right.
You know how to feed raw. Don't expect everything you read on the
internet to be correct. Some people feed veggies ... MANY people
feed kibble. Doesn't mean either is the best way to feed. You know
that dogs are carnivores. You know that carnivores eat meat.
Veggies won't hurt a dog but will give it NO nutrition. You know
all this. You have been told and have read it over and over. You
get it all straight then read something somewhere else, God knows
where and you allow yourself to get all confused again. Don't do
that. Remember the basics. This stuff is very simple. Don't try
to make it complicated. Find something else to worry about. Stop
worrying about your dogs raw diet. Stop doubting yourself. Look at
your dogs. They will tell you when you do something wrong. It is
so very hard to do stuff dangerously wrong with a raw diet. Anytime
you get confused go back and read my web page again.
Bill Carnes
Feeding Raw since October 2002
"Unnatural diets predispose animals to unnatural outcomes"
Dr. Tom Lonsdale
Messages in this topic (6)
10.1. Re: Hello! I just joined.
Posted by: "costrowski75" Chriso75@AOL.COM costrowski75
Date: Thu Dec 6, 2007 10:38 am ((PST))
Just so you all know, this thread dates back to August 2003; it is not
current. If it's something you want to discuss, fine; but please
realize you are relying to a four year old post.
Chris O
Mod Team
Messages in this topic (48)
11a. Today's finding;Turkey liver and Vitamin A
Posted by: "Yasuko herron" sunshine_annamaria@yahoo.com sunshine_annamaria
Date: Thu Dec 6, 2007 10:50 am ((PST))
Today,I was working on weekly menu for palette. Since I bought whole Turkey after thanksgiving and,it came with ziblet bag including liver that I never ever had luck with finding,I thought I would introduce her Turkey liver next week.
So,I was buuilding her pantry and look what I found.
My dog 34lb can take Vitamin A 3200IU max as optimum amount (100-200IU per kg body weight).This Turkey liver has 20264IU;almost one week worth amount of my dog's amount!!
Her weekly Vitamin A take should be around 22400IU (3200IUx7days).
I usually give up to 1ounce for bird liver in meal but due to this fact,I ended up deciding to give 0.25ounce of Turkey liver for her next week.Still,on that day,she gets 5000IU,which is above optimum amount but I balance out in a week and no problems though.
That was surprising finding.
If you compare with chicken liver
Same 1 ounce has roughly 3000 IU(1/7 of Turkey liver amount)!!
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Messages in this topic (2)
11b. Re: Today's finding;Turkey liver and Vitamin A
Posted by: "Tina Berry" k9baron@gmail.com k9antje
Date: Thu Dec 6, 2007 11:26 am ((PST))
Interesting. And here's the beef - almost the same as chicken.
Tina Berry - MT
Kriegshund German Shepherds
Working Lines ~ Naturally Reared
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Messages in this topic (2)
12a. Re: Yikes --- Is it DETOX??
Posted by: "Sandee Lee" rlee@plix.com mariasmom2001
Date: Thu Dec 6, 2007 11:04 am ((PST))
More than likely this is merely a reaction to one or more ingredients in the
foods you recently changed to (potatoes, milk, possibly veggies in the raw
mix?). I would get this dog on a prey model diet to aid in building up his
immune system before adding any other supplements, detoxing, etc. You said
you've only had him on raw for 2 days...what exactly are you feeding him?
BTW, a cancer starving diet is no carb, not just no grain. That would leave
out any kibble and many of the frozen raw products. Substituting potatoes
or other veggies for barley and oats still provides lots of starches and
sugars for cancer to feed on.
Sandee & the Dane Gang
Messages in this topic (11)
13a. new to rawfeeding
Posted by: "sheila" schatzee@comporium.net osborne_sheila
Date: Thu Dec 6, 2007 11:26 am ((PST))
Hi all, Just started rawfeeding 3 days ago. My main reason was to see
if this would help my super allergic st.bernard - this is the only
thing i haven't yet tried. Since she will be on raw , i put my
shepherds also on it. We have started with chicken leg quarters and so
far everything is good. St. Bernard was straining a little to go poop
this morning - is that common when first starting.? How long would I
stay with just chicken and what kind of meat would i try next. I bought
a scale so i could measure everything and where is the best places to
get meat at decent prices. sheila
Messages in this topic (17)
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