[rawfeeding] Digest Number 12302
There are 25 messages in this issue.
Topics in this digest:
1a. Re: Best of Yahoo Groups
From: mrbob02140
1b. Re: How to find and nominate the Best of Yahoo Groups
From: folkdancer1
2a. Re: anyone feeding raccoon? any problems or reasons not to?
From: katkellm
3a. Re: TREATS for a new raw puppy
From: carnesbill
3b. Re: TREATS for a new raw puppy
From: Michelle Radcliff
3c. Re: TREATS for a new raw puppy
From: Anntiga@aol.com
3d. Re: TREATS for a new raw puppy
4a. Question About Feeding High Food Drive Puppy
From: momentumm5
4b. Re: Question About Feeding High Food Drive Puppy
From: Tina Berry
5a. possible sources
From: Mary Tinder
5b. Re: possible sources
From: costrowski75
5c. Re: possible sources
From: Kathie Middlemiss
6a. Re: 8 Week Old Puppy
From: tdifr62
6b. Re: 8 Week Old Puppy
From: costrowski75
7. replies to 'Must Read'
From: logbreath2000
8a. Enough Variety?
From: h h
8b. Enough Variety?
From: costrowski75
8c. Enough Variety?
From: mrbob02140
9.1. Introduction
From: Michelle Radcliff
10a. Where can I find green tripe?
From: geraldinebutterfield
10b. Re: Where can I find green tripe?
From: marblekallie
11a. Re: 1st Timer....Refused to eat it!! Confused!
From: Michelle R
12a. Chicken Backs in WI or Twin Cities area????
From: windmilldairy
12b. Re: Chicken Backs in WI or Twin Cities area????
From: Sandee Lee
12c. Re: Chicken Backs in WI or Twin Cities area????
From: windmilldairy
1a. Re: Best of Yahoo Groups
Posted by: "mrbob02140" bob_roth@comcast.net mrbob02140
Date: Wed Nov 21, 2007 12:22 pm ((PST))
> Hi Bob,
> I couldn't agree with you more!! Where does one go to do the
> :-) Patty
The best of Y! groups is just to the left of the messages... click on
that and it will show you the current "Best of" then there is an icon
on the right to click on to nominate other groups.
Messages in this topic (4)
1b. Re: How to find and nominate the Best of Yahoo Groups
Posted by: "folkdancer1" folkdancer1@yahoo.com folkdancer1
Date: Wed Nov 21, 2007 1:02 pm ((PST))
This is how I found it.
Click on Groups. In the center of the page look for and click on Best
of "Y" groups.
Then go to bottom right and click on the "nomination" icon.
--- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, "mrbob02140" <bob_roth@...> wrote:
> >
> > Hi Bob,
> > I couldn't agree with you more!! Where does one go to do the
> nominating?
> > :-) Patty
> The best of Y! groups is just to the left of the messages... click on
> that and it will show you the current "Best of" then there is an icon
> on the right to click on to nominate other groups.
> Bob
Messages in this topic (4)
2a. Re: anyone feeding raccoon? any problems or reasons not to?
Posted by: "katkellm" katkellm@yahoo.com katkellm
Date: Wed Nov 21, 2007 12:22 pm ((PST))
--- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, "sktnurse" <sktnurse@...> wrote:
> I may have a new source for skinned raccoons and dont know of any
> reasons not to feed it.
Hi Sherry,
Raccoons are classified as carnivores, and i wouldn't feed a carnivore
to a carnivore because wolves, although they will attack and kill
carnivores to defend their territory, do not eat carnivores. My farm
dogs, who catch squirrels, rabbits,....and dine have never ever eaten
a raccoon that they caught. So if i were going to try feeding them, i
would test drive before i bought lots. KathyM
Messages in this topic (3)
3a. Re: TREATS for a new raw puppy
Posted by: "carnesbill" carnesw@bellsouth.net carnesbill
Date: Wed Nov 21, 2007 12:39 pm ((PST))
--- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, "jaygaughan" <jaygaughan@...>
> I need some help as to what are appropriate treats for an 8 week
> Great Dane puppy already eating all raw? The breeder has him
> ground chicken backs and green tripe. Since this is my first dog
> all raw I really don't know what to give him for treats.
It's really not critical what you feed as treats such they take up
such a small portion of the diet. I ususally feed some sort of
commercial treat such as Authority Little Liver treats or Bil-Jac
liver treats. Carrots are ok as are freeze dried or frozen chunks
of meat.
Bill Carnes
Feeding Raw since October 2002
"Unnatural diets predispose animals to unnatural outcomes"
Dr. Tom Lonsdale
Messages in this topic (7)
3b. Re: TREATS for a new raw puppy
Posted by: "Michelle Radcliff" crested_dog8@yahoo.com crested_dog8
Date: Wed Nov 21, 2007 6:14 pm ((PST))
Jay, you could try gizzards (can be chopped) , or make up little
hamburger meatballs (my kids LOVE hamburger).
Best of luck with your little one,
> I need some help as to what are appropriate treats for an 8 week old
> Great Dane puppy already eating all raw?
Messages in this topic (7)
3c. Re: TREATS for a new raw puppy
Posted by: "Anntiga@aol.com" Anntiga@aol.com anntiga
Date: Wed Nov 21, 2007 6:57 pm ((PST))
The treats that my dog loves are hot dogs. I get mine from a good butcher
and I get the ones that have the least amount of anything in them. I cut them
up so each piece is the size of a pea.
You can give twenty pieces and really give very little.
I used to make my own beef jerky out of ground sirloin but my dog always
went after the people with hot dogs and ignored my jerky.
Good luck!
Ann and Norman (Portuguese Water Dog)
San Francisco Peninsula, CA, USA
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Messages in this topic (7)
3d. Re: TREATS for a new raw puppy
Posted by: "MORGAN LEWIS" shadowland22000@yahoo.com shadowland22000
Date: Wed Nov 21, 2007 7:44 pm ((PST))
Every dog is different, mine hate hot dogs, not love Liver or chicken for training. Morgan (highly reccomend plastic bag)
Anntiga@aol.com wrote: The treats that my dog loves are hot dogs. I get mine from a good butcher
and I get the ones that have the least amount of anything in them. I cut them
up so each piece is the size of a pea.
You can give twenty pieces and really give very little.
I used to make my own beef jerky out of ground sirloin but my dog always
went after the people with hot dogs and ignored my jerky.
Good luck!
Ann and Norman (Portuguese Water Dog)
San Francisco Peninsula, CA, USA
**************************************Check out AOL's list of 2007's hottest
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Morgan and His Angels
Precious, OFA
Princess, CGC, TDI, GSDCA Health Award
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Messages in this topic (7)
4a. Question About Feeding High Food Drive Puppy
Posted by: "momentumm5" Momentumm5@aol.com momentumm5
Date: Wed Nov 21, 2007 1:47 pm ((PST))
I have a new 15 week old Malinois Bitch that has almost over the top
food drive. She came being fed ground raw/bone and grain-free kibble. I
want to switch her to whole prey like my other dogs (Giant Schnauzers).
So far she has tried to gulp everything I have given her and she almost
choaked on a big hunk of beef. If I give her larger pieces/more complex
food to make it more difficult she will eat everything and it is far
more than she should eat. When I try to get to her to take some away
after I think she has had enough, she tries to gulp and swollow the
remaining piece without chewing so that I can't take it away. That's a
disaster waiting to happen. Any suggestions?
Messages in this topic (2)
4b. Re: Question About Feeding High Food Drive Puppy
Posted by: "Tina Berry" k9baron@gmail.com k9antje
Date: Wed Nov 21, 2007 3:07 pm ((PST))
"If I give her larger pieces/more complex food to make it more difficult she
will eat everything and it is far
more than she should eat. When I try to get to her to take some away after I
think she has had enough, she tries to gulp and swollow the remaining piece
without chewing so that I can't take it away."
How long have you had her? Do think it might settle down after awhile if
this is fairly new for her to be eating whole prey? It's probably because
she is used to ground and she can just gulp that down. I think if it were
me I'd give her large pieces, bigger than her own head and let her eat. At
15 weeks you're still feeding them twice a day and I wonder if you continued
giving her large pieces twice a day for a week or so, if it this would slow
her down after awhile.
Also mine don't really chew up their whole prey food; it's more like pull
off a hunk and swallow or if it is a chicken, it's pull off a piece, give it
a couple crunches then swallow it whole.
Tina Berry - MT
Kriegshund German Shepherds
Working Lines ~ Naturally Reared
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Messages in this topic (2)
5a. possible sources
Posted by: "Mary Tinder" mtinder@tinderco.com mmmaryt
Date: Wed Nov 21, 2007 3:07 pm ((PST))
I just came back from my butcher shop. Evidently, some folks bring the
deer in to be butchered and never come to pick up. She said we can have
those for the butchering fee after 3 wk wait! Also Gave me 20 deer
necks for free! Bless her heart. Be nice to your local butcher.
Mary, Rumble, Boda, Lily
Messages in this topic (3)
5b. Re: possible sources
Posted by: "costrowski75" Chriso75@AOL.COM costrowski75
Date: Wed Nov 21, 2007 7:30 pm ((PST))
"Mary Tinder" <mtinder@...> wrote:
> She said we can have
> those for the butchering fee after 3 wk wait! Also Gave me 20 deer
> necks for free!
O. M. G.
I am faint with envy.
How absolutely WONDERFUL!
Chris O
Messages in this topic (3)
5c. Re: possible sources
Posted by: "Kathie Middlemiss" geekgirl717@gmail.com katjermid
Date: Wed Nov 21, 2007 7:46 pm ((PST))
costrowski75 wrote:
> "Mary Tinder" <mtinder@...> wrote:
> > She said we can have
> > those for the butchering fee after 3 wk wait! Also Gave me 20 deer
> > necks for free!
> *****
> O. M. G.
> I am faint with envy.
> Green.
> Weeping.
> How absolutely WONDERFUL!
> Chris O
No kidding! My dogs LOVE venison and it's so hard to get my hands on
some here in RI.
Yay you! And Hooray for your pups!
Kathie M.
Messages in this topic (3)
6a. Re: 8 Week Old Puppy
Posted by: "tdifr62" tdifraia@comcast.net tdifr62
Date: Wed Nov 21, 2007 3:07 pm ((PST))
OK my plan is to start the first few days with bone in chicken
breasts. Watch and see how well he tolerates that. Check his stools.
If all is well after say 2 days, add 1 chicken liver and see how he
adjusts. If he reacts with indifference ie ... loose stools or vomit,
cut back to just chicken. If all goes well Im on bone in chicken and
some organ. The following week try a little beef heart, again see how
he tolerates that. Any signs of intolerance slow down on the beef
heart. Another words Add small amounts of variety as long as he
tolerates it. If not wait and try it again. Slowly allowing his
digestive system to adjust to each type of food. Small amounts and
slowly increasing over time. Hows that sound for a plan?
Tommy D.
> I'm going to jump right in and say just start feeding him raw. I
wean mine to raw and
> there has never been anything they can't eat or won't eat. It's
just dinner to them.
> I start with variety and never waiver....but that's just how I do it.
> I don't follow any rules and they grow up great. Whatever the
adults are eating is what
> the pups are eating.
> Try the bone-in chicken breasts and see how that works then progess
as you see fit. Bet
> he'll be eating what the adults are eating pretty quickly.
> Merril
Messages in this topic (6)
6b. Re: 8 Week Old Puppy
Posted by: "costrowski75" Chriso75@AOL.COM costrowski75
Date: Wed Nov 21, 2007 5:41 pm ((PST))
"tdifr62" <tdifraia@...> wrote:
> 1. Should I start him with just Bone in-Chicken Breast, or can he
> start right out with the recommended 80-10-10 ratio of meat to organ
> to bone?
Since the 80/10/10 is only a guide and refers to the big picture as
opposed to the daily grind (metaphoric, not literal) you can start out
pretty much however you want. Rib-in chicken breast sounds good to
me. Maybe remove the skin. If that appears to be too much meat/not
enough bone for the kid, feed some chicken backs, bashed up a bit if
you need to.
> 2. How soon can I begin to introduce different types of foods ie..
> beef, pork, turkey, fish and lamb?
Well, here's the thing. An eight week old pup should get three if not
four meals a day. Over a week that's 21 to 28 separate meals you'll be
feeding. During this fairly short period of frequent small meals you
can introduce most everything you're likely to be feeding; just do it
in small doses. Since the meals ARE small doses at this stage, you
have a natural canvas to work with. With pups I see little
justification for feeding chicken ala chicken for 21 to 28 meals!
Obviously, if the pup's system says take it easy, you take it easy.
Always always use the dog as your guide.
> 3. Which method is best a slow introduction while cutting back on the
> kibble, or cold turkey switching?
Get rid of the kibble. There is no virtue in prolonging the insult.
There is no benefit in feeding kibble while you are introducing raw
food. Ditch. The. Kibble.
Chris O
Messages in this topic (6)
7. replies to 'Must Read'
Posted by: "logbreath2000" elisabethlasser@sbcglobal.net logbreath2000
Date: Wed Nov 21, 2007 3:29 pm ((PST))
Thank You to all who have replied to my post-and given me lots of pointers/
I am still quite insecure about raw feeding, especially since I'm the only one in a
neighbourhood full with dogs on kibble.
It's unnerving when I come across articles such as the one I gave the link to.
I wanted you to read the article and have your helpful comments.
A group like this is most valuable for us beginners - it's good to be able to have advise
from real people with real experience.
Many Thanks
Messages in this topic (1)
8a. Enough Variety?
Posted by: "h h" deedeekinsisme@yahoo.com tarbedyh
Date: Wed Nov 21, 2007 5:14 pm ((PST))
OMG! I'm stunned and bummed! I want to do this right, but money is
tight. The chicken ranges from $.79/lb for the hind qtrs to $.99 for
the breasts... The rabbit costs $2.49/lb (but he loves it so much I
don't mind) and the beef over $2/lb. I have also fed turkey necks for
$.99/lb and occasionaly pork with bones for $.99/lb that seem to hard
so I smash them with a meat cleaver. What should I do? I got started
on this using Bill's page that consisted of a mainly chicken back diet
(which he also gets when I can find them - also $.99/lb). I figured
if chicken backs were a good staple, the hind quarters were much
better, with more meat than bone. I have seen pork ribs for $1.99/lb
are those bones suitable? I have stayed away from boneless cuts of
pork but I could probably afford to add some of that, and I will add
Well, I said ideal--not essential. <g> (and actually "ideal" would be more along the lines of being able to toss a moose or a buffalo out in the back yard and let the dogs eat it). I know very well the money being tight situation...in fact, my poor dogs have been stuck in a chicken rut the last few months thanks to dh having to take a month off work and right after that the cam shaft going out on our car.
I think Bill is about the only regular on this list that thinks that chicken backs make a great staple (and if you search the archives, you'll find a few debates on the merit of backs). While there may not be very many hunters around since you live in a big city, I bet there are a few large ethnic areas where you can find "oddball" meats for cheap. If you learn when your grocery stores mark their meat down, you can get good deals too. Plus, you don't need a huge honkin freezer to be able to buy meat in bulk. There are several people who live in apartments and have a 2.2 cubic feet freezer. It doesn't take up much more room than an end table (17" wide, 24" long, 33 1/2" high), and should hold between 60 to 70 pounds of meat. The cases of beef heart I buy at my local meat shop, and 60 pounds and cost 80 cents per pound....though prices and weight may vary in your area.
I can't vouch for any of the following groups since I live in the Midwest and don't belong to any of them, but here are a couple I found that may be able to point you towards where to find the good deals near you:
And finally, even if you are feeding more chicken than anything else, it's still better than feeding doom nuggets.
~with the woofs-Cheyenne and Lazy B~
~and the moggies-Minerva, Shasta, and Misty-Jo~
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Messages in this topic (13)
8b. Enough Variety?
Posted by: "costrowski75" Chriso75@AOL.COM costrowski75
Date: Wed Nov 21, 2007 6:20 pm ((PST))
"mrbob02140" <bob_roth@...> wrote:
>I want to do this right, but money is
> tight. The chicken ranges from $.79/lb for the hind qtrs to $.99
> the breasts... The rabbit costs $2.49/lb (but he loves it so much I
> don't mind) and the beef over $2/lb. I have also fed turkey necks
> $.99/lb and occasionaly pork with bones for $.99/lb that seem to
> so I smash them with a meat cleaver.
Skip the rabbit. Rabbit is not the big door prize. Pork neck bones
are not even worth worrying about right now. If things is tight and
until you have read more (oh, there's so much reading you can be
doing!), feed chicken parts with whatever boneless meat (that's NOT
chicken) you can get cheap. I recommend starting a search right this
very now for beef heart and pork shoulder roasts. These two and
chicken (and whatever turkey you can score) ought to be plenty
adequate for the time being.
Follow the sales, learn to read those supermarket flyers. Find a meat
wholesaler from whom you can buy bulk at generally good prices.
I got started
> on this using Bill's page that consisted of a mainly chicken back
> (which he also gets when I can find them - also $.99/lb). I figured
> if chicken backs were a good
IMO chicken is not "a good staple" and although Bill joyously
endorses a chicken back menu not all of us do. Chicken is better
than a poke in the eye with a stick but it too is not the big door
prize. I would recommend chicken over kibble any day you betcha; I
would also recommend broading your horizons with all due haste.
I have stayed away from boneless cuts of
> pork but I could probably afford to add some of that, and I will
> turkey.
You should seek out boneless pork; added to a measly chicken back, a
heap a pork meat can be quite a fine meal. Both pork and heart (any
kind: beef, pork, even chicken) are good companions to chicken bones.
> I still am stunned by the idea that chicken only once a week is
Heck, IMO ideal is no chicken at all. Since reality is not often
ideal (although a girl can dream), I settle for limiting chicken when
I can but even with my firm conviction that there are more healthy
animals to depend on if my finances dictate chicken, chicken it is.
I am not sure why you had your hopes pinned so thoroughly on
chicken. What did you read that set you up for such disappointment?
> I live in the city and have no access to hunters or anything like
> that. I have no room for a freezer so I can't buy in bulk.
Okay, so forget the meat wholesaler.
What are the
> health consequences of a heavy chicken diet?
I doubt very much chicken ala chicken provides the full gamut of
amino acids, minerals and vitamins; it certainly offers a HUGE
unremitting supply of omega 6 fatty acids which are often implicated
in various inflammations including what vets might lump together
as "allergies." Your dog is a wolf: He needs red meat.
The further one gets from whole prey (now THERE'S the ideal), the
more protein variety and body part variety are needed for the
complete nutrition a dogs needs.
As with waterskiing or walking across a bed of burning embers, as
long as you keep moving, you're good. It's only when you stop that
you get into trouble. IMO it's variety that keeps our dogs at the
top of their form.
Chris O
Messages in this topic (13)
8c. Enough Variety?
Posted by: "mrbob02140" bob_roth@comcast.net mrbob02140
Date: Wed Nov 21, 2007 7:44 pm ((PST))
Once again, thanks for all the support and advice, I will add more beef
to his diet and look into getting a small freezer and check out the
local ethnic stores to see what they have...
PS. This group is definitely "The Best of Yahoo!"
Messages in this topic (13)
9.1. Introduction
Posted by: "Michelle Radcliff" crested_dog8@yahoo.com crested_dog8
Date: Wed Nov 21, 2007 6:13 pm ((PST))
Hello, I am new here. A friend of mine has introduced me to the
benefits of feeding raw. I have Chinese Cresteds, and have many
things to learn about the particular of feeding this new stuff, but
all my kids seem to think Ive gone nuts and cant believe they get to
eat this stuff every day. :-) The favorite so far Ive found is
hamburger, to which I add yogurt for calcium. They also get alot of
venison (Ive got access to pretty much all my kids can eat), which
they prefer cut into nice bite sized peices... haha Im new to
feeding raw, so we havent had alot of time to discover everything Im
sure we will on this new path we're taking. We plan to try some bones
this holiday weekend and Ive also got some turkey necks. We plan to
tackle some chicken next week. Starting slow, since we are just still
getting used to this diet. Only been a short time and I already see
positive changes in my kids. I cant beleive I didnt do this sooner!
If anyone has any suggestions for good smaller bones for my kids,
half of whom are fairly toothless I would appreciate it. I am adding
a bit of yogurt just about daily to supplemet them with calcium,
since most really cant gnaw real bones to get any value from them. I
also plan to grind soon, just havent yet. Also, I know the amounts to
feed vary per dog, type, activity, metabolism, etc and etc...but what
is the general goal? I think I read somewhere a certain % of their
ideal adult body weight?? What do some of you do? if the % is
correct, what % do you folks suggest?
Thanks much and I look forward to learning more from everyone willing
to share!
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!
Messages in this topic (357)
10a. Where can I find green tripe?
Posted by: "geraldinebutterfield" gbutterflied@comcast.net geraldinebutterfield
Date: Wed Nov 21, 2007 6:14 pm ((PST))
I live in Albany, Or. and have called the grocery stores and butchers
and can't locate green tripe! One store butcher was kind enough to
call his sources, no luck. Where do you Oregon folks get yours?
Thanks soooo much,
Messages in this topic (2)
10b. Re: Where can I find green tripe?
Posted by: "marblekallie" marble@pipeline.com marblekallie
Date: Wed Nov 21, 2007 7:20 pm ((PST))
You won't find green tripe at a butcher's or a supermarket -- ever.
It is not for human consumption.
Prey4Pets, http://www.aplaceforpaws.com are among some who sell it for
pets. On the West Coast there is http://www.greentripe.com/
Philippa Jordan
New York City
> Where do you Oregon folks get yours?
Messages in this topic (2)
11a. Re: 1st Timer....Refused to eat it!! Confused!
Posted by: "Michelle R" crested_dog8@yahoo.com crested_dog8
Date: Wed Nov 21, 2007 6:34 pm ((PST))
You might try giving the meat a few pounds with a mallet..get it juiced up, a bit "broken in" so to speak. Ive seen dogs who prefer to wait until thier housemates have chewed on things a bit, got them good and gooey before they go and snatch the goodies away. Also, since he may be used to the ground meat the texture of an intact piece will be different and by pounding on the meat, you will loosen up the ymmu juices and smells which most of the kids find completly irresistable.
Hope this helps,
Michelle Radcliff
Messages in this topic (7)
12a. Chicken Backs in WI or Twin Cities area????
Posted by: "windmilldairy" drwindmill@gmail.com windmilldairy
Date: Wed Nov 21, 2007 7:20 pm ((PST))
I have posted in the past with questions about chicken backs and have been trying to locate a
source to buy them in bulk cases in WI or the Twin Cities area....Any help would be
Messages in this topic (3)
12b. Re: Chicken Backs in WI or Twin Cities area????
Posted by: "Sandee Lee" rlee@plix.com mariasmom2001
Date: Wed Nov 21, 2007 7:35 pm ((PST))
No need to worry about backs...just buy whole chickens when they go on sale
Sandee & the Dane Gang
From: "windmilldairy" <drwindmill@gmail.com>
I have posted in the past with questions about chicken backs and have been
trying to locate a
source to buy them in bulk cases in WI or the Twin Cities area....Any help
would be
Messages in this topic (3)
12c. Re: Chicken Backs in WI or Twin Cities area????
Posted by: "windmilldairy" drwindmill@gmail.com windmilldairy
Date: Wed Nov 21, 2007 7:49 pm ((PST))
--- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, "Sandee Lee" <rlee@...> wrote:
> No need to worry about backs...just buy whole chickens when they go on sale
> locally.
> Sandee & the Dane Gang
> From: "windmilldairy" <drwindmill@...>
> I have posted in the past with questions about chicken backs and have been
> trying to locate a
> source to buy them in bulk cases in WI or the Twin Cities area....Any help
> would be
> appreciated.
I just want something really cheap to feed with my venison and beef......
Messages in this topic (3)
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