Feed Pets Raw Food

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

[rawfeeding] Digest Number 12116

There are 25 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1a. Re: Salmon oil and other questions
From: lauraanimal1
1b. Re: Salmon oil and other questions - Now entropion and freezers
From: Giselle

2a. Re: PLEASE HELP- how much to feed?
From: John and Jeni Blackmon
2b. Re: PLEASE HELP- how much to feed?
From: katkellm
2c. Re: PLEASE HELP- how much to feed?
From: carnesbill

3a. Fish & bones
From: emugirls
3b. Re: Fish & bones
From: carnesbill
3c. Re: Fish & bones
From: costrowski75
3d. Re: Fish & bones
From: Giselle

4a. Re: They have NO idea!
From: tottime47

5a. MO - Raw feeders?
From: Pam Staley
5b. Re: MO - Raw feeders?
From: one_sojourner_one

6.1. Re: Fasting
From: carnesbill
6.2. Re: Fasting
From: Giselle

7a. Re: Feeding Toy breeds
From: costrowski75

8a. Re: feeding Pork
From: costrowski75

9.1. Re: raw feeding advice for a beginner
From: costrowski75

10a. Re: group mail problems
From: costrowski75

11a. Re: picking out bones
From: Giselle

12a. Re: Broken tooth
From: Josephine Morningstar

13. Question about feeding RMB
From: Stephanie Bowers

14. Re: mange
From: tantelin22@aol.com

15a. Thanks for the advice... raw on a budget?
From: kwrestad

16a. Re: FREECYCLE (was: Cheap meat)
From: Laurie Swanson

17a. Re: runns in house & gagging!
From: Laurie Swanson


1a. Re: Salmon oil and other questions
Posted by: "lauraanimal1" lauraanimal1@yahoo.com lauraanimal1
Date: Wed Oct 3, 2007 8:15 pm ((PDT))

> > Rubbing can be a response to pain. Have you checked her mouth
> > damaged teeth or gums, or for a stuck bone? Have you checked
> > her surgeries didn't leave something behind? Is it possible the
> > venison has been treated with something that is irritating her
> eyes?
> > Or irritating her nose or mouth, for that matter. Have you
> > her ears? I would look first for sources of pain or
> >
> > I find it hard to attribute this to food allergy but have you
> > feeding her a different meat protein altogether? And it could
> > she's sensitive to some to something else entirely. Anything
> > change when you started feeding raw food?
> I have checked her mouth and re-checked just in case after you
> mentioned it again and everything is fine, no redness, swelling ,
> sores, or any small bumps that could be entry ways for bones,
> nothing, I have checked her eyes several times before starting her
> back on the raw, fine, has been several months since she had that
> surgery and all has been well untill starting the raw again, the
> first time I had her on the raw she did this too and i started her
> out on chicken,she started it 2 days into it, and the same this
> she never had venison then, but had had pork and beef and turkey.
> stoped for the most part (all but a little bit)after I stopped
> feeding her the raw.
> However she has been shaking her head alot, her ears are clean and
> smell to them and no redness or anything I can see, i looked deep
> the canal and nothing either, but i know that doesnt mean anything
> i will take her to the vet for that.
> You have a gorgeous lineup there and IMO you got NO need to fret.
> > dogs want to come visit.
> come on over, there is PLENTY right now!!!!
> Thanks for the Great advice.
> Laura & Ishta

Messages in this topic (6)

1b. Re: Salmon oil and other questions - Now entropion and freezers
Posted by: "Giselle" megan.giselle@gmail.com megangiselle
Date: Wed Oct 3, 2007 10:18 pm ((PDT))

Hi, Laura!
Its possible for entropion to recur.

Are these the symptoms and behaviors he had originally when he had
entropion, before the surgery?

Have you considered checking out your local craigslist or FreeCycle to
get more freezers to hold all the great stuff you're offered?
Often, you can find them for cheap or for free.



Chris O said-
Have you checked
> that
> > > her surgeries didn't leave something behind?
I have checked her eyes several times before starting her
> > back on the raw, fine, has been several months since she had that
> > surgery and all has been well until starting the raw again, the
> > first time I had her on the raw she did this too
doesn't mean anything
> so
> > I will take her to the vet for that.
> > Thanks for the Great advice.
> >
> > Laura & Ishta

Messages in this topic (6)

2a. Re: PLEASE HELP- how much to feed?
Posted by: "John and Jeni Blackmon" jonjeni777@sbcglobal.net jeniavidiva
Date: Wed Oct 3, 2007 8:16 pm ((PDT))

The diet itself is lacking in a few areas. It is just fowl, and no organs, except when you do the whole chickens (if they come with the organs in the bag).
You should probably be feeding about a pound per dog, give or take an ounce.
Now how you do that is up to you, but once a week or so, you need to include some organ meats.
And variety is the spice of life so you should try to mix it up some and add a different protein to the mix once in a while, if you can, if not, at least get the organ meats into it. That is important.
Now on the turkey necks, not alot of nutrition there, better to stick with the whole chickens, and quarter them and divide them into a couple of meals, that way you have the meat to bone ratio down ok and you get the organ meats in too. I feel the same about backs too, too much bone, not enough meat. Just better if you can do the whole chickens. I know the necks and backs are cheaper, but have no value for my dogs at least. And can cause some runny poos too, since there is more bone than meat, so I prefer to have those two as treats when they are available, but I don't spend my money on them anymore.

For chewing bones, I use rib racks, pigs feet, necks, and chicken feet, they love those. The feet are really cheap at the mexican market up the street from me too.

On the chicken drumsticks and thighs, they are fine for sometimes when you don't have the whole chickens, but they don't have enough meat, remember, bone should only be about 10% of the diet, so you need to add more meatier portions, like some boneless chicken if that is your protein that you want to stick with.

Just my opinion. On the portion size, if what you are feeding is about 1-2% of the weight of what you want your dog to weigh, then you are feeding the right amount. It is not a real science, if the dog is hungry and not getting overweight, you're doing fine. Especially with the workouts your dogs are getting, they might need a more meaty amount in the diet, since they do work more energy off. Once they aren't spending all the energy, like in the winter, the appetite might subside, and they might not be as hungry and you can cut back on the amount of food, and that is fine too.

You said one of the items at a time, how often do you feed and how large are your portions.? That is a factor too. If your portions are big and about a pound, then that is probably great. But they need to be meaty, imo. If you feed at two meals, then break that into two feedings. Just a few suggestions. You might try throwing in a pork shoulder, or a whole beef roast:)

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Messages in this topic (6)

2b. Re: PLEASE HELP- how much to feed?
Posted by: "katkellm" katkellm@yahoo.com katkellm
Date: Wed Oct 3, 2007 8:16 pm ((PDT))

--- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, "kwrestad" <kwrestad@...> wrote:
> Their diet consists of the following (rotated at random; 1 of these
> at a time): How many should they be fed per meal?

My advice would be to think in terms of the weight of the piecs and
not how many pieces. Since both of your dogs are 55lbs. feeding them
2-3% of their body weight means that you should be feeding around a
pound and a half a day per dog. This amount can be upped or downed as
needed based on how your dogs look to you. My 55lb lab porks out if
she eats more than a pound a day, so just adjust the amount as you go.
I know that you didn't ask, but i would like to ask you to maybe
rethink some of your feeding choices. You are feeding a lot of bone in
comparison to the amount of meat. While this might be a good thing
for a newbie dog, overtime chicken pieces and turkey necks are just
not enough meat. Could you maybe include a hunk of beef heart or pork
roast or any kind of boneless meat with the meal? Also, don't forget
that organs need to be a part in the diet-the chorus here is 80% meat,
10% bone, 5% organ meat and 5% liver. I think that it is great that
you are feeding raw because i know it can be hard to swim upstream in
a kibble world. KathyM

Messages in this topic (6)

2c. Re: PLEASE HELP- how much to feed?
Posted by: "carnesbill" carnesw@bellsouth.net carnesbill
Date: Wed Oct 3, 2007 9:07 pm ((PDT))

--- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, "kwrestad" <kwrestad@...> wrote:
> Their diet consists of the following (rotated at random; 1 of these
> at a time): How many should they be fed per meal?
> 1) turkey necks
> 2) chicken drumsticks
> 3) chicken thighs
> occasionally whole chickens, chicken backs

If your dogs are a good build (remember its more desirable for them
to be on the thin side rather than the fat side) and energetic, you
are feeding the right amounts.

If I were you, I would substitute chicken leg quarters in place of
the drumsticks and thighs. They are a more appropriate size. Both
drumsticks and thighs can be swallowed whole.

As others have said, you definately need to add some organs. I give
a glob of liver once or twice a week as a part of a meal. I would
also suggest you add a few more protein sources. I suggest some
pork or beef roasts about once a week and fish once a week. I feed
a mixture of fish, liver, beef heart and raw egg once a week. I
also feed beef heart another 2 or 3 times a week. Just a handful of
some cut up pieces in addition to the regular meal. You could also
feed some lamb or goat occasionally. IT is very occasionally either
of mine get anything like those.

Bill Carnes

Feeding Raw since October 2002

"Unnatural diets predispose animals to unnatural outcomes"
Dr. Tom Lonsdale

Messages in this topic (6)

3a. Fish & bones
Posted by: "emugirls" emugirls@yahoo.com emugirls
Date: Wed Oct 3, 2007 8:17 pm ((PDT))

Maximus is doing great (finally!) on raw - he's getting a good mixture
of chicken, turkey & pork so far (based on what I can afford). I have
to watch his fat intake as it seems to give him very runny poos easily :-(
A friend is giving us some striped bass tonight - I know nothing about
fish! Do I need to do anything when giving this to Maximus? Do I
need to worry about bones or anything? Sorry if this is a basic
question, but I'm just clueless about fish! Head, tails, fins - all ok?

Messages in this topic (4)

3b. Re: Fish & bones
Posted by: "carnesbill" carnesw@bellsouth.net carnesbill
Date: Wed Oct 3, 2007 9:07 pm ((PDT))

--- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, "emugirls" <emugirls@...> wrote:
> A friend is giving us some striped bass tonight - I know
> nothing about
> fish! Do I need to do anything when giving this to Maximus?

Some species of fish (salmon and a few others) from the pacific
northwest need to be frozen for a few weeks before feeding.

> Do I
> need to worry about bones or anything?


> Head, tails, fins - all ok?

Yep, some people cut the fins off catfish but other than that, all
is ok.

Bill Carnes

Feeding Raw since October 2002

"Unnatural diets predispose animals to unnatural outcomes"
Dr. Tom Lonsdale

Messages in this topic (4)

3c. Re: Fish & bones
Posted by: "costrowski75" Chriso75@AOL.COM costrowski75
Date: Wed Oct 3, 2007 9:15 pm ((PDT))

"emugirls" <emugirls@...> wrote:
> A friend is giving us some striped bass tonight - I know nothing about
> fish! Do I need to do anything when giving this to Maximus?
If the bass qualifies as good eatin' for humans, you can feed it to
Maximus with no prep. Doesn't mean he'll be interested in eating it,
but should he be, it will be a good meal. Since bass is not a
salmonid, regardless of where you live you do not have concern yourself
with salmon poisoning and you will not have to freeze the fish

Do I
> need to worry about bones or anything?
Not when fed raw. The head is definitely a keeper, you may end up
trimming the fins but you don't have to, tail is a-okay.
Chris O

Messages in this topic (4)

3d. Re: Fish & bones
Posted by: "Giselle" megan.giselle@gmail.com megangiselle
Date: Wed Oct 3, 2007 10:28 pm ((PDT))

Hi, Kirsty!
I'm glad you're both doing well!

Remind me again, what size dog is Maximus?

There's no mystery to feeding fish, if the dog will eat it.

If its a Big Fish, and too much for one meal, take it up when you
think he's had enough.

If he's sensitive to new proteins, you might want to cut it into
chunks, and feed a bit with each of his meals until its gone.

If he's a big boy, and likes fish, and isn't sensitive, its liable to
disappear so fast you'll wonder where it went!

I don't often feed fish, but Bea got a 3lb frozen mackerel the other
week, and crunch - crunch - it was gone! She tried to convince me it
swam away, and to give her some dinner, but I wasn't falling for that
fish story! lol

You may still be able to gradually up his intake of fat. For some
dogs, it takes time.

How are ya doin' with introducing organs?


> Maximus is doing great (finally!) on raw - he's getting a good mixture
> of chicken, turkey & pork so far (based on what I can afford). I have
> to watch his fat intake as it seems to give him very runny poos
easily :-(
> A friend is giving us some striped bass tonight - I know nothing about
> fish! Do I need to do anything when giving this to Maximus? Do I
> need to worry about bones or anything? Sorry if this is a basic
> question, but I'm just clueless about fish! Head, tails, fins - all ok?
> THanks
> Kirsty

Messages in this topic (4)

4a. Re: They have NO idea!
Posted by: "tottime47" tottime@aol.com tottime47
Date: Wed Oct 3, 2007 8:27 pm ((PDT))


Hi Ginny,

That's a great couple of pictures! I did look for it online when I
heard about it a month ago.
Couldn't find it....glad Giselle posted the link!

I love the look on Tomo's face and it's for liver too!

You two did proud and would you tell Tomo he's a star!

Carol, Charkee & Moli

--- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, ginny wilken <gwilken@...> wrote:

> Good Googling, Giselle! Yep, that be us. I don't agree with
> everything in the article either, but publicity is almost always
> good:) BTW, the cow from which the beef leg came is famous, too -
> it's Merril's legendary "stinky beef". This was a bull with full
> adult hormones, who died in fear, and then wasn't butchered or a
> or so, during hot weather - all of which probably contributed to
> odor, which would stop a truck. Some of us were a bit shy about
> feeding it, but there was lots of enthusiasm and no one got sick.
> ginny and Tomo, outer limits feeders - Kids, don't try this at home!
> All stunts performed without a net!
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Messages in this topic (6)

5a. MO - Raw feeders?
Posted by: "Pam Staley" pam@tlcnaturally.com mogalone2001
Date: Wed Oct 3, 2007 8:28 pm ((PDT))

Is there a list or does anyone know of MO raw - feeders? I've found a
source that can supply 500-1000lbs of free meat - hearts/livers/
kidneys ect ect... need to spread it around :-)

Wright City, MO

Messages in this topic (2)

5b. Re: MO - Raw feeders?
Posted by: "one_sojourner_one" onesojourner@gmail.com one_sojourner_one
Date: Wed Oct 3, 2007 10:37 pm ((PDT))

I am in springfield.


Messages in this topic (2)

6.1. Re: Fasting
Posted by: "carnesbill" carnesw@bellsouth.net carnesbill
Date: Wed Oct 3, 2007 8:29 pm ((PDT))

--- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, "great_dane_devotee"
<libpowers@...> wrote:
> She drinks, she
> through up bile yesterday, she's clearly hungry, but she won't
> eat the chicken. Tomorrow will
> be day 4 for her. I had determined to stay strong, should I still?

Yes, definately. Each time you cave, you make it more difficult
next time. You have already caved twice and she is expecting it
again. She won't starve to death. You are offering her food and
she is refusing it. Don't feel guilty. Thats what she is banking

> Once when she was a pup, she ate a chicken- live form my barn-
> I sciolded her strongly-
> could she see the connection?

I doubt it.

Bill Carnes

Feeding Raw since October 2002

"Unnatural diets predispose animals to unnatural outcomes"
Dr. Tom Lonsdale

Messages in this topic (38)

6.2. Re: Fasting
Posted by: "Giselle" megan.giselle@gmail.com megangiselle
Date: Wed Oct 3, 2007 10:40 pm ((PDT))

Hi, Libby!
I forget, did I post these links for you?
Message #130758

Message #134336

These suggestions often get dogs eating raw.

Two other ideas come to mind; frozen, or partially frozen chicken or
'hiding' pockets of ground tripe in it. Hmmm, how about removing the skin?

Most dogs, don't make the connection between live critters 'on the
hoof' so to speak, and what we feed them. 'Spossible tho', I suppose.

with Bea in New Jersey

> Okay, We've been doing fine on raw for about three weeks or more.
Except I have tried twice
> (now three times) to feed chicken.
> Once when she was a pup, she ate a chicken- live from my barn- I
scolded her strongly-
> could she see the connection?
> Thanks for your help.
> Libby

Messages in this topic (38)

7a. Re: Feeding Toy breeds
Posted by: "costrowski75" Chriso75@AOL.COM costrowski75
Date: Wed Oct 3, 2007 8:37 pm ((PDT))

Gail Edmond <windybond1@...> wrote:
> Necks are supposed to be great tooth brushes
Any bone that requires effort is a great tooth brush. Any meaty bone
is an even better tooth brush. Any meaty bone that gives the dog the
opportunity to literally sink its teeth into the meat is not only a
great tooth brush but also fine dental floss and a gum massage to boot.

Even for toy breeds there is a variety of meaty bones to choose from.
Chris O

Messages in this topic (7)

8a. Re: feeding Pork
Posted by: "costrowski75" Chriso75@AOL.COM costrowski75
Date: Wed Oct 3, 2007 8:42 pm ((PDT))

"skylinefay" <skylinefay@...> wrote:
> I had someone ask me if when feeding pork it should be frozen first?
> Is this true?
If the pork is from a farm of dubious virtue, you might freeze the meat
first. But if the pig was raised according to current husbandry
practices including diet and hygiene, the only time it needs to see the
inside of a freezer is when you have more pork than you can feed in one

Chris O

Messages in this topic (3)

9.1. Re: raw feeding advice for a beginner
Posted by: "costrowski75" Chriso75@AOL.COM costrowski75
Date: Wed Oct 3, 2007 8:49 pm ((PDT))

, Gail Edmond <windybond1@...> wrote:
> Sorry but what do you mean as trim.
Trim as in cut out--delete, remove--material from the old post that
does nothing to enhance your reply. It is not necessary to send back to
the list the entire post to which you are responding. While sometimes
it may be necessary to include a few sentences to help your reader
follow your thinking, there's generally little reason to send more than

If you are reading messages by Daily Digest, editing out the original
post may be difficult, especially if your settings are for the "new and
improved" delivery. Changing to "traditional" will help; putting
yourself on No Mail and reading on the website makes editing even
Chris O
Moderation Team

Messages in this topic (32)

10a. Re: group mail problems
Posted by: "costrowski75" Chriso75@AOL.COM costrowski75
Date: Wed Oct 3, 2007 8:59 pm ((PDT))

"lauraanimal1" <lauraanimal1@...> wrote:
> I have noticed that I dont always get all the posts that are posted
> the group mailings, and sometimes it will send the same exact one it
> sent 2-4 hours before and skip a whole slew of posts and then send
> that is up todate, but never sends the one inbetween.
Thanks for the heads up but there is, like, nothing we can do about
it. Yahoo is its own worst enemy, I swear. Never a dull moment.

I suppose with the missing posts if you wait long enough they'll show
Chris O
Mod Team

Messages in this topic (2)

11a. Re: picking out bones
Posted by: "Giselle" megan.giselle@gmail.com megangiselle
Date: Wed Oct 3, 2007 9:01 pm ((PDT))

Hi, Felicia!
Just tossing another idea into the mix.

Is she spayed? If not, has she been bred?

"Broody" bitches often get picky about what they will, and won't eat.

If she's spayed, never mind. ; )

I'd freeze the boneless meat she's leaving, and offer only that 'til
it balances out. Is she refusing organs, too?


> I have a 16month old dane who suddenly seems to have changed her
eating habits.
Anyone have any suggestions? Should I hold out or feed her something
> different or even be concerned?
Thanks Felicia

Messages in this topic (12)

12a. Re: Broken tooth
Posted by: "Josephine Morningstar" josephine.morningstar@gmail.com jomorningstar
Date: Wed Oct 3, 2007 9:08 pm ((PDT))

can you see if the vet can find out what human dentists use on sealing

i had orthodontist in missouri. that told me to use *super glue* on a broken
tooth, *untill i could get in to see him* he was usually booked several
weeks solid..

he said the superglue that is NOT the gel based is the best to use. I have
used it on my teeth for a long time.. they do not get decayed. but have to
be careful of the fumes and the gels take too long to dry. i have used the
air from my airbrush motor to speed the dry time.

it basically kills the nerve thru the center and keeps it from shattering
later on. also no food bacteria gets to it.

On 10/3/07, tottime47 <tottime@aol.com> wrote:
> Hi Monica,
> I can understand the expense part,just had a dog who had one pulled!
> On the other hand, if you wait, since it's deep and he chews on that
> side, it might wind up getting infected and then you'd probably have
> added expenses and it might be harder on your dog....

Josephine MorningStar & Heather, Pyr, Mobility & MASD
Native American in Massachusetts

Never threaten anyone. It ruins the surprise.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Messages in this topic (13)

13. Question about feeding RMB
Posted by: "Stephanie Bowers" sfbowers@austin.rr.com stephges
Date: Wed Oct 3, 2007 10:10 pm ((PDT))

So, I'm fixing to start my 53 lbs. basset hound on a raw diet, but
I'm a little confused about feeding RMBs. I'm planning on feeding her
roughly 80/10/10. I feel really stupid asking this, but how do you
know how much bone to give? If I'm feeding a RMB, how do I determine
how much is meat and how much bone? Does the meat on the RMB count
towards the muscle meat? I'm sorry if I'm confusing anyone, but I
have a tendency to overthink things and make them more complicated
than they have to be. I just want to make sure that over time
Medina's diet is balanced.

Stephanie Bowers

> Also, don't forget
> that organs need to be a part in the diet-the chorus here is 80% meat,
> 10% bone, 5% organ meat and 5% liver.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Messages in this topic (1)

14. Re: mange
Posted by: "tantelin22@aol.com" tantelin22@aol.com tantelindar
Date: Wed Oct 3, 2007 10:10 pm ((PDT))

In a message dated 10/3/2007 9:41:55 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com writes:

> All I know is that they both itch like crazy. I thought they were
supposed to be healthier being on a raw diet?


Do your dogs have mange? Are you sure?

If not, consider that actual food allergies are the body's irrational immune
response to alien protein. It's possible that one of the protein's you're
feeding sets off the histamine response in your dog. The only way to be sure
is the food elimination diet (which my parents and pediatrician did to me
when I was 7...).

For a week, just feed chicken. If the situation clears up, you know chicken
is safe. Pick another protein, and feed one meal a day, feeding chicken at
the other. Do this for three days; if there's no reaction, you have two safe
meats. Continue until all the proteins you feed have been cleared or
you've identified the one(s) that are setting off the itching.

Good luck... at least a dog doesn't eat the variety that had a human
usually does. When I had to go through this, it took five months.

<======================================== >
Blessed Be with An Honorable Peace!
Tante Lin

Maxine is my Hero! She says:
My idea of rebooting is kicking somebody in the butt twice.
Don't let aging get you down: it's too hard to get back up!
If you woke up breathing, congratulations!
You have another chance!

************************************** See what's new at http://www.aol.com

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Messages in this topic (1)

15a. Thanks for the advice... raw on a budget?
Posted by: "kwrestad" kwrestad@yahoo.com kwrestad
Date: Wed Oct 3, 2007 10:12 pm ((PDT))


Thank you for the advice... keep it coming. I just moved to a new town
and am going to seek out a good butcher. Also going to add some
different protein sources. They do get organ meat occasionally, but
probably not often enough. My biggest concern is trying to feed a good
healthful raw diet without breaking the bank. Any advice on how to
feed raw on a budget?


Messages in this topic (6)

16a. Re: FREECYCLE (was: Cheap meat)
Posted by: "Laurie Swanson" laurie@mckinneyphoto.com las_lala
Date: Wed Oct 3, 2007 10:37 pm ((PDT))

A couple recent posts about this: #142945 & 142998.


--- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, "T Smith" <coldbeach@...> wrote:
> Can anyone tell me what to write to this list to look for meats?

Messages in this topic (3)

17a. Re: runns in house & gagging!
Posted by: "Laurie Swanson" laurie@mckinneyphoto.com las_lala
Date: Wed Oct 3, 2007 11:58 pm ((PDT))

Hi Trina,

I'm sorry for the learning curve--we all have to go through it. But,
beef bones are generally not recommended, so I'm not sure if you got
the idea they are ok from this list. Some dogs will eat them and
some will do ok on them, but they are dense and can be teeth wreckers
and also probably much more difficult to digest than the bones from
smaller animals (chicken, turkey, goat, pork, some lamb bones,
etc.). It's ok--sounds like your dog will be fine. You might want
to take it slower on the variety to keep things more stable and keep
reading for better ways to introduce more variety/new things. Some
people just go for it and don't get too bothered by "issues," but it
sounds like you might be one of the many others who have an easier
time taking it a bit more slowly. But we all try something at some
point that causes gas or loose stool or a bone scratches their throat
or something. Stuff happens. You put up with the little stuff like
that to avoid the bigger risks of periodontal disease, skin problems,
cancer, etc.

Hang in there,


--- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, "T Smith" <coldbeach@...> wrote:
> No one's 'fault'. We let her have it since it has been almost a
week, we
> didn't think it would be so horrible. Remember I am VERY new to
> feeding, I don't want to be made to feel guilty for feeding a
something I
> didn't know she wasn't ready for.
> On 10/1/07, costrowski75 <Chriso75@...> wrote:
> >
> > "T Smith" <coldbeach@> wrote:
> > >> She did get a beef bone to chew on, could this be the cause of
> > whole
> > > mess??????
> > *****
> > Yes.
> > And whose fault is that?
> > Chris O
> >
> >
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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