Feed Pets Raw Food

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

[rawfeeding] Digest Number 12109

There are 26 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1a. Re: [raw feeding] How expired is expired
From: Karen Swanay
1b. Re: [raw feeding] How expired is expired
From: Sandee Lee
1c. Re: [raw feeding] How expired is expired
From: Carol Dunster
1d. Re: [raw feeding] How expired is expired
From: Sandee Lee
1e. Re: [raw feeding] How expired is expired
From: Sonja

2a. Re: mange...
From: Sandee Lee
2b. Re: mange...
From: Michelle Grabert

3a. Re: Shedding on raw
From: Giselle

4a. Re: I would like to learn more about raw food !
From: Giselle

5a. Re: Chewing bones
From: girlndocs
5b. Re: Chewing bones
From: Sandee Lee

6a. Re: Dry Skin but Feeding Raw
From: Sandee Lee

7a. Re: Frustrated and cannot find any answers - I'm In The Same Boat
From: Maiakitas@aol.com
7b. Re: Frustrated and cannot find any answers - I'm In The Same Boat
From: Giselle

8a. Re: Oil
From: Sandee Lee
8b. Re: Oil
From: aliciamyan
8c. Re: Oil
From: Laura Atkinson

9a. Re: Success!
From: Shannon Hully

10a. Re: scared newbie
From: Alisha Johnson

11a. Demodicosis mange and RAW
From: trayc2244
11b. Re: Demodicosis mange and RAW
From: Sandee Lee

12a. Re: scared newbie.....now not so scared
From: Giselle

13a. Re: Plant Material {previously - Re: Adding on to Supplement Questio
From: Sandee Lee

14a. Re: Salmon oil questions and.....
From: Giselle

15a. Re: Day 3 raw feeding;
From: Giselle

16. Garlic - Yes or No
From: Roseann


1a. Re: [raw feeding] How expired is expired
Posted by: "Karen Swanay" luvbullbreeds@gmail.com kswanay1111
Date: Tue Oct 2, 2007 3:01 pm ((PDT))

if it's been frozen I don't see why not. You could take it and thaw some
and give it a sniff.

On 10/2/07, Brandi Bryant <bbryant573@gmail.com> wrote:
> Well, my freecycle ad worked - I have response from someone that has
> meat from '05 and '06 - of course I know '06 would be alright...but
> from '05??? Can dogs handle that kinda stuff?
> --
> Brandi
> Bartlesville, Ok
> www.obediencetrainingclubofbartlesville.com

"Family isn't about whose blood you have. It's about who you care about."

LOI 1/26/07
PA 3/22/07
DTC 8/10/07
Disclaimer: Any errors in spelling, tact, or fact are transmission errors.

~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~

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Messages in this topic (6)

1b. Re: [raw feeding] How expired is expired
Posted by: "Sandee Lee" rlee@plix.com mariasmom2001
Date: Tue Oct 2, 2007 4:14 pm ((PDT))

No problem Brandi...but if you are worried you can send it to me!! :))

Sandee & the Dane Gang

From: "Brandi Bryant" <bbryant573@gmail.com>

> Well, my freecycle ad worked - I have response from someone that has
> meat from '05 and '06 - of course I know '06 would be alright...but
> from '05??? Can dogs handle that kinda stuff?

Messages in this topic (6)

1c. Re: [raw feeding] How expired is expired
Posted by: "Carol Dunster" cedunster@centurytel.net carwynst
Date: Tue Oct 2, 2007 4:34 pm ((PDT))

On Tue, 2 Oct 2007 16:31:38 -0500, you wrote:

>Well, my freecycle ad worked - I have response from someone that has
>meat from '05 and '06 - of course I know '06 would be alright...but
>from '05??? Can dogs handle that kinda stuff?

I've eaten some wonderful venison frozen four years ago. Well packaged
and kept frozen it was fine.
~ Carol
Carol Dunster

Messages in this topic (6)

1d. Re: [raw feeding] How expired is expired
Posted by: "Sandee Lee" rlee@plix.com mariasmom2001
Date: Tue Oct 2, 2007 4:48 pm ((PDT))

Yeah, we recently were given some older meat "for the dogs" when friends
were moving. There was one big honkin' package of porterhouse steaks (dated
2005) which I thawed last week, fully intending to feed to the dogs. Boy,
those were good steaks...some of the best we've had in a long time!!! LOL

Back on the topic of feeding dogs...they did get most of the donated meat!

Sandee & the Dane Gang

From: "Carol Dunster" <cedunster@centurytel.net>

I've eaten some wonderful venison frozen four years ago. Well packaged
and kept frozen it was fine.

Messages in this topic (6)

1e. Re: [raw feeding] How expired is expired
Posted by: "Sonja" ladyver@sbcglobal.net lonepalm77
Date: Tue Oct 2, 2007 6:05 pm ((PDT))

I have a vacuum packer and I have a bad habit of stocking up on a LOT of meats when they are on sale (mostly for us....the dog's meat doesn't get vacuum packed). Occasionally I don't quite get everything rotated and we'll eat meats that I packed a few years back. A few weeks ago I ate a delicious bacon-wrapped filet that I packed in 2005, DH ate one packed a few months ago. We compared them side by side and couldn't tell the difference. I wouldn't hesitate giving my dog meat that's been working on it's freezer burn for a few years. Meat is meat.

From my understanding, grocers/butchers can't sell meat that's been in the deep freeze for over a year. At least, they can't sell it for human consumption. If you ever run across "distressed" meat, that's generally the term they use for the stuff that's been frozen for over a year. This is how it was expalined to me though SoCalBarf, the buying group where I get my meat.


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Messages in this topic (6)

2a. Re: mange...
Posted by: "Sandee Lee" rlee@plix.com mariasmom2001
Date: Tue Oct 2, 2007 3:27 pm ((PDT))


Mite issues are a problem of the immune system. They are always present but
don't cause any issues unless there is some sort of stressor in the dog's
lives. This will not be cured by using the various dips and drugs,
certainly wouldn't be helped by feeding an inappropriate diet.

Keep up with the raw, make sure you are feeding lots of meat and good fats,
up the amount of Omega 3 and keep them away from the vet. No drugs, no
vaccines, no topical preventatives, etc. Provide a fun healthy environment
and give this some time to resolve itself.

Sandee & the Dane Gang

From: "LaUrA" <laurasue17@hotmail.com>
> So I am questioning things and I am unsure of myself now...(both of our
dogs are raw fed dogs)...please tell me otherwise...about a month ago Zoey
(8 month old pit mix) was diagnosed with Demodex mange. The vet gave the
Ivamectin or something. I gave it to her like I was supposed to and it still
hasn't gone away. I think Snoopy has it now. All I know is that they both
itch like crazy. I thought they were supposed to be healthier being on a raw
diet? Seems like we are about to run into the vicious cycle of visiting the
vet again. Any suggestions? They are both really itchy. Both of them have
little bald spots. It's not fleas. You know, it just really bothers me when
my babys are sick or not feeling well, know what I mean? We go for another
skin scrape in about an hour tonight. I know she still has the mange, the
bald spots aren't going away and she is still itching like crazy. All the
remedies I look up online seems like mmmm...poisons to put on or in them.
That doesn't go along with the "natural" raw diet. Although the Ivermectin
probably doesn't either...) I don't know. I am just at loss and don't know
anyone else personally, aside from groups that raw feeds.

Messages in this topic (3)

2b. Re: mange...
Posted by: "Michelle Grabert" chalienme@yahoo.com chalienme
Date: Tue Oct 2, 2007 3:51 pm ((PDT))

this is what I can tell you from my own experience,. I had a dog with Demo..she didn't itch and no other dogs even though kept in with her got it. The hair and spots do take a long time to go away, weeks and weeks,. It was treated with Ivermec orally for two weeks. This sounds more like sarcoptic mange (scabies) which is known to cause intence itching and spreads rapidly among dogs and humans too. I don;t know if the treatement would be different but maybe harder to treat and be gone>? especially with multiple dogs having it? I do know Ivermec is suppose to knock almost anything out. But I beleive with Scabies they may need to be on antibiotic-steroid in addition to releive the itching. michelle

LaUrA <laurasue17@hotmail.com> wrote: *** Mod Note: please no monster sig lines--this sig trimmed for you ***

So I am questioning things and I am unsure of myself now...(both of our dogs are raw fed dogs)...please tell me otherwise...about a month ago Zoey (8 month old pit mix) was diagnosed with Demodex mange. The vet gave the Ivamectin or something. I gave it to her like I was supposed to and it still hasn't gone away. I think Snoopy has it now. All I know is that they both itch like crazy. I thought they were supposed to be healthier being on a raw diet? Seems like we are about to run into the vicious cycle of visiting the vet again. Any suggestions? They are both really itchy. Both of them have little bald spots. It's not fleas. You know, it just really bothers me when my babys are sick or not feeling well, know what I mean? We go for another skin scrape in about an hour tonight. I know she still has the mange, the bald spots aren't going away and she is still itching like crazy. All the remedies I look up online seems like mmmm...poisons to put on or in them. That doesn't go
along with the "natural" raw diet. (Although the Ivermectin probably doesn't either...) I don't know. I am just at loss and don't know anyone else personally, aside from groups that raw feeds.

Proud Mommy to Miss Samantha (10 years old going on 16! LOL!!) and step mom to Heather -17, Nikki - 14 and Michelle - 9 - the most beautiful girls in the world!!!!!
Mom to furbabies: Snoopy (male - neutered - 13 month old - pit mix - 60lbs.) and Zoey (female - spayed - 8 month old - pit mix - approx. 50lbs.)

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Messages in this topic (3)

3a. Re: Shedding on raw
Posted by: "Giselle" megan.giselle@gmail.com megangiselle
Date: Tue Oct 2, 2007 3:32 pm ((PDT))

Hi, Josephine!
Correct me if I'm wrong, but are you suggesting that Kae
feed soy to a carnivore?

Soy 'anything' is not a species appropriate food for a dog.

Horses are herbivores, they have evolved to get their nutrition from
plant matter.

And, btw, raw isn't all protein - there's skin, and fat, and bone and....

Check out this link;

Enter different meats into the field box, choose a body part and
amount and compare the grams of protein and different nutrients in
raw. They don't do bone, its counted as 'refuse' so the amount of
protein a raw fed dog will get would be even lower.
100 grams = 3.52739619 ounces

Feeding inappropriate plant matter or restricting protein isn't the

with Bea in New Jersey

> I wonder if its like with horses.. some that are given more protein
> then they are used to.. (some meats have more then others. such as
turkey is
> very high in protein) as i found when given more protein that my
older horse
> shed constantly. just NOW remembered that what i had used to
supplement his
> diet was soy meal.
> AND was reading earlier this morning. that soy is an estrogen based
> AND that if animals are FED soy in their diet.. that its also putting
> estrogen into their muscle.. IE: the meat that dogs eat..
> might be a case of finding out where the meat is grown? and what
feeds they
> are being given. not sure if that is an option to switch.. though??

> --
> Josephine MorningStar & Heather, Pyr, Mobility & MASD
> Native American in Massachusetts
> Never threaten anyone. It ruins the surprise.
> www.apachecreations.com

Messages in this topic (6)

4a. Re: I would like to learn more about raw food !
Posted by: "Giselle" megan.giselle@gmail.com megangiselle
Date: Tue Oct 2, 2007 3:39 pm ((PDT))

You didn't tell us your name, or anything about your dog(s).

I have lots of recommendations;

post # 141374

Some great websites;



You might want to print out the info you find, and highlight the
relevant parts.

TC, tell us about your dogs, and keep us updated on your progress!
with Bea in New Jersey

> I am a new member and I don't know anything about raw food what is the
> best website to learn more about raw food for dogs and any place they
> give what should I give and the quantity?

Messages in this topic (4)

5a. Re: Chewing bones
Posted by: "girlndocs" girlndocs@hotmail.com girlndocs
Date: Tue Oct 2, 2007 3:52 pm ((PDT))

Hi Sarah,

> Now that I've got Fern attempting to eat the chicken, I'm noticing
> that the real stumbling block seems to be chewing the larger pieces
> of chicken. It's like she doesn't know what to do with them. I don't
> think I should cut things up smaller b/c that's part of the point of
> feeding raw, right? But she seems to eat the smaller pieces that get
> separated from the main large piece(s) and that's it.

Zoe did exactly the same thing. She just didn't know what to do with
it. I already observed that she was a very thorough chewer, so I felt
comfortable cutting her meals up for her in the short term to get her
used to eating the new food.

The "weaning" went something like this:

bite size seared and hand offered
bite size hand offered
bite size and seared offered on the floor
bite size offered on the floor
big piece seared and hand offered
big piece hand offered
big piece offered on floor

And I progressed one step each day, so it took about a week. I still
didn't coax or change what I fed her -- if she turned her nose up at
it I repeated the same step the next day (so, ok, a little more than a
week due to "menu repeats").

It's been a month and she's chowing down just about anything I throw
in her crate for her, so in some circumstances making things easier by
cutting up can grease the process. I wouldn't have done it for a
gulper, though, no question about it.

(BTW, I cut through chicken quarters with a clean pair of pruning shears.)


Messages in this topic (4)

5b. Re: Chewing bones
Posted by: "Sandee Lee" rlee@plix.com mariasmom2001
Date: Tue Oct 2, 2007 4:04 pm ((PDT))


You could try slicing into them in a few places to give her a starting

Sandee & the Dane Gang

From: "qsgirl916" <qsgirl916@yahoo.com>

Now that I've got Fern attempting to eat the chicken, I'm noticing that
the real stumbling block seems to be chewing the larger pieces of
chicken. It's like she doesn't know what to do with them.

I don't think I should cut things up smaller b/c that's part of the
point of feeding raw, right? But she seems to eat the smaller pieces
that get separated from the main large piece(s) and that's it.

Messages in this topic (4)

6a. Re: Dry Skin but Feeding Raw
Posted by: "Sandee Lee" rlee@plix.com mariasmom2001
Date: Tue Oct 2, 2007 3:52 pm ((PDT))


Those products are notoriously lacking in meat and fat so that could be the

Sandee & the Dane Gang

From: "Sarah Retzer" <s_retzer@yahoo.com>

> Thanks everyone for the great advice. I will pass on the info.
> She is feeding a blend that she buys from a local health petfood store. I
don't know the ratio offhand but I'll have a look. I'm sure with all the
great advice we can figure out what the issue is!

Messages in this topic (7)

7a. Re: Frustrated and cannot find any answers - I'm In The Same Boat
Posted by: "Maiakitas@aol.com" Maiakitas@aol.com maiakitas
Date: Tue Oct 2, 2007 3:55 pm ((PDT))

HI Giselle,

Well, Beau ate half of a big, ole 8 lb chicken today after I laced it with
tripe. I don't know if he was THAT hungry, which is a distinct possibility, or
it was the tripe or the combo, but only time will tell.

The raw mixed with his training treats did not go over any better today, but
perhaps I put in too much raw, so I'll play around with the mixture.

Thanks for the suggestions and I'll keep you posted. Any other suggestions or
thoughts to get this white boy on track still appreciated.


See what's new at


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Messages in this topic (2)

7b. Re: Frustrated and cannot find any answers - I'm In The Same Boat
Posted by: "Giselle" megan.giselle@gmail.com megangiselle
Date: Tue Oct 2, 2007 5:52 pm ((PDT))

Hi, Carla!
Just keep on truckin', he'll get there!

> Well, Beau ate half of a big, ole 8 lb chicken today after I laced
it with
> tripe. I don't know if he was THAT hungry, which is a distinct
possibility, or
> it was the tripe or the combo, but only time will tell.
> The raw mixed with his training treats did not go over any better
today, but
> perhaps I put in too much raw, so I'll play around with the mixture.
> Thanks for the suggestions and I'll keep you posted. Any other
suggestions or
> thoughts to get this white boy on track still appreciated.
> Regards,
> Carla
> **************************************
> See what's new at
> http://www.aol.com
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Messages in this topic (2)

8a. Re: Oil
Posted by: "Sandee Lee" rlee@plix.com mariasmom2001
Date: Tue Oct 2, 2007 4:07 pm ((PDT))

Those vitamins are already plentiful in the diet and CLO is about useless
for providing the necessary Omega 3 which is generally the purpose of
supplementing with oils to begin with.

Sandee & the Dane Gang

From: "briargarden07" <briargarden07@yahoo.com>

I've always supplemented w/ Cod Liver Oil. It is high in the fat
soluble vitamins A & D, so I do not feed it on a daily basis. But those
vitamins are needed in the diet, and cod liver oil is a good addition
to the diet in moderation. My dogs tolerate it much better than salmon
oil, and never understood why its got such a bad rap!

Messages in this topic (8)

8b. Re: Oil
Posted by: "aliciamyan" alicia_larson@msn.com aliciamyan
Date: Tue Oct 2, 2007 4:33 pm ((PDT))

--- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, "Andrea" <poketmouse45@...> wrote:
> A good raw diet already supplies enough vit A and D, so when you give
> CLO you can unintentionally oversupplement those vitamins. Vit A
> doesn't get excreted when in excess, it builds up in the body and can
> build up to toxic levels. IMO, if you are adding oil for O3 purposes
> it is best to give something that doesn't have the extras.
> Andrea

So, I went to the pet store today with the idea of purchasing salmon
oil - because that's what I read about here. When I got there, I let
the clerk talk me into 17oz of CLO instead - since we are in Oregon and
won't see the sun again for another 6 months - if we're lucky. I came
home to discover this dialog and links about CLO not being a good
option. Timing is everything and I don't have it! Because we are just
starting out - only feeding chicken for now - should I go ahead and use
the CLO and then switch to Salmon? I assume will go through it quick
since I'm feeding two dogs, 90lb+ GSD and a 50lb lab. Or is the risk
of overdose not worth the inconvenience of returning it to the store?
Not looking forward to returning to the pet store so soon...see message
about plant material for how the first visit went...


Messages in this topic (8)

8c. Re: Oil
Posted by: "Laura Atkinson" llatkinson@gmail.com lauraatkinson2002
Date: Tue Oct 2, 2007 4:39 pm ((PDT))

Return it and get your money back. That's what I'd do. You don't even have
to enter any debate, just say "I picked up the wrong oil and need to return

On 10/2/07, aliciamyan <alicia_larson@msn.com> wrote:

Not looking forward to returning to the pet store so soon...see message
about plant material for how the first visit went...


Laura A
Kaos Siberians http://www.kaossiberians.com
Many people would sooner die than think; In fact, they do so.
Bertrand Russell

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Messages in this topic (8)

9a. Re: Success!
Posted by: "Shannon Hully" summerwolf@theherbalhotline.com bluehankw
Date: Tue Oct 2, 2007 4:32 pm ((PDT))

I get all of my "cat food" (read: guinea pigs, quail, chicks, and
rats) from www.rodentpro.com right now. We're moving out of country
and I've had to scramble to find a new supplier for their food as
none of these suppliers here can ship to Canada.

RodentPro also has rabbits and mice. Kind of expensive on the
shipping though. There are quite a few places you can order online
for such things, which one you choose depends a lot on where you're
located (as far as shipping costs go). With RodentPro they have
weekly specials on things they've got excess of, you can get some
amazing prices sometimes, generally on the larger sizes of things
(good for dogs, too big for my kitties).

I recently found http://www.prey4pets.com/servlet/StoreFront and if
we were sticking around this country I'd go with them, I really like
her ideals and practices for the meats she sells.

Shannon H.

> You feed guinea pigs? I never heard of those being sold for food,
only as
> pets. Where does one go to purchase small animals meant for food?
> Mona

Messages in this topic (16)

10a. Re: scared newbie
Posted by: "Alisha Johnson" charlieschoicetreatco@yahoo.ca charlieschoicetreatco
Date: Tue Oct 2, 2007 4:33 pm ((PDT))

I too have a gulper pug....I trained her to chew by giving her frozen turkey necks(straight out of the deep freeze) this way she has to rip and tear and now I find I can give her other chunks of meat(not frozen) and she does a much better job at chewing....the odd time she will still try to swallow a peice that is too big and wreches it back up...but she is sooooo much better...also it brushed their teeth and massages their gums extremely well!


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Messages in this topic (15)

11a. Demodicosis mange and RAW
Posted by: "trayc2244" BreeZ119@catt.com trayc2244
Date: Tue Oct 2, 2007 4:33 pm ((PDT))

I am probably going to be fostering(adopting) a dog that has
demodicosis mange. Is it a good or bad idea to go ahead and start her
on the raw diet? Should I wait until she is completly healed first?


Messages in this topic (2)

11b. Re: Demodicosis mange and RAW
Posted by: "Sandee Lee" rlee@plix.com mariasmom2001
Date: Tue Oct 2, 2007 4:38 pm ((PDT))

Start her on raw immediately. No better way to build up/support the immune
system then by feeding an appropriate diet! :)

Sandee & the Dane Gang

From: "trayc2244" <BreeZ119@catt.com>

I am probably going to be fostering(adopting) a dog that has
demodicosis mange. Is it a good or bad idea to go ahead and start her
on the raw diet? Should I wait until she is completly healed first?

Messages in this topic (2)

12a. Re: scared newbie.....now not so scared
Posted by: "Giselle" megan.giselle@gmail.com megangiselle
Date: Tue Oct 2, 2007 4:42 pm ((PDT))

Hi, Carmie!
Keep us posted on your progress!
with Bea in New Jersey

> Thank you, Thank you! I thank everyone who replied to my fear. I think
> I get it now. "Dogs don't chew like we do" Okay..breath, big pieces and
> let dogs be dogs. Thank you again, this site is great, Carmie

Messages in this topic (15)

13a. Re: Plant Material {previously - Re: Adding on to Supplement Questio
Posted by: "Sandee Lee" rlee@plix.com mariasmom2001
Date: Tue Oct 2, 2007 4:43 pm ((PDT))

You better do some quick reading so you can return that oil cuz CLO is not
what you want to be using for a supplement. :))

Seriously, if you are looking to add some good Omega 3 to the diet, you need
fish body (not liver) oil or salmon oil. A & D are already plentiful in the
diet and in order to get any amount of Omega 3 you'd have to OD on those

Sandee & the Dane Gang

Being new at
this and a bit nervous, I probably didn't come off as confident as
I'd like. Hopefully the oil will last long enough for me to read
more and see more positive results so I'll be ready if the topic re-
surfaces when I go back.

Messages in this topic (12)

14a. Re: Salmon oil questions and.....
Posted by: "Giselle" megan.giselle@gmail.com megangiselle
Date: Tue Oct 2, 2007 5:12 pm ((PDT))


I even saw Lis posting her own List on here today......

and for good measure;



Thanks, Carol!

> Hi Laura,
> We can see you're not a big reader, lol.
> Your wish is Giselle's command. She post either
> a link to a page for newbies or post it over and over
> again, sometimes several times a day, lol........
> It is a wonderful page and should help you alot if you take the time
> to read it..........
> Oh Look! Here it is again! I sure hope Giselle doesn't mind me
> sending it on....
> Link; http://pets.groups.yahoo.com/group/rawfeeding/message/141374
> Hope this helps.....
> Carol, Charkee & Moli

Messages in this topic (10)

15a. Re: Day 3 raw feeding;
Posted by: "Giselle" megan.giselle@gmail.com megangiselle
Date: Tue Oct 2, 2007 5:40 pm ((PDT))

Hi, Alex!
I'm glad to read that you and GiGi are doing well, and not
panicking! ^_^

Why not just give her a small snack or treat in the pm? A chicken
heart or gizzard isn't much, but it can stave off the "I'm starving!"
looks and stop your guilty feelings. 'Specially if you dice them up
and offer one bit at a time for a sit, or a 'trick'. Makes 'em last
longer, and you both have fun interacting. It can also help to reduce
or eliminate BV or BBV in the early am hours. You could also offer her
a Bully Stick or chicken feets to chew.

Her digestion will improve as time goes on, and you won't be seeing
even those bits of bone, they will be fuel for your carnivore's fire, too!

Don't you just love feeding raw? Its so, green! ; )
with Bea in New Jersey

> Other than that, just gonna stick with chicken quarters for a few
> weeks maybe throwing in an organ here or there. I consider these
> past 3 days a success, so just gonna keep taking it slow.
> Alex Dewey

Messages in this topic (3)

16. Garlic - Yes or No
Posted by: "Roseann" rgabrys@wyan.org gaiabreeze
Date: Tue Oct 2, 2007 6:05 pm ((PDT))

I've read so much lately about optimum diets for dogs and more than a
little has been conflicting but this question really needs an answer.
Is garlic like onion and dangerous to feed to your dog or is it a useful
supplement to a raw diet? I've read you should Never feed it and I've
also read to include it Often. Is there a consensus here? Thanks for
an opportunity to ask.
Roseann aka Gaiabreeze

Messages in this topic (1)

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