Feed Pets Raw Food

Saturday, September 15, 2007

[rawfeeding] Digest Number 12038

There are 12 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1a. Re: Ostrich Egg
From: merril Woolf

2a. Re: 2 weeks on Raw
From: linoleum5017

3a. Re: raw vs. cooked / other newbie questions
From: carnesbill
3b. Re: raw vs. cooked / other newbie questions
From: merril Woolf

4a. Re: About Chicken
From: Renate

5a. Re: I need help starting a Raw diet for my Rottweiler
From: carnesbill
5b. Re: I need help starting a Raw diet for my Rottweiler
From: Giselle

6a. Re: Worried about a possible blockage?
From: Sandee Lee
6b. Re: Worried about a possible blockage?
From: linoleum5017

7a. Re: Trimming...
From: Melindhra

8a. "Treats?"
From: rareimer1979
8b. Re: "Treats?"
From: Dave Brown


1a. Re: Ostrich Egg
Posted by: "merril Woolf" merril@kentfieldwhippets.com whippetsrus2002
Date: Fri Sep 14, 2007 6:46 pm ((PDT))

--- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, "costrowski75" <Chriso75@...> wrote:
> "Susanne MacLeod" <suzmacleod@> wrote:
> >It's
> > almost a big as a football. Huge for my 2 Frenchies!
> *****
> Zounds!
> I vote you scramble the contents, then freeze the results in a ice cube
> tray so that you can feed through the monster in gentle doses.
> Chris O

Heck, one of those wouldn't be enough for my crew.

Anyway, you got a good deal and hope your guys enjoy it. I often feed un-hatched ostrich
eggs and they are definitely on the weird list of feeding items. The hatched version would
be so much nicer to try though.


Messages in this topic (16)

2a. Re: 2 weeks on Raw
Posted by: "linoleum5017" linoleum5017@yahoo.com linoleum5017
Date: Fri Sep 14, 2007 7:43 pm ((PDT))


Sounds like you're off to a great start for your lucky-to-be-rescued-
from-being-bait doggie. Great mix of meat & organs! Keep reading
the posts on this list to refine your choices, but be encouraged
that you're doing a wonderful thing for him!


--- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, "gbongi1" <gbongi1@...> wrote:
> He was used as coyote bait on the farm.

> He is about 1.2 years old. 33lbs. Great dog.
> I have been feeding my Heeler mix raw chicken for 2 weeks now.
> How I do it:
> - Buy whole oven stuffers.
> - Quarter them.
> - skin them.
> - He gets a quarter a day.
> - He also eats Lamb heart, beef heart, Chicken livers, Necks and
> gizzards as a "side" or later in the evening.

Messages in this topic (2)

3a. Re: raw vs. cooked / other newbie questions
Posted by: "carnesbill" carnesw@bellsouth.net carnesbill
Date: Fri Sep 14, 2007 7:44 pm ((PDT))

--- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, "spricketysprock"
<jess.hamway@...> wrote:
> I generally feed enough bone so that he poops regularly.
> Should that
> be adequate to ensure a proper calcium-phosphorous ratio or
> should I be more diligent?

Don't spend a lot of time worrying about cal/phos ratio. Do you
worry about it in your own diet? If not, then don't worry about it
in your dog's diet.

> Is that an adequate diet? I'm afraid to introduce pork, I've
> heard too
> many horror stories, and don't have much access to other cuts
> of meat
> that are reasonably priced.

Forget the old wives tales you hear about pork. If you live in the
US or Canada or Australia pork bought in a grocery store is as safe
as any other meat. Thousands upon thousands of us feed pork at
least once a week with no prolems and have been doing so for years.
I would wager that after poultry, pork is the most often fed meat in
a dog's raw diet. IMO you need a little more variety.

> My dog is around 65 lbs, 10.5 yrs, a shepherd mix. I would REALLY
> appreciate it if someone could tell me just how much liver
> he should
> be getting... I have a feeling I'm not feeding nearly enough
> (one palm-
> sized piece every 3 weeks or so) but I'm afraid to feed too much
> because I heard too much vit. A is toxic.

You would almost have to feed nothing but liver to get enough Vit A
to be toxic. Don't worry about it. I feed a about a fist size glob
every week or so to dogs twice the size of yours. I am more
concerned that I am feeding enough rather than too much.

> Also, I'm wondering if anyone on this group are long-time
> veterans of
> raw feeding, and how your dogs have responded to it. Anyone
> here feed
> raw to a pup through old age?

I've only been feeding almost 5 years so I don't consider myself a
long-time raw feeder. Both of my dogs and both cats are in perfect
health as far as I know.

Bill Carnes

Feeding Raw since October 2002

"Unnatural diets predispose animals to unnatural outcomes"
Dr. Tom Lonsdale

Messages in this topic (4)

3b. Re: raw vs. cooked / other newbie questions
Posted by: "merril Woolf" merril@kentfieldwhippets.com whippetsrus2002
Date: Fri Sep 14, 2007 7:44 pm ((PDT))

> Also, I'm wondering if anyone on this group are long-time veterans of
> raw feeding, and how your dogs have responded to it. Anyone here feed
> raw to a pup through old age?
> I'm loving this group, thanks so much everyone!!
> Jessica and Toby

Everyone who has seen my response to this just close your ears.

Yes, I'm a long term raw feeder. I have raised, bred and laid to rest a lot of raw fed dogs
over the years. It's the only thing I'd ever feed and the only thing I do feed. (other than a
short stint feeding 50/50 kibble raw during the late 80's-early 90's, all have been only raw

I feed many odd items but that's because I make it my lifes work to make sure my dogs
have a never ending supply of different food items.

We feed:
chicken in any form
rabbit - hares and domestic
goat in all forms - grass fed
whole cows - grass fed
some lamb/mutton
ostich in all forms
some venison
pork - all forms
whole fish - all kinds
very green tripe (some stomach contents as well as the stomach lining)
free fall fruit from our own trees (their choice)
free range veggies from our own garden (their choice)
table scraps
the heads from all kinds of critters (cow, goat, rabbit, chicken etc)
un-laid ostrich egss (no shell)
anything else that comes their way.

My sister lives with us and has her own dogs who she raw feeds.
She has 2 15 year olds
I have 2 15 year olds
We both have a pack that range in age from 6 months to the aforementioned 15 years.
They don't eat kibble and don't know what it is.
The average age at death for my dogs is 16 with 17 being the oldest and 15 being the
youngest. NONE have died from any diet related health problems.
They all remain healthy into old age with wonderful coats and good teeth. No dentals.
These are working dogs who compete at a very high level within their breed. Many people
have converted to raw because of my dogs and how they look.

I recently had a vet staying with us for the week and she was amazed at the health of all
our dogs and was quick to tell me how well they looked.
The vet is a kibble feeder but with a bit of help from me, is changing over to raw bit by bit.

One person at a time, that's all we ask.

I wean all my pups to raw as it's all they know. Never had a dog with any digestive
problem ever. Never have diarreah or stomach upsets. They all have iron stomachs.


Messages in this topic (4)

4a. Re: About Chicken
Posted by: "Renate" renate.tideswell@gmail.com tideswell_renate
Date: Fri Sep 14, 2007 7:44 pm ((PDT))

I'm in Canada, and I haven't seen meat anywhere near the $1 per pound you
guys are talking about, and our dollar has been only about 10cents below
yours. I used to be a sheep farmer and rabbit farmer, so I know these guys
would love to get some better prices than they can get in the normal course
of farming. There's a quite large egg farm up the road that I'm thinking
for the chicken and I still have some rabbit contacts for culls. And
there's the abbatoir that has been really great so far with special
requests. So I can probably get them to put aside all those beefy and porky
bits people don't want. Then there's my freezer that is full of
freezer-burned beef and the somewhat lame grocery store sales. If I can put
it all together it may well cost less than the price of Canidae which is
what I'm feeding at the moment. And a lot more interesting - for me and for
the dogs!

This is really exciting. I'm learning so much. Thank you all!
'The more I learn about men, the more I love my Shih Tzu'

On 9/14/07, Morledzep@aol.com <Morledzep@aol.com> wrote:
> if you can get the culled layers for less than you can buy fryers in the
> grocery store go for it.. dogs won't care.. and how tough the bones are is
> NOT an
> issue.. no matter how old the chicken is, the bones can never get too
> tough
> for a dog to eat.
> They will still most likely have a kinda lopsided meat/bone ratio like
> grocery store birds do, but that is easily remedied with added meat.
> Catherine R

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Messages in this topic (4)

5a. Re: I need help starting a Raw diet for my Rottweiler
Posted by: "carnesbill" carnesw@bellsouth.net carnesbill
Date: Fri Sep 14, 2007 7:48 pm ((PDT))

--- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, "Jenn" <jamyers@...> wrote:
> I am wanting to start a raw diet for my 4 year old rottweiler.
> I have
> been reading some things, but am at a loss for where to start.

My web page at http://www.skylarzack.com/rawfeeding will get you
started on the right path. It should answer most of your questions.

Get the book "Work Wonders" by Tom Lonsdale. You may download the
book for $9.95 from http://www.ebookmall.com/ebooks-authors/tom-
lonsdale-ebooks.htm or order hard copy either at

http://www.dogwise.com or at http://www.amazon.com (cheaper).

A few informative web sites are:
http://www.skylarzack.com/rawfeeding.htm (My web page)

--- be sure and check the recipes page.

Bill Carnes

Feeding Raw since October 2002

"Unnatural diets predispose animals to unnatural outcomes"
Dr. Tom Lonsdale

Messages in this topic (3)

5b. Re: I need help starting a Raw diet for my Rottweiler
Posted by: "Giselle" megan.giselle@gmail.com megangiselle
Date: Fri Sep 14, 2007 9:54 pm ((PDT))

Hi, Jenn!
Welcome to the raw side!
Start here;

There are others on the list that raw feed ferrets. I'm sure someone
will post with great advice!

For switching cats, visit;

Tc, let us know how you progress!
with Bea in New Jersey

> I am wanting to start a raw diet for my 4 year old rottweiler. I have
> been reading some things, but am at a loss for where to start. We are
> currently feeding her Canidae dry dog food. I also have a 1 year old
> cat and 2 ferrets one who is 4 and one that is 1yr old. Any help on
> starting the raw diet would be extremely helpful. Thanks in advance.
> Jenn Myers

Messages in this topic (3)

6a. Re: Worried about a possible blockage?
Posted by: "Sandee Lee" rlee@plix.com mariasmom2001
Date: Fri Sep 14, 2007 8:05 pm ((PDT))

What exactly are you feeding and which dog has the problem?

Sandee & the Dane Gang

From: "rosielefty" <rosielefty@yahoo.com>
I am new to the site. I read a lot of your messages and read about
raw feeding on the internet. I also bought "Raw Dog Food Make It Easy
For You and Your Dog" by Carina Beth MacDonal. So I don't know enough
yet I am sure. Anyway, I have two Cattle dogs. One is 9 yrs and one is
5 yrs. I have been raw feeding for about four weeks and it has been
rocky. First she didn't want to eat and now possible constipation with
the 5 yr old. The 9 yr old has allergies to everything and he is the
reason I began raw feeding. He likes the meat but has had loose
stools, gas, burping and now very loose stools with very small firmer
peices at the end. I did a really stupid thing. I wasn't sure which
bones were okay and I fed some beef ribs with 1 inch bones. He ate
about three of the bones and now I am very afraid one may be stuck. He
eats some but not enthusiastically. He vomited two nights ago but not
since. Does anyone have any input? Thanks in advance, Beth

Messages in this topic (3)

6b. Re: Worried about a possible blockage?
Posted by: "linoleum5017" linoleum5017@yahoo.com linoleum5017
Date: Fri Sep 14, 2007 8:17 pm ((PDT))

--- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, "rosielefty" <rosielefty@...> wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> I am new to the site. First she didn't want to eat and now
possible constipation with the 5 yr old.

Hi, Beth,

Possibly too much bone in this one's diet. Much like the rest of us,
some need more 'thickening' than others!

The 9 yr old has allergies to everything and he is the reason I began
raw feeding. He likes the meat but has had loose stools, gas, burping
and now very loose stools with very small firmer peices at the end.
Sounds like this one's system might benefit from more bone. Remember,
increased bone produces increased stool firmness. Still, like us,
expect varied stools, depending on what is consumed.

I did a really stupid thing. I wasn't sure which bones were okay and
I fed some beef ribs with 1 inch bones. He ate about three of the
bones and now I am very afraid one may be stuck. He eats some but not
enthusiastically. He vomited two nights ago but not since. Does
anyone have any input?

Need more info, please. What size dog is the 9-year old? Larger dogs
are able to handle larger bones. Ribs are not 'weight-bearing,' so
may fall in the realm of edible bones for your dog, depending on his
size. Vomiting and lack of appetite may not be 'bad things,'
necessarily, coupled with other behaviors. How much is your 9-yr. old
eating, since he last consumed the ribs? And what is his allergy

If the lack of appetite lasts more than 4 or 5 days, it might be
worthwile to go to the vet. Stlll, it would help if you gave more


Messages in this topic (3)

7a. Re: Trimming...
Posted by: "Melindhra" melindhra@gmail.com melindhra
Date: Sat Sep 15, 2007 4:22 am ((PDT))

I know I'm a bit late to the party here, but I just wanted to add one
thing: If you need to remove skin from chicken for whatever reason, you
will find it much easier if you put the chicken in the freezer for a few
minutes beforehand. Even though I am a vegetarian, I know that one trick!

- Melindhra

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Messages in this topic (10)

8a. "Treats?"
Posted by: "rareimer1979" rareimer@gmail.com rareimer1979
Date: Sat Sep 15, 2007 4:23 am ((PDT))

Just wondering what types of things raw feeders use as training treats
and such...or if you use them at all?


Messages in this topic (2)

8b. Re: "Treats?"
Posted by: "Dave Brown" quahog@netnet.net quahogwi
Date: Sat Sep 15, 2007 5:28 am ((PDT))

At 02:25 AM 9/15/2007, you wrote:

>Just wondering what types of things raw feeders use as training treats
>and such...or if you use them at all?

I've been known to make my own jerky and then break it into
pieces. Also, and I know that they're not raw, my Maxx is wild for SPAM.

But on the raw side I use freeze dried raw meat Nibblets from AFS (

http://animalfood.com/db0081/ ) They also have freeze dried chicken
Nibblets as well as freeze dried 100% Green Tripe Nibblets. It just
so happens that I'm a distributor of their products and like them
(was actually using them before I became a distributor). There may
be others out there that I'm not familiar with.

David G. Brown
Real Meal Pet Food
Green Bay, WI

(920) 362-7574

Messages in this topic (2)

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