Feed Pets Raw Food

Thursday, September 6, 2007

[rawfeeding] Digest Number 12006

There are 25 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1.1. Re: new member
From: Linda Norris
1.2. new member
From: costrowski75
1.3. Re: new member
From: Laura Atkinson

2a. My first raw shopping trip.....
From: Bailes2
2b. Re: My first raw shopping trip.....
From: Linda H. Gower

3a. Re: Please help, My dog is constipated
From: morkydzgrl

4a. antibiotics side effect
From: brutus_buckley
4b. Re: antibiotics side effect
From: Andrea
4c. Re: antibiotics side effect
From: Yasuko herron
4d. Re: antibiotics side effect
From: brutus_buckley
4e. Re: antibiotics side effect
From: costrowski75
4f. Re: antibiotics side effect
From: ginny wilken
4g. ADMIN/Re: antibiotics side effect
From: costrowski75

5. where to buy raw? pittsburgh, PA
From: pamela flock

6a. Re: Please, I really need your help
From: Andrea
6b. Re: Please, I really need your help
From: morkydzgrl
6c. Re: Please, I really need your help
From: morkydzgrl
6d. Re: Please, I really need your help
From: Yasuko herron
6e. Re: Please, I really need your help
From: costrowski75
6f. Re: Please, I really need your help
From: Andrea
6g. Re: Please, I really need your help
From: morkydzgrl

7a. Re: San Diego Resources?
From: Sunshine S. Patron

8a. My 5lb. pup had kibble and raw? Help
From: morkydzgrl
8b. Re: My 5lb. pup had kibble and raw? Help
From: costrowski75

9. 7 1/2 month old kitten - ALWAYS HUNGRY! Big Belly
From: helpshelteranimals


1.1. Re: new member
Posted by: "Linda Norris" rodlinkennels@bellnet.ca rodlinboxers
Date: Thu Sep 6, 2007 7:11 am ((PDT))

maybe this is the time to tell you about our latest disaster.
How do I tell an owner of a Bitch that is 3rd generation that has just lost a litter of 10 and her bitch that it didn't have something to do with the raw. She is now going to buy a puppy from a kibble fed bitch and I expect she will ditch the idea of raw feeding.
I am questioning raw my self at times as I have had so many c Sections and problem puppies in the past almost 5 years that it is hard for me to convince people that raw is better.
I got a call from a puppy buyer that was feeding raw - his dog developed allergies and he switched to kibble and low and beholed he hasn't had a problem again - how do I tell him that raw is better.
I do know that in both these cases they really weren't feeding a proper raw diet but they don't know that.
How do I convince my buyers to keep feeding raw and not to over vaccinate or don't vaccinate at all when I can show them the proof that it works.
Linda Norris
home of naturally reared Boxers and Goldens

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Messages in this topic (75)

1.2. new member
Posted by: "costrowski75" Chriso75@AOL.COM costrowski75
Date: Thu Sep 6, 2007 8:54 am ((PDT))

"Linda Norris" <rodlinkennels@...> wrote:
> How do I convince my buyers to keep feeding raw and not to over
vaccinate or don't vaccinate at all when I can show them the proof that
it works.
IMO you can't. You can't make them do what they don't wanna do. You
can put your requirements on paper and hope they don't blow you off;
there's little muscle to most puppy contracts anyway, it seems.

So IMO what you do is not breed unless/until you can nail down
beforehand appropriate natural rearing forever homes for the pups. And
be ready to keep them yourself. Or you lower your standards.

Might be a good idea to pursue this topic on RawChat or Rawbreeder.
It's roamed pretty far from its raw feeding beginnings.
Chris O

Messages in this topic (75)

1.3. Re: new member
Posted by: "Laura Atkinson" llatkinson@gmail.com lauraatkinson2002
Date: Thu Sep 6, 2007 10:40 am ((PDT))

I think, since we rely on ourselves to feed our dogs, instead of what's in a
bag, we have to be constantly evaluating diet.

Can we take this over to raw chat and talk more? I'm getting ready to breed
my first litter <G> and perhaps the excersize of looking at what you
feed/how you feed, in light of the c-sections will help us both? I don't
want to put you on the spot, so we could just go off list to private e-mail
too, if that suits you better.

On 9/6/07, Linda Norris <rodlinkennels@bellnet.ca> wrote:

> maybe this is the time to tell you about our latest disaster.
> How do I tell an owner of a Bitch that is 3rd generation that has just
> lost a litter of 10 and her bitch that it didn't have something to do with
> the raw. She is now going to buy a puppy from a kibble fed bitch and I
> expect she will ditch the idea of raw feeding.
> I am questioning raw my self at times as I have had so many c Sections and
> problem puppies in the past almost 5 years that it is hard for me to
> convince people that raw is better.
> I got a call from a puppy buyer that was feeding raw - his dog developed
> allergies and he switched to kibble and low and beholed he hasn't had a
> problem again - how do I tell him that raw is better.
> I do know that in both these cases they really weren't feeding a proper
> raw diet but they don't know that.
> How do I convince my buyers to keep feeding raw and not to over vaccinate
> or don't vaccinate at all when I can show them the proof that it works.
> Linda
> Linda Norris
> rodlinkennels@bellnet..ca
> www.rodlinboxers.com
> home of naturally reared Boxers and Goldens
> --
> Laura A
> Kaos Siberians http://www.kaossiberians.com
> Many people would sooner die than think; In fact, they do so.
> Bertrand Russell

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Messages in this topic (75)

2a. My first raw shopping trip.....
Posted by: "Bailes2" gingerb@comporium.net ginnie4girls
Date: Thu Sep 6, 2007 7:12 am ((PDT))

I went early this morning and stocked up. I had the $ I would usually
spend on kibble in a month so I just bought meat instead. 5-10lb bags of
chicken quarters, a package of pork neck bones, pigs feet, beef heart,
and 4 containers of chickens livers. I divided up the beef heart and the
neck bones into smaller packages and put them in the freezer along with
4 packs of the chicken. I now have a drawer in my fridge for dog food. I
just gave them their first meal of raw. My 7mo pyr pup Bandit is in
heaven! It took him no time to start eating. He's been a reluctant eater
from day one. He'd get so excited to see me with the food bowl and then
when I'd set it down he'd sniff it and walk away. This morning he sat
right there the whole time I was opening the pack and as soon as I set
his bowl down he was eating. The other two are another story
though.......our lhaso-poo Peanut is scared of whatever that thing is in
his bowl and is sure that Bandit has something much better than he does.
Bandit is growling at him every time he tries to see what is so good. So
far Peanut and Scrappy (golden mix) are not eating. Scrappy has had raw
deer bones before so I think she's just not hungry. I left their food
out for 10 minutes then put it in the fridge till later. I need to get
some batteries for my food scale but until then does anyone know about
how much a chicken leg quarter weighs on average? I gave Bandit 2 just
now and he's finished both of them.


Messages in this topic (2)

2b. Re: My first raw shopping trip.....
Posted by: "Linda H. Gower" pudeltime@bellsouth.net pudeltime
Date: Thu Sep 6, 2007 7:22 am ((PDT))

need to get
> some batteries for my food scale but until then does anyone know about
> how much a chicken leg quarter weighs on average? I gave Bandit 2 just
> now and he's finished both of them.


The leg quarters I got were in the one pound range. As always some were a little over and some were a little under.

Linda H. Gower
Mid TN
Lance (SP) AX, AXJ, Delta Pet Partner
Chase, (MP) OA, AXJ
In memory of Cocoa (who started it all)'70-'89
Duncan, UD, NA, NAJ, TDI great little buddy '89-'04
Bonzai, CDX, MX, MXJ, Delta Pet Partner - best partner I could dream for

Messages in this topic (2)

3a. Re: Please help, My dog is constipated
Posted by: "morkydzgrl" ShankMa4@aol.com morkydzgrl
Date: Thu Sep 6, 2007 7:25 am ((PDT))

--- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, Morledzep@... wrote:
> Pugs is feeling better already.. and now i'm gonna overdo it the
> way till his poops are no longer crumbly.
> Catherine R.

Ahh Catherine, your experience is very interesting to read. It was
good to read what exactly you are feeding too.

My question is ... is the poop not supposed to be crumbly on the way
out. My dog has been having some crumbly poop. I may be feeding too
much bone 1. because of the crumbly poop and 2. because I have him some
beef off the bone and I saw his energy improve. What do you think?


Messages in this topic (8)

4a. antibiotics side effect
Posted by: "brutus_buckley" brutus_buckley@yahoo.com brutus_buckley
Date: Thu Sep 6, 2007 7:30 am ((PDT))

My pup is currently on antibiotics for a respiratory infection. One of
the side effects of this medication is diarreah, which she sort of has.
By sort of, I mean she has time to find a spot, but it's much looser
than what I consider loose stool and she did have an accident in her
crate yesterday. She is supposed to be on this med for another 7 days;
so I can only imagine what we're both in store for if it gets worse!
My question is this: do I feed more bone to counteract the diarreah or
less bone so as not to irritate her gut further? Currently she is on
chicken breasts with ribs included. Salmon oil and organs are on hold
till the diarreah is gone. I tried some slippery elm with her meals and
it made no difference either way. Should I continue that or drop it?
-Renee W.

Messages in this topic (7)

4b. Re: antibiotics side effect
Posted by: "Andrea" poketmouse45@yahoo.com poketmouse45
Date: Thu Sep 6, 2007 8:23 am ((PDT))

You can give some probiotics to try to replace the gut flora that have
been cleared out due to abx. I'm not sure if more bone will help
because she doesn't have the stuff in her belly to help digest that


--- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, "brutus_buckley"
<brutus_buckley@...> wrote:
> She is supposed to be on this med for another 7 days;
> so I can only imagine what we're both in store for if it gets worse!
> My question is this: do I feed more bone to counteract the diarreah
> or less bone so as not to irritate her gut further?

Messages in this topic (7)

4c. Re: antibiotics side effect
Posted by: "Yasuko herron" sunshine_annamaria@yahoo.com sunshine_annamaria
Date: Thu Sep 6, 2007 8:23 am ((PDT))

>My pup is currently on antibiotics for a respiratory infection. One of
>the side effects of this medication is diarreah, which she sort of has.

Hi,Renee. Yes,anti biotic could cause loose stool or diarrhea because the antibiotic kills the good friendly bacteria in the dog's gut. So,always I read in book that when you give anti bacteria,give probiotic which is made from acidphil (spelling correctly?) normally found in Yogurt,during the course of anti bacteria and some weeks after the treatment.

>My question is this: do I feed more bone to counteract the diarreah or less bone so as not >to irritate her gut further?

I do not know if Slippery Elm that other people use to help sooth guts would help with under this condition;combo with anti bacteria dose. I think,giving probiotic may be better because it gives good friendly bacteria in the gut,which anti biotic is destroying.

I hope this helps


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Messages in this topic (7)

4d. Re: antibiotics side effect
Posted by: "brutus_buckley" brutus_buckley@yahoo.com brutus_buckley
Date: Thu Sep 6, 2007 8:41 am ((PDT))

Won't the antibiotic kill off any bacteria I am adding back in too?

-Renee W.

Messages in this topic (7)

4e. Re: antibiotics side effect
Posted by: "costrowski75" Chriso75@AOL.COM costrowski75
Date: Thu Sep 6, 2007 9:17 am ((PDT))

"brutus_buckley" <brutus_buckley@...> wrote:
> Won't the antibiotic kill off any bacteria I am adding back in too?
Yes if you give everything in one swell foop. It's recommended that
you give the probiotics separate from the antibiotics, by several
hours. You will still nuke an amount of probiotics, but the hope is
some amount will make it through.

You might also consider probiotics in capsule form, not liquid.
Ideally you want the probiotic to go unscathed through the stomach so
that it can work in the intestine. I'm not sure how much liquid proB
would make it through alive and kicking.
Chris O

Messages in this topic (7)

4f. Re: antibiotics side effect
Posted by: "ginny wilken" gwilken@alamedanet.net ginny439
Date: Thu Sep 6, 2007 9:33 am ((PDT))

On Sep 6, 2007, at 8:35 AM, brutus_buckley wrote:

> Won't the antibiotic kill off any bacteria I am adding back in too?
> -Renee W.

Yes. Anybody want to take this to Rawchat???

ginny and Tomo

All stunts performed without a net!

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Messages in this topic (7)

4g. ADMIN/Re: antibiotics side effect
Posted by: "costrowski75" Chriso75@AOL.COM costrowski75
Date: Thu Sep 6, 2007 9:53 am ((PDT))

ginny wilken <gwilken@...> wrote:
> Yes. Anybody want to take this to Rawchat???
Jolly good idea, actually.

Please everyone redirect your anti/pro biotics discussion to RawChat.
Chris O
Moderation Team

Messages in this topic (7)

5. where to buy raw? pittsburgh, PA
Posted by: "pamela flock" pamelaflock@yahoo.com pamelaflock
Date: Thu Sep 6, 2007 7:43 am ((PDT))

Hi, I have been feeding raw for 1 month. I have a 56 lb boxer who loves it. I am unsure of the cuts of meat to get. So far I have purchased a case of chicken backs. Although they seem almost too bony. He has also done well with pigs feed, round steak & beef soup bones. However, I feel I am paying too much. Does anyone know of any co-ops close to Pittsburgh?
Pam F.

Need a vacation? Get great deals to amazing places on Yahoo! Travel.

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Messages in this topic (1)

6a. Re: Please, I really need your help
Posted by: "Andrea" poketmouse45@yahoo.com poketmouse45
Date: Thu Sep 6, 2007 8:24 am ((PDT))

Sorry we didn't get to this before, Anna, it's kind of hard to say
which cuts someone should buy since there isn't a standard name for
cuts in all places. What I call a picnic roast is also called pork
shoulder and a similar cut is called boston butt.

You basically want to get whatever you can from the butcher except
the following:

leg bones
barenekkid bones (no meat covering them)
bone dust
barrels of fat

Most of the time my dogs don't consume beef bones, even ribs. I was
lucky enough to get whole actually meaty beef neck (as in, where's
the bone?) and the boys spent hours getting all the meat off of the
bones, but didn't try to consume them. The most common beef things I
feed are heart, tongue, and meaty meat. Same goes for buffalo.

> Also, when one buys chicken backs for the dogs are they supposed
> to look meaty? I looked at some that they were selling for soups
> but they just looked like bones to me.

It's possible to get meaty backs but pretty uncommon in my area. If
you can get meaty meat from the beef/buffalo/elk, you can use the
backs for edible bone in the diet. Fed alone, backs have too much

> So a list of meat/bone cuts

Here's a site that has good pictures of what cuts are called. Maybe
it will help you with ordering:

> and the names of recreational bones only....

None. Leg bones are too dense for your pupsters' teeth. If they
need additional chew time, pork feet or beef feet work well.

> and the things that a butcher/farm might have available but that
> isn't typical sold for human consumption but is great for dogs.

Depending on the area, they might not sell a lot of tongue, heart, or
organs so you might get them for cheap. You could ask if you can get
the stomach (green tripe) but lots of butchers can't sell it. The
tail is also good if it is whole, and the head is a good workout for
the pups as well. Hope that helps.


Messages in this topic (8)

6b. Re: Please, I really need your help
Posted by: "morkydzgrl" ShankMa4@aol.com morkydzgrl
Date: Thu Sep 6, 2007 8:43 am ((PDT))

--- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, "Andrea" <poketmouse45@...> wrote:

Andrea, a few questions? ...

What I call a picnic roast is also called pork
> shoulder and a similar cut is called boston butt.

How do I feed a pork shoulder/boston butt? Just hand it to him or do
I cut it up. Do these cuts have a bone in them? >

> Most of the time my dogs don't consume beef bones, even ribs. I
was lucky enough to get whole actually meaty beef neck (as in,
where's the bone?) and the boys spent hours getting all the meat off
of the bones, but didn't try to consume them. The most common beef
things I feed are heart, tongue, and meaty meat. Same goes for

Ahh, so that is interesting about not eating beef bones, why?
And ... why do you think the boys left the neck bones behind and
didn't consume them?
> > Also, when one buys chicken backs for the dogs are they supposed
> > to look meaty? I looked at some that they were selling for soups
> > but they just looked like bones to me.
> It's possible to get meaty backs but pretty uncommon in my area.
> you can get meaty meat from the beef/buffalo/elk, you can use the
> backs for edible bone in the diet. Fed alone, backs have too much
> bone.

> > and the names of recreational bones only....
> None. Leg bones are too dense for your pupsters' teeth. If they
> need additional chew time, pork feet or beef feet work well.

What about marrow bones for recreational chewing?

Thank You!!!


Messages in this topic (8)

6c. Re: Please, I really need your help
Posted by: "morkydzgrl" ShankMa4@aol.com morkydzgrl
Date: Thu Sep 6, 2007 9:00 am ((PDT))

> --- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, "Andrea" <poketmouse45@> wrote:

> > you can get meaty meat from the beef/buffalo/elk, you can use the
> > backs for edible bone in the diet. Fed alone, backs have too much
> > bone.

oops, I meant to ask ...

Does "meaty meat" refer to meat without bone?

Thank you!


Messages in this topic (8)

6d. Re: Please, I really need your help
Posted by: "Yasuko herron" sunshine_annamaria@yahoo.com sunshine_annamaria
Date: Thu Sep 6, 2007 9:01 am ((PDT))

>Can some of you please list what cuts I am supposed to be asking for from a butcher or a >farm?

Hi. I will list here what I feed/keep in freezer which would last easily 6 months:-P I barely shop right now because I stocked up all at once except fish and chicken.

-Chicken -phesant -Duck
*whole chicken *whole pheasant *Whole Duck
*chicken feet

-Beef -Lamb -Elk
*Boneless beef meat ,any cut *Boneless meat *Boneless meat
*Cheek meat *Heart *Heart
*Tongue *Tongue *Tongue
*Heart *Neck *Ribs
*Neck *Rib
*Cow hooves (strictly forrecreational)

-Turkey -Cornish Hen - Mutton
*Whole Turkey *Whole Cornish hen *Boneless meat
*tail *Ribs

-Pork -Buffalo
*boneless meat *Boneless meat
*Tongue *Heart
*Heart *Tongue
*Rib *Rib

-Fish - Goat
* Canned salmon/sardine/Jack Mackerral *Boneless meat
*Fresh fish * Heart

Now,you see my paterns. For poultry,I buy whole andthen cut up and feed,and 4 legged animals,I don't buy leg bone meat except pork feet and cow hooves. I don't because I feel comforrtable not offering bone that may may not cause tear or crack of teeth.

As for choice,you see my patern too,I get heart,tongue,and boneless for 4 legged animals almost for all,and for bone variety,I get rib/neck,which of course you need to add more meat to it if itwere almost bone and not much meat attached.

And,I did not list in list above but I give organs too,liver,kidney etc..those are in freezer too.

But this is just me, and you can pick any protin source you like to give to your dog.
If you were not comfortable feeding neck for example,don't feed it. You can get bone from other animals or other area in the same animals.It is not the end of the world.

Relax and enjoy hunting sources.

Hunting sources is one of the fun thing in this feeding method too. I kind of think that palette has more food stocked than us human:-P


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Messages in this topic (8)

6e. Re: Please, I really need your help
Posted by: "costrowski75" Chriso75@AOL.COM costrowski75
Date: Thu Sep 6, 2007 9:34 am ((PDT))

"morkydzgrl" <ShankMa4@...> wrote:
>> Does "meaty meat" refer to meat without bone?
"Meatymeat" was dragged kicking and screaming into use to differentiate
meatybone meals from meals that have no bone.

Since many raw advocates appear to link their recommendations to
meatybones, I thought was only reasonable to link mine to meatymeat.
Chris O

Messages in this topic (8)

6f. Re: Please, I really need your help
Posted by: "Andrea" poketmouse45@yahoo.com poketmouse45
Date: Thu Sep 6, 2007 9:48 am ((PDT))

--- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, "morkydzgrl" <ShankMa4@...> wrote:

> How do I feed a pork shoulder/boston butt? Just hand it to him or
> do I cut it up. Do these cuts have a bone in them?

Geiger is a GSP mix ~60lbs and Tycho is a 5mo old Newf mix ~55lbs.
For dogs this big I just give the whole thing to them. If I had dogs
that would take more than three days to consume a 5lb shoulder, I'd
probably have the butcher cut it in half first. There is a bone in
there but it is soft and edible for most dogs. It's a great cut of

> Ahh, so that is interesting about not eating beef bones, why?
> And ... why do you think the boys left the neck bones behind and
> didn't consume them?

I think if they needed to, the boys "could" break up the bone and
consume it, but beef bones are harder than pork, goat, lamb, and
other animals that I feed them so they might just not feel like
expending the effort. My mom's lab consumes beef rib bones without a
problem. Each dog decides what is edible for them.

> What about marrow bones for recreational chewing?

Marrow bones come from the leg bones of beef. The leg bones have to
be dense enough to hold up a big fat cow, and end up being stronger
than a dog's teeth in many cases. Though a dog probably won't break
a tooth the first time he chews on a dense bone like that, lots of
dogs end up with fractures in their back teeth over time. Too
dangerous for me.

Oh, and yes, "meaty meat" is a meat only meal or a big chunk of
boneless meat.


Messages in this topic (8)

6g. Re: Please, I really need your help
Posted by: "morkydzgrl" ShankMa4@aol.com morkydzgrl
Date: Thu Sep 6, 2007 9:48 am ((PDT))

--- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, Yasuko herron
<sunshine_annamaria@...> wrote:
> Hi. I will list here what I feed/keep in freezer which would last
easily 6 months:-P I barely shop right now because I stocked up all
at once except fish and chicken.

Hi Yassy -

Thanks for the awesome lists, but can you explain the *'s. Do they
the starred parts correspond to the animal above... as in:

-Turkey -Cornish Hen - Mutton
*Whole Turkey *Whole Cornish hen *Boneless meat
*tail *Ribs

meaning mutton you only give bonesless meat, not other parts of
mutton? Or you give boneless meat, tail, and ribs of mutton?

Neck of turkey?

Sorry, this is a great list and I want to understand it.



Messages in this topic (8)

7a. Re: San Diego Resources?
Posted by: "Sunshine S. Patron" sbr_minirex@yahoo.com sbr_minirex
Date: Thu Sep 6, 2007 8:35 am ((PDT))

SoCal BARF now accepts Credit Card payments through Google checkout,
you'll just have to email her after placing an order to get a Google
invoice emailed to you.

Other than Supermarket sales, I'm able to find great prices through
SoCal BARF that are well under $1/lb. Another source of raw products
is through: http://pets.groups.yahoo.com/group/SDRAW/

I also raise rabbits and am in Chula Vista (Southern San Diego):


Hope this helps,
Sunshine S. Patron

Messages in this topic (15)

8a. My 5lb. pup had kibble and raw? Help
Posted by: "morkydzgrl" ShankMa4@aol.com morkydzgrl
Date: Thu Sep 6, 2007 9:00 am ((PDT))

Oh my goodness, how bad is it that my pup has both kibble and no-bone-
beef in her tummy right now. She acting fine, but she did have a meal
of both foods at the same time. Is this terrible for her? Is it
dangerous? I was basically trying her out on the raw to see her
reaction, but she had eaten kibble just before the raw. What do you


Messages in this topic (2)

8b. Re: My 5lb. pup had kibble and raw? Help
Posted by: "costrowski75" Chriso75@AOL.COM costrowski75
Date: Thu Sep 6, 2007 9:26 am ((PDT))

"morkydzgrl" <ShankMa4@...> wrote:
> Oh my goodness, how bad is it that my pup has both kibble and no-
> beef in her tummy right now. She acting fine, but she did have a
> of both foods at the same time. Is this terrible for her? Is it
> dangerous?
Kibble is a nasty foodlike substance and the faster you can get it
out of your pup's body the better for your pup. But a meal of kibble
and meat is not likely to do any worse harm than loose stools if that.

IMO the questiont is not whether kibble can be fed, but whether it
should be fed. If you have the choice, choose not to feed kibble.
If you have no choice, you do what you have to do.

Trying out raw meat as part of a kibble meal is not doing raw meat
any favors. I don't quite know what you're hoping to find out by
mixing the two, but you'll see better, healthier results forever with
raw meat, meaty bones, and organs.
Chris O

Messages in this topic (2)

9. 7 1/2 month old kitten - ALWAYS HUNGRY! Big Belly
Posted by: "helpshelteranimals" helpshelteranimals@yahoo.com helpshelteranimals
Date: Thu Sep 6, 2007 9:49 am ((PDT))

In July I found a kitten starving and alone. She took to raw feeding
right away and is the most carniverous cat I have ever seen. Last
night she stole a WHOLE chicken away from my dog! I had to come in and
give it back to him.

My question is: She is ALWAYS running to the fridge and jumping in on
the bottom shelf where we keep all the meat for the pets. She is
always trying to steal a bite when we open the door to the fridge. She
will even steal the other cats food when we are not looking. Her belly
will be big and she will STILL be looking for food frantically...this
has just started about a week ago, before then she would eat like the
rest and go on her way. Any suggestions of what it might be? She even
gorged herself about 3 days ago and threw it all back up.

AG, Ruffian - Mystery Mutt & Samantha - The Amazing Eating Cat

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