Feed Pets Raw Food

Thursday, August 23, 2007

[rawfeeding] Digest Number 11950

There are 25 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1a. Re: First week update
From: Giselle
1b. Re: First week update
From: Sandee Lee

2. Raw Meaty Ribs for Si
From: Lisa

3a. Shadow and his Crystals
From: Ash
3b. Re: Shadow and his Crystals
From: Sandee Lee
3c. Re: Shadow and his Crystals
From: Giselle

4a. Re: Hey y'all!
From: delcaste
4b. Re: Hey y'all!
From: Giselle

5a. Hello! New here...
From: steph.sorensen
5b. Re: Hello! New here...
From: Morledzep@aol.com

6a. Re: starting the raw diet
From: mandajenwalker
6b. Re: starting the raw diet
From: Sandee Lee
6c. Re: starting the raw diet
From: Sandee Lee

7a. Re: New to raw...diarrhea...but not giving up! =)
From: coriowen
7b. Re: New to raw...diarrhea...but not giving up! =)
From: Morledzep@aol.com
7c. Re: New to raw...diarrhea...but not giving up! =)
From: Sandee Lee
7d. Re: New to raw...diarrhea...but not giving up! =)
From: jmwise80

8. anyone in the Michigan area
From: mandajenwalker

9a. Re: vegetarian who wants to start feeding my ill 6 month old puppy r
From: Lisa
9b. Re: vegetarian who wants to start feeding my ill 6 month old puppy r
From: Anna Labriola

10a. Re: Interesting Study of Russian Foxes
From: coriowen

11a. Giant Breed feeding?
From: coriowen
11b. Re: Giant Breed feeding?
From: Sandee Lee

12a. I must be doing something right!!! You guys are INCREDIBLE!!!
From: Brandi Bryant
12b. Re: I must be doing something right!!! You guys are INCREDIBLE!!!
From: Giselle


1a. Re: First week update
Posted by: "Giselle" megan.giselle@gmail.com megangiselle
Date: Thu Aug 23, 2007 6:44 pm ((PDT))

Gotta love those Newfs! ; )
Eating raw satisfies the carnivore in a dog in ways that processed
cr*p-in-a-bag never can.
Keep us updated, Dawn!
with Bea in New Jersey (who took to raw at 2yo like she'd been eating
it all her life, and never looked back!)

> I just wanted to thank everyone for their help and give an update on
> our first RAW week. My littlest Newfie (6 months) has been plagued
> with diarrhea off and on ever since I got her. We have fecals done all
> of the time and can't find an answer. She hasn't been gaining the
> weight that she should be. After two days on the RAW she had the
> firmest stools she has ever had and she gained 3.5 lbs this week!! My
> other Newfies have not had any diarrhea at all and all seem to be
> enjoying their meals. They all seem a little more "settled" if that
> makes any sense. Anyway thanks again for all of the great advice and
> help!
> Dawn T

Messages in this topic (3)

1b. Re: First week update
Posted by: "Sandee Lee" rlee@plix.com mariasmom2001
Date: Thu Aug 23, 2007 8:37 pm ((PDT))

It makes perfect sense, Dawn! Appropriate diet, getting rid of grains, does
affect behavior. Glad to hear things are going well!!

Sandee & the Dane Gang

From: "dawn_rescue" <dteuscher@tx.rr.com>

I just wanted to thank everyone for their help and give an update on
our first RAW week. My littlest Newfie (6 months) has been plagued
with diarrhea off and on ever since I got her. We have fecals done all
of the time and can't find an answer. She hasn't been gaining the
weight that she should be. After two days on the RAW she had the
firmest stools she has ever had and she gained 3.5 lbs this week!! My
other Newfies have not had any diarrhea at all and all seem to be
enjoying their meals. They all seem a little more "settled" if that
makes any sense.

Messages in this topic (3)

2. Raw Meaty Ribs for Si
Posted by: "Lisa" courteouscanines640@yahoo.com courteouscanines640
Date: Thu Aug 23, 2007 7:56 pm ((PDT))

Hi all-
I stopped at the grocery store on the way home today and found a dozen
raw meaty ribs on the bone for, ready for it?...$2.34!! I couldn't
believe the price.
So now six dogs (two of mine don't enjoy raw), are happily munching on
their fresh raw ribs.
I thought for sure I would be grossed out to the max, but I'm happy to
report I'm not and I know they are enjoying it!
I'm not planning on making this their main diet as I am already
pleased with the current diet, but I do plan on keeping RMB's on a
regular basis.

Just wanted to update,

Lisa and her Eight.

Messages in this topic (1)

3a. Shadow and his Crystals
Posted by: "Ash" want4rain@yahoo.com want4rain
Date: Thu Aug 23, 2007 7:56 pm ((PDT))

we started all of our furbabies on raw a few months ago. amongst it
all, Shadow developed crystals. vet says he needs a diet change,
magnesium causes some crystals and a lower pH would help but admits to
being in the dark about a raw diet.

any suggestions?

we predominantly feed chicken, chicken organs, fish and eggs.

let me also say, i suspect that he and his brother were inbred. they
both have a handful of health issues that suggest either inbreeding or
starvation in the womb.

thanks a bunch!!


Messages in this topic (3)

3b. Re: Shadow and his Crystals
Posted by: "Sandee Lee" rlee@plix.com mariasmom2001
Date: Thu Aug 23, 2007 8:18 pm ((PDT))


Most often crystals are due to a UTI and have nothing to do with diet. Make
certain they have run a culture on the urine and get this treated if

You do need to introduce some red meat in their diets, tho!

Sandee & the Dane Gang

From: "Ash" <want4rain@yahoo.com>

we started all of our furbabies on raw a few months ago. amongst it
all, Shadow developed crystals. vet says he needs a diet change,
magnesium causes some crystals and a lower pH would help but admits to
being in the dark about a raw diet.

any suggestions?

we predominantly feed chicken, chicken organs, fish and eggs.

Messages in this topic (3)

3c. Re: Shadow and his Crystals
Posted by: "Giselle" megan.giselle@gmail.com megangiselle
Date: Thu Aug 23, 2007 8:37 pm ((PDT))

Hi, Ashley!
What kind of crystals?

Just off the top of my head, you don't seem to be feeding enough
protein or organ variety. Add pork, rabbit, beef, lamb, etc.

You might have to adjust the kinds of protein you feed.

Here's the results of a search ( keyword: crystals)in the list
archives, you will probably find some helpful posts there;


with Bea in New Jersey

>We started all of our furbabies on raw a few months ago. amongst it
> all, Shadow developed crystals. Vet says he needs a diet change,
> magnesium causes some crystals and a lower pH would help but admits to
> being in the dark about a raw diet.
> Any suggestions?
> We predominantly feed chicken, chicken organs, fish and eggs.
> Let me also say, I suspect that he and his brother were inbred. They
> both have a handful of health issues that suggest either inbreeding or
> starvation in the womb.
> Thanks a bunch!!
> -ashley

Messages in this topic (3)

4a. Re: Hey y'all!
Posted by: "delcaste" delcaste@yahoo.com delcaste
Date: Thu Aug 23, 2007 7:57 pm ((PDT))

> I aren't Giselle but IMO smashing bones that might not otherwise be
> eaten allows the dog to ingest bone it might not comfortably digest--
or MORE bone that it can comfortably ingest.
> Smashing bones doesn't make them more available for cleaning teeth,
> exercising muscles and having a fun time. Smashing bones simply gets
> them more quickly into the stomach. Which IMO is an achievement of
> questionable merit.
> Chris O

Oh,oh I knew I'd get admonished. I'm still pretty nervous watching them
eat (although they are getting better and better). I'll just cut out
the meat and feed meat only because some pieces were really good. I'm
going to do better although it's not all my fault :)


Messages in this topic (11)

4b. Re: Hey y'all!
Posted by: "Giselle" megan.giselle@gmail.com megangiselle
Date: Thu Aug 23, 2007 8:59 pm ((PDT))

Hi, Silvina!
We aren't here to admonish people, that's not what we do!

We support feeding a species appropriate raw prey model diet on this
list, and give advice to help people achieve that goal with their dogs.

Sometimes we have to give the same advice over and over again, daily -
thats why we can get creative when we repeatedly give the same advice
and amuse ourselves a bit.

No scolding here, just patient iterations of what we know is correct
and right, until the person asking questions 'gets it'.
with Bea in New Jersey

> Oh,oh I knew I'd get admonished. I'm still pretty nervous watching them
> eat (although they are getting better and better). I'll just cut out
> the meat and feed meat only because some pieces were really good. I'm
> going to do better although it's not all my fault :)
> Silvina

Messages in this topic (11)

5a. Hello! New here...
Posted by: "steph.sorensen" steph.sorensen@yahoo.com steph.sorensen
Date: Thu Aug 23, 2007 7:58 pm ((PDT))

I just joined about half an hour or so ago. :) I currently have two
pit bulls, one being a foster with no teeth, one black lab, and a
domestic shorthair cat. All are between 2 and 4 in age (although not
sure about the pit with no teeth).

They are all currently on dry kibble (except the toothless pit, who
is on canned wet food). I am a wildlife biologist by training and
must say that the raw feeding diet makes more sense to me than any
diet I've ever seen for dogs, given their natural history and
biological requirements as a species.

That said, does anyone have any recommendations for how to get them
all started on this diet? The toothless pit bull is moving to Ohio
in two days, but I can give his new mom any information about his
possibilities (like grinding all of the food before feeding, since he
can't really chew it).

Do I just jump into it 100% or do I integrate like you are supposed
to when changing commercial brands in order to avoid such a shock to
their digestive systems?

And do you have any recommendations for a dog with no teeth? He
chewed on rocks when he was left starving with his previous owner and
has ground his teeth down to the gumline, so he has absolutely zero
for chewing. He is able to chew large bloody holes in himself with
the skin problems that seem to have popped up overnight. I am almost
certain it is food allergies, since he didn't have this problem when
he was not eating anything, and he doesn't have fleas.

Sorry this is so long! And thanks in advance for any advice you can
give me on the best way to get started.

-Steph Sorensen

Messages in this topic (2)

5b. Re: Hello! New here...
Posted by: "Morledzep@aol.com" Morledzep@aol.com morledzep
Date: Thu Aug 23, 2007 8:42 pm ((PDT))

In a message dated 8/23/2007 6:59:00 PM Pacific Standard Time,
steph.sorensen@yahoo.com writes:

Do I just jump into it 100% or do I integrate like you are supposed
to when changing commercial brands in order to avoid such a shock to
their digestive systems?

And do you have any recommendations for a dog with no teeth? He
chewed on rocks when he was left starving with his previous owner and
has ground his teeth down to the gumline, so he has absolutely zero
for chewing. He is able to chew large bloody holes in himself with
the skin problems that seem to have popped up overnight. I am almost
certain it is food allergies, since he didn't have this problem when
he was not eating anything, and he doesn't have fleas.


don't sell that pit bull short.. i'll bet money he will find a way to bite
what needs to be bitten.. lol.

i personally like to fast the dogs for a day between commercial food and raw,
but that is just me. And that is the ONLY transition necessary. toss out
the commercial poison and start feeding real food.. it's that simple.

starting slow is always recommended, start with small meal portions and one
type of meat for the first week or two.. then gradually add more meats, one at
a time.

Let that toothless pit bull have a nice chicken leg quarter or a bone-in
chicken breast and see how he does.. you might be amazed. He may not be able to
eat the hunkier meats, or tough stuff like pork skin though.

Catherine R.

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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Messages in this topic (2)

6a. Re: starting the raw diet
Posted by: "mandajenwalker" walker1031@chartermi.net mandajenwalker
Date: Thu Aug 23, 2007 8:01 pm ((PDT))


Thanks for the input Sandee!
I tried the 2-3% per day......I can't believe how much meat Hank (my
dane) can go through. I can't really afford it.....I hope the whole
chicken is cheaper! He doesn't eat all that much dog food these days
(he is 10 years old). He doesn't really use enough energy to burn
much, he just sleeps and poops and goes on walks when we make him. He
used to eat about 10 cups of food a day and we are now getting about
4-6 cups down him if we are lucky!
He doesn't really care for the raw meat either. He layed down and
looked at it as if he was scared of it. Any advice on that?
Evie (our bull terrier) ate the chicken like a pro.....and Louie (our
pug) took a few bites of it and ran away! I figure it will take time
and they have to get hungry eventually! So I will just keep putting
down chicken at every meal until they realize that is all there is to
eat! Hopefully it works.
I want Louie to take to it more than any of them because of his skin
Now as far as adding other meats....what do you mean? What are some
of the best kinds to feed and what is the ratio? How much "bone" meat
vs other protein sources and organs? What type of organs do you feed?
I find all of this VERY confusing!
THanks again!

Messages in this topic (5)

6b. Re: starting the raw diet
Posted by: "Sandee Lee" rlee@plix.com mariasmom2001
Date: Thu Aug 23, 2007 8:19 pm ((PDT))

Hi Mandy,

Well, I have an older Dane and she doesn't eat 2% of her weight either.
Older couch potato Danes are not going to require that amount of food. Not
knowing ages, that's just a recommended starting point. :)

Raw is quite bland compared to kibble so you may need to enhance the odor
and flavor a bit. A few tricks are to warm it, cut into the meat in a few
spots and sprinkle with parmesan cheese. My newest Dane adopted, at 6 years
old, fell for this trick hook line and sinker and now runs me over to get to
his eating spot!! :))

Sandee & the Dane Gang

From: "mandajenwalker" <walker1031@chartermi.net>

Thanks for the input Sandee!
I tried the 2-3% per day......I can't believe how much meat Hank (my
dane) can go through. I can't really afford it.....I hope the whole
chicken is cheaper! He doesn't eat all that much dog food these days
(he is 10 years old). He doesn't really use enough energy to burn
much, he just sleeps and poops and goes on walks when we make him. He
used to eat about 10 cups of food a day and we are now getting about
4-6 cups down him if we are lucky!
He doesn't really care for the raw meat either. He layed down and
looked at it as if he was scared of it. Any advice on that?

Messages in this topic (5)

6c. Re: starting the raw diet
Posted by: "Sandee Lee" rlee@plix.com mariasmom2001
Date: Thu Aug 23, 2007 8:26 pm ((PDT))

Ooops...forgot to respond to the rest of your message!

You can feed any meat available to you....beef, pork, lamb, emu, venison,
goat, fish...whatever you can get your hands on. Bone should only be around
10% of the overall diet so concentrate on lots of meat, 10% organs, half
being liver. It really isn't difficult once you get going...promise!!!

Sandee & the Dane Gang

From: "mandajenwalker" <walker1031@chartermi.net>
Now as far as adding other meats....what do you mean? What are some
of the best kinds to feed and what is the ratio? How much "bone" meat
vs other protein sources and organs? What type of organs do you feed?

Messages in this topic (5)

7a. Re: New to raw...diarrhea...but not giving up! =)
Posted by: "coriowen" COwen98@aol.com coriowen
Date: Thu Aug 23, 2007 8:02 pm ((PDT))

At first, it was watery and now it is more like soft stool. I did
switch them quickly and I feel terrible for it. I think everything is
balanced now though. I take the little girls (Dachshunds) on long
walks on our back pasture each night and only my two year old seemed to
have the softer stool this evening. When I rode my colts this evening
the big dogs (Mastiff and Dobie) were out by the arena with me and
neither seemed to have any diarrehea. I will be happy to be many days
and weeks into this...=) Thank you for your help Sandee.

--- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, "Sandee Lee" <rlee@...> wrote:
> Cori,
> Do you mean soft stools or uncontrollable watery diarrhea? Soft
stools can
> happen with diet change. Make sure you are not feeding too much as
> also can be a cause.
> Glad to hear they are feeling good and happy with their new food! :))
> Sandee & the Dane Gang
> From: "coriowen" <COwen98@...>

Messages in this topic (6)

7b. Re: New to raw...diarrhea...but not giving up! =)
Posted by: "Morledzep@aol.com" Morledzep@aol.com morledzep
Date: Thu Aug 23, 2007 8:17 pm ((PDT))

In a message dated 8/23/2007 3:58:34 PM Pacific Standard Time,
COwen98@aol.com writes:

I live about an hour from
the closest Sam's but I thought I would go by there and stock up. Any
suggestions? I don't have a Costco nearby, so that is not an option.


i don't know where ya are.. and i don't shop at Sam's Club or Walmart (all
the same corp), but i do shop at Costco.. i look at the meat there, but with the
exception of the boneless pork shoulder roasts it's all far too expensive for
me to even buy meat for our human family.

I watch sales in the grocery stores (another excuse for me to send out the
link to my favorite shopping website.. hehehe):

_http://www.sundaysaver.com/#3_ (http://www.sundaysaver.com/#3)

about every other week i drive around town and check out the local ethnic
grocery stores. Pick up a few odds and ends, oddball cuts, cheap or odd organ
meats, and of course, the obligatory lamb heads for the dogs that love them and
have the time to work on them.

you can also go to the Carnivore Feeder/Supplier yahoo list to find bulk meat
suppliers in your area. links are in a file on the webpage for this list,
and in the FILE emails that you get when you sign up and once a month after that.

Catherine R.

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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Messages in this topic (6)

7c. Re: New to raw...diarrhea...but not giving up! =)
Posted by: "Sandee Lee" rlee@plix.com mariasmom2001
Date: Thu Aug 23, 2007 8:35 pm ((PDT))


You didn't do anything wrong by switching quickly. Sounds like they are
doing fine. Soft stools are really no big deal! :)

Sandee & the Dane Gang

From: "coriowen" <COwen98@aol.com>
At first, it was watery and now it is more like soft stool. I did
switch them quickly and I feel terrible for it. I think everything is
balanced now though. I take the little girls (Dachshunds) on long
walks on our back pasture each night and only my two year old seemed to
have the softer stool this evening. When I rode my colts this evening
the big dogs (Mastiff and Dobie) were out by the arena with me and
neither seemed to have any diarrehea.

Messages in this topic (6)

7d. Re: New to raw...diarrhea...but not giving up! =)
Posted by: "jmwise80" jmwise80@yahoo.com jmwise80
Date: Thu Aug 23, 2007 9:20 pm ((PDT))

--- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, "coriowen" <COwen98@...> wrote:
I take the little girls (Dachshunds) on long
> walks on our back pasture each night and only my two year old seemed
> have the softer stool this evening.

Were they having diarrhea during the walks? Walking can get the 'ole
pipes to movin' and sometimes make stuff come out before it is really
ready to. If I walk my dog a couple hours after he eats he will have
watery diarrhea, but if I walk before he eats or a long time after he
eats, everything comes out more solid.

That might not have a thing to do with your problem, but that sentence
jumped out at me and I wanted to check.

Michael Wise

Messages in this topic (6)

8. anyone in the Michigan area
Posted by: "mandajenwalker" walker1031@chartermi.net mandajenwalker
Date: Thu Aug 23, 2007 8:02 pm ((PDT))

I am wondering if anyone on this group lives in Michigan near the
Flint or Novi area that can tell me of a good, cheap place to get
meat?????? I have a fairly cheap butcher but I am wondering of there
is any better places around here!

Messages in this topic (1)

9a. Re: vegetarian who wants to start feeding my ill 6 month old puppy r
Posted by: "Lisa" courteouscanines640@yahoo.com courteouscanines640
Date: Thu Aug 23, 2007 8:06 pm ((PDT))

I'm not exactly a vegetarian but I do not eat meat myself. I get my
organic meat from Whole Foods Market or my local butcher. I get
venison and lamb from the local butcher which comes boneless, so I
feed Raw Meaty Bones from the grocery store which is usually on a
great sale.
We live near the ocean so I get fresh fish caught daily, except I cook
fish and some other meats for my dogs.
I too thought I would hate handling such meat except I already have to
handle it when cooking it, though I cook it in the crock pot so it is
a lot easier. Like today, I fed RMB ribs to six dogs and it was not
so bad. I just cut it off the bone, used some paper towels to carry
them outside, and placed them on the grass for each dog. Easy.
It's actually easier to feed raw because there is less "hands-on"
handling involved. When cooking chicken or fish, I have to make sure
and get all the bone off so I can cook all the good meats.
I would suggest starting with something simple, like from a Whole
Foods store. Get some chicken wings or raw meaty ribs and just place
them on the floor. After he has consumed enough for his body weight,
take it away and freeze the rest.
Or, even simpler, look for some prepared RMB's from Nature's Variety
such as Chicken necks and the like.

Good luck!

Lisa and her Eight.

Messages in this topic (5)

9b. Re: vegetarian who wants to start feeding my ill 6 month old puppy r
Posted by: "Anna Labriola" taggartgalt@yahoo.com taggartgalt
Date: Thu Aug 23, 2007 8:07 pm ((PDT))

I just wanted to know if there are any other vegetarians
> out there and how they were able to get past dealing with raw meat.
> thought of it makes me sick but I think this diet would be beneficial
> for my puppy with all her health problems.

Hi, Rhonda. Just another vegetarian(almost vegan) who feeds my puppy
(21 weeks old) raw. Can't help you with the sick part, but I can tell
you I suck it up and cut chickens in half, and other meats into big
hunks. Yuk! I want to puke sometimes, but I really, really believe
it's the best for my dog. Just like I believe a plant based diet is
best for us, a meat based diet is best for my little puppers. It is
hard sometimes, but get as much knowledge as you can so you can keep
telling yourself it's best for the dog!


Messages in this topic (5)

10a. Re: Interesting Study of Russian Foxes
Posted by: "coriowen" COwen98@aol.com coriowen
Date: Thu Aug 23, 2007 8:09 pm ((PDT))


I remember seeing something about this also. They were in a lot of
cages and the lady would handle them every day. None of the evidence
surprised me at all.

Messages in this topic (2)

11a. Giant Breed feeding?
Posted by: "coriowen" COwen98@aol.com coriowen
Date: Thu Aug 23, 2007 8:10 pm ((PDT))

Sandee you have Danes and I have a Mastiff and I read a couple of your
posts where you say to feed a whole chicken, where do you usually buy
your "whole" chickens? I would guess my Dobe could eat half of one,
huh? I would think this is a much cheaper route to go. You have to
understand, I am a married woman with no two legged children that does
not cook! LOL I mostly eat beef(from the ranch) or chicken that my
husband gets at the store or tells me what cuts to get so he can grill
it, or I eat lots of cereal or Lean Cuisine meals! I know I am
pitiful. I ride a lot of horses during the day and take 100% care of
the 4 dogs and that means walking/running the Dachshunds everyday. I
don't work so I do have lots of time in which to do these things but I
just don't know where to buy "whole" chickens. Remember, I am not in a
metro area like Dallas, I am out in the sticks and only go to a big
town once a month so I would have to stock up.

Messages in this topic (2)

11b. Re: Giant Breed feeding?
Posted by: "Sandee Lee" rlee@plix.com mariasmom2001
Date: Thu Aug 23, 2007 8:31 pm ((PDT))

Hey Cori,

I live in the middle of nowhere also. I watch the sale ads in the
neighboring towns and when there are sales on chickens, pork roasts, etc. I
call, order a couple of cases and make my journey! :)) There is a Safeway
50 miles from me and that's where I buy most of my supplies.

I also have a wholesaler and a couple of other sources that I hit every
couple of months (200 miles) for heart, liver, lamb, beef cheeks,
etc...things I cannot get locally.

Whole chickens should be easy to find anywhere...same place you buy your
Lean Cuisine!! LOL

Sandee & the Dane Gang

From: "coriowen" <COwen98@aol.com>

Sandee you have Danes and I have a Mastiff and I read a couple of your
posts where you say to feed a whole chicken, where do you usually buy
your "whole" chickens? I would guess my Dobe could eat half of one,
huh? I would think this is a much cheaper route to go. You have to
understand, I am a married woman with no two legged children that does
not cook! LOL I mostly eat beef(from the ranch) or chicken that my
husband gets at the store or tells me what cuts to get so he can grill
it, or I eat lots of cereal or Lean Cuisine meals!

Messages in this topic (2)

12a. I must be doing something right!!! You guys are INCREDIBLE!!!
Posted by: "Brandi Bryant" bbryant573@gmail.com bbryant573
Date: Thu Aug 23, 2007 8:51 pm ((PDT))

I can already see improvements in my male GS Max!! He's beginning to
look a little bit better weight wise - and his attitude is improving.
He's starting to follow me around more, and he did something that he
hasn't done in a long time. He brought me a toy!! It brought tears
to my eyes knowing that my boy may be feeling better!!!

You guys are incredible - THANK YOU SO MUCH!

Bartlesville, Ok

Messages in this topic (2)

12b. Re: I must be doing something right!!! You guys are INCREDIBLE!!!
Posted by: "Giselle" megan.giselle@gmail.com megangiselle
Date: Thu Aug 23, 2007 9:21 pm ((PDT))

Way back when, I switched my two old Newfs, aged 10yo, to home cooked,
then b*rfie style, then prey model raw in the space of two years. The
change in these oldies was just as great from home cooked to b*arfie,
b*arfie to prey model as it was from kibble to home cooked!
Their looks, and movement was much improved and they enjoyed their old
age more than I cold have hoped.
They were two days apart in age, I lost the male to a life saving
surgery (which he lived through, but didn't survive the night) at
15yo, and the female to 'old age' at 16yo.
Enjoy that old guy!

> I can already see improvements in my male GS Max!! He's beginning to
> look a little bit better weight wise - and his attitude is improving.
> He's starting to follow me around more, and he did something that he
> hasn't done in a long time. He brought me a toy!! It brought tears
> to my eyes knowing that my boy may be feeling better!!!
> You guys are incredible - THANK YOU SO MUCH!
> --
> Brandi
> Bartlesville, Ok
> www.obediencetrainingclubofbartlesville.com

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