[rawfeeding] Digest Number 11917
There are 25 messages in this issue.
Topics in this digest:
1a. Re: how can i entice my dog to eat organs?
From: pelirojita
2. Nature's Variety Raw Food Diets
From: tapremium2002
3a. Re: vet says Yeay to rawfeeding
From: tottime47
4a. Re: weight of food or feeding small dogs
From: swilken61
4b. Re: weight of food or feeding small dogs
From: delcaste
5a. New Puppy and Other Questions
From: ajgregis
5b. Re: New Puppy and Other Questions
From: Andrea
6a. Finding expired meats
From: siamesekittens4u@aol.com
6b. Re: Finding expired meats
From: Loretta Luja
6c. Finding expired meats
From: Carol
6d. Re: Finding expired meats
From: delcaste
7a. Now what do I do????
From: Loretta Luja
7b. Re: Now what do I do????
From: Carol
7c. Re: Now what do I do????
From: Andrea
8a. Re: New Here - Looking to start feeding a raw diet to my yorkie.
From: Yasuko herron
9a. Re: Suburban rabbits?
From: Carol
10. Ginny?
From: Michael Moore
11. ??'s about organ meat and catfish?
From: mz_boomer2
12. Losing Weight & not feeling herself
From: spicemother
13. Lamb and Goat
From: rocketblasther
14a. Re: Swift Tribe Questions (lengthy)
From: Ash
15. freeze first?
From: ekayke
16. 25-35 # dogs
From: severhaus
17. Ok, update from new Raw feeder
From: charlesmdodson
18. kibble smell
From: outcats4@aol.com
1a. Re: how can i entice my dog to eat organs?
Posted by: "pelirojita" kerrymurray7@gmail.com pelirojita
Date: Thu Aug 16, 2007 11:00 am ((PDT))
My 9 year-old Golden is quite finicky (though getting better after
almost 7 weeks rawfeeding), while my lab mix usually eats anything and
everything put in front of him. Both turned up their noses to chicken
liver at room temperature. When I served it frozen, per advice on
this list, the Golden ate the frozen chicken liver first and then
moved on to the rest of her meal. I almost fell over in shock.
My dogs seem quite partial to frozen or only partially thawed food of
all flavors. Maybe because it's hot here, but they are also both big
time chewers who love to just lay down and gnaw on something. Try
freezing the organs.
Tucson, AZ
--- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, Sheryl Edelen <sophiiblu@...> wrote:
> One of my dogs, Faith is notoriously finicky when it comes to
organs; she definitely doesn't like the thawed, I think the squishy,
wiggly texture grosses her out. And her being really hungry also
helps, but I just sprinkle a bit of parmesan cheese on there and she
usually at least nibbles. Worked for my cat, Robert Earl as well,
before he decided he would eat anything put in front of him. Try it.
> Sheryl Edelen
> Co-moderator, If Pits & Rotts Could Talk
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sometimes it is the absence of responsibility that is harder to bear.
You have a great feeling of impotence.� - Henry Kissinger
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Messages in this topic (6)
2. Nature's Variety Raw Food Diets
Posted by: "tapremium2002" tapremium2002@yahoo.com tapremium2002
Date: Thu Aug 16, 2007 11:00 am ((PDT))
Hi all, I am new to the raw food idea for cats/dogs. I have been going
towards more natural products and care for me and my horses.
Has anyone tried Nature's Variety Raw Food Diets? How many medallions
would a cat eat? I have no interest in preparing raw food, too gross
for me so this looked like a good alternative.
-Kimber T
Messages in this topic (1)
3a. Re: vet says Yeay to rawfeeding
Posted by: "tottime47" tottime@aol.com tottime47
Date: Thu Aug 16, 2007 11:00 am ((PDT))
Hi Patty,
No thanks needed, I'm still a newbie too!
Only been at it 6 mos.
In that time I've learned so many things here, but
I'm smart enough to know I still have plenty to learn!
I'm just thankful we have such patient people
to help us.
Just remember, feed mostly meat, as much variety as you can
afford add a little organs and bone and you'll be OK!
Carol, Charkee & Moli
--- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, "Patty Reid"
<pattyannreidster@...> wrote:
> Thankyou! You can sure tell how new I am to this!
> Patty
Messages in this topic (7)
4a. Re: weight of food or feeding small dogs
Posted by: "swilken61" powrfemme@aol.com swilken61
Date: Thu Aug 16, 2007 11:01 am ((PDT))
Thanks for all the replys. I actually was trying to find previous posts
because I thought there would be good info in them but I couldn't find
them. I tried a search because I didn't want to keep going backwards
but that didn't give me results. Maybe I'm searching in the wrong area.
I'm pretty sure my 10 pound girl would not self regulate. She was
rescued, found initially roaming the streets, so she used to fending
for herself and she has never left food. My 15 pound girl probably
would, she sometimes doesn't eat at all. Although not so much now that
we have switched from kibble to raw. She seems to like it better :).
Messages in this topic (7)
4b. Re: weight of food or feeding small dogs
Posted by: "delcaste" delcaste@yahoo.com delcaste
Date: Thu Aug 16, 2007 1:09 pm ((PDT))
Hello Carol! yes you've helped me. I don't have self-regulators more
like vacumm cleaners :) I usually feed an entire drumstick but I also
give them a little bit of organs with it so their poop is firm
but "nice." If only my neighbors could watch me on "poop patrol." But
I think I may try your way. Thanks for the tip.
Silvina and the pugs
Messages in this topic (7)
5a. New Puppy and Other Questions
Posted by: "ajgregis" ajgregis@yahoo.com ajgregis
Date: Thu Aug 16, 2007 11:01 am ((PDT))
I have been feeding raw for a little over a year. Haven't been on
the list for a while, but reading the posts months ago caused me to
drop the veggies and supplements I was feeding. A BIG relief to me
AND the dogs (Watson, a 12yo Lab; and Ginger, my son's 3yo mini-
Dachshund). So, now my daughter is getting a new English Springer
Spaniel. I've known the breeder for years. She and her sister have
raised Springer's for years. Her sister was the handler that showed
Rufus. But she doesn't feed raw -- and I am hoping to maybe change
her. She knows I feed raw, doesn't have a problem with it, and I
think she may be figuring she will just watch how the puppy does.
She'll see her occasionally, because she owns a grooming salon and
has suggested to my daughter she may want to show her puppy. My
daughter is a no-frills girl who wants to do agility, so I don't
know if that will ever happen.
I have read over some of the achives about puppy feeding and from
what I am reading I don't do anything different from what I am
doing. The puppy is 7 weeks old. I assumed I would need to grind,
or at least smash, but what I have read says no. I was going to
start with game hens (we have a poultry supplier close by so I can
get things in quantity cheaper). One question I have is about
organs. If I feed chopped up hens, some of the liver is still
attached to the ribs. Since I read that you should only feed very,
very small portions, is that OK. I feed a lot of chicken/game hens
because they are cheaper, so the dogs may get liver every day. Is
what is on the ribs too much? I also order beef heart and try to
feed some 3-4 times a week. How much is too much -- for the older
dogs and the puppy. I think I have read that heart is very rich.
I also read that when feeding a puppy it is much easier to introduce
new foods. Some people fed quite a few new things the first week;
others said to feed chicken for the first two weeks. What is
right? I have tried to feed pork to the older dogs, but they always
seem to get diarrhea. Do some dogs do this? We do have a farmer's
market not too far away that has several butcher stands which I have
never seemed to find the time to get to. It's on my to-do list
Also, when I get whole chickens I was skinning the body because I
thought it was too much fat. I leave the skin on the legs and
wings. It's a pain to do when I have a lot of them to cut up or
halve. Should I be doing that, or leaving the skin on?
And, what about salmon oil capsules? I can't afford grass fed --
should I be adding that? The dogs seem to be doing great, but I
didn't know if not adding it was going to create a problem down the
I know, lots of questions. But I was becoming blurry-eyed from
reading previous posts. I guess I just need someone to hold my
hand. I'm an almost divorced single mom w/ 3 children running in
several directions, and I don't want to create anymore problems than
I already have!!
Thanks for any input -- especially about the puppy feeding.
York, PA
Messages in this topic (2)
5b. Re: New Puppy and Other Questions
Posted by: "Andrea" poketmouse45@yahoo.com poketmouse45
Date: Thu Aug 16, 2007 1:08 pm ((PDT))
> I have been feeding raw for a little over a year.
Hi, Audrey and welcome!
> I assumed I would need to grind, or at least smash, but what I have
> read says no.
Right, pups will surprise you. Those little teeth are really sharp,
and allowing the pup to work out its own meals gets them nice and
> If I feed chopped up hens, some of the liver is still attached to
> the ribs. Since I read that you should only feed very, very small
> portions, is that OK.
Those bits of organs will be fine, especially with a pup.
> the dogs may get liver every day. Is what is on the ribs too
> much?
Nope, it's fine.
> I also order beef heart and try to feed some 3-4 times a week. How
> much is too much -- for the older dogs and the puppy.
Beef heart is a great cheap red meat, I would only say you fed too
much if the dog's bowels say it's too much.
> I also read that when feeding a puppy it is much easier to
> introduce new foods.
In my experience, this is very true. For both of my pups I fed one
protein only for the first week and then started adding in new
things. Sometimes I would get too andventurous and add three new
things in a week only to be rewarded with cannon butt and weapons
grade gas. Truth be told, I was the only one suffering, the pup
never seemed uncomfortable. I'd say start slow and see how the
little one does.
> I have tried to feed pork to the older dogs, but they always
> seem to get diarrhea.
Do you feed a whole meal of pork? You might need to add in some pork
meat to a regular meal and slowly work your way up.
> I leave the skin on the legs and wings. It's a pain to do when I
> have a lot of them to cut up or halve. Should I be doing that, or
> leaving the skin on?
I'd say try leaving the skin on and see what happens. If your dogs
don't have digestive issues you've eliminated a lot of work!
> And, what about salmon oil capsules?
I try to give the boys a few fish oil capsules a day. Geiger has an
allergic reaction to all things soy, so finding capsules for him is
an effort. Some of us are really good about adding fish oil, some
don't do it at all. Unless your dogs have a dry coat or skin I
wouldn't stress about adding it. And if you decide to add some oil,
fish body oil is just as good as salmon oil IMO (just make sure you
don't get Cod Liver Oil). Good luck.
Messages in this topic (2)
6a. Finding expired meats
Posted by: "siamesekittens4u@aol.com" siamesekittens4u@aol.com jae91254
Date: Thu Aug 16, 2007 11:23 am ((PDT))
My son works at WalMart (in management, and I can't even get the out dated
meats), their policy is to discard out dated products. By discard it goes in
big bins and no doubt goes to rendering plants to make K....e
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Messages in this topic (9)
6b. Re: Finding expired meats
Posted by: "Loretta Luja" luja@comcast.net desertwilite
Date: Thu Aug 16, 2007 11:26 am ((PDT))
@Kris wrote:
> I have been to my local stores in Kennesaw, GA Publix, Kroger, Costco,
> Walmart, even butcher. None are willing to sell expired meats because
> of liabilty is what I was told. Walmart will discout their meat the
> day b4 it expires
I used to work at a restaurant and it was the same way there. We were
to get fired if we took anything home that was to be thrown out,
including buckets
full of turkey necks and homemade pies with one piece taken out!! Some of us
would sneak it out anyway, but that was a long time ago.
Loretta L
> .
Messages in this topic (9)
6c. Finding expired meats
Posted by: "Carol" onejoyfulmoose@yahoo.com onejoyfulmoose
Date: Thu Aug 16, 2007 1:06 pm ((PDT))
I believe there a number of federal and state laws pertaining to
expired foods and food not eaten in restaurants. If they want to keep
their licenses from the health depts, etc. they must obey and really
don't have a choice in the matter. Though I know a couple local stores
that have set things up with local food banks to feed the homeless, but
they give them food that has not hit the expiration date, but maybe a
day before. Also, they were not part of a chain, i.e. Wal-Mart. I do
know that in a flood area any food in grocery stores must be thrown
away even if they didn't get under the flood level. This has to do
with contamination from the water itself. You just never know what is
in it. Here again, it's all governed by Federal & State Health Dept
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Messages in this topic (9)
6d. Re: Finding expired meats
Posted by: "delcaste" delcaste@yahoo.com delcaste
Date: Thu Aug 16, 2007 1:08 pm ((PDT))
> I once found expired meat at a grocery and asked about selling at a
> reduced price - explaining that I make my own pet food - and was told
> that have a policy not to mark down but throw out meats to avoid
> liability. They wouldn't even at the marked price. Is this the
> typical response?
> --
> K. Gordon Crawford
I'm in Florida and when I asked about selling expired meat, etc., they
wouldn't. The manager told me that a truck comes every morning to pick
up meat and parts that can't be sold.
Messages in this topic (9)
7a. Now what do I do????
Posted by: "Loretta Luja" luja@comcast.net desertwilite
Date: Thu Aug 16, 2007 11:23 am ((PDT))
Hi all,
If you've been following my story (problems) You will see that
my young dog has runny stool and complains most of the night.
Now her older uncle didn't have a movement since sunday when
we came completely off of kibble and started on quarter chickens.
He tried to have a bowel movement a while ago and came running
in the house SCREAMING. He dropped one extremely hard
poop that was already turning whitish on one end! So I guess
I have 2 dogs at each end of the spectrum.
I am guessing that I should give him more meat and less bone,
but what to do in the mean time? Is there anything I should do
to get these hard as rock poops out so he doesn't scream in pain?
He is afraid to go outside now!
My younger one had a sloppy but formed movement today but
still with obvious bone fragments. Is it normal to have fragments
all the time or should I expect her to get better at digesting as
time goes on.? (she did sleep most of the night- finally)
Sorry for the "poop" questions but I don't know how else to
tell if the meat/bone is being tolerated. My husband must be
about ready to call the "men in white coats" for me!
One dog cries at night and gets diarrhea on the floor and
now the other one is running around screaming with rocks
coming out the other end!!
What should I do?
Messages in this topic (3)
7b. Re: Now what do I do????
Posted by: "Carol" onejoyfulmoose@yahoo.com onejoyfulmoose
Date: Thu Aug 16, 2007 1:09 pm ((PDT))
Try some apple sauce. It's worked for my dog when he's had
constipation. Just a couple of tablespoons has helped him. I also
give some cooked carrots. Hey, you do what you gotta do to keep them
happy. After that, I have to be sure that he gets plenty of fat in
his meals as he tends to have problems w/too lean of cuts.
--- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, Loretta Luja <luja@...> wrote:
> Hi all,
> If you've been following my story (problems) You will see that
> my young dog has runny stool and complains most of the night.
> Now her older uncle didn't have a movement since sunday when
> we came completely off of kibble and started on quarter chickens.
> He tried to have a bowel movement a while ago and came running
> in the house SCREAMING. He dropped one extremely hard
> poop that was already turning whitish on one end! So I guess
> I have 2 dogs at each end of the spectrum.
> I am guessing that I should give him more meat and less bone,
> but what to do in the mean time? Is there anything I should do
> to get these hard as rock poops out so he doesn't scream in pain?
> He is afraid to go outside now!
> My younger one had a sloppy but formed movement today but
> still with obvious bone fragments. Is it normal to have fragments
> all the time or should I expect her to get better at digesting as
> time goes on.? (she did sleep most of the night- finally)
> Sorry for the "poop" questions but I don't know how else to
> tell if the meat/bone is being tolerated. My husband must be
> about ready to call the "men in white coats" for me!
> One dog cries at night and gets diarrhea on the floor and
> now the other one is running around screaming with rocks
> coming out the other end!!
> What should I do?
Messages in this topic (3)
7c. Re: Now what do I do????
Posted by: "Andrea" poketmouse45@yahoo.com poketmouse45
Date: Thu Aug 16, 2007 1:16 pm ((PDT))
For the adult with rock hard poos, you hit the nail on the head with
feeding more meat. In the meantime, you can give him some slippery
elm to try and soothe the digestive track. You can also give him
some raw egg or liver to try and lube things up, but don't go
overboard, just one egg a day or a very small amount of liver.
Bits of undigested bone in poo are not unusual with newbie dogs.
After a little while I expect you'll stop seeing them. Are you
feeding the dogs the same meals? The pup may be eating too much in
one sitting, try cutting back into several small meals. Hope that
helps, don't get discouraged, ok?
--- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, Loretta Luja <luja@...> wrote:
> I am guessing that I should give him more meat and less bone,
> but what to do in the mean time? Is there anything I should do
> to get these hard as rock poops out so he doesn't scream in pain?
> He is afraid to go outside now!
> My younger one had a sloppy but formed movement today but
> still with obvious bone fragments. Is it normal to have fragments
> all the time or should I expect her to get better at digesting as
> time goes on.?
Messages in this topic (3)
8a. Re: New Here - Looking to start feeding a raw diet to my yorkie.
Posted by: "Yasuko herron" sunshine_annamaria@yahoo.com sunshine_annamaria
Date: Thu Aug 16, 2007 12:02 pm ((PDT))
>I have a 1 year old 4lb yorkie named Morgan. I'm just worried about giving her bones >because she is so small and i have no concept about how much to feed her and how big >the bones need to be so she won't choke on them.
Hi,Kellie. You hear a lot from especially Vet that giving bone isdangerous but,what is dangerous is COOKED bone,not raw bone.
I don't lie about I too was bit nervous on my first feeding day because I got used to see my dog eats kibble.
But,no worry. The bone in chucken is quite soft so,I think even little dog can handle it since little tiny chiwawa owners are feeding raw as well and seems no problems.
How much to feedis 2-3% of ideal weight and, how big the bone should be.. I made my own rule that I don't feed smaller than muzzel like 1 inch size pork chop bone or cutted ox tail bone on grocery store or drummit.
My dog is about 30lb so,much bigger than yours but, I think you can do same with me just smaller portion than mine.
Here,people recommend 80% meat,10% bone,10% organ(liver,kidney).
That is a goal but you don't need to feed organ right away.
Slowly and steady with patient works better. So,try one thing at a time.Always add only 1 new thing because that way,you can detect what was problem with your dog.
You can go to grocerystore,and buy whole Cornish hen or chiocken (not enhanced one),and cut with poultry scissor to your dog meal portion .
Then,feed it till you think your dog is doing well on hen or chicken, and then you can move on to other protin source like beef or just like me, you can do 1 st week of raw feeding, chicken only and second week,chicken with chicken's organ,and then 3rd week,move onto beef or something and half chicken,half beef,and chicken organ,for example.
There is no set in stone rule like what you need to feed next so,you decide.
For organs, if you buy whole poultry,you get 1 piece of liver,heart,neck etc inside the bird,so,you can keep it for second week and feed it and if it is gone and if your dog doing great,then,you can get chicken liver tab for example at grocerystore 1lb 1 dollar and you make variety from there for organ variety.
My case, after introducing beef,I introduced Beef organ(liver,kidney) so,I was on Beef 2 weeks or less I think,but it is just me. You can do whatever you think it comfortable.
AsS for choking worry,you need to supervise your dog while eating. I never leave my dog alone with meal.
>It isn't a good diet to keep her on and that she needs more variety.
Yes,but you don't need to move on to other protin source right away. Steady slow is always was good for me. You can add anything you want in variety later.
>I figure whole fish would be easy but i don't know which types of fish are good for her.
For fish,avoid Salmon and TRout from Pacific North west ;CA to alaska line due salmon poisoning.
You can cheat mine tho..
I have fed perch,Haddock,Mahi mahi,Shark, squid,scallop,shrimp,clam, flounder,rocket fish etc..
If you could find herring,sardine,anchovi,jack mackerral, it is super great.
When I don't find whole fish,I feed fillet and give chicken feet.
You can feed canned salmon,canned mackerral,canned sardine in water as well.
> And can i get organ's at the supermarket???
I have got chicken gizzard and chicken liver and sliced beef liver from grocerystore before.
Good boneless meat other than steak/roast are Heart/tongue.
You can get beef tongue at shoppers if you have it near you andasian market is also good source too.
But for now, concentrate just 1 simple diet.Try chicken or cornish hen to start with.No organ needed at very first.If you introduce new stuff too soon ,you get your dog upset tummy.
Good luck!
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Messages in this topic (8)
9a. Re: Suburban rabbits?
Posted by: "Carol" onejoyfulmoose@yahoo.com onejoyfulmoose
Date: Thu Aug 16, 2007 12:08 pm ((PDT))
I would appreciate any opinions, right now I won't feed them because
I'm not sure. I know freezing takes care of parasites, but it won't do
a darned thing for toxins....
> Thanks!
> Sonja
Sonja, I don't know about the chemicals, but wild rabbits even those
living in suburbs, get worms at certain times of the years, that's why
hunting season is regulated to only certain times of the year. I
wouldn't hesitate to feed the wild rabbits that were obtained during
the normal hunting season. Maybe someone else has more info than I do
on the worm issues.
Carol, Moose & joy
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Messages in this topic (2)
10. Ginny?
Posted by: "Michael Moore" m-tak@sbcglobal.net annemoore2000
Date: Thu Aug 16, 2007 1:04 pm ((PDT))
Ginny -- would you mind if I e-mail you privately off list? I have a non rawfeeding question for you. Thanks for your consideration.
-- Anne Moore (M-Tak PWC and one goofy GSD rescue and a silly Golden rescue) in NW Ohio
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Messages in this topic (1)
11. ??'s about organ meat and catfish?
Posted by: "mz_boomer2" mz_boomer2@yahoo.com mz_boomer2
Date: Thu Aug 16, 2007 1:07 pm ((PDT))
Hi there!
I want to thank EVERYONE first off for all of your wonderful
support, knowledge, and advice since we have started this new and
wonderful journey on this diet!!!
We have been feeding raw for about 4 months now and I have a big
question about ORGAN MEAT....liver in particular.
My girl lab mix won't touch it with a 10 foot pole !! I have tried
chopping it into tiny pieces and mixing it into ground meat...giving it
whole, freezing it......all kinds of ways and she just picks through it
and spits it out......chicken, beef, pork, lamb, ..EVERYTHING! UGH!
1) HOW can I get her nutrition level up according to diet if she
won't touch organ meat? While keeping to the 80/10/10 rule (if at all
My boy lab mix is pretty good natured about it ....but still gives
me the "look"...like awwww agaaain !! LOL
I don't mess around too much with what I give them or change around
too much..other than alternating protein sources a couple of times a
week. I just give them straight raw cuts of common varieties...my girl
does prefers to start off frozen, though, with whatever she eats. I try
to just keep it as simple as possible.
I keep them both supplemented with salmon oil and have properly
introduced raw fish (like tilapia...easiest and cheapest to
find)..incidently which they LOVE as treats...I am trying to stick to
the "fresh-water-fish-rule" only.
2) Is catfish ok to give? ...I know that this is a "bottom feeding"
fish and was a little concerned about whatever they ingested would
effect my dogs in some way.
Thanks in advance...
Pam, Christine & Halo
Messages in this topic (1)
12. Losing Weight & not feeling herself
Posted by: "spicemother" spicemother@yahoo.com spicemother
Date: Thu Aug 16, 2007 1:08 pm ((PDT))
I've been feeding raw since 7/7/07 to my 3.5yr old German/Belgium
Mix with IBS issues. In the beginning she changed for the better on
her runny poo to solid poo and not waking us up at night and can hold
it all day. She can still hold it all day but she is losing weight
and getting extremly boney, she is acting more lethargic too. She
still eats every morning and evening and will still play ball outside
but she has started having really bad gas again and the poo fluctuates
to semi solid to a little runnier. I feed chicken ALL parts and at
least 1lb. each meal(more meat than bone), she gets Gizzards every so
often and I am trying to add Lamb and see how she reacts to that
protein. She also gets a Probiotic Powder for Digestion. Should I be
concerned on the weight loss? How do I get her to gain weight? Any
thoughts would be great!
Millie & Sage
Messages in this topic (1)
13. Lamb and Goat
Posted by: "rocketblasther" jforbes05@sbcglobal.net rocketblasther
Date: Thu Aug 16, 2007 1:08 pm ((PDT))
What are some good food choices from Lamb and Goat. I would would like
to add more of this for my dog, but I don't know what to ask for.
Also, is bone gristle good for dogs? I've been feedind my GSD pork rib
tips and some time they have a lot of bone gristle in it.
Jim & Sara
Messages in this topic (1)
14a. Re: Swift Tribe Questions (lengthy)
Posted by: "Ash" want4rain@yahoo.com want4rain
Date: Thu Aug 16, 2007 1:09 pm ((PDT))
also, i was wondering about sea food?? shrimp or lobster?? if the cats
will eat that, whats the benefit? i know oyster falls under the organ
meat category. what abotu the rest of it?
Messages in this topic (2)
15. freeze first?
Posted by: "ekayke" ekayke@yahoo.com ekayke
Date: Thu Aug 16, 2007 1:51 pm ((PDT))
hi there. i'm new here and am gathering info about how to feed raw. is
it always necessary to freeze meet before feeding to dogs? if i buy a
whole, unfrozen chicken from the market, would i need to freeze it
before feeding? if not, is it only "wild" meats that need to be frozen
first? thanks.
Messages in this topic (1)
16. 25-35 # dogs
Posted by: "severhaus" sever@datasync.com severhaus
Date: Thu Aug 16, 2007 1:51 pm ((PDT))
I sure could use some help with feeding 25- 35 # dogs.
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17. Ok, update from new Raw feeder
Posted by: "charlesmdodson" charlesmdodson@yahoo.com charlesmdodson
Date: Thu Aug 16, 2007 1:52 pm ((PDT))
Thanks to all who assisted with their posts yesterday and
today. I just wanted to give an update to the meats. Yesterday I
posted that I had chicken quarters, turkey necks, pigs feet, and some
liver/egg. Well, I went to the store today and bought the following:
- pork shoulder
- whole chickens (with all inerts)
- beef livers
- tripe
I still have some of the following left over:
- chicken quarters
- raw eggs
I was cutting Sherman's food intake in three portions spread out
over the day but I understand I dont need to do this at seven months
of age? He is 7 months and 70 lbs (Doberman). I have been feeding
him about 3 lbs of meat per day total. More or less? Feed twice per
day? Thanks...
Also, I understand tripe is a popular favorite among dogs. Any
advice on how much to feed? I'm sure its considered organ since its
a stomach right?
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18. kibble smell
Posted by: "outcats4@aol.com" outcats4@aol.com barb5ducks
Date: Thu Aug 16, 2007 1:54 pm ((PDT))
I was feeding kibble, canidae, then went to the volhard diet, and now am
doing mostly raw. I did buy a bag of natures variety instinct and thought I
could save some time as I have been either running out of food or the cost is
getting to me - (I havent been terribly organized with fixing his meals).
Anyway, I opened the bag, and maybe because Ive been away from kibble for a few
months, but the smell is really foul. Im sure the food is okay, its just how
it smells to me now. I think I'll skip the kibble. I do buy natures variety
raw medallions on occasion.
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