[rawfeeding] Digest Number 11788
There are 25 messages in this issue.
Topics in this digest:
1a. Tried our first whole chickens
From: nkjvcjs
1b. Re: Tried our first whole chickens
From: Andrea
2a. Re: goose
From: Sue Iobst
2b. Re: goose
From: Bearhair
3a. Raw Feeding Without Breaking the Bank
From: Julian1013@aol.com
3b. Re: Raw Feeding Without Breaking the Bank
From: Tina Berry
4. Re: I wonder if I am doing the right thing..............
From: Linda Edgington
5a. Re: what is correct amount of food to feed
From: Laurie Swanson
5b. Re: what is correct amount of food to feed
From: Lyse Garant
5c. Re: what is correct amount of food to feed
From: Sandee Lee
5d. Re: what is correct amount of food to feed
6a. cow tail
From: fillermac
6b. Re: cow tail
From: costrowski75
7a. Pork Ribs
From: Evie
7b. Re: Pork Ribs
From: temy1102
7c. Re: Pork Ribs
From: Laurie Swanson
7d. Re: Pork Ribs
From: brutus_buckley
8a. Re: Fermented stomach grass
From: ginny wilken
9a. Re: Bone shards - questions
From: Sandee Lee
9b. Re: Bone shards - questions
From: Hllywoodcaper7@aol.com
9c. Re: Bone shards - questions
From: costrowski75
10a. Re: Feeding Giant breed puppy
From: Sandee Lee
11a. Re: EPI
From: Andrea Bryan Hoss
12. Re: Raw Feeding Without Breaking the Bank ~~how old is too old?
From: Hllywoodcaper7@aol.com
13a. Re: Needing help on my second night of raw
From: Bearhair
1a. Tried our first whole chickens
Posted by: "nkjvcjs" nefreed@gmail.com nkjvcjs
Date: Tue Jul 10, 2007 3:48 pm ((PDT))
We tried our first whole, head-on, feet-on unplucked chickens last night.
They were young, about 8 weeks, so that they were about 1 lb each. I think next time I
will do full grown chickens, and just take them away after a time, because these 8 weekers
were very boney.
The pups really seemed to love it, but they only ate about half.
Katie really resisted the handfeeding with these, she really wanted to drag it away, so I
gave in after she ate about half of one fooot while I held on. They both played with them
quite a bit.
They did the same thing the first time I gave them rabbits too.
It was a bit disconcerting with the chickens still having heads & feathers and all, but we
did it, and they seemed to like it.
We will be getting a whole lamb soon. I am really excited about that.
Btw: Katie survived my trip to Italy with Daddy handfeeding the pre-made stuff, but I was
amazed at how bad their teeth got in just 2 weeks on pre-made ground stuff. (reference to
msg 132961) An oxtail the night I got home took care of it, but still, wow!
Katie, Petey and the cats
Messages in this topic (2)
1b. Re: Tried our first whole chickens
Posted by: "Andrea" poketmouse45@yahoo.com poketmouse45
Date: Tue Jul 10, 2007 5:22 pm ((PDT))
That sounds great for your pups! I wish I had a good source for whole chickens, the search
continues for me. . .
I am curious why you wanted to hold onto the foot of the chicken though. If they were whole
it doesn't seem likely that the dogs would get them down without tearing it apart, or are you
feeding bigguns? Next time you might let them try it on their own, they might have even
more fun!
--- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, "nkjvcjs" <nefreed@...> wrote:
> We tried our first whole, head-on, feet-on unplucked chickens last night.
> Katie really resisted the handfeeding with these, she really wanted to drag it away, so I
> gave in after she ate about half of one fooot while I held on.
Messages in this topic (2)
2a. Re: goose
Posted by: "Sue Iobst" fordogs@ptd.net agiledogs2000
Date: Tue Jul 10, 2007 4:35 pm ((PDT))
Re: goose
Posted by: "Bearhair" bearhair@spamcop.net bearhair61
Mon Jul 9, 2007 6:38 am (PST)
Lora wrote:
What exactly happens when you slowly introduce a new meat to him? A
chicken-only diet is nutritionally limited.
**He has loose stools
Great price and accurate assessment. You know the answer to this one - as
with all new protein sources, introduce slowly for best results.
**I have taken this bird out of the fridge for the third day in a row, time to get the chain saw, I can't cut through the bones and the fat content is enormous. Even the bones I was able to cut seem sharp. Should I just cut pieces of meat off without bone?
I gave the pup some sort of organ that was in the bag, he chewed and chewed and spit it out and repeated the same.
He finally got it down but proceeded to vomit it back up again shortly thereafter and once again chewed and spit it out reapeatedly until I finally threw it away. I'm beginning to think this wasn't such a bargain afterall.
Yes, goose and duck have red meat . . . let's talk more about your 9 year
**I gave him a small piece of venison with his chicken last nite and todays stool looks ok so far. Maybe it was my fault too much too soon. I'll continue to try tiny pieces of new meats with the chicken. This diet can sometimes seem overwhelming.
Thanks for your help.
Sue, Gnat & Slick
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Messages in this topic (4)
2b. Re: goose
Posted by: "Bearhair" bearhair@spamcop.net bearhair61
Date: Tue Jul 10, 2007 7:44 pm ((PDT))
Sue and Lora conversed thusly:
>What exactly happens when you slowly introduce a new meat to him? A
>chicken-only diet is nutritionally limited.
>**He has loose stools
How long have you given his digestive system a chance to adapt before giving
up on the meat?
>**I have taken this bird out of the fridge for the third day in a row, time to get the chain saw, I can't cut through the bones and the fat content is enormous. Even the bones I was able to cut seem sharp. Should I just cut pieces of meat off without bone?
Might as well feed some of it! I can guarantee you loose stools from duck
>I gave the pup some sort of organ that was in the bag, he chewed and chewed and spit it out and repeated the same.
>He finally got it down but proceeded to vomit it back up again shortly thereafter and once again chewed and spit it out reapeatedly until I finally threw it away. I'm beginning to think this wasn't such a bargain afterall.
As long as he's still interested in it, you should let him have it. My guess
is that it was a gizzard. Tough, tough, rubbery things, but great for his
jaws and teeth!
>Yes, goose and duck have red meat . . . let's talk more about your 9 year
>**I gave him a small piece of venison with his chicken last nite and todays stool looks ok so far. Maybe it was my fault too much too soon. I'll continue to try tiny pieces of new meats with the chicken. This diet can sometimes seem overwhelming.
Excellent! Keep us posted!
Evanston, IL
Messages in this topic (4)
3a. Raw Feeding Without Breaking the Bank
Posted by: "Julian1013@aol.com" Julian1013@aol.com kaseyfrankie
Date: Tue Jul 10, 2007 4:35 pm ((PDT))
Hi all, I'm new to the group, my name is Kasey.. I have an 11 month old German Shepherd, Sophie, who was switched to Raw about 2 months ago, doing great! Now.. I am ready to switch my four cats. I don't think the raw diet itself will be an issue because, well, they're little hogs lol, but I'm not sure if I am doing this?correctly, but when I calculate out a months budget for the food, switching to raw would almost double the cost, and I've been told if done properly it's not supposed to be a whole lot more expensive. Am I shopping wrong? What is the daily percentage of raw diet a cat should have based on their?body weight? I am semi new to this, like I said my dog has been on Raw for a while now but I could still use some tips and advice. Any input is greatly appreciated!!! I look forward to getting to know everyone on the site! -Thanks
??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Kasey S.
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Messages in this topic (2)
3b. Re: Raw Feeding Without Breaking the Bank
Posted by: "Tina Berry" k9baron@gmail.com k9antje
Date: Tue Jul 10, 2007 4:47 pm ((PDT))
"Am I shopping wrong? What is the daily percentage of raw diet a cat should
have based on their?body weight?"
I don't know about feeding cats, but anything under $1 per lb is considered
good. Our local grocery had chicken leg/thigh quarters on sale for .79 -
bought all they had ;-) Albertson's used to have whole chickens on sale for
.39/lb sometimes and we would buy like 60 at a time - if you called ahead
and were not a retailer, they would let me buy as many as I wanted. Shop
around, ethnic markets, hunters cleaning out their freezers for this fall is
a good freebie to look for too. All our friends and family know to empty
their meat freezers on us.
Tina Berry
Kriegshund German Shepherds
Working Lines ~ Naturally Reared
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Messages in this topic (2)
4. Re: I wonder if I am doing the right thing..............
Posted by: "Linda Edgington" lindagail849@yahoo.com lindagail849
Date: Tue Jul 10, 2007 4:35 pm ((PDT))
I have them seperated when they eat, Sass usually on top of the washer and Gizzy
either in kennel or outside. The problem is usally after feeding time, he doesn't want
her anywhere near me or in the same room. And if he hear
her in another room he just take out after her. Now she is jumpy when I go to pet
her. Don't know what the problem is. Also I have only got them on chicken and
pork, and started Gizz on some beef today. Its not really fresh so I didn't offer
to Sass. I threw all my kibble and canned food away when
I started this. I won't go back, but sometimes I just get scared when little things
go wrong.
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YAHOO.Shortcuts.overlaySpaceId = "97546169"; YAHOO.Shortcuts.hostSpaceId = "97546168"; Hi, Linda!
Is Sass still trying to steal his food? ; )
Raw food is perceived by dogs (rightly so) as of higher value than
kibble. So, he may be protecting his cherished food from the feline
predator. Maybe he never viewed her as a rival before.
I'd feed them separately, each in a crate or confined somehow, so that
neither has to feel in competition with the other for the good stuff.
In most supermarkets, you can get little tubs of chicken liver and
packs of mixed heart and gizzards. While not the epitome of organ
variety, they *are all organs and can satisfy the requirements. Ask
the meat 'man' in the back what days they are usually available. If
you buy whole chickens, usually the heart, gizzard and liver are
packed inside the cavity.
> Since I have started raw feeding about 8 days ago, everything seemed
to be doing ok, but my dog Gizzy is picking on my cat really bad. I am
worried about her. So far I have been feeding chicken and pork, and I
can't find any organs, anywhere in this town. So is she ok, just
feeding what I am feeding her? And whats up with my dog?
> Linda
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Messages in this topic (1)
5a. Re: what is correct amount of food to feed
Posted by: "Laurie Swanson" laurie@mckinneyphoto.com las_lala
Date: Tue Jul 10, 2007 4:35 pm ((PDT))
Start with 2-3% of ideal adult body weight and adjust based on activity
level and whether your dog is over or underweight. Smaller dogs
usually need a higher percentage of food per body weight. That is the
ball park, but it's not critical, and you just give something a try and
see how it goes. You may get loose stools if you feed too much, and if
you do, then you can cut down a little. My 20 lb. Boston usually eats
about 3/4 lb. a day or a little less (between 3-4% of his body
weight). I hear about big dogs being closer to 2%. But it really
depends on the dog.
If you need more info, feel free to post, but there's also a wealth of
info in past posts--read 'em all for a day or two and try searching the
Messages in this topic (5)
5b. Re: what is correct amount of food to feed
Posted by: "Lyse Garant" lyse_garant@yahoo.com lyse_garant
Date: Tue Jul 10, 2007 5:24 pm ((PDT))
So my welsh terrier, ideal adult weight 20 pounds, should eat .6 [that's point 6, not 6! haha] pounds of food a day. correct?, despite his weighing only around 12 pounds at this point. So far so good with chicken and beef! Gotta get movin' on some meat smothered bones though...tomorrow!
Laurie Swanson <laurie@mckinneyphoto.com> wrote: Start with 2-3% of ideal adult body weight and adjust based on activity
level and whether your dog is over or underweight. Smaller dogs
usually need a higher percentage of food per body weight. That is the
ball park, but it's not critical, and you just give something a try and
see how it goes. You may get loose stools if you feed too much, and if
you do, then you can cut down a little. My 20 lb. Boston usually eats
about 3/4 lb. a day or a little less (between 3-4% of his body
weight). I hear about big dogs being closer to 2%. But it really
depends on the dog.
If you need more info, feel free to post, but there's also a wealth of
info in past posts--read 'em all for a day or two and try searching the
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Messages in this topic (5)
5c. Re: what is correct amount of food to feed
Posted by: "Sandee Lee" rlee@plix.com mariasmom2001
Date: Tue Jul 10, 2007 7:21 pm ((PDT))
2-3% of ideal adult weight per day...tons of meat (up to 80%), a little bone
and some organs!
What have you been feeding?
Sandee & the Dane Gang
From: "alluponjanice" <alluponjanice@yahoo.com>
I raw feed and Ive gotten so many different formulas on how much to
feed my dogs on a daily basis. help please!!!!!!!
Messages in this topic (5)
5d. Re: what is correct amount of food to feed
Posted by: "ANTHONT RODRIGUEZ" luvthisphysique@yahoo.com luvthisphysique
Date: Tue Jul 10, 2007 7:45 pm ((PDT))
what would you recommend as far as eating tons of
meat? your response would be much appreciated. thank
Anthony Rodriguez
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Messages in this topic (5)
6a. cow tail
Posted by: "fillermac" jkffiller@msn.com fillermac
Date: Tue Jul 10, 2007 4:35 pm ((PDT))
Hi, I have a cow tail but it is sliced. Can I still feed it. It has a
lot of fat. Should I trim the fat off? Thanks for your help, Chevy
Messages in this topic (2)
6b. Re: cow tail
Posted by: "costrowski75" Chriso75@AOL.COM costrowski75
Date: Tue Jul 10, 2007 4:54 pm ((PDT))
"fillermac" <jkffiller@...> wrote:
> Hi, I have a cow tail but it is sliced. Can I still feed it. It has a
> lot of fat. Should I trim the fat off?
What size dog are you feeding and into what size slices has the tail
been sliced?
If your dog is an experienced raw eater you might be able to feed the
fat. If your dog is new you'll probably want to trim fat.
OTOH if the dog is big and the slices are small you may not want to
waste time trimming the fat since the bones may be too small for safe
eating anyway. Most of the time oxtail slices are too small for safe
Chris O
Messages in this topic (2)
7a. Pork Ribs
Posted by: "Evie" archie.willow@yahoo.co.uk archie.willow
Date: Tue Jul 10, 2007 5:25 pm ((PDT))
Hi Guys,
I've got two slabs of pork ribs to feed my jrt and whippet x with.
Should I add some more meat to the meals or just feed as is?
Messages in this topic (7)
7b. Re: Pork Ribs
Posted by: "temy1102" tammy.a.jp@gmail.com temy1102
Date: Tue Jul 10, 2007 6:05 pm ((PDT))
as i've said once before, my 8 lb. miniature dachshund eats pork ribs
like they're sandwiches. :T it amazes me what they can do.
Messages in this topic (7)
7c. Re: Pork Ribs
Posted by: "Laurie Swanson" laurie@mckinneyphoto.com las_lala
Date: Tue Jul 10, 2007 6:07 pm ((PDT))
Hi Evie,
It doesn't matter much. You wouldn't want to feed only ribs and
other boney items all the time, but for one meal or so, you can go
either way. I'd say it depends on how meaty the ribs are, what
you've been feeding lately, and how much bone your dogs tend to do
best with. If you've been feeding boney items and you feed these
alone, you'll probably get white, crumbly poops and possibly some
constipation. You may choose to add some meat (I probably would,
myself). Although, ribs are fatty, so that helps lube the system,
too. If you've been feeding boneless meals, you might just feed
these on their own.
--- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, "Evie" <archie.willow@...> wrote:
I've got two slabs of pork ribs to feed my jrt and whippet x with.
> Should I add some more meat to the meals or just feed as is?
> Evie
Messages in this topic (7)
7d. Re: Pork Ribs
Posted by: "brutus_buckley" brutus_buckley@yahoo.com brutus_buckley
Date: Tue Jul 10, 2007 7:54 pm ((PDT))
I add a nice side of organ with ribs. My dog is a little sensitive when
it comes to organs, and since ribs have a bit more bone, I can get away
with feeding a little more organ than usual. I try to follow up the
next day with a nice meaty meal to balance out the ribs.
-Renee W.
Messages in this topic (7)
8a. Re: Fermented stomach grass
Posted by: "ginny wilken" gwilken@alamedanet.net ginny439
Date: Tue Jul 10, 2007 7:08 pm ((PDT))
On Jul 10, 2007, at 12:33 PM, Jen wrote:
> --- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, Lyse Garant <lyse_garant@...>
> wrote:
>> Hey, at least you're trying! People here shouldn't be so hard on you.
> No kidding! Like I said when I got berated for buying the same exact
> stuff, I'm willing to pay a couple of bucks for a treat for my dogs or
> to try something once.
Hey, I don't think it was supposed to be hard on you. I know I felt
that you got ripped off bigtime by people making a totally useless,
pointless product. I resent the capitalization on the illness of our
dogs, brought on by our being duped initially. No insult to you meant
whatsoever, but this sort of thing really gets me going.
ginny and Tomo
All stunts performed without a net!
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Messages in this topic (8)
9a. Re: Bone shards - questions
Posted by: "Sandee Lee" rlee@plix.com mariasmom2001
Date: Tue Jul 10, 2007 7:18 pm ((PDT))
Courtney, how much meat are you feeding?
Sandee & the Dane Gang
From: "Courtney" <courtneyredhead@yahoo.com>
I'm still fairly new at raw feeding. We've been at it for 3 months. I am
concerned about the
little, sharp shards of bone I'm finding in my dog's stools. They're smaller
than a dime but
bigger than the eraser on a pencil.
Should I change their RMBs to something other than beef ribs, pork necks,
Messages in this topic (6)
9b. Re: Bone shards - questions
Posted by: "Hllywoodcaper7@aol.com" Hllywoodcaper7@aol.com irishcateyes1
Date: Tue Jul 10, 2007 7:44 pm ((PDT))
Oh my! Too funny! What a visual. . . LMBO! Tamatha
In a message dated 7/10/2007 6:28:25 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
brutus_buckley@yahoo.com writes:
//Are they immediately visible or are
> you poking through the stools like a safari tracker? //
***LOL Chris; this is definitely the quote of the day.
-Renee W.
Any dog can teach a child responsibility and commitment.
A German Shepherd Dog will show the child the meaning
of dedication.
"He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life,
his love, his leader. He will be yours faithful and true, to the last beat of
his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion." --Unknown
************************************** See what's free at http://www.aol.com.
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Messages in this topic (6)
9c. Re: Bone shards - questions
Posted by: "costrowski75" Chriso75@AOL.COM costrowski75
Date: Tue Jul 10, 2007 8:10 pm ((PDT))
--- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, "brutus_buckley"
<brutus_buckley@...> wrote:
> //Are they immediately visible or are
> > you poking through the stools like a safari tracker? //
> ***LOL Chris; this is definitely the quote of the day.
Renee, I gotta tell ya, the book "Born Free" made a huge impression on
me when I was a kid. I remember reading about the Adamsons following
the lions, examining their spoor. Except that I thought spoor meant
feces and couldn't figure out why they were looking at feces.
And then I learned that spoor was also the animal's track or trail.
And then I learned that feces are indeed examined, and quite closely.
All because of Elsa. Yeesh.
Chris O
Messages in this topic (6)
10a. Re: Feeding Giant breed puppy
Posted by: "Sandee Lee" rlee@plix.com mariasmom2001
Date: Tue Jul 10, 2007 7:23 pm ((PDT))
The studies show otherwise. It is *not* protein that causes out of control
growth....in fact, it is just the opposite. You will have issues by
reducing protein! Species appropriate does not change depending upon breed!
Sandee & the Dane Gang
From: "Angela Brown" <irisbarbata@yahoo.com>
Hi I have a 13 month old English Mastiff who was raised and still is
on raw. I totally disagree with thinking it's the same as raising any
other breed of dog - this is simply false. They should have a lower
protein level then other breeds during growth to avoid them growing
too fast. i.e. NOT lots and lots of meat and a little bit of bone.
Angie Brown
--- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, "Sandee Lee" <rlee@...> wrote:
> >From: "nathaliebiron" <nathaliebiron@...>
> >Hi everyone!!! Can you give me some advices. I'll have my mastiff
> >puppy next year and I want to be ready !! Is somebody who have a giant
> >breed, how did you start, what did you give your puppy (ex.: chicken
> >neck, chicken leg... etc)
> Same way you would feed any other puppy...lots and lots of meat, a
> edible bone and a bit of organs! Easy!!!
Messages in this topic (9)
11a. Re: EPI
Posted by: "Andrea Bryan Hoss" andreabryanhoss@yahoo.com andreabryanhoss
Date: Tue Jul 10, 2007 7:43 pm ((PDT))
--- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, K9FindM@... wrote:
Did you have your dogs blood
tested?? And if so, what does it show?
> Maria
Yes, I had my dog's blood tested, and it was bloody expensive. The
test measures the concentration of trypsin, produced by the
pancreas. Laika measured at 2.0 = EPI. At the time, I too had her on
a "high quality" kibble (believe me when I tell you that feeding raw
is actually cheaper than what I was feeding my dog). When I started
giving her the Pancrezyme (pancreatic supplement), there was an
improvement; she went from brown water poop to cow patties. My vet
didn't know much about tweaking her diet other than recommending
Hills Science Diet -- even when I was a kibble feeder I wouldn't
give my dogs that crap. So, I found a holistic vet that
specialized in nutrition. She told me about feeding raw b/c of the
enzymes that are so desperately needed, but are gone from cooked
food. She did recommend veggies, and normally she encouraged grains,
but not with an EPI dog; their pancreas cannot handle any grains.
She actually recommended using sweet potato instead of grains. I
said "hmm" to that, got online to do more research, found this list,
started feeding prey model raw, 80% muscle meat, 10%edible bone, 10%
organ, supplement with salmon oil, no veggies or grains, and I have
cut her Pancrezyme by
1/3. I have an extremely healthy, Firm Poop Dog. My "regular" vet
is amazed; so am I!
Here are a couple more articles to look at. They are actually
published vet research papers,one of them gets technical, but it is
a good read.
> http://www.merckvetmanual.com/mvm/index.jsp?cfile=htm/bc/23404.htm
Also, has your dog been tested for inflammatory bowel disease or
small intestinal bacterial overgrowth? The symptoms are simmilar to
-Andrea, Laika & Squirt
> >
> >
> >
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Messages in this topic (5)
12. Re: Raw Feeding Without Breaking the Bank ~~how old is too old?
Posted by: "Hllywoodcaper7@aol.com" Hllywoodcaper7@aol.com irishcateyes1
Date: Tue Jul 10, 2007 7:44 pm ((PDT))
"Shop around, ethnic markets, hunters cleaning out their freezers for this
fall is
a good freebie to look for too. All our friends and family know to empty
their meat freezers on us."
Question about "freezer emptying":
How old is too old to feed to a puppy or a dog? What is the rule of thumb?
Venison different from other types of meats--or is there a general overall
Any dog can teach a child responsibility and commitment.
A German Shepherd Dog will show the child the meaning
of dedication.
"He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life,
his love, his leader. He will be yours faithful and true, to the last beat of
his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion." --Unknown
************************************** See what's free at http://www.aol.com.
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Messages in this topic (1)
13a. Re: Needing help on my second night of raw
Posted by: "Bearhair" bearhair@spamcop.net bearhair61
Date: Tue Jul 10, 2007 7:56 pm ((PDT))
Eve wrote:
> Thanks so much! This definitely makes me feel more confident in what I'm doing.
My pleasure! Keep us posted on your progress.
> I am just feeding him once in the evening---this is ok?
I feed twice a day, but mine are 50 - 80 pounds each. I can't imagine how you
would split 5 to 11 ounces of food into two meals without going insane.
Search in the archives for "gorge" for more information from those that feed
LESS than once a day.
Evanston, IL
Messages in this topic (6)
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