[rawfeeding] Digest Number 11771
There are 26 messages in this issue.
Topics in this digest:
1a. Question...seeking second opinion <G>
From: cbdjmac@aol.com
1b. Question...seeking second opinion <G>
From: costrowski75
2a. Re: New to group: be gentle
From: mwood8402
3a. question on RMBs
From: leslie
3b. Re: question on RMBs
From: Andrea
3c. What to try next
From: Tabby Thompson
3d. Re: What to try next
From: Giselle
4a. Re: Are you in Arizona?
From: Patrice Quinn
5a. Re: Hello everyone- update on a Newbie
From: Patrice Quinn
5b. Re: Hello everyone- update on a Newbie
From: babyboyfila1
5c. Re: Hello everyone- update on a Newbie
From: Andrea
6a. Re: Bone in butts & loins... help!
From: carnesbill
7a. Re: Buying a full cow!
From: linoleum5017
8a. Re: Venison and goopy poo
From: Andrea
8b. Re: Venison and goopy poo
From: Alfonso and Nadia De La Cruz
8c. Re: Venison and goopy poo
From: Giselle
9a. Re: pork heads - keep how long ? Smash ? Elk heads ?
From: linoleum5017
10a. Re: Amount to feed 4wk puppies?
From: Stephanie Cassin
10b. Re: Amount to feed 4wk puppies?
From: Giselle
10c. Re: Amount to feed 4wk puppies?
From: Andrea
11a. Re: Feeding Raw
From: Andrea
12a. Re: Non bone eating dog
From: mob1043
13a. Re: My lab is eating me out of house and home!
From: pelirojita
14. An Update!
From: Pauline
15. i just joined i need some help on raw recipes...
From: kittenmitten000
16. Old Lady!!
From: Leanne
1a. Question...seeking second opinion <G>
Posted by: "cbdjmac@aol.com" cbdjmac@aol.com gr24k
Date: Fri Jul 6, 2007 4:53 pm ((PDT))
Maybe I didn't write the post correctly...They are not the only meat or
bones that I feed or anything like that...I got them for free and didn't want to
waste them if I could use them. Nope can't return...they were free. It is
either use them or pitch them.
I feed Roast/beef hunks, beef heart(I buy whole hearts), liver, chicken
halves or leg quarters, fish minus the head...LOL occasionally tripe, buffalo
knuckle bones for rec.and other odds and ends when I can get them...my puppy had
her first chicken head yesterday...God, I have to turn my head and pick it up
with a paper towel LOL The only think I don't feed is pork neck bones as my
eldest had problems with it one time and it scared me to death...whole
eggs/shell and all, etc., I think it is a pretty good variety isn't it?
************************************** See what's free at http://www.aol.com.
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Messages in this topic (7)
1b. Question...seeking second opinion <G>
Posted by: "costrowski75" Chriso75@AOL.COM costrowski75
Date: Fri Jul 6, 2007 5:32 pm ((PDT))
cbdjmac@... wrote:
>> I feed Roast/beef hunks, beef heart(I buy whole hearts), liver,
> halves or leg quarters, fish minus the head...LOL occasionally tripe,
> knuckle bones for rec.and other odds and ends when I can get them..
So okay, just feed the necks to whichever dog will eat them with the
least chance of doing something dumb. Add them to meat meals or build
meat meals around them.
Be my choice to see no buffalo bones on the menu (just like beef bones
they are not kind to teeth) and to see more non-chicken meat but as
long as you feed the necks with meat they're not likely to do anything
more than maybe generate rocky poops.
I wouldn't worry about feeding pork neck bone, you've got plenty of
edible bone on the menu. Add pork meat? Yes, you bet. There's always
room for variety. Good that you keep your eyes open for odds and ends!
Chris O
Messages in this topic (7)
2a. Re: New to group: be gentle
Posted by: "mwood8402" mwood8402@hotmail.com mwood8402
Date: Fri Jul 6, 2007 5:11 pm ((PDT))
Just feed bigger food (quarters or halves) and you will be fine. Don't feed little things like
necks alone.
-Melissa W
--- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, "arnereil" <arnereil@...> wrote:
> Gretta is a rotti/Sheppard mix from the dog pound.. probably 10-15#
> overweight.
> I just have this "chicken bone getting stuck in her throat" image.
> .
> Arne
> .
Messages in this topic (13)
3a. question on RMBs
Posted by: "leslie" lbuxx@yahoo.com lbuxx
Date: Fri Jul 6, 2007 8:12 pm ((PDT))
Hi All,
I'm pretty new here and new to any type of raw feeding. I have a few
questions. I'm sure I have more than a few but so as not to overwhelm
anyone, I'll start slow..
Pork neck bones- OK? Dogs seem to like them but the butcher steered
me away from them said they would splinter...I have given pork neck
bones in the past and they did fine, but wanted to check with you all.
Kibble- I know you guys hate it. I get that. But why can you not
supplement with kibble? Does it mess w/ digestion? Is it gonna make
them pukey? One of the main reasons I ask is my 17 yr old boston is
having a time chewing everything, even after I cut it into smallish
chunks. I have yet to get in any ground chicken mix and she can't
miss any meals. Right now I'd like to supplement her with kibble. My
dogs were on Wysong but I'm switching over to Solid Gold Barking at
the Moon. Its got pretty high protein (41%) which I understand is good
for the older ones.
Also, you wouldn't believe the look on the butcher's face when I
bought 40 lbs of chicken leg quarters (for $28.00!!!) today.... He
says "you must be having a BBQ this weekend." When I told him it was
for my dogs, his eyes kinda bugged out..hehe
Messages in this topic (4)
3b. Re: question on RMBs
Posted by: "Andrea" poketmouse45@yahoo.com poketmouse45
Date: Fri Jul 6, 2007 8:53 pm ((PDT))
Hi, Leslie, welcome to the group.
> Pork neck bones- OK?
For me it depends on how small they get cut. Some pork necks are large, about 12", L
shaped things with lots of meat on them. I like these necks. Some, I find at the grocery
store are cut up into small chunks with little meat on them. I don't like these necks.
> the butcher steered me away from them said they would splinter...
I would imagine this is along the same lines as "Never give a dog chicken bones." The only
way I can see them splintering is if they are old and dried out.
> But why can you not supplement with kibble? Does it mess w/ digestion? Is it gonna
> make them pukey?
I think the question is what would ki**le be adding to the party? Grains, vegetables, meat
by products? Your dog doesn't need any of these things, so you aren't actually
supplementing the diet, just adding "stuff." Since raw food and ki**le digest at different
rates, it can cause serious digestive upset when fed with raw, especially meals with bone.
Switching between meals of both is going to give inconsistent poo, so it will be hard to
judge wether or not you are feeding too much bone, fat, organ, etc.
> One of the main reasons I ask is my 17 yr old boston is having a time chewing
> everything, even after I cut it into smallish chunks.
Is she having a hard time with bone in stuff or just meat in general? If it is bone in stuff,
you might try smashing the bone in meat with a hammer to break it up a bit. Give her
some time, I'm sure her jaw strength isn't very great. It takes some time to build up the
muscles needed to rip and tear. You won't find much ki**le support here, but for an oldie,
you can do the same as lots of us have to do with cats, mix canned ki**le with raw until
she has the strength to switch over completely.
Messages in this topic (4)
3c. What to try next
Posted by: "Tabby Thompson" tabby@laneybay.com laneybay1
Date: Fri Jul 6, 2007 11:08 pm ((PDT))
Hi list. I am new to this group and need some advice. I have two PWD's (57
lbs, 41 lbs) and a mini Schnauzer (15 lbs). My male PWD is who prompted me
to find a better way of feeding. He came to me very ill (48 lbs or so).
After dealing w/ blow outs, bad breath, and not eating well I started to
listen to his needs. I read for six months and asked the few people I knew
about raw feeding. My breeder and vet felt this was not a good choice.
Both have since changed their minds since seeing my male's complete change.
He was gaining after we seen a holistic vet for his weight. It just didn't
seem to be all he needed. So I made my decision to do what is best for my
I have been feeding chicken leg quarters, backs, and breasts to my guys
daily for a little over a month. After two weeks, I added some beef roast.
I figured more meat was needed since they looked to be struggling to go.
After a two day bout of slight loose stools, I just went back to chicken. I
was determined not to quit. My ratio since I don't really measure would be
a guess of around 70 % RMB to 30 % muscle meat.
I tried it again yesterday to add some variety to their diet (beef roast)
and we are back to slight loose stools. It was nothing to raise a flag at
since I have seen it at its worst before. I used less muscle meat this
time. There were no initial loose stools when I took the plunge starting w/
chicken as my source. Now I just sit here worrying that if I don't get my
guys soon a variety that they will be lacking nutrients they need.
Should I just stick it out for a few days this time or try another source?
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
Tabby Thompson
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Messages in this topic (4)
3d. Re: What to try next
Posted by: "Giselle" megan.giselle@gmail.com megangiselle
Date: Fri Jul 6, 2007 11:36 pm ((PDT))
Hi, Tabby!
The stools you are seeing when you give more meat is normal, you are
just used to the firmer stools that go with feeding more bone.
Soft, even runny stools from feeding meat with a little bone, or
meatymeat meals is OK, just different.
Some people get concerned when they see looser stools, as the tendency
is to start with too much bone in the diet. That, I believe, is from
the pervasiveness of the 'RMB' or (w)rec(k) bone as the ideal diet
into the general public perception, and a holdover from the "BARF" diet.
You only need about 10% *edible* bone in your dog's diet, with 80%
meat (anything that isn't bone or organ) and about 10% organ.
Whenever you change over from an established protein, or a lot of bony
parts to meatymeat meals, you probably will have some loose stools.
This should even out as your dog(s) get used to the new protein and
less bone. You can start to add a bit (a thumbnail sized piece) of
liver to your dog's meals, too. That may add to the 'runniness', but
liver is important as organ in the diet.
Introduce what new proteins you can find and afford. Turkey is usually
reasonable, as is pork. Feed the heart & gizzards as meatymeat. Stay
with the new protein for a week or two, then move on. Don't worry
about having a bone in every meal.
You have plenty of time to introduce new proteins, and organs. Balance
and variety in proteins and body parts over time; weeks, months down
the road can be your goal, don't rush it. Just don't let yourself be
discouraged over some runny poop. Poops don't have to be perfect every
time. ; )
with Bea in New Jersey
> Hi list. I am new to this group and need some advice.
> I have been feeding chicken leg quarters, backs, and breasts to my guys
> daily for a little over a month. After two weeks, I added some beef
> I figured more meat was needed since they looked to be struggling to go.
> After a two day bout of slight loose stools, I just went back to
chicken. I
> was determined not to quit. My ratio since I don't really measure
would be
> a guess of around 70 % RMB to 30 % muscle meat.
> I tried it again yesterday to add some variety to their diet (beef
> and we are back to slight loose stools. Now I just sit here
worrying that if I don't get my
> guys soon a variety that they will be lacking nutrients they need.
> Should I just stick it out for a few days this time or try another
> Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks in advance,
> Tabby Thompson
Messages in this topic (4)
4a. Re: Are you in Arizona?
Posted by: "Patrice Quinn" patrice@patricequinn.com patrice_quinn
Date: Fri Jul 6, 2007 8:13 pm ((PDT))
Thanks, Andrea. Have a great weekend. Say Hi to Geiger from the Quinn clan
and hang in there thru the hot weather! Patrice
-------Original Message-------
From: Andrea
Date: 7/6/2007 1:14:50 PM
To: rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [rawfeeding] Re: Are you in Arizona?
Most dogs do fine with frozen food, though some don't like it as much.
You need to be careful with small breed dogs because the cold food can
drop their body temps too low. Geiger is a German Shorthaired Pointer
mix, about 65lbs. My sister has a Chi that would get too chilled with
even semi-frozen foods.
--- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, "Patrice Quinn" <patrice@...> wrote:
> Wow, humidity as far inland as Fresno? Would it be o.k. for me to
feed my
> three frozen chicken parts? What breed is Geiger (I can see him
laying his
> head on the frozen food--cute). Have a good weekend, Patrice
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Messages in this topic (8)
5a. Re: Hello everyone- update on a Newbie
Posted by: "Patrice Quinn" patrice@patricequinn.com patrice_quinn
Date: Fri Jul 6, 2007 8:14 pm ((PDT))
5Thank goodness that we and our canine "kids" are free from all the
unnecessary nonsense--a win-win. Have a great weekend! Patrice
-------Original Message-------
From: geraldinebutterfield
Date: 7/6/2007 1:54:58 PM
To: rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [rawfeeding] Re: Hello everyone- update on a Newbie
Oh yes!! I cooked for awhile and that was a lot of work, even for a
small dog. And, she wasn't always so fond of it. My husband often
gave me a weird look when I cooked a roast for her and made salad
for him and me, lol! Anyway, she too began acting like it was a
new form of play. I bring out her towel and she immediately goes
into her best behavior and does every trick she knows, and even
makes some up. When she's finished she runs around like a crazy
little thing having a blast - sooo funny to watch. This was the
best thing I could have done for her and me. I do wish more people
would have an open mind to it. My vet hates the idea that she isn't
living solely on kibble.
--- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, "Patrice Quinn" <patrice@...>
> May I concur? For the last eight months I put myself through a
time and
> work intensive bi-weekly process of cooking a large quantity of
>> our dogs enjoy eating like it's a new form of recreation! Patrice
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Messages in this topic (6)
5b. Re: Hello everyone- update on a Newbie
Posted by: "babyboyfila1" babyboyfila1@yahoo.com babyboyfila1
Date: Fri Jul 6, 2007 8:42 pm ((PDT))
My vet hates the idea that she isn't
> living solely on kibble.
> geraldine
Funny you should mention this. I asked my vet about a raw diet and he
simply hates the idea. He said he worked in a slaughter house, putting
himself through vet school and just goes on about how dirty it is..but
now I think he is not a vegan either?! HMMMM.
Messages in this topic (6)
5c. Re: Hello everyone- update on a Newbie
Posted by: "Andrea" poketmouse45@yahoo.com poketmouse45
Date: Fri Jul 6, 2007 11:05 pm ((PDT))
Ha, so he promotes S/D because there isn't any meat in it? Sheesh.
--- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, "babyboyfila1" <babyboyfila1@...> wrote:
> My vet hates the idea that she isn't
> > living solely on kibble.
> >
> > geraldine
> >
> Funny you should mention this. I asked my vet about a raw diet and he
> simply hates the idea. He said he worked in a slaughter house, putting
> himself through vet school and just goes on about how dirty it is..but
> now I think he is not a vegan either?! HMMMM.
> Dawn
Messages in this topic (6)
6a. Re: Bone in butts & loins... help!
Posted by: "carnesbill" carnesw@bellsouth.net carnesbill
Date: Fri Jul 6, 2007 8:35 pm ((PDT))
--- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, Terri Leist <qahri@...> wrote:
> Do you let them have them & take it away after a certain time??
Let them have the bones. Take them up when they walk away from them
if you feel you must. Some people leave them out to be chewed on
later. I usually take them up IF there is any left.
> Oh on another note, kind of; I get free beef rib bones,
> those are NOT wreck bones right??
If they are just the bone, don't use them. If they have lots of
meat on them, feed them and use the same rule as the pork bone.
When they walk away, take them up.
My dogs get along well but there has been some growling and
posturing to protect food on occasion and for that reason I just
don't leave bones laying around.
Bill Carnes
Feeding Raw since October 2002
"Unnatural diets predispose animals to unnatural outcomes"
Dr. Tom Lonsdale
Messages in this topic (4)
7a. Re: Buying a full cow!
Posted by: "linoleum5017" linoleum5017@yahoo.com linoleum5017
Date: Fri Jul 6, 2007 9:11 pm ((PDT))
> Let's see . . . from what we typically feed, using mammals only . . .
> A rabbit stuffed into a boneless goat stuffed into a boneless sheep
> into a boneless pig stuffed into a boneless deer stuffed into a
> horse stuffed into a steer?
> Did I miss anything?
> Lora
> Evanston, IL
I believe there is a song that addresses this......... I know an old
woman who swallowed a fly, I don't know why she swallowed a fly, ....
lol, Lynne
Messages in this topic (5)
8a. Re: Venison and goopy poo
Posted by: "Andrea" poketmouse45@yahoo.com poketmouse45
Date: Fri Jul 6, 2007 9:11 pm ((PDT))
Venison is one of those meats that usually causes dark softer stools. The next time you give
them venison you can give less and add some chicken or some other meat until they get used
to it. it will probably always cause dark stools, but eventualy it won't be as goopy as this
time. The same process will probably be needed for beef heart, bison, or other "rich" meats.
Most raw fed dogs have less frequent poos of smaller volume. My GSP only poops once a day
at most and it is usually the same size as my friend's kibblefed mini schnauzer poops. Since
the dogs actually use the food they eat, there is less waste. Nothing to worry about.
Messages in this topic (5)
8b. Re: Venison and goopy poo
Posted by: "Alfonso and Nadia De La Cruz" chickendido@hotmail.com chickendido2006
Date: Sat Jul 7, 2007 2:25 am ((PDT))
Ok, it's now been two whole days and my older Yorkie still hasn't pooped! He hasn't pooped since I fed them the venison July 5th! My puppy has been "scooting" her butt since the venison, too. I gave them some chicken today instead and I might toss away the venison cause I'm scared to feed it now. They did so well on chicken, beef and pork and now this setback!!! I called the vet and he's saying that she probably has worms caused by the raw. He wants me to bring her in for a fecal. I don't want to go to him anymore because he doesn't support raw and the holistic vet I want to check out is out of town until the 9th. I know that vet is wrong but his comment still caused some concern in me! Do raw fed dogs get worms more frequently than kibble fed dogs? The venison meat was frozen btw. and I thawed it as I don't feed frozen. She just had a normal looking poop right now and it wasn't goopy anymore, so I think the venison meat is out of her system, but her anal area still looks irritated and a bit swollen. Could it just be plugged anal glands? Is that possible already in a 20 week old puppy? (She only weighs 1.5 pounds) And if yes, is that something I can look forward to in a raw fed dog????
They had organs already, but I always mixed it in with their meat and they're poops were fine. Is it safe to say that my dogs just can't handle very rich things unless fed with meat? How long should I wait for my older dog's poop? How long is too long without poop and what should I do to make him poop??? Sorry for so many Q's, but I'm pretty worried about them. I can't believe dog poop, or lack thereof, could cause such anxiety within me! Darn venison!!!!
Thank you so much, please help!
Poopless in Arizona
Nadia, Toy and GiaAlfonso & Nadia
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Messages in this topic (5)
8c. Re: Venison and goopy poo
Posted by: "Giselle" megan.giselle@gmail.com megangiselle
Date: Sat Jul 7, 2007 2:59 am ((PDT))
Hi, Nadia!
First of all let me say that the only thing I think going on here is a
normal reaction your dogs are having to a protein source they aren't
used to. And maybe a little unthoughtful feeding and overreaction on
your part. : ) I wouldn't call what your and your dogs are
experiencing a setback, just an unexpected result.
Why not feed the venison a little at a time with chicken on the bone?
This should help them adjust and keep the poops closer to what you
call normal.
If your pup's digestive tract is irritated, a little Slippery Elm Bark
Powder should set her right. You can get it from the health food store.
I'm sure your older dog will poop when there is something to poop out.
Boneless meals can result in not just runny poops, but very little
poops. Raw feeding results in much smaller and more infrequent poops,
because it is so much more digestible than kibble. Bone has more
solids that are indigestible, so feeding boneless meals may result in
even less frequent poops.
No, raw, especially frozen raw won't have or cause worms in dogs. Raw
fed dogs should be more resistant to parasites than kibble fed dogs. I
think your vets bias against raw feeding is showing.
IME, young pups don't get 'plugged' anal sacs, nor do raw fed dogs as
a rule. Nor do they need 'regular' anal sac expression.
Uh, just a thought; was the venison ground? Did you buy it, or had it
given to you? Is it possible that it had spices added to it? If so,
that may be the cause "setback" you are having.
with Bea in New Jersey
> Ok, it's now been two whole days and my older Yorkie still hasn't
pooped! He hasn't pooped since I fed them the venison July 5th! My
puppy has been "scooting" her butt since the venison, too.
I gave them some chicken today instead and I might toss away the
venison cause I'm scared to feed it now. They did so well on chicken,
beef and pork and now this setback!!!
I called the vet and he's saying that she probably has worms caused by
the raw. He wants me to bring her in for a fecal. I don't want to go
to him anymore because he doesn't support raw and the holistic vet I
want to check out is out of town until the 9th. I know that vet is
wrong but his comment still caused some concern in me!
Do raw fed dogs get worms more frequently than kibble fed dogs? The
venison meat was frozen btw. and I thawed it as I don't feed frozen.
She just had a normal looking poop right now and it wasn't goopy
anymore, so I think the venison meat is out of her system, but her
anal area still looks irritated and a bit swollen. Could it just be
plugged anal glands? Is that possible already in a 20 week old puppy?
(She only weighs 1.5 pounds) And if yes, is that something I can look
forward to in a raw fed dog????
> They had organs already, but I always mixed it in with their meat
and they're poops were fine. Is it safe to say that my dogs just can't
handle very rich things unless fed with meat? How long should I wait
for my older dog's poop? How long is too long without poop and what
should I do to make him poop??? Sorry for so many Q's, but I'm pretty
worried about them. I can't believe dog poop, or lack thereof, could
cause such anxiety within me! Darn venison!!!!
> Thank you so much, please help!
> Poopless in Arizona
> Nadia, Toy and GiaAlfonso & Nadia
Messages in this topic (5)
9a. Re: pork heads - keep how long ? Smash ? Elk heads ?
Posted by: "linoleum5017" linoleum5017@yahoo.com linoleum5017
Date: Fri Jul 6, 2007 9:12 pm ((PDT))
> I'm very happy that you asked this, since I have 3 pig heads on
order from
> Taylor Pond Farms, averaging about 11 pounds each. All I've been
able to
> think about is to put them on stakes in the back yard (ala Lord of
the Flies)
> with little citronella candles on top
> >I simply walked over and "claimed" it,
> >like Cesar Milan does, then I picked it up.
> Could you quickly (before the moderator reads down this far)
explain how you
> "claim" it? I'm guessing you're not peeing on it, since you put it
in the
> fridge later.
> Lora
> who has 2 of 3 dogs that are afraid of thunder and . . . fireworks
> Evanston, IL
Yes, this is why I love this group. I am curious along w/Lora about
how you've 'claimed' the skull. Cesar Milan??.... it's been a
Messages in this topic (5)
10a. Re: Amount to feed 4wk puppies?
Posted by: "Stephanie Cassin" mamacass@iprimus.com.au quiltingtuppy
Date: Fri Jul 6, 2007 9:17 pm ((PDT))
Hi All
For the computer challenged of us (probably just me!) how do I search
archives, I can't find anything in Files about 'wean to raw'
Many thanks, Regards
Messages in this topic (7)
10b. Re: Amount to feed 4wk puppies?
Posted by: "Giselle" megan.giselle@gmail.com megangiselle
Date: Fri Jul 6, 2007 10:58 pm ((PDT))
Hi, Stephanie!
Not in the files, in the archived messages.
Go to the main page; http://pets.groups.yahoo.com/group/rawfeeding/?m=0
At the top of where the messages are is the Search box on the right
side of the page. Type in; wean raw puppies, and you will get all the
messages that contain those words, starting with the most recent.
with Bea in New Jersey
> Hi All
> For the computer challenged of us (probably just me!) how do I search
> archives, I can't find anything in Files about 'wean to raw'
> Many thanks, Regards
> Stephanie
Messages in this topic (7)
10c. Re: Amount to feed 4wk puppies?
Posted by: "Andrea" poketmouse45@yahoo.com poketmouse45
Date: Fri Jul 6, 2007 11:05 pm ((PDT))
Go to the yahoo groups website for the group:
and there will be a search button. Type in "wean" or something more specific and you'll get
all kinds of results. Good luck.
--- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, Stephanie Cassin <mamacass@...> wrote:
> Hi All
> For the computer challenged of us (probably just me!) how do I search
> archives, I can't find anything in Files about 'wean to raw'
> Many thanks, Regards
> Stephanie
Messages in this topic (7)
11a. Re: Feeding Raw
Posted by: "Andrea" poketmouse45@yahoo.com poketmouse45
Date: Fri Jul 6, 2007 11:04 pm ((PDT))
Welcome, Carol. I'm not familiar with the "tie back" procedure you talk about, but I can say
the easiest bones you can probably feed are bone in chicken breasts and quartered
cornish game hens. You only need about 10 percent edible bone in the diet over time, so
even if you just stick to easy peasy bones you should be covered. You can always start
easy and work up from there if you and your girl feel up to it.
As far as good/bad advise, everyone has an opinion on what makes a good diet. However,
if you look at the facts there is only one way to look at it. Dogs are carnivores, they aren't
physically able to get nutrients from veggies and grains unless they are prepared by
blending. Plant matter is not good wolf food, so you don't have to worry about it. Dogs
get all the nutrients they need from a diet of varied meats, meaty bones, and organs.
Hope that helps you.
--- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, "truthseeker448" <truthseeker448@...> wrote:
> I am trying to gather information on the internet and sift thru what is true to what is
> false or bad advice..... some say, don't feed veggies and some say do. Don't
> feed flax oil, you don't need to supplement....ect... My case is kind
> of complicated as my lab has had a "tie back" procedure for laryngeal
> paralysis, which means she has a permanent opening in her throat.
Messages in this topic (12)
12a. Re: Non bone eating dog
Posted by: "mob1043" ynotbeastar@marykay.com mob1043
Date: Fri Jul 6, 2007 11:09 pm ((PDT))
--- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, "Giselle" <megan.giselle@...> wrote:
> Hi, Michele!
> Adult dogs that have been kibble fed, or home cooked fed (read soft,
> or easily swallowed without the need to crunch) their entire lives
> often "don't get" that the bone in their meal is for chewing.
> This is especially true, ime, with smaller dogs who don't have a
> strong "I have to chew" drive.
> Your dog should have some bone, about 10% is all that is needed. Does
> she chew up the gristly ends of the bones at all?
> What kinds of bones is she getting?
> Offering Game hens, whose bones are much softer than older chicken
> bones, might help her realize they are for chewing up. Small whole
> fish can provide easily consumed bone, too. Rabbit & quail as meals,
> and chicken feet as chew toys can all be offered as sources of
> smaller, more easily crunched up bones.
> Giselle
> with Bea in New Jersey
> > My bichon is a non bone eater-is this strange, I think so. I am not
> > sure what can I do to make it more appealing. Maybe I should add some
> > of that bbq sauce and beer on it -lol
> >
> > Michele
> >
Thanks Giselle. I usually will give chicken mostly as a bone source as he is a small dog,
but I am trying some fish tomorrow.
For example I gave him a chicken wing and he licked it and put it under the table for later.
Well, the bullmastiff ended up eating that after chewing on a rib bone to smithereens.
I will just keep working with him. Even when I gave the dogs greenies he carried it off, but
didn't eat it unlike the other dogs which inhaled theirs.
Messages in this topic (3)
13a. Re: My lab is eating me out of house and home!
Posted by: "pelirojita" kerrymurray7@gmail.com pelirojita
Date: Sat Jul 7, 2007 2:25 am ((PDT))
> Its a lab.....
OK, this thread has been really helpful. I just switched to raw last
week and my lab mix who is on the chubby side at 46 lbs (yeah, lab
mixed with dachsund...go figure) keeps trying to eat more and more. We
refer to him as our Hoover since he "cleans" up anything our 2 year
old child and various parrots care to drop/throw. I have been feeding
twice a day but will switch to once. Also it was 115 this week and the
not-completely-thawed chicken I fed yesterday was a huge hit and
seemed to slow the lab mix down a bit, so semi-frozen may be a
reasonable strategy. I wanted to get some weight off of him but maybe
less frequently fed is better then smaller portions.
Thank you,
Tucson, AZ
Messages in this topic (7)
14. An Update!
Posted by: "Pauline" pblondeau46@yahoo.ca pblondeau46
Date: Sat Jul 7, 2007 2:26 am ((PDT))
I have been feeding my 8 month Collie pup raw for over a month now. She
is doing fantastic. I went to the vet this week and she said she looks
good. Her teeth are nice and healthy, her gums pink, her tongue is red.
She seems to be gaining weight. She weighs approximately 40 pounds now.
Her coat is gorgeous and she has lots of energy.
Most of all she loves the diet! Every time I bring something out, she
licks her chops in anticipation of what is to come. It gives me pure
pleasure to feed her now.
Recently, I have been feeding her pork butt meat and she loves it. She
eats every thing bone and all!
Thanks for all the help this site has offered. Thank you to all the
experienced raw feeders for all your help, information and advice.
Messages in this topic (1)
15. i just joined i need some help on raw recipes...
Posted by: "kittenmitten000" kittenmitten000@yahoo.ca kittenmitten000
Date: Sat Jul 7, 2007 3:47 am ((PDT))
+++++Mod note: please sign your emails !!!++++++++++++
hi everyone i just joined im trying to find a good recipes for my
animals 1 dog 3 cats cause there not liking there food i need help
i go back and forth on chicken and pork and cooked oats
they like love liver but i was told that its not good giving to them
every day so i don't
i hope you can help me thanks!
Messages in this topic (1)
16. Old Lady!!
Posted by: "Leanne" mail4leanne@yahoo.com mail4leanne
Date: Sat Jul 7, 2007 3:47 am ((PDT))
I have a 16yr old mongrel bitch who's always been fed on commercial
food and I've never had a problem she's really healthy and active and
has hardly ever been to the vet in her life. I've been feeding my
young male on raw for the last few months and my old lady loves to
pinch his dinner, she even nicked some liver off him yesterday. I
give her about 50/50 raw v's tin at the moment and keep a handy supply
of chicken wings etc for treats all other doggy treats have gone as my
young lad is allergic to the colourings and he gets the doggy version
of adhd if he has any!!!!
My question is : Is she too old now to switch her completley to raw?
Will it be too much of a shock to her system at her age? For me I'm
not bothered if I never buy another tin again.
Thanks for any advice I'm relativley new and still learning!! Once I
get my pooches sorted it's the cat next which will be fun as she's the
fussiest eater I've ever known!!!!
Messages in this topic (1)
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