Feed Pets Raw Food

Sunday, December 30, 2007

[rawfeeding] Digest Number 12436

There are 25 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1a. Re: quail
From: Ania Tysarczyk
1b. Re: quail
From: costrowski75

2a. Re: Pickey eating and Horking it back up, Silly story and questions
From: costrowski75

3a. Re: pro-raw vets
From: costrowski75

4. Suppliers for BARF diet in Colorado
From: ashleighstevenson30

5a. Re: vets
From: steph.sorensen

6a. Re: Chihuahua with missing teeth- feeding recommendations?
From: Susan Fortune

7. New Member Saying Hi--Freezer Space
From: Susan Fortune

8a. Re: meat from china
From: delcaste
8b. Re: meat from china
From: ginny wilken
8c. Re: meat from china
From: Caren OConnor
8d. Re: meat from china
From: zcdz@aol.com
8e. Re: meat from china
From: Heather

9. Chicken leg quarters...
From: tinypaws.rm

10.1. Re: liver
From: Sai Simonson

11. Re: meat from china/Seafood preservative??
From: Suzanne Maxine Uzoff

12.1. File - Other related lists
From: rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com

13a. File - Admin-Trim it, Sign it, and Sig lines-PLEASE READ!!!
From: rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com

14a. is this rabbit too big for my dog to eat?
From: jordan_spiva
14b. Re: is this rabbit too big for my dog to eat?
From: Karen Swanay
14c. Re: is this rabbit too big for my dog to eat?
From: Mallory Kwiatkowski
14d. Re: is this rabbit too big for my dog to eat?
From: Renate
14e. Re: is this rabbit too big for my dog to eat?
From: Susanne MacLeod

15. Introducing organs
From: mozookpr

16. Another newbie with questions!
From: noahsmom8497


1a. Re: quail
Posted by: "Ania Tysarczyk" AniaJRT@sbcglobal.net aniajrt
Date: Sun Dec 30, 2007 7:22 am ((PST))

Yep, quail is wonderful meat. My dad raises quail and I feed it whole
(feathers and all) pretty regularly to one of my jack russells. The
other jack russell just won't eat it, unfortunately.


--- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, "killarneykateau" <catherin@...>
> I came across a butcher that sells packages of frozen quail for
human consumption. Would
> they be okay for my 15 kilo shih-tzu X maltese?

Messages in this topic (3)

1b. Re: quail
Posted by: "costrowski75" Chriso75@AOL.COM costrowski75
Date: Sun Dec 30, 2007 8:03 am ((PST))

"killarneykateau" <catherin@...> wrote:>
> I came across a butcher that sells packages of frozen quail for human
consumption. Would
> they be okay for my 15 kilo shih-tzu X maltese?
My goodness yes!
The only downside I can see is the size relative to your dogs; 15 kilos
is not a small dog and processed quail rarely can satisfy that much
dog. Similarly, the size may encourage stupid eating. If so, you
might consider butterflying the birds to make them less streamlined.

Chris O

Messages in this topic (3)

2a. Re: Pickey eating and Horking it back up, Silly story and questions
Posted by: "costrowski75" Chriso75@AOL.COM costrowski75
Date: Sun Dec 30, 2007 7:50 am ((PST))

"redangelbordeaux" <Erika@...> wrote:
> How important is kidney for them to eat?
I think it, liver and spleen work together nicely but when push comes
to shove, liver wins. If all you can get into them is liver, then
liver it is.

I really don't want to get
> into the whole "sear it/hide it" game with 7 of them that's way to
> much food doctering, lol.
If you want to get kidney into the two holdouts, try kidney from
different critters. Also consider cutting it small and feeding it
with ground or chopped meat. Or perhaps even buying a blend that
includes kidney. This would be about as far as I would be willing to

> Has anyone else experienced the selective horking up of foods?
The way you described it, sounds more like selective re-eating since
the girl horked up her entire meal and only ate selectively the
second time around.

But beyond that, dogs absolutely have the ability to regurgitate
their food. At the very least it's how wee pups are fed. Over the
course of seven plus years I've either seen my dogs (and cats)
regurgitate or seen the results of said regurgitation. It is a
different process than vomiting.

This will be my first RAW litter and I want to be sure
> that the "parents" are getting all the good stuff that they need :)
I understand your concern. You'll need to feed liver along with lots
of meatymeat and whatever bones the bitch will accept...with luck
she'll buy into heart and who knows? Maybe in the throes of raging
hormonal she'll want all the organs you can provide. But all things
being equal, she's not going to suffer for lack of kidney.
Chris O

Messages in this topic (2)

3a. Re: pro-raw vets
Posted by: "costrowski75" Chriso75@AOL.COM costrowski75
Date: Sun Dec 30, 2007 8:27 am ((PST))

Cdandp2@... wrote:
> Can we PLEASE stick to information about feeding and, unless
> sources are referenced, not be promoting factory farmed meat? AND,
please, there
> ARE issues merit consideration...after all...would we want OUR
animals treated
> the way food-destined animals are treated for the "cheap?"
What specific sources would you like for promoting factory meat?
What promotes factory meat is need. I am not a fan of it and were my
resources otherwise I would not be buying any but until then raw
factory meat continues to be a damn sight better than the best
organic freerange kibble.

I think I understand why you are upset but surely you cannot think
you're the first person to be distressed by not only the existence of
factory meat but also the sheer reality of having to live within a
budget. Feed the best food you can, help others feed the best food
they can, and get on with it.

If there are posts to which you object, you can either post rational
counter arguments or delete the offending post.
Chris O

Messages in this topic (5)

4. Suppliers for BARF diet in Colorado
Posted by: "ashleighstevenson30" ashleighstevenson30@yahoo.com ashleighstevenson30
Date: Sun Dec 30, 2007 8:47 am ((PST))

I am new to raw feeding , my two malamutes are loving it!
I have been seeing alot of people posting BARF Co-op's to get the best
selection of food. Does anyone know of such a group in Colorado (near


Messages in this topic (1)

5a. Re: vets
Posted by: "steph.sorensen" steph.sorensen@yahoo.com steph.sorensen
Date: Sun Dec 30, 2007 10:18 am ((PST))

Case in point: you can draw a lot of biased conclusions from a study
like this, depending on which stance you take (kibble vs. raw). But
without a significant number of subjects, the study is completely
irrelevant, and any "evidence" or "conclusions" or, doG forbid, "proof"
(very dirty word in the scientific community) that they state based on
that particular study is complete crap, IMO.

I would think at least 100 subjects would be needed to even start to be
statistically significant. It is pointless to run a statistical
analysis for 20 dogs.

-Steph and the girls

--- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, "jhusselstein" <jhusselstein@...>
> Now, I know nothing about how the Math is done in these studies, but
> seems to me that if 80% of the raw food had S. but only 30% of the
> fed stool samples had S.there you could derive a conclusion
> the efficiency of a dog's digestion!
> Jessica

Messages in this topic (20)

6a. Re: Chihuahua with missing teeth- feeding recommendations?
Posted by: "Susan Fortune" desperatelyseekingsusan@cox.net cactususan
Date: Sun Dec 30, 2007 10:20 am ((PST))

Rudy, the 13 year-old, 9# min-pin is one of the "toothless wonders."

Had 8 front teeth extracted due to kibble-plaque 3 years ago.

Now a happy raw dog with clean teeth & SWEET breath!

He agrees with Bill on the chicken necks & wings, & is partial to turkey necks.

He will also steal chicken leg quarters from the other big dogs.

He & the Aussie cattle dog were the only two of 5 dogs to chew on natural cow legs from the meat vendor!

Southern California

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Messages in this topic (4)

7. New Member Saying Hi--Freezer Space
Posted by: "Susan Fortune" desperatelyseekingsusan@cox.net cactususan
Date: Sun Dec 30, 2007 10:26 am ((PST))

I solved the problem of freezer space by going on Craig's List. I found an 3 year-old, upright, industrial freezer (Imperial) for $150 (new is about $1,750.)

I like the uprights because things are more accessible. You have to excavate for stuff in chest-type freezers--although my son has one for his raw-fed AmStaff, and likes it...but he is more patient (& stronger) than I am!

When I get leg quarters, I freeze them on a Pam-coated cookie sheet, then slip them into giant zip-loc bags. I also do this with beef kidney that I slice into portions.

Southern California

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Messages in this topic (1)

8a. Re: meat from china
Posted by: "delcaste" delcaste@yahoo.com delcaste
Date: Sun Dec 30, 2007 10:26 am ((PST))

Both packages said that the meat was "made in China." I'm wondering
if there is any meat from any country that we should avoid purchasing?
I was just thinking that perhaps China wouldn't have the same

I bought inexpensive rabbit that was a "product of China." My dogs are
ok but I won't risk giving them anything from China again. I agree with
the posters that say buy american. We need to support our own economy
especially when we know we are getting a safe product. My sister's
dogs, all five, were in acute kidney distress and two had to be put
down while eating "good" kibble that contained a Chinese product.
Sometimes it's better to pay a little more. She had to pay over $20,000
and still two died....


Messages in this topic (10)

8b. Re: meat from china
Posted by: "ginny wilken" gwilken@alamedanet.net ginny439
Date: Sun Dec 30, 2007 11:00 am ((PST))

On Dec 30, 2007, at 4:20 AM, Caren OConnor wrote:

> I suppose we can't rest assured that our meat is any safer than
> the imported meats.

Oh, I think we can! It's not hard, first of all, to find reputable
meat sources in this country; there are more alternatives all the
time, at various levels. And we DO have governmental controls which
are at least observed by many. China, OTOH, is egregiously in
violation of even the most basic and moral standards in treatment and
concern for its inhabitants, let alone the crop animals. The whole
country is rapidly becoming so polluted it may not survive the
assault, and the effects of that pollution will be felt world-wide,
in terms of the products as well as the air we breathe. I would not
choose Chinese meat at this point.

ginny and Tomo

All stunts performed without a net!

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Messages in this topic (10)

8c. Re: meat from china
Posted by: "Caren OConnor" cavkist@yahoo.com cavkist
Date: Sun Dec 30, 2007 11:33 am ((PST))

Ginny -
Don't get me wrong, I'm not for one minute saying that meat from China is as safe as meat from within our own continent. And, I haven't purchased rabbit from this supplier since I saw this packaging.
I'm just relaying, from someone who knows what is going on within the meat packing industry, that meats within this country are routinely being placed in chemical cocktailes designed to extend the shelf life of the meat, at the expense of the health of an unknowing public.
I, for one, am searching out alternative sources of meat for my furbabies along with protein sources for my husband and me.
And, if you want to trust governmental controls, simply look at the health care industry and the push for vaccines:) 'Nuf said.

ginny wilken <gwilken@alamedanet.net> wrote:

On Dec 30, 2007, at 4:20 AM, Caren OConnor wrote:

> I suppose we can't rest assured that our meat is any safer than
> the imported meats.

Oh, I think we can! It's not hard, first of all, to find reputable
meat sources in this country; there are more alternatives all the
time, at various levels. And we DO have governmental controls which
are at least observed by many. China, OTOH, is egregiously in
violation of even the most basic and moral standards in treatment and
concern for its inhabitants, let alone the crop animals. The whole
country is rapidly becoming so polluted it may not survive the
assault, and the effects of that pollution will be felt world-wide,
in terms of the products as well as the air we breathe. I would not
choose Chinese meat at this point.

ginny and Tomo

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Messages in this topic (10)

8d. Re: meat from china
Posted by: "zcdz@aol.com" zcdz@aol.com zziska
Date: Sun Dec 30, 2007 12:22 pm ((PST))

I can get twice as much free range chicken and dehydrate it myself as
dehydrated chicken from China at the same price. I know, we're not talking dehydrated
here- but there seems to be a new craze for dehydrated buckets of chicken at
various stores (Farmers Coop and Pet stores).

For anyone who doubts the possible trouble with meat processing I recommend
"Fast Food Nation" - the potential for less than healthy meat distribution is
really astounding. Who knows what the feed is? Who knows what the butchering
process is? Who knows the cleanliness of the processing plants? That doesn't
even get into the trade issues... we're just talking quality of product. There is
some control over quality of product in the US and the European/UK markets-
outside that there is very little.

If the whole idea is to feed our furry family with the same care as we feed
ourselves then no, no meat from China or any other unregulated meat source. I
want to know that the meat hasn't been fed lead laced grain products.



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Messages in this topic (10)

8e. Re: meat from china
Posted by: "Heather" newbeginnings06@gmail.com malignstar
Date: Sun Dec 30, 2007 12:29 pm ((PST))

--- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, "Amy T" <amypatriciatracy@...>
> Hello-I noticed inexpensive rabbit and lamb today at my neighborhood
independent grocery store (Chicago, USA). I live in an area with a big
immigrant population. Both packages said that the meat was "made in
China." I'm wondering if there is any meat from any country that we
should avoid purchasing? I was just thinking that perhaps China
wouldn't have the same standards, ie .. human grade, given their
recent issues. Thanks a bunch ... I'm learning so much from you all!
Amy (and Rosie)

My grocery store (Schnuck's, pretty common in MO and maybe even IL)
sold rabbit from China for 2.99/lb. The package said "Chinese Rabbit"
BUT when the pet food recall happened and then started leaking over to
human foods from China, the store pulled the rabbit FIRST and
immediately and will not reorder it ever. I asked about it one day (I
didn't buy them out.. should have but I figured they'd have it always)
and when the guy went back to ask the manager if they could order me
some more he came back and told me they will not reorder it as it's
from China and that they were worried it could make people sick. My
dog was fine on it.


Messages in this topic (10)

9. Chicken leg quarters...
Posted by: "tinypaws.rm" tigerladytx@tx.rr.com tinypaws.rm
Date: Sun Dec 30, 2007 11:33 am ((PST))

On sale @ Kroger (at least in the Dallas area it is) for $3.90 for
10/lb bag with your plus card thru 1/2/08. I bought 120lbs yesterday.
3rd day of raw feeding. 2 APBT females ages 4 & 5, 1 mini Border
Collie male age 11 - all neutered. Eating like champs.


Messages in this topic (1)

10.1. Re: liver
Posted by: "Sai Simonson" saiczarina@comcast.net keikokat
Date: Sun Dec 30, 2007 11:33 am ((PST))

My Borzois hate chicken liver but adore beef liver. Thus, I give them
beef liver.
Tasha spits the chicken liver out on the floor. If i bribe her with a
pork steak she will give in.
Dogs much like humans have food likes and dislikes.

*~~ SaiCzarina*

Messages in this topic (46)

11. Re: meat from china/Seafood preservative??
Posted by: "Suzanne Maxine Uzoff" muzoff@sbcglobal.net maxineuzoff
Date: Sun Dec 30, 2007 12:57 pm ((PST))

++++Mod note: please take this discussion private or to raw chat. No more messages of this type will make it through moderation. with thanks. ++++++++++++++++

Since you mentioned this, I will have to add that on four different occasions spanning three years, my partner and I have gotten either hives, or diahrea and or vomiting after eating farm raised & wild caught salmon we bought from several national chain groceries. After reflecting on the incidence we recalled that had a shiney look to it, something oily looking to enhance the appearance so it seemed. None of the butchers at the store admitted to knowing anything about it but Ive heard of this practice and cant seem to find out much about what the product is they are putting on the seafood. Ive even seen shrimp with that glazed look on it. It keeps the fishy smell down too we noticed. We the people are all being poisoned for the sake of commercial profit. ONe of these days this practice will come to light and it will become public knowledge after enough people have reactions to it. If anyone knows what it is theyre using I for one would certainly like to hear what you know.
New list member,
Maxine Uzoff
Oui Bostons

Just as an aside, a friend of ours is a waterman. He shared of the chemicals into which certain seafood is dipped in order to extend shelf life. He also said this is regularly being done by food retailers to foods we buy. I suppose we can't rest assured that our meat is any safer than the imported meats.
Caren O'Connor

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Messages in this topic (1)

12.1. File - Other related lists
Posted by: "rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com" rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com
Date: Sun Dec 30, 2007 1:29 pm ((PST))

This list is part of a group of lists run by the same moderation team. Since several of the lists are quite large we often encourage that threads be taken to some of the smaller subject specific lists so you may want to join the lists that cover issues you are interested in now.

The lists are:














And if you are stuck on a particular issue that you just can't seem to work out, try this list:




For vets, vet techs and vet students only

There is also a list of lists where other raw feeding lists can be found. Many are breed specific, location specific or subject specific.


Thanks from the moderation team!

Messages in this topic (125)

13a. File - Admin-Trim it, Sign it, and Sig lines-PLEASE READ!!!
Posted by: "rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com" rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com
Date: Sun Dec 30, 2007 1:29 pm ((PST))

Hello all! (Don't delete without reading. Yes, there is a test later.)

Firstly, the raw feeding list was established in 1999. It has evolved under a couple of different names, but remains with primarily the same list moderation team.

This primary objective of the list is to provide a place where people who
feed raw food or who want to feed raw can discuss this and closely associated issues.

This is not a list to discuss which kibble or home cooking method is best.
There are other email lists that can provide you with that sort of forum.
The forum here is specifically to discuss appropriate raw diets.

*******A learning environment

We aim at all times to maintain a learning environment.
Every so often someone joins the list with a different agenda.
We work hard in the background to do everything we can to keep discussion on topic at all times, and those who don't find the environment comfortable (about 0.5%), we encourage to join other more suitable email lists.

The most important thing is you join a group you are comfortable with.
We acknowledge the vast differences that exist between people and their learning styles, and as you'll appreciate we can't make everyone happy.

Now for a few of the easy rules:


This means when you are replying to an email DO NOT include the ENTIRE EMAIL in your reply.

You can include a SMALL portion of the email you are replying to. Try to stick to a couple of relevant lines.

Delete all headers and footers.

List members who do not trim their posts will be placed on moderation.


This means when you are to sign your name at the bottom of every single mail you send to the list.

List members who continue to send unsigned posts after being warned risk having their mail deleted!!

This is a high volume list. Changing subject lines allows people to delete those messages that are topics they have no interest in. IF you change subject lines properly then when responding to a post of the same subject you should not have to include ANY of the email you are responding too since those reading the thread will be able to follow it anyway.

Several lines are ok but nothing over 4 lines please.
(and please don't advertise in your signatures either)

You will not get OFF of moderate until you prove you can trim your posts and change your subject lines. ALSO the moderators do not have time to trim your posts for you so if a post comes through moderate that is not trimmed it will be sent back to you to trim before it is sent to the list.

If you are currently off of moderate but stop changing subject lines or trimming posts for some reason you will be put back on moderate.

Following these simple rules will make life easier for folks on digest
and save money for those folks who must PAY for their Internet by the amount of time they are on line.

Thanks so much.

List Moderators

Messages in this topic (15)

14a. is this rabbit too big for my dog to eat?
Posted by: "jordan_spiva" jordan_spiva@yahoo.com jordan_spiva
Date: Sun Dec 30, 2007 1:50 pm ((PST))

I just ordered a pack of whole rabbit carcasses from hare-today
website. They all range from 2-3 pounds. Will my 28 pound dog be able to handle that?
Jordan Spiva

Messages in this topic (5)

14b. Re: is this rabbit too big for my dog to eat?
Posted by: "Karen Swanay" luvbullbreeds@gmail.com kswanay1111
Date: Sun Dec 30, 2007 1:59 pm ((PST))

On Dec 30, 2007 3:42 PM, jordan_spiva <jordan_spiva@yahoo.com> wrote:
> I just ordered a pack of whole rabbit carcasses from hare-today
> website. They all range from 2-3 pounds. Will my 28 pound dog be able to
handle that?
> from
> Jordan Spiva

The short answer is "He'll tell you." Personally, I think the most natural
way to feed is throw some huge animal at your dog and let them go at it. If
he wants to gorge, let him. When he's full and tired he'll stop eating.
He'll lay around looking pregnant and digesting happily for days. This is
of course if your dog is digestively normal and strong. If he's weak and
prone to vomiting and diarrhea he may need more careful introduction of

"Family isn't about whose blood you have. It's about who you care about."
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Messages in this topic (5)

14c. Re: is this rabbit too big for my dog to eat?
Posted by: "Mallory Kwiatkowski" m_k_jesusfreak3@yahoo.com m_k_jesusfreak3
Date: Sun Dec 30, 2007 2:31 pm ((PST))

haha, i subscribe to a house rabbit yahoo group too(i have house rabbits), and i thought this was from that group, and almost freaked.
i thought someone was trying to feed their dog their pet rabbits......
ok, your dog should have no problem eating those rabbits, they likely won't finish, btu they can tackle it. If you want to chop it in half just to be sure, that's fine too.

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Messages in this topic (5)

14d. Re: is this rabbit too big for my dog to eat?
Posted by: "Renate" renate.tideswell@gmail.com tideswell_renate
Date: Sun Dec 30, 2007 2:31 pm ((PST))

I gave my shih tzus a 3kg turkey over Christmas. They were thrilled to
bits. I let them at it one at a time. After 3 days, no more turkeyLOL

On 12/30/07, jordan_spiva <jordan_spiva@yahoo.com> wrote:
> I just ordered a pack of whole rabbit carcasses from hare-today
> website. They all range from 2-3 pounds. Will my 28 pound dog be able to
> handle that?
> from
> Jordan Spiva

'The more I learn about men, the more I love my Shih Tzu'

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Messages in this topic (5)

14e. Re: is this rabbit too big for my dog to eat?
Posted by: "Susanne MacLeod" suzmacleod@rogers.com skull25ca
Date: Sun Dec 30, 2007 4:30 pm ((PST))

I just brought back 8 wild rabbits from the east coast for my French Bulldogs. I cut them in
four...which means I get 4 meals out of every wabbit!
Suz Kate and Joey

Messages in this topic (5)

15. Introducing organs
Posted by: "mozookpr" mozookpr@yahoo.com mozookpr
Date: Sun Dec 30, 2007 2:32 pm ((PST))

Week five on raw begins tomorrow, and all is well. Foxy has had
chicken, turkey, pork, sardines, beef, and beef heart (this last in
limited quantities, never as a whole day's ration.) Sophie has had
chicken, turkey, pork, a sardine or two, and is beginning to get
beef. Her stools have normalized, but I still don't want to rush
her, since it took so long to get her past the initial cannon butt.

My question is, how do I go about introducing organs? I feel that
Foxy is ready, and Sophie will be soon. I have a few things already,
some that I bought and froze a couple of weeks ago, and some that I
found today. (Organs, other than giblets and liver, are not always
readily available here, so I get them when I can, even if not for
immediate use.) I will probably use the giblets mostly for my cats,
or for treats, since they are so small. Other than that, I have beef
liver, of course, heart, kidney, and today's find, beef sweetbreads.
Should I introduce these items one at a time, as I did with the
meats? Also, is this a decent variety of organs at this point? Are
there any things that are extra good that I should look for?



Messages in this topic (1)

16. Another newbie with questions!
Posted by: "noahsmom8497" noahsmom8497@yahoo.com noahsmom8497
Date: Sun Dec 30, 2007 4:30 pm ((PST))

Okay, is it "safe" to get the meat from a grocery store or butcher?
Are there concerns that at some time the meat was at too low of a
temperature since stores & butchers assume their meat will be
thoroughly cooked?
Also where do you feed your dogs? My puppy tends to drag stuff out of
her bowl and take it somewhere else. I don't want raw meat on the
floor of my house! Do you feed them outside?
I read something about feeding the dog the same huge chuck of meat 3x a
day. Where do you put it inbetween feedings? Sorry if some of this
sounds dumb. This is all VERY new to me. I'll continue to search and
read but any help is appreciated! Julie (Mom to Sadie, 13 week old

Messages in this topic (1)

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