Feed Pets Raw Food

Monday, September 10, 2007

[rawfeeding] Digest Number 12023

There are 25 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1. Test email
From: Brandi Bryant

2a. Re: dogs chewing RMBs
From: luvmyberner_bernerlove
2b. Re: dogs chewing RMBs
From: costrowski75
2c. Re: dogs chewing RMBs
From: Andrea

3a. Re: [rawfeeding supplements and raw food diet for dogs
From: Howard Salob

4a. Re: {RawFeeding & Raw Chat}Sharing meat between dogs
From: Andrea

5a. my puppy will not eat fish
From: mvd12720
5b. Re: my puppy will not eat fish
From: costrowski75

6. how long to hold out with not eating
From: redwinejoy

7a. Eating omnivores and carnivores?
From: Maria
7b. Re: Eating omnivores and carnivores?
From: Yasuko herron
7c. Re: Eating omnivores and carnivores?
From: katkellm

8. boxer pup new to "raw"
From: tiffany fontenot

9a. Re: Rookie Questions
From: krystal_brr

10. WAs: Chicken wings vs other parts - is now Feeding Toy Breed
From: Garnaas, Carolyn (MED US)

11a. Re: [RawChat] Re: Vets Secretly Vaxing
From: Sandee Lee
11b. Re: [RawChat] Re: Vets Secretly Vaxing
From: Sandee Lee

12a. Introducing myself and Zachary
From: Garnaas, Carolyn (MED US)

13.1. Re: Question
From: Laura Atkinson

14a. Zachary has the runs!
From: Mia-Shay Emery
14b. Re: Zachary has the runs!
From: Sandee Lee
14c. Re: Zachary has the runs!
From: Andrea
14d. Re: Zachary has the runs!
From: Yasuko herron

15a. Re: Hi, new here, need help with raw feeding my siberian huskies
From: Laura Atkinson

16a. Re: Trichinella concerns?
From: susan holbeck


1. Test email
Posted by: "Brandi Bryant" bbryant573@gmail.com bbryant573
Date: Mon Sep 10, 2007 6:40 am ((PDT))

I've sent a couple of emails asking questions and I'm not seeing it
come through. Just wanted to see if this one is coming through!

Bartlesville, Ok

Messages in this topic (1)

2a. Re: dogs chewing RMBs
Posted by: "luvmyberner_bernerlove" jodycaira@charter.net luvmyberner_bernerlove
Date: Mon Sep 10, 2007 6:40 am ((PDT))

--- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, "Laurie Swanson" <laurie@...> wrote:
> Hi Jody,
> Have you ever let him actually eat say, a lamb or pork rib, then, or
> have you always taken them away? If he's eaten any, how did he do?
> So, does he do well with a whole rabbit? You could feed more of
> that. How can he get the meat off a turkey neck without eating the
> bone?!
> Can you get any other necks (lamb, pork, goat?)? Those are great,
> safe bones for my dog (as long as they aren't cut into small pieces)--
> he cleans off the meat, but then chomps the bones into very
> manageable bits. Any hunk of goat is good, too

Believe it or not, he chews every morsel of meat off a turkey neck,
without eating the bones - he just doesn't get it! Or maybe he does
like to eat his meat first, then the bones. But I usually take the
stripped naked bones away from him thinking plain old bone is
dangerous. He does well with rabbbit, he's had a few episodes where he
runs to me with a small piece of bone in his throat, then coughs it out
on the floor. THAT drives me nuts!

But when I give him say, a goat quarter, over several meals - what is
left is a stripped bare skeleton. Again, something that looks to me
like a hazard. So I take it away and rob him of that important part of
the meal.

I read time and time again that it's recommended that a dog should eat
bones while covered in lots of meat.

So, separately is okay?


Messages in this topic (7)

2b. Re: dogs chewing RMBs
Posted by: "costrowski75" Chriso75@AOL.COM costrowski75
Date: Mon Sep 10, 2007 7:59 am ((PDT))

"luvmyberner_bernerlove" <jodycaira@...> wrote:
> he's had a few episodes where he
> runs to me with a small piece of bone in his throat, then coughs it
> on the floor. THAT drives me nuts!
Whether or not it drives you nuts, it's actually a good thing that he
runs to you for help rather than away from you. And of course,
coughing it up is a perfectly okay solution to whatever was bothering
him. Maybe you need to read more about a dog's physiology and
digestive system. How they properly eat is different from how we eat.

> I read time and time again that it's recommended that a dog should
> bones while covered in lots of meat.
> So, separately is okay?
YOUR job is to feed plenty of meat with dem bones, ideally ON the bone
but certainly with the bone. HIS job is to eat it. Some dogs crunch
through meat and bone together (and some food recommends itself to this
style of eating). Some dogs--like yours--eat the meat then eat the
bone. Both are fine. (Some people like to mix their peas and mashed
potatoes, some prefer to eat the peas separate from the taters.)

The recommendation to offer plenty of meat with the bone is for your
purposes. Once the dogs has it the ball's in his court.

FWIW, I have three adult dogs. Lamb breasts are invariably eaten
straight through, no separating meat from bone. Turkey quarters are
generally stripped of meat before the bones are tackled. Chicken just
gets chomped through. Pork shoulder roasts are stripped of meat before
the bone is addressed. Pork ribs are eated straight through. Pork
necks, being mostly bone anyway, are not separated in meat and bone,
they're just eaten. Meaty venison necks are first stripped of meat;
beef necks are nibbled and whittled and picked at and poked at before
the bone is tackled (with these I will collect up the bone after
allowing a short chomp since there's way more bone than meat anyway).
Beef ribs slabs are processsed in the same way as beef necks.

My cat eats every last bit of meat from a turkey neck, then chews up
the turkey neck. (I don't feed turkey necks to my dogs.) She'll also
peel meat off chicken wings and legs, then eat some portion of bone.
Frog legs and quail and cornish game hen parts and sardines she powers
through, meat and bone, makes no difference.

My guess is you are applying standards to your dog's meals that are
unnecessarily complicating things for you. Keep in mind that a good
raw diet doesn't require lots of edible bone. In most cases a goodly
portion of meat but only a small amount of bone is perfectly reasonable
and reasonably perfect.
Chris O

Messages in this topic (7)

2c. Re: dogs chewing RMBs
Posted by: "Andrea" poketmouse45@yahoo.com poketmouse45
Date: Mon Sep 10, 2007 8:23 am ((PDT))

The danger in bare naked bones IMO comes from the fact that the dog
might be too excited to eat and get dumb ideas like "I can swallow
that whole rib bone in one gulp!" or that bare bones create chalky
poos. My pups digest bone a whole lot better when there is meat in
the meal as well. Also bone only/meat only meals rob the dog of the
dental and mental exercise they get from stripping the meat from the

I would let him eat the bones if he wants to. Choking hazards are
most often small boney things that can be swallowed whole like wings,
not big pork shoulder bones and such. Good luck.


--- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, "luvmyberner_bernerlove"
<jodycaira@...> wrote:

> I read time and time again that it's recommended that a dog should
> bones while covered in lots of meat.
> So, separately is okay?
> Jody

Messages in this topic (7)

3a. Re: [rawfeeding supplements and raw food diet for dogs
Posted by: "Howard Salob" itiskismet1968@yahoo.com itiskismet1968
Date: Mon Sep 10, 2007 6:42 am ((PDT))

costrowski75 <Chriso75@AOL.COM> wrote: Does anyone give supplements to their raw fed dogs? I have switched over once my dog got fanconi syndrome(genetic renal disease). I give green tripe and started on also chicken hearts and gizzards. Have wanted to try hokamix. Heard this was what show owners give their dogs to supplement their diets. Heard the combination of good diet and exercise are best for animals. Do raw fed dogs need more exercise- since they should have more energy.



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Messages in this topic (5)

4a. Re: {RawFeeding & Raw Chat}Sharing meat between dogs
Posted by: "Andrea" poketmouse45@yahoo.com poketmouse45
Date: Mon Sep 10, 2007 6:43 am ((PDT))

Brandi, I don't expect my boys to eat of the same meat at the same
time. Since they are big dogs I usually give a whole roast to each of
them and let them have what they will. However, if I only had one
roast to give (which I couldn't cut in half) I would give it to one dog
first and let him eat until he was done before letting the other have
at it. Neither one of them would get into a fight over food, but they
will certainly warn the other to stay away from their stuff. If I get
the food cut into two pieces they have no problem eating in the same


--- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, "Brandi Bryant" <bbryant573@...>

> I know some of you can throw a hunk of meat to your dogs and they
> can eat nicely together. Not real sure about mine.

Messages in this topic (3)

5a. my puppy will not eat fish
Posted by: "mvd12720" mvd12720@yahoo.com mvd12720
Date: Mon Sep 10, 2007 7:20 am ((PDT))

i have not clue how to get him to eat it i have even fried to blend it
in with other foods
should i be giveing him a suppliement??


Messages in this topic (2)

5b. Re: my puppy will not eat fish
Posted by: "costrowski75" Chriso75@AOL.COM costrowski75
Date: Mon Sep 10, 2007 8:27 am ((PDT))

"mvd12720" <mvd12720@...> wrote:>
> i have not clue how to get him to eat it i have even fried to blend
> in with other foods
So don't feed it.
It's not required. It is recommended as an additional source of high
quality protein and if your protein options are seriously limited you
might want to keep on trying with fish--but! If you have access to
reasonable land and air variety you just don't need water variety.

If you feel obligated to include fish, feed a can of salmon or
mackerel once in a while and don't sweat it.

> should i be giveing him a suppliement??
There are only a few species that are considered serious sources of
Omega 3 fatty acid. Typically they are salmon, mackerel, sardines
and herring but there are others:

If you are trying to feed one of the high O3 fish, rely instead on a
fish body oil or salmon oil supplement and try fish again in a few
months. If you are trying to feed a fish not known for its O3
content, you'll never get O3 regardless of how much the pup eats of
it so yes, give a fish oil supplement.

Chris O

Messages in this topic (2)

6. how long to hold out with not eating
Posted by: "redwinejoy" redwine1@windstream.net redwinejoy
Date: Mon Sep 10, 2007 7:21 am ((PDT))

I really need to hear from those of you who have been doing this awhile with dogs who don't
make this feeding thing look easy. We have begun raw feeding this summer with a dog who
has never been a big eater. He seemed to enjoy it at first and then after about 10 days he
threw up his breakfast and has refused ANY kind of raw since. He seems to feel fine and will
eat those special things (treats, cheese, yogurt) that should not be much of his diet. I have
been to the vet and nothing seems to be wrong. For those of you who have had to hold out
on your dogs, please tell me it usually does work because it it so hard to do. Is 4-5 days
usually the longest amount of time. Thanks, Joy

Messages in this topic (1)

7a. Eating omnivores and carnivores?
Posted by: "Maria" plava_93@yahoo.com plava_93
Date: Mon Sep 10, 2007 8:16 am ((PDT))

A woman who owns the farm with sheep, chicken, cows and goats
emailed me asking me to call her. Her husband told her to ask me how
I felt about trapping animals, I said that I am fine with it.

Her hasband traps furbearers (bobcats, possums, raccoons, foxes and
coyotes), she asked if I could feed any of them (except the foxes
and coyotes, we all agreed that they are too closely related to
dogs). Her hasband gets them and skins them then trashes the rest. I
told her that I wasn't sure because of them being
omnivores/carnivores, I said that I'd need to ask some other raw
feeders first. She said that it was fine, she can just keep them in
her freezer till I decide.

What do you all think?, they are full blown wild fed. They live at
the edge of the middle of nowhere. There really isn't any trash for
them to eat.

On another note, right now she doesn't have anything for me but they
will be bucthering all winter and culling out during the spring
which means yummy sheep. She said that they may get another deer
kill permit before then and if they do I'll get one.

I may be getting a ferret from a prison in someones basement, the
woman told me that they have to cull out the roosters that they
hatch. They will get about 40 for themselves and the rest go to
anyone who will pay her what she put into them, but she said she can
cull them at 4 or 5 weeks when they are sex-able so they will still
be small for the ferret.


Messages in this topic (3)

7b. Re: Eating omnivores and carnivores?
Posted by: "Yasuko herron" sunshine_annamaria@yahoo.com sunshine_annamaria
Date: Mon Sep 10, 2007 9:03 am ((PDT))

>Her hasband traps furbearers (bobcats, possums, raccoons, foxes and coyotes), she >asked if I could feed any of them (except the foxes and coyotes, we all agreed that they >are too closely related to dogs).

Hi,I personally would not feed any of them. Wild Deer maybe exception (you told that you may get deer from them aswell after they get permit),but all these wild animals...I am not comfortable feeding them.

Racoon especially well knnown for rabies carriers. Chances maybe may not be low the racoon they caught being infected,but I rather not liking to take a risk.

It may depends on area too.

I am not sure others have fed it,but I wouldn't.


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Messages in this topic (3)

7c. Re: Eating omnivores and carnivores?
Posted by: "katkellm" katkellm@yahoo.com katkellm
Date: Mon Sep 10, 2007 10:07 am ((PDT))

--- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, "Maria" <plava_93@...> wrote:
> Her hasband traps furbearers (bobcats, possums, raccoons, foxes and
> coyotes), she asked if I could feed any of them

Hi Maria,
I personally wouldn't feed a carnivore to a carnivore because i don't
think that is the way it works in the wild. OK, don't remember where
i read that so i might be standing somewhere way out in left field and
would certainly want to be corrected if i am wrong. what i do know for
sure is that I live on a farm, and my dogs always eat the rabbits or
squirrels that they catch, but they have never ever eaten a raccoon or
a possum that they killed, so if you have to pay for the meat, i
wouldn't stock up just in case your dogs feel the same way mine do.

Messages in this topic (3)

8. boxer pup new to "raw"
Posted by: "tiffany fontenot" rydersilas@yahoo.com rydersilas
Date: Mon Sep 10, 2007 8:32 am ((PDT))

So i have a 3 month old Boxer who wieghts about 17 lbs now. I am wanting to start him on raw food, but have a few questions;
1. I am a little concerned about the meat available to me. I live in India and there are not health standards like in the US or UK. All meat comes from butchers but cannot garauntee the quaility. Is there any way i could clean it prior to serving it to my dog?
2. I should serve him 2-3% of his estimated Adult weight right? so this would be around 1.4 lbs a day
3. I am alittle confused...is it ok to give them chicken wings or are they too small?

Thanks for the help.


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Messages in this topic (1)

9a. Re: Rookie Questions
Posted by: "krystal_brr" rkbarr@hughes.net krystal_brr
Date: Mon Sep 10, 2007 9:03 am ((PDT))

--- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, "linoleum5017" <linoleum5017@...>
> Wow, Krystal, you have in your pocket what the rest of us dream of!
> Got any pigs with fat, to boot? That would make a better balance.
> Lynne
How do I know how much fat to add? Is this another just watch and see
things, or is there a formula for protein to fat ratios?

I am starting to realize my position is enviable, one of the reasons I
started to look into raw was when I realized how much I would save if I
just fed what we had in the yard:-) Maybe I'll start raising pigs,
although I don't think the neighbors would appreciate all the bears
that would draw:0


Messages in this topic (5)

10. WAs: Chicken wings vs other parts - is now Feeding Toy Breed
Posted by: "Garnaas, Carolyn (MED US)" carolyn.garnaas@siemens.com carolyn.garnaas
Date: Mon Sep 10, 2007 9:41 am ((PDT))

A 2.5 pound Toy Poodle - how adorable!!! That SO reminds me of my Molly,
a Toy Poodle who weighed exactly that when I brought her home from the
breeder. She's a robust six pounds now, and well on her way to being an
agility champ! She rocks! (Braggy side note - one of Molly's former
agility trainers just got a Toy Poodle to train in agility, she was so
impressed with Molly's speed and accuracy on the agility field!).

Because of this list, and this list totally saved me, I knew how to feed
my Mookie right away. I started out with chicken drummettes, which in
retrospect, were probably a bit small for her, but were not a choking
hazard; same for wings. She also got quail, lamb, game hens, steak,
turkey, duck,beef and pork ribs, and on rare days, ostrich, bunny,
venison, and tripe. She would not eat the bunny.

I confess that the only bones she consumes in toto are the chicken
bones. The others she nibbles at, but does not consume. I recently got
as a gift some ground meat, XKALIBER, which Molly inhales like a
starving wee beastie. Ditto for tripe. These are available from
Greentripe.com (I think that's the right place).

You should also know not to feed food directly from the freezer or even
the fridge, as this can cause a drastic drop in body temp in these tiny
puppies, which will likely result in convulsions. I had to find this out
the hard way. Also, if your dog is anything like my Molly, he's going to
try to let you know loud and clear what NOT to feed him. Don't listen.

You should decide the menu, based on what you learn on this list. Don't
let your dog make those decisions for you. Otherwise you will have
created a picky eater, and that is a situation you do not want to have
to back out of. Much easier to stick with your menu decisions even if
puppy decides it's not a favorite menu item. I learned from this group
that a healthy dog, including a healthy puppy, will not starve itself.
Molly still sometimes goes several days without eating, just to see if I
will take away the _______ (you fill in the blank - Molly only truly
loves a fat chicken drumstick, or some tripe). I don't. Eventually she
eats it. She wins, I win, everybody is healthy.

Carolyn J. Garnaas

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Messages in this topic (1)

11a. Re: [RawChat] Re: Vets Secretly Vaxing
Posted by: "Sandee Lee" rlee@plix.com mariasmom2001
Date: Mon Sep 10, 2007 9:43 am ((PDT))

I definitely agree that Rimadyl shouldn't be standard procedure following
surgery, but the idea of allowing a pet to suffer with pain in order to keep
him quiet is cruel. Pain relief is crucial to quick healing and immune
system support.

The More It Hurts, the More I Hide It:
Reflections on Animal Pain

Sandee & the Dane Gang

From: "Paula" <Paula@hbeark.com>

> We don't just need to worry about unauthorized vax, we need to worry
> about unauthorized pain killers now that Rimadyl (for one) is being
> given as 'standard procedure' following surgery. This may not show up
> on your bill because it is included in the cost of something like a
> spay. Isn't it amazing that decades of neutering pets never required
> a pain killer of any kind? Making them take it easy for a couple of
> days is hard enough without having to deal with them bouncing off the
> walls because they feel SO Good.

Messages in this topic (2)

11b. Re: [RawChat] Re: Vets Secretly Vaxing
Posted by: "Sandee Lee" rlee@plix.com mariasmom2001
Date: Mon Sep 10, 2007 10:08 am ((PDT))

Ooops...sorry mods. Sent that to the wrong group! :)

Sandee & the Dane Gang

Messages in this topic (2)

12a. Introducing myself and Zachary
Posted by: "Garnaas, Carolyn (MED US)" carolyn.garnaas@siemens.com carolyn.garnaas
Date: Mon Sep 10, 2007 9:45 am ((PDT))

Mia, welcome to our group! It's so great that you decided to feed your
dog raw food. How did you find out what was in the k**ble? I am very
impressed that you figured this out on your own. So many - okay, all -
of my friends and relatives still feed k**ble. I occasionally do drop a
dark hint about what's in k**ble, but they still badly want to believe
the pretty pictures on the packages.

How did you find out about rawfeeding?

Carolyn J. Garnaas

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Messages in this topic (6)

13.1. Re: Question
Posted by: "Laura Atkinson" llatkinson@gmail.com lauraatkinson2002
Date: Mon Sep 10, 2007 10:11 am ((PDT))

Depends on the dog and how much more growing you expect to get (probably
quite a bit). I always swear at 6 mos they're going to 1x a day, but in
reality, it's closer to 9-12 months. Part of it is habit and how adorable
they are running up and jumping in their crate for breakfast (I'm a sucker
for cute) and part of it is that at 6 mos, there's still a lot of growing to
do. I tend to "overfeed" my puppies, in that I feed more than 2%-3% of
their expected adult weight, I feed them all as if they're going to be top
of the standard males. Sure, they get a bit chubby (not fat and not that
rolly polly crapinabagfedpuppy) but a pudge here and there and then they
have another growth spurt and aren't pudgy anymore. Rather than try and
feed 2%-3%, I just feed 'em and let 'em grow. Again, I don't let them get
FAT, but a little pudge for an upcoming growth spurt doesn't seem to be
hurting them and it passes SO quickly "hey, look, Robin's getting pudgy" on
Monday becomes "did she grow again?" on Saturday.

They adults just get their 1 a day, but I put 'em outside when the puppy is
eating so I don't have to deal with all those other sets of "I'm starving"

On 9/9/07, Brandi Bryant <bbryant573@gmail.com> wrote:
> Ok, since my GS puppy is 6 months and the other pup is almost 10 month
> - do I still need to be feeding them 2 times a day - or can I just go
> to one a day feeding for all 4 of them the other 2 are adult male GSs?
> Thanks
> --
> Brandi
> Bartlesville, Ok
> www.obediencetrainingclubofbartlesville.com

Laura A
Kaos Siberians http://www.kaossiberians.com
Many people would sooner die than think; In fact, they do so.
Bertrand Russell

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Messages in this topic (148)

14a. Zachary has the runs!
Posted by: "Mia-Shay Emery" briarbaby_04@yahoo.com briarbaby_04
Date: Mon Sep 10, 2007 10:24 am ((PDT))

Hi all!
Well today is day 4 and Zachary had runny stool this morning for the first time. Now does that mean the killer k***le is finally out of his system? Or is it because he had some heart, liver, and an egg yesterday as well as his chicken?

I know he is supposed to have just chicken while he's making the adjustment but I shot, gutted and skinned that deer yesterday, mommy killed dinner and everybody got fresh venison to eat! He always gets the heart, liver and kidneys when a family member gets a deer, and he could smell it yesterday, he was rolling around going all squirley like the darn cat until I gave in.

Last night it was so funny! He found his voice! He usually woofs when another dog walks by (and always for a pretty girl) but when I fed him last night the kitties were nosing around his dish while was eating and he let out this huge "GROWF", did they ever back off fast. :) The best part was when he'd finished he came over to me stuck his head in my lap, and woo wooed and grunted and oofed and had this whole conversation with me. My Siberian Huskies used to talk to me like that, but Zachary's never had a conversation like that before. It was great!


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Messages in this topic (4)

14b. Re: Zachary has the runs!
Posted by: "Sandee Lee" rlee@plix.com mariasmom2001
Date: Mon Sep 10, 2007 10:55 am ((PDT))


I would guess it's from the heart, liver and egg.

Sounds like he is having lots of fun with his new diet...and providing you
with entertainment! :)

Sandee & the Dane Gang

From: "Mia-Shay Emery" <briarbaby_04@yahoo.com>

> Hi all!
> Well today is day 4 and Zachary had runny stool this morning for the first
time. Now does that mean the killer k***le is finally out of his system? Or
is it because he had some heart, liver, and an egg yesterday as well as his

Messages in this topic (4)

14c. Re: Zachary has the runs!
Posted by: "Andrea" poketmouse45@yahoo.com poketmouse45
Date: Mon Sep 10, 2007 11:51 am ((PDT))

--- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, Mia-Shay Emery <briarbaby_04@...>

> Well today is day 4 and Zachary had runny stool this morning for
> the first time.
> Or is it because he had some heart, liver, and an egg yesterday as
> well as his chicken?

Bingo. I'm pretty sure that is where your loose stools came from.

He might have eaten heart and liver before, but that was when he had
the "fillers" in his ki**le to keep his poo "normal." Now that he
doesn't have those any more you can expect to see looser stools when
liver heart *and* egg are fed. Sounds like he didn't have digestive
upset, just loose stools. I wouldn't worry about it, and maybe next
time feed a bonier meal with the organ and heart. If his stomach
seems to be bothering him today you want to venture to the
organ/heart more slowly next time. Congrats on the venison, I'm
extremely envious.


Messages in this topic (4)

14d. Re: Zachary has the runs!
Posted by: "Yasuko herron" sunshine_annamaria@yahoo.com sunshine_annamaria
Date: Mon Sep 10, 2007 11:52 am ((PDT))

>Well today is day 4 and Zachary had runny stool this morning for the
> first time. is it because he had some heart, liver, and an egg yesterday
> as well as his chicken?

Hi. Definitelt runny poo culprits are heart,liver,egg you gave. Before giving any of these, dog poo was nice?

If so,then I can say that you put too many new things all at once.

You want to give new thing one at a time.This lower the possibility of digestion issue and,easy for you to find the suspect.You do not need to do hard time shalock holmes.

My suggestion is,give small bit of thing you choose if you like to give heart,liver etc,but just one item.

I think that since Egg is difficult to give only small amount,probably want to wait till later.

when you start rawfeeding simple menu is better with slow pace.

>I shot, gutted and skinned that deer yesterday, mommy killed dinner and everybody got >fresh venison to eat! He always gets the heart,
> liver and kidneys when a family member gets a deer, and he could smell
>it yesterday, he was rolling around going all squirley like the darn
>cat until I gave in.

well, this also the part of the cause I think. you could freeze some of thedeer for later introduction..

Sometimes,pleady eyes are cute and like to give in,but then,afterall,if fed too much too soon and get butt prob,dog is the one has to suffer. So, try to be tough,it is all for your dog.

Until you get nice poo,feed just chicken without organ etc and thenwhen you think he isready,small bit of .. say chicken liver and feed chicken and chicken liver.Remember,add only 1 item from small amount in old menu.


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Messages in this topic (4)

15a. Re: Hi, new here, need help with raw feeding my siberian huskies
Posted by: "Laura Atkinson" llatkinson@gmail.com lauraatkinson2002
Date: Mon Sep 10, 2007 10:25 am ((PDT))

I'm always happy to see more Siberian Husky owners move their dogs over to
raw feeding <g>.

If you can cancel all that frozen raw chunkage, you'll be light years ahead
of where you are now. Go buy a whole chicken and chunk it up into around
1lb pieces (in other words, if it's a 5'ish lb chicken, that's about 5 meals
for him). You don't have to be overly particular about getting it down to
the ounce, he's still got a fair amount of growing or filling out to do.

Chicken necks are pretty small for him; chicken quarters or chunks o'
chicken from that bird you chunked up is a much better prospect. And, yes,
if he thinks he can get away with lazy or "I don't like it" he will. Just
remember, skipping a meal isn't going to kill him, so if he decides not to
eat what you offer him...he can wait until next time. As far as the organs
go, you have a few choices:

1. "hide" it in something else
2. let it warm to room temp, see if he doesn't like it cold
3. serve it semi-froze, maybe he doesn't like it warm
4. give it to him before the rest of his meal. if he doesn't eat it, he
doesn't eat. He'll figure it out.

Heart is a meat, not an organ, so that can be fed as a meal. It can cause a
looser stool, because it is 100% meat, no bone. Don't worry too much about

And your younger pup? She'll benefit 100% from being switched, now to raw.

I put a raw feeding page on my website under Natural Rearing. And if it
helps to get handholding from a Siberian owner (and soon to be breeder
<Grin>) I'm just an e-mail away.

I'd probably be giving your boy around a lb a day, and if he gets chunky and
stays that way, cut it back some. Your puppy bitch, well, I'd probably be
giving her a lb a day too, in a couple of meals, knowing that she's still
got a LOT of growing to do. She'll go through chucky stages (not fat, just
pudgy here and there) and then hit a growth spurt and overnight will have a
waist again. Perfectly normal (in my opinion and experience anyway).

Laura A
Kaos Siberians http://www.kaossiberians.com
Many people would sooner die than think; In fact, they do so.
Bertrand Russell

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Messages in this topic (8)

16a. Re: Trichinella concerns?
Posted by: "susan holbeck" nu1edie@yahoo.com nu1edie
Date: Mon Sep 10, 2007 11:51 am ((PDT))

I got my butt CHEWED by a gal at a rescue orginization when I told her I fed raw pork. She's ok with raw feeding, but only in the winter (HUH?)... and meat only, no bone. I nearly started to cry because she had me convinced I was killing my dog with pork and RMB's. Geez... I'm glad I have you guys!

Susan & Oswald the Cowardly Dog

basilbourque <wildbasil@pobox.com> wrote:
I've read about people feeding pork raw. I've learned enough to get over (most) of my fear of
bug/germs/parasites to feed my dog raw.

But isn't Trichinella a serious risk in feeding pork raw?


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Messages in this topic (3)

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