[rawfeeding] Digest Number 11810
There are 12 messages in this issue.
Topics in this digest:
1a. Re: lactating bitch refusing raw
From: Laurie Swanson
1b. Re: lactating bitch refusing raw
From: Lyse Garant
2a. lactator refusing raw
From: Lyse Garant
2b. Re: lactator refusing raw
From: ginny wilken
3a. Re: anal glands
From: Nathalie Poulin
3b. Re: anal glands
From: Sandee Lee
4a. mucousy poop/bile vomits (was Re: Pork Neck Bones
From: Laurie Swanson
5a. How Much?
From: klompsjr
5b. Re: How Much?
From: Laurie Swanson
6.1. Re: Nature's Variety
From: delcaste
7a. Re: Cow heads?
From: Suzie G
8.1. Re: Getting Started
From: Pat K.
1a. Re: lactating bitch refusing raw
Posted by: "Laurie Swanson" laurie@mckinneyphoto.com las_lala
Date: Sun Jul 15, 2007 7:55 pm ((PDT))
Hi Kathy,
I don't have any experience with pregnant or lactating dogs, and no
idea how tough you can be with them or just how bad it is to mix
canned w/raw. But I think canned and raw is better than kibble and
raw, because of the water content. Low-water-content foods take
longer to digest than high-water-content foods. I would think in
this case it wouldn't be too bad to mix them and gradually reduce the
amount of canned. Just a couple other thoughts--will she eat raw if
you hand-feed her? Can you do some easy training-type stuff with raw
treats to get some food in her (Or is she always in the whelping
box? Like I said, no experience w/pregnant dogs.)? Do you think
she'd eat ground (now that she likes canned--it's a similar
texture/presentation)? What about adding a bit of flavor to some
raw, ground or chunked meat (garlic or something?). Or top it with
some kind of broth? Maybe you could spoon feed her something like
that, and then wean her onto eating more on her own or something?
Good luck. I'm curious to see how this resolves.
--- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, "Kathy" <xanadu8@...> wrote:
> I am having a problem with my Portuguese Water Dog bitch refusing
to eat raw.
Messages in this topic (3)
1b. Re: lactating bitch refusing raw
Posted by: "Lyse Garant" lyse_garant@yahoo.com lyse_garant
Date: Sun Jul 15, 2007 8:32 pm ((PDT))
Kathy, I really think you should go with the PW dog on this one, and please do not force her usual diet. Her body is craving certain things that only she can address, I don't believe that a hard line should be maintained in these circumstances. I am no expert, but I think a dog's instincts are crucial in these matters. Thanks,
Kathy <xanadu8@insightbb.com> wrote:
I am having a problem with my Portuguese Water Dog bitch refusing to eat raw. She started getting picky during her pregnancy. She delivered 2 puppies, one of which lived. She then continued to act like the raw food was nauseating to her. She is 5 yrs old and has been on raw since she was 10 months old. She has had picky episodes in the past but not when she was lactating. Anyway the ONLY thing she would eat was beef liver but it had to be lightly seared. The puppy started losing weight so my vet suggested trying a prescription canned food that was high in calories and could be spoon fed if necessary. Well, the spoiled brat now will only eat this food IF I spoon feed her while she is in the whelping box.. I know, she needs tough love but I can't do it until the puppy is weaned. I have started to hide pieces of meat in the canned food to get her to switch over. My question is ....Should I sear or lightly cook the meat or is raw okay to mix in if she will eat it?
Funny thing is our 1 yr old from the last litter is also on the "raw is icky" band wagon, and she has been fed raw from the beginning. She had to be on antibiotics and have food in her stomach so I started lightly searing her food to get her to eat it too. I have a big mess on my hands with these two girls. They are 45-50 lb dogs. So....temporarily, can canned food be mixed with raw? I've heard not to mix raw with kibble.
I can't wait to get them back to eating properly on their raw diet!
Kathy L
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Messages in this topic (3)
2a. lactator refusing raw
Posted by: "Lyse Garant" lyse_garant@yahoo.com lyse_garant
Date: Sun Jul 15, 2007 8:19 pm ((PDT))
I'm sorry, I forgot to trim and sign my previous post in response to this question. I truly believe in the raw diet, but under these circumstances, your dog is 'craving" something that she needs...she knows what to eat to get it. Go with that.
Lyse & G & N
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Messages in this topic (2)
2b. Re: lactator refusing raw
Posted by: "ginny wilken" gwilken@alamedanet.net ginny439
Date: Sun Jul 15, 2007 10:57 pm ((PDT))
On Jul 15, 2007, at 8:15 PM, Lyse Garant wrote:
> I'm sorry, I forgot to trim and sign my previous post in response
> to this question. I truly believe in the raw diet, but under these
> circumstances, your dog is 'craving" something that she needs...she
> knows what to eat to get it. Go with that.
> Lyse & G & N
Dogs crave many things they don't need. Besides, modern life provides
stimuli that never existed in nature to confound the purpose of the
taste buds. I am inclined to think you have really spoiled these
dogs, but for the bitch this may not be the time to argue about it.
I'd still try to feed as raw as possible, because it is the best, and
I am one stubborn mama when it comes to that.
ginny and Tomo
All stunts performed without a net!
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Messages in this topic (2)
3a. Re: anal glands
Posted by: "Nathalie Poulin" poulin_nathalie@yahoo.ca poulin_nathalie
Date: Sun Jul 15, 2007 8:32 pm ((PDT))
Give her more meat and stop the veggies.
Give her a chicken quarter.
All the bones in the chicken wings and the veggies
could be stopping her up.
Try a little bit of liver too.
--- shella <shellabella76@sbcglobal.net> wrote:
> My min schnauzer has always been sensitive to
> "bottom" issues, but
> lately she licks like crazy. After a while, I can
> definetly smell why
> she is licking. Any suggestions? Currently she is
> eating chicken
> wings every two days and medallions of chicken,
> veggies and some
> turkey the other days.
> Shella
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Messages in this topic (19)
3b. Re: anal glands
Posted by: "Sandee Lee" rlee@plix.com mariasmom2001
Date: Sun Jul 15, 2007 8:59 pm ((PDT))
Yes, I would get rid of the wings and medallions with the ground up veggies
and other inappropriate ingredients. Feed this girl some nice whole meaty
bones (quarters or bone-in breasts would be a good start).
Sandee & the Dane Gang
From: "shella" <shellabella76@sbcglobal.net>
My min schnauzer has always been sensitive to "bottom" issues, but
lately she licks like crazy. After a while, I can definetly smell why
she is licking. Any suggestions? Currently she is eating chicken
wings every two days and medallions of chicken, veggies and some
turkey the other days.
Messages in this topic (19)
4a. mucousy poop/bile vomits (was Re: Pork Neck Bones
Posted by: "Laurie Swanson" laurie@mckinneyphoto.com las_lala
Date: Sun Jul 15, 2007 8:32 pm ((PDT))
Hi Yassy,
Hard to say about the mucousy poop, etc. Looks like you got some
other replies already. Maybe the lamb tongue was too fatty for now
or too large a portion? Sounds like you gave that WITH the pork neck
bones? So, she definitely had enough bone... I think we can drive
ourselves nuts trying to figure out every meal and the corresponding
poop! Since it's not an ongoing problem, sounds like you're/she's
fine. As Chris says (paraphrasing), the stools should reflect the
meal and we can't necessarily expect them to be the same all the
time! Of course, we don't want to be bathing our dogs' butts all the
time, either... :-)
I'm not sure what to say about the bile vomit, either. Dogs might
have a better sense of time and routines than we give them credit
for. Maybe she knows when it's the weekend (whatever that means to
her, of course) and that she'll get fed later then. But it sounds
like that's going better, too. If it continues, we'll have more info
to sort it out.
--- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, Yasuko herron
<sunshine_annamaria@...> wrote:
> Hi,Laurie. I gave her lamb tongue too and, the poo came out like
firm poo about 1-2 inch and then yellowish brownish watery thing and
she ended up needed to hop on to shower to get her butt washed that
>On weekends, I wake up one more hour laterthan today,and for 9
weeks,she was fine,no vomiting involved. I making rule that she eats
after we human eats so,feeding time is bit random although because I
wake up before my husband around same time on weekdays,those days,she
ended up to be fed around same time though.
Messages in this topic (18)
5a. How Much?
Posted by: "klompsjr" klompsjr@yahoo.com.sg klompsjr
Date: Sun Jul 15, 2007 9:40 pm ((PDT))
I have a st. bernard that is only a year old she is 120 pounds and
still growing. She has been on the raw diet now for about 6 days it is
going very well she loves it, but I am constantly afraid that I am not
feeding her enough.
I also have a husky puppy,she has slimed down a bit since this new diet
and gotten a little agressive with the raw food, is that a sign that
she needs more. She will just keep eating, and eating how do I know
when she's had enough.
Messages in this topic (2)
5b. Re: How Much?
Posted by: "Laurie Swanson" laurie@mckinneyphoto.com las_lala
Date: Sun Jul 15, 2007 10:36 pm ((PDT))
Hi there,
You generally want to start at around 2-3% of ideal adult weight,
with larger or more active dogs needing more than smaller or less-
active ones. This is just a starting point. You can always feed
more and if they start to gain too much weight, you can cut back. If
you feed way too much, they might get loose stool, but you can always
cut back at that point also.
Regarding the food aggression, what kinds of signs are you seeing and
how do you feed the 2 dogs (together?)? Let us know and we can help
sort out what's going on.
As far as the puppy just wanting to keep eating...how old is she?
What do you expect her adult weight to be? How much and how often
are you feeding? You can decide whether you want to see if she'll
self-regulate. Sometimes they're so excited to have real food, that
they will eat more in the beginning. I think many dogs will
eventually stop eating but some won't. Dogs are designed to eat a
decent amount at one time, though.
--- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, "klompsjr" <klompsjr@...> wrote:
> I also have a husky puppy,she has slimed down a bit since this new
> and gotten a little agressive with the raw food, is that a sign
> she needs more. She will just keep eating, and eating how do I know
> when she's had enough.
Messages in this topic (2)
6.1. Re: Nature's Variety
Posted by: "delcaste" delcaste@yahoo.com delcaste
Date: Sun Jul 15, 2007 10:06 pm ((PDT))
--- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, "m13lucky" <m13lucky@...> wrote:
> ***Moderator's Notes: firstly, please sign all emails. Secondly, we
do not endorse products such as Nature's Variety on this list. ****
> I'm looking into switching my Yorkie to a raw diet.
You'll love the fact that you switched to raw. I'm a newbie and was
hesitant to swith to raw but one morning I woke up and just plunked
down a chicken quarter. I am so glad I did. This forum will help you
tremendously and they are so knowleadgeable. I think if you feed the
80.10.10 way (or thereabouts) your pup will get all his enzymes,etc. I
basically check their poop to make sure it's normal (for a raw fed dog)
and watch and weigh them to make sure they're staying true. Am I
getting this right so far, guys?
Silvina and the pugs
Messages in this topic (33)
7a. Re: Cow heads?
Posted by: "Suzie G" gusmyhairyboy@charter.net gusmyhairyboy
Date: Sun Jul 15, 2007 10:51 pm ((PDT))
Hi,Suzie G. here
After we butcher rabbits we freeze the parts we don't use(Ex.Fur-my older dogs won't eat it -I hope my soon to be puppy will eat fur and all) Just before trash pickup we take it out of the freezer and nobody is the wiser!
Suzie G., Gus My Hairy Boy(Newf), Beautiful Red Delilah (Golden) and soon to be Golden puppy (I need a Name!)
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Messages in this topic (10)
8.1. Re: Getting Started
Posted by: "Pat K." pat.my2maltese@gmail.com cartoontagger
Date: Mon Jul 16, 2007 5:13 am ((PDT))
What would be a good amount to feed a 70-75lb dog?
I was telling my neighbor about the benefits of raw feeding, and they seemed very interested and upbeat on the idea. They were asking how much food it would take for their dog and I couldn't tell them (I have Maltese, so there's a big difference in size). They currently feed Purina Pro Plan and the dog has issues with rashes, etc.
I'd like to be able to tell them how much their dog needs daily as an approximate so they can start and see how much better it is for their dog when they see the changes in her. Thanks.
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Messages in this topic (30)
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