[rawfeeding] Digest Number 12133
There are 16 messages in this issue.
Topics in this digest:
1a. ADMIN/Re: Incontinence
From: costrowski75
2a. Re: rawfeeding in winter vs summer
From: costrowski75
3a. Re: Croaker/Other Fish
From: Bumble1994@aol.com
4a. new to the group
From: deedeecmt
5a. Re: What do your shortcut words mean?
From: Carol Dunster
5b. Re: What do your shortcut words mean?
From: caroline gebbie
6.1. Re: new to raw
From: Michael Moore
7a. Re: overweight PWD
From: Jess Navarro
8. pup swallowed raw rib bone
From: T Smith
9a. Re: Pregnant and off feed
From: Jenny S
10a. Re: What do your shortcut words mean? (GISELLE)
From: Meredith Soriano
11a. Re: black tarry poop
From: Caren OConnor
12a. Re: black tarry poop/reply
From: Caren OConnor
13a. Re: List on Freecycle
From: carolejc2007
13b. Re: List on Freecycle
From: john payne
14a. Re: Some thoughts/questions
From: wolfwood53
1a. ADMIN/Re: Incontinence
Posted by: "costrowski75" Chriso75@AOL.COM costrowski75
Date: Sun Oct 7, 2007 9:53 pm ((PDT))
Once it has been determined that diet is not an issue with
incontinence, the topic should move to RawChat or DogHealth. Non-diet
related incontinence is completely off topic for the rawfeeding list.
Further postings are not recommended.
Chris O
Moderation Team
Messages in this topic (8)
2a. Re: rawfeeding in winter vs summer
Posted by: "costrowski75" Chriso75@AOL.COM costrowski75
Date: Sun Oct 7, 2007 9:59 pm ((PDT))
"timbretown" <nancy@...> wrote:
>> So I was wondering: Do people on this list feed more during the
You feed as your dogs' needs change or don't change. Seasons are no
different than any other variable in your dogs' lives: Whenever you see
the need to tweak the menu, do it.
Chris O
Messages in this topic (5)
3a. Re: Croaker/Other Fish
Posted by: "Bumble1994@aol.com" Bumble1994@aol.com bumble1994
Date: Sun Oct 7, 2007 10:03 pm ((PDT))
Tilapia and smelt have been the only whole fish I've found except for
sardine back in the spring, and I give one or the other to my 3 cats about once a
week. A good-sized talapia cut into 3 parts will make a bony meal for all 3
cats, with whoever gets the head and eyes getting the prize. (It's a hoot to
watch a 7 pound cat fight with a talapia head that's as big as her head!)
In a message dated 10/7/2007 8:03:42 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, "Brigitte
Greenberg" writes:
also had some reasonably-priced Tilapia
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Messages in this topic (3)
4a. new to the group
Posted by: "deedeecmt" deedeecmt@yahoo.com deedeecmt
Date: Sun Oct 7, 2007 10:04 pm ((PDT))
just to say hi to every one. i am new but have been reading some of your
mess..they are allready helping me out alot..i served my 3 dogs their
first totally raw meal today..i was one of those quite nervous ones..it
all makes total sence feeding them raw..i had been cooking their meats
alittle less each day to see how it went..especially liver..two of them
love liver but i had such a hard time cutting it up..my little
pommie..4lbs..also has an undr bite so she has to have real small
peices..but..tomm i am going to do it!!..they ate the ground chuck
today..i was so surprised..they weren't overly excited about it when i
cooked it but boy they loved it raw..sorry so long..i am just so proud
of myself for not giving up and seeing how much better they are
eating..thanks guys..deedeecmt
Messages in this topic (20)
5a. Re: What do your shortcut words mean?
Posted by: "Carol Dunster" cedunster@centurytel.net carwynst
Date: Sun Oct 7, 2007 10:06 pm ((PDT))
On Sun, 7 Oct 2007 19:11:22 -0700 (PDT), you wrote:
>I saw one sentence~~~> you can pm me if you want to........?
>Karen Swanay <luvbullbreeds@gmail.com> wrote: PM? Can you use it in a sentence? PM means a lot of things.
Here PM means "private message" - that is a common usage.
~ Carol
Carol Dunster
Messages in this topic (7)
5b. Re: What do your shortcut words mean?
Posted by: "caroline gebbie" caz320ml@yahoo.com caz320ml
Date: Mon Oct 8, 2007 3:16 am ((PDT))
I think it was private message in the recent usage, IMO in my opinion, IMHO in my humble opinion, can't think of any more.
I know how you feel I had to ask as well lol (laugh on line, or laugh out loud)
Building a website is a piece of cake.
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Messages in this topic (7)
6.1. Re: new to raw
Posted by: "Michael Moore" m-tak@sbcglobal.net annemoore2000
Date: Mon Oct 8, 2007 3:15 am ((PDT))
>>I have a 12 pound 8 month old sheltie and have figured out how much she needs to eat I think? the
site I went to said feed 60% rmb 35% muscle and 5% organ witch means she needs 3.4 oz. of rmb 2 oz. muscle and .3 oz organ does that sound right should I start by feeding her a cornish hen that has been
quartered? also I plan on breeding her when she is old enough and I find the right stud how do I start the puppies on raw? thanks for your <<
Jessica -- my Corgi puppies are five months and a little heavier than your Sheltie, but perhaps I can help. First, don't panic, take a deep breath. Rawfeeding will seem so simple to you soon, you'll wonder what you were worrying about!
Don't think in terms of percentages, but if you *have* to, these seem a bit off to me. I suggest you shoot for 80% meat, 10% bone, 10% organs. You can certainly feed her a cornish hen, but no need to quarter it! You may have to cut it in half to start, and may even have to "ribbon" the meat to give her a start.
You are a long way from breeding her, so get her diet straightened around, and when she's approaching two, we can help you learn about weaning pups to raw. There are several breeders on here who can help with that, myself included (with many thanks to Jane for the hand-holding on that front early on!!).
-- Anne Moore (M-Tak PWC and one goofy GSD rescue and a silly Golden rescue) in NW Ohio
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Messages in this topic (46)
7a. Re: overweight PWD
Posted by: "Jess Navarro" jess.hamway@gmail.com spricketysprock
Date: Mon Oct 8, 2007 3:16 am ((PDT))
Why is it important to cut the fat off of chicken? I've never done this.
Messages in this topic (7)
8. pup swallowed raw rib bone
Posted by: "T Smith" coldbeach@gmail.com lhasaspots
Date: Mon Oct 8, 2007 3:16 am ((PDT))
*Also sent to RawChat List* for those who may get dupes*
My pup swallowed a raw (approx) 7" spare rib bone before I could get it away
from her. She is about 50+ pounds.....
She is raw diet now since Sept 26 (not long) i.
Do I need to be concerned enough to seek vet attn? The vet is closed
please advise.
Chip (deaf Dalmatian)
Casper (deaf Great Dane)
Whisper (deaf Great Dane)
Louie (hearing Great Dane)
Joey (deaf & blind Lhasa Apso)
Amy (disabled Lhasa Apso)
Cassandra (disabled Lhasa Apso)
Mr Paris (Lhasa Apso)
Chloe (deaf & blind Spaniel mix)
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Messages in this topic (1)
9a. Re: Pregnant and off feed
Posted by: "Jenny S" jenken69@shaw.ca jenken69
Date: Mon Oct 8, 2007 3:16 am ((PDT))
Hey Renate I know what you are feeling I to was very worried when my Shiz-Tzu went off her feed for a few days . She was about 3-4 weeks into her pregnancy but I let her be and let her eat when she was ready she came around after a couple days . we have had a few on and off food days I wouldn't worry to much. ive had Tila on raw now for a few months and she has her off days ...(she just gave birth to 4 awesome pups Thursday evening ) they are all doing well and she is eating like a pig these days prob 2 x her usual feedings again all raw ..im a bit worried as to what to do when the pups start on food im sure their new homes wont be feeding raw :(
Sleeping as well she did allot of for awhile then later when she was just to big to do much lol she is about 9 lbs and went up to over 15...and aren't they little drama queens heehee ...good luck with the puppies they are so awesome ,already they have gotten bigger so we must be doing something right ...
Jenny S
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MfMJXz3AvKI (doggy napkin)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L34YjdBCu8I( Fun in the pool) way to funny..
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Messages in this topic (3)
10a. Re: What do your shortcut words mean? (GISELLE)
Posted by: "Meredith Soriano" mom2mytwinz@yahoo.com mom2mytwinz
Date: Mon Oct 8, 2007 4:21 am ((PDT))
You are ALWAYS very helpful.......TYVM!
Giselle <megan.giselle@gmail.com> wrote: Hi, Meredith!
PM = private message - the person could be referring to personal
email, but some groups have different types of group communication,
called php bulletin boards, or forums. Most of them have a sort of
private email box for each member on the forum site for private
messages between members, hence PM.
Here is the phpbb.com home website forum;
chat acronyms;
with Bea in New Jersey
> I saw one sentence~~~> you can pm me if you want to........?
> Karen Swanay <luvbullbreeds@...> wrote: PM? Can you use it
in a sentence? PM means a lot of things.
> Karen
> On 10/7/07, Meredith <mom2mytwinz@...> wrote:
> > Can someone please give me the meanings to some things?
> > What is PM?
> > and others, I'll write it all down and never ask again! PROMISE!!
> >
> > Thanks!
> > Meredith
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Messages in this topic (7)
11a. Re: black tarry poop
Posted by: "Caren OConnor" cavkist@yahoo.com cavkist
Date: Mon Oct 8, 2007 5:09 am ((PDT))
Giselle -
Great analogy:) I got it now. What goes it directly affects what comes out! Perfect!
Caren O'Connor
Nansemond Cavaliers
Giselle <megan.giselle@gmail.com> wrote:
Because, Carol, that's what boneless organs poops look like!
What goes in directly affects what comes out. Just like a very bony meal
will produce white, crumbly 'fossil' poops, boneless organ meals will
produce very dark 'pudding' poops.
If you want to offset a boneless/organ meal or a too bony meal; either feed
the opposite in a meal the same day, or you can try to 'balance' a
boneless/organ meal by feeding some bone with it, or feed more meatymeat or
some organ with a bony meal.
> Please excuse the graphic nature of this post, but after feeding organ
> meat, what is the reason my dogs' poops are black, tarry, and thick?
> Caren O'Connor
> Nansemond Cavaliers
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Messages in this topic (22)
12a. Re: black tarry poop/reply
Posted by: "Caren OConnor" cavkist@yahoo.com cavkist
Date: Mon Oct 8, 2007 5:09 am ((PDT))
Lynda -
No, it's no bother I was just wondering what causes the color and consistency. Is it the blood in the organs or the iron?
Caren O'Connor
Nansemond Cavaliers
Bumble1994@aol.com wrote:
Because that's what a bate of organ meat does to most dogs' poop. :)
If it bothers you, try feeding a small addition of organ meat to the regular
meal every day or 2, instead of a good bit of it at once.
In a message dated 10/7/2007 8:03:42 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, "Caren
OConnor" writes:
after feeding organ meat, what is the reason my dogs' poops are black,
tarry, and thick?
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Moody friends. Drama queens. Your life? Nope! - their life, your story.
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Messages in this topic (22)
13a. Re: List on Freecycle
Posted by: "carolejc2007" mooska2me@sbcglobal.net carolejc2007
Date: Mon Oct 8, 2007 5:21 am ((PDT))
So, let me give you me freecycle experience:
I had only one offer. The lady told me she had a "freezer full stuff"
she could give me. My ad DID specify MEAT. I drove 50 miles round
trip and paid toll fees to get there. I was greeted at the door with
a large black garbage bag of stuff. WOW, I thought, I really got a
bunch of stuff here! I really thought the trip was worth while. When
I got home, most of the stuff was frozen microwave meals, 8 oz. size
boxes of milk, hot dogs, breaded chicken nuggets, etc. The only
usable items were 2 scrawny chicken breasts, a 16 oz. roll of ground
turkey and a couple pices of rib meat. All in all, it was enough for
ONE meal for my dogs. I had to throw away almost everything that was
in that garbage bag! What a waste of my time and money spent on gas
and toll road fees. If this is what kind of experience freecycle
provides, I'm not interested, thanks!
Carole (Mom of 2 Greyhounds and 2 Italian Greys)
Messages in this topic (11)
13b. Re: List on Freecycle
Posted by: "john payne" brendajohn2823@yahoo.com brendajohn2823
Date: Mon Oct 8, 2007 6:01 am ((PDT))
When someone contacts me from a group and says they have meat for me, when i respond back, i kinda ask what they have, i specify the dog has allergies,so nothing with breading on it, nothing precooked etc. my people have always been more then happy to not give me anything the dogs cant eat.
carolejc2007 <mooska2me@sbcglobal.net> wrote:
So, let me give you me freecycle experience:
ONE meal for my dogs. I had to throw away almost everything that was
in that garbage bag! What a waste of my time and money spent on gas
and toll road fees. If this is what kind of experience freecycle
provides, I'm not interested, thanks!
Carole (Mom of 2 Greyhounds and 2 Italian Greys)
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Messages in this topic (11)
14a. Re: Some thoughts/questions
Posted by: "wolfwood53" fiona_laidlaw@hotmail.co.uk wolfwood53
Date: Mon Oct 8, 2007 6:00 am ((PDT))
--- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, "wolfwood53" <fiona_laidlaw@...>
> Hello everyone. This is my first post. I have a 15 month old
> Tamaskan dog (Ayasca)who I have been feeding raw since he was around
> months(>
> Any comments/advice would be gratefully received.
Hello again
I just wanted to thank Andrea, Bill, Chris O and Giselle for their
replies. I'm a bit of a forum novice and dont actually know whether I
should reply to each message.
For info, I've managed to get him to eat some liver now - I freeze it
and pretended I am going to give it to Nike (one of my cats). He then
comes and takes it out of my hand as I am walking towards Nike, if he
spits it out again we just do the same thing until eventually he eats
it. Well, it works for the time being. I expect it will eventually
dawn on him that he's being conned. But I still have the suggestions
from my replies to try. Did try the same with a bit of kidney, but it
wasnt frozen, and neither he nor the cat would co-operate! Anyway
I'll keep at it.
Also bought him a pork roast to bring the meat quota up a bit.
Although he is used to his meaty bones, he obviously found having a
big piece of straight meat strange and it seemed to take more effort
to eat for some reason (instead of the couple of crunches and straight
down the throat he usually does). In the end I cut it in half and he
eventually (again with the threat of the cat) ate one half. And he
had the other half next day. I expect he'll get the hang of it.
Anyway, thanks again folks and I'm sure I'll be back with some more
questions in the near future.
Fiona and Ayasca
Messages in this topic (6)
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