[rawfeeding] Digest Number 11989
There are 25 messages in this issue.
Topics in this digest:
1a. Re: dove taken with lead shot
From: Daisy Foxworth
1b. Re: dove taken with lead shot
From: costrowski75
1c. Re: dove taken with lead shot
From: jmwise80
2a. help finding resources
From: egold826
2b. Re: help finding resources
From: Yasuko herron
2c. Re: help finding resources
From: Giselle
3a. Fish causing nausea
From: musiquedelanuit
3b. Re: Fish causing nausea
From: costrowski75
3c. Re: Fish causing nausea
From: musiquedelanuit
4a. Hello I am new here..cutting up food
From: Shannon Parker
5.1. liver
From: esmolensky
5.2. Re: liver
From: Yasuko herron
5.3. Re: liver
From: Kaitlin Fraser
5.4. Re: liver
From: costrowski75
5.5. Re: liver
From: costrowski75
5.6. Re: liver
From: tottime47
5.7. Re: liver
From: Kaitlin Fraser
5.8. Re: liver
From: Yasuko herron
5.9. Re: liver
From: esmolensky
5.10. Re: liver
From: emil smolensky
5.11. Re: liver
From: Kaitlin Fraser
6a. Re: New to the raw feeding+dairrhea and worms [ update ]
From: Andrea
7a. Re: feeding once or twice a day
From: redwinejoy
8a. Re: Having trouble with drumsticks
From: Yasuko herron
9a. Re: Keeping white fur white- especially paws.
From: Jenny S
1a. Re: dove taken with lead shot
Posted by: "Daisy Foxworth" daisyfoxworth@yahoo.com daisyfoxworth
Date: Sun Sep 2, 2007 7:10 am ((PDT))
> I have removed all the lead shot from the dove. Is there still any
> risk of lead poisoning from where the lead WAS in them?
No. The lead will not have leached from the shot into the muscle, or
wherever, because it requires a very highly acid environment. Like
what the shot would encounter in the stomach. Even there the
occasional shot probably won't cause much damage provided the shot
passes through immediately and does not stay lodged in the stomach.
Messages in this topic (4)
1b. Re: dove taken with lead shot
Posted by: "costrowski75" Chriso75@AOL.COM costrowski75
Date: Sun Sep 2, 2007 8:59 am ((PDT))
"jmwise80" <jmwise80@...> wrote:
> I have removed all the lead shot from the dove. Is there still any
> risk of lead poisoning from where the lead WAS in them? This is the
> first wild game that I am feeding that I have taken and wanted to
Since lead, like other toxins, is not removed by freezing or cooking,
and since humans put in lots of effort to be able to eat wild doves,
I'd say what's good for the human in this case is good for the dog.
But I was under the impression that steel and other metals were
required or at least strongly encouraged for upland game. I know lead
is not allowed for waterfowl. Are you sure the shot is lead?
Chris O
Messages in this topic (4)
1c. Re: dove taken with lead shot
Posted by: "jmwise80" jmwise80@yahoo.com jmwise80
Date: Sun Sep 2, 2007 10:23 am ((PDT))
> But I was under the impression that steel and other metals were
> required or at least strongly encouraged for upland game. I know
> is not allowed for waterfowl. Are you sure the shot is lead?
> Chris O
Some states require steel or alternative shot for all migratory
birds. It is only mandatory for waterfowl in most states.
I did use lead shot. I didn't cross my mind until I was done hunting.
After searching this subject thoroughly last night, I have decided to
use alternative shot ALL the time regardless of if it is mandatory or
not. I've just always used lead and never questioned what happened
with the shot after I left. Now I know, and don't want to have any
part of it.
Thanks for ya'lls help!
Michael Wise
Messages in this topic (4)
2a. help finding resources
Posted by: "egold826" egold826@gmail.com egold826
Date: Sun Sep 2, 2007 7:13 am ((PDT))
howdy friends: i have recently moved to athens, ga with my grey and whippet, who i have
been feeding raw for years now. while i am familiar with many potential sources for
"affordable" raw food, there aren't many opportunities here, and the ones there are tend to be
more than i had planned on paying which is an issue since i am now back in school and on a
very very tight budget. in any event, i was wondering if anyone had any ideas, suggestions,
or knowledge of available resources to me. i make my own vegetable and protein mix for
breakfast, and there's plenty of access to that stuff. it's the meat and bone stuff that's tough.
any help/suggestions/advice would be greatly appreciated. i hvae posted on the athens list,
but ther has been no life there at all.
thanks in advance
Messages in this topic (3)
2b. Re: help finding resources
Posted by: "Yasuko herron" sunshine_annamaria@yahoo.com sunshine_annamaria
Date: Sun Sep 2, 2007 10:24 am ((PDT))
> i was wondering if anyone had any ideas, suggestions, or knowledge of available >resources to me.
Hi. I think now and then, this topic appears and in the past,Lisa has made long list of what you can do to cost down to get meat such as craig list etc and was posted several times. I am sorry,I don't know the digest number but you can search archive.
Also,you can join in carnivior-suppliers list in yahoo group andyou can ask what you are looking for.
and,join in your local yahoo coop list or local rawfeeding yahoo group and they could help you better and point you to right directions.
Also,you look up web og Omas pride or Bravo and you can find destributors that carry plain meats and bone,organ as well.
Also,good idea to ask meat guy at local store.Sometimes,you get treasure.
> i make my own vegetable and protein mix for breakfast,
this also has been in topic quite sometimes,but dog does not need veggie or fruits;carb,but they need protin and fat most.
You may find why we don't offer carb to dog by searching archive as well. Really,rawfeeding does not require so much prep to feed.
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Messages in this topic (3)
2c. Re: help finding resources
Posted by: "Giselle" megan.giselle@gmail.com megangiselle
Date: Sun Sep 2, 2007 10:47 am ((PDT))
You can save your doggie $$ by not buying veggies nor 'protein
mix' for your dog, he don't need 'em! Nor w'rec'k bones, if you now
buy 'em. Redirect your funds to buying plenty of meats, edible bone
and organs, and your money will be better spent.
This list supports a species appropriate whole raw prey model diet.
Why? Because dogs are not omnivores, dogs are carnivores. They are,
except for their outer wrappers, wolves. This means that we feed as
close to what wolves eat as we can. What that means for you is less
work; no grinding, no pulping, no mixing nor matching nor complicated
feeding schedules or supps.
Some of us can indeed feed whole prey. Others of us feed an
approximation: a variety of protein sources, body parts and organs
with edible bone. Frankenprey, if you will. ; )
Below I've posted "Lis' List", with plenty of ideas on how to
creatively and cheaply source raw for your dog.
"> Where do you look for meat suppliers?
Permission to repost from Lis
1) Look up meat and poultry packers, processors, and distributors in
the yellow pages. You may be able to get great prices from them if
you order in bulk, and/or they may have a discount outlet that is
open to the public.
2) I get many of my best deals in Asian/Oriental markets. I've also
heard that Hispanic and Caribbean markets have great variety and
prices too.
3) You may be able to join a barter group.
4) Google breeders (i.e. rabbit, goat, lamb, etc.) who are in your
geographic area. They may have culls they want to get rid of, or
lower prices overall.
5) Look up bulk suppliers and frozen bulk foods in your yellow pages.
6) If you have a Chinatown nearby, definitely make a visit.
7) Let your friends, relatives, and neighbors know you want any
freezer burn or old meat when they clean out their freezers, and tell
them to pass the word along.
8) If you belong to a church or social group, tell those members to
mention it to their friends and relatives as well.
9) See if there are any co-ops or meat buying groups near you. Check
on Yahoo, or Google to see.
10) Try craigslist - it's amazing what you can get for free or cheap.
11) And I get meat and fish all the time (for free) through
FreeCycle. Join multiple lists if there are a few close by.
12) Some Wal-marts and some Costcos and some Samâ™s Clubs have good
deals, but you may want to make sure it's not seasoned meat.
13) Definitely watch the flyers, and you can usually see the rest
of the flyers online (the ones that don't get delivered to your house,
but are only a short drive away).
14) *** Hands down, the bulk of my best deals have been marked down
meat at regular grocery stores. They reduce it the day before it is
going to expire, and I go as early as I can to get it before it is
15) Tell friends and relatives who hunt and fish that you want first
dibs on any body parts they don't. You can probably get at least the
organs and maybe the head. Also ask them to put you in touch with
their other friends who hunt and fish.
16) A great tip I learned here a while back â" some restaurants
throw out things they don't use, like the organs that come inside
whole poultry, or raw meat that falls on the floor. See if they'll
save them for you. Find somebody who knows somebody who works there.
17) Farmer's markets are great, but pick and choose carefully for the
best bargains. And sometimes at the end of the day some vendors will
reduce their prices, â˜cause they don't want to take it back with them.
18) Some people contact taxidermists, who have no use for the meat.
19) Find people on this list from your vicinity, and ask them where
they get their meat deals. Join other raw feeding lists (there are
many), and ask if there are other raw feeders in your area.
20) Tell your butcher you want the meat that they would normally
throw out, that is almost out of date, that people ordered and didn't
pick up, stuff that was dropped on the floor, their freezer
cleanouts, and parts that don't sell (like trachea, lungs, spleen,
etc.). Some butchers will save their trim for you (once they get to
know you). Build a relationship with them first.
21) Yes, roadkill works too (where it is legal). In some places you
can get your name on the list and get called when they have large
roadkill. (like deer)
22) You can raise your own meat/poultry if you have the room.
23) Post a message in Carnivore Feed-Supplier or CFS-Canada if you are
in North America:
24) Speak to local farmers.
25) Also, look for heart, tongue, and gizzards, which count as meat (as
opposed to organ) in the world of raw feeding, but are often cheaper
than other muscle meats.
26) Find somebody who knows somebody who works at the grocery store.
They can introduce you to the meat guy, who may become more willing
to save stuff for you or reduce items about to expire, once they know
27) Check the internet. Some suppliers have affordable prices, even
after shipping costs are calculated.
TC, post if you've got questions.
with Bea in New Jersey
> howdy friends: i have recently moved to athens, ga with my grey and
whippet, who i have
> been feeding raw for years now.
i make my own vegetable and protein mix for
> breakfast, and there's plenty of access to that stuff. it's the meat
and bone stuff that's tough.
> any help/suggestions/advice would be greatly appreciated. <snip>
> thanks in advance
> eric
Messages in this topic (3)
3a. Fish causing nausea
Posted by: "musiquedelanuit" taylor.lhb@hotmail.com musiquedelanuit
Date: Sun Sep 2, 2007 8:51 am ((PDT))
Hello everyone,
Loki is almost 5 months and has been on a complete raw diet since he
came to me at 8 weeks. He is doing well, eating a basic diet of
chicken and pork with a frozen egg every few days and supplements of
frozen organs, mainly chicken hearts, kidneys, gizzards and liver (he
will ONLY eat them frozen).
This morning I decided to expand his protein sources and give him some
fish. There was a good deal on whole frozen mackerel so that's what I
got. To make it easier on his system I have him his normal meal of
chicken and added half a frozen fish (it was only a six inch fish in
total) at the same time. He seemed to really like the taste of the
fish but afterwards he started acting like he was going to vomit it
back up. Is this normal when introducing fish, or could he just be
intollerant to it? Should I continue feeding it?
Taylor and Loki
Messages in this topic (3)
3b. Re: Fish causing nausea
Posted by: "costrowski75" Chriso75@AOL.COM costrowski75
Date: Sun Sep 2, 2007 9:18 am ((PDT))
"musiquedelanuit" <taylor.lhb@...> wrote:
He seemed to really like the taste of the
> fish but afterwards he started acting like he was going to vomit it
> back up. Is this normal when introducing fish, or could he just be
> intollerant to it? Should I continue feeding it?
If he didn't vomit it up or run outside to desperately grab at grass,
and his stools were not remarkable, my assumption is intolerance was
not part of the event. I doubt nausea was a part of it as well. If
dogs need to jettison something bad, they do it. They have no social
mandate to "keep it down".
His reaction might have been to the iciness, or perhaps a frozen bit
got stuck (clearly temporarily), or maybe it wasn't the fish at all but
the chicken. Whatever protein, my guess is his behavior was a response
to a physical irritant and was not nausea.
Try thawing the fish next time.
Chris O
Messages in this topic (3)
3c. Re: Fish causing nausea
Posted by: "musiquedelanuit" taylor.lhb@hotmail.com musiquedelanuit
Date: Sun Sep 2, 2007 9:57 am ((PDT))
--- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, "costrowski75" <Chriso75@...> wrote:
> Whatever protein, my guess is his behavior was a response
> to a physical irritant and was not nausea.
> Try thawing the fish next time.
> Chris O
I wasnt sure, my experience has been that with new foods he has a
tendency to refuse to eat them unless they are at least partially
frozen, but I'll try offering it to him thawed next time.
Thanks so much!
Taylor and Loki
Messages in this topic (3)
4a. Hello I am new here..cutting up food
Posted by: "Shannon Parker" mrbatisse@yahoo.ca mrbatisse
Date: Sun Sep 2, 2007 9:21 am ((PDT))
I accept 12 as old age because my dog is a senior. I respect your thoughts and opinions on this topic, but at the same time I know my dog...have had her 10 of her 12 years and am comfortable feeding her the way I feed her. Pardon me for pampering her a bit...but I don't mind doing it, and yes I still believe she's getting everything she needs out of each dining experience. Like I said, she's got gorgeous teeth, a beautiful coat...not to mention the regression of a nasal tumour which she had for 6 years before raw. I'm happy that your animals have remained healthy and happy into their old age without you having to cut up their food, I just chose to do things a bit differently.
Morledzep@aol.com wrote:
why do you accept 12 as old age? I've got a 12 year old golden and an 11
year old pit bull with NO health issues, they eat their meals whole.
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Messages in this topic (21)
5.1. liver
Posted by: "esmolensky" esmolensky@yahoo.com esmolensky
Date: Sun Sep 2, 2007 9:21 am ((PDT))
exactly how much liver should be given. Once a week? every few days?
And how much? i gave my dog maybe 1oz chicken liver one day and a
little less the next day. He had a major accident in his crate, was
this because of the liver? for now he is eating chicken.
Can I give him hearts and gizzards everyday since it's muscle meat or
are they considered 10% of organs?
I know liver should be 5% of the diet, but the exact quantity is
puzzling me.
E & Reagan
Messages in this topic (36)
5.2. Re: liver
Posted by: "Yasuko herron" sunshine_annamaria@yahoo.com sunshine_annamaria
Date: Sun Sep 2, 2007 9:55 am ((PDT))
>exactly how much liver should be given. Once a week? every few days?
Hi. I know that too much liver cause loose/watery poo,and too much Vitamin A. and if you introduce organs too early before dog digest well,it also cause diarrhea/loose stool as well.
Organ should be given 10% of total daily intake.Out of the 10% should be liver andtheother 5% is either kidney or something else.
So,for example,my dog daily intake is about total 9oz if 2% daily intake.So,0.9oz is 10%.
Roughly 1oz is organ intake. So,if I do precisely,half ounce is liver and the other is about kidney etc.
I don't measure accurately and I just cut up small bits and give to my dog with meal. As long as not too big,that is ok.
When I first started feeding organ,I weighed and see how big is ounce,but I don't do that anymore.
I can show you how I am feeding organs/side dish along real meat meal.
Sun Turkey gizzard (technically considered muscle meat but I give as side dish)
Mon Chicken gizzard (same as above)
Tue Turkey heart (same as above)
Wed Chicken heart (same as above)
Thur Chicken liver (1 thumb nail size or little bigger but not too much)
Fri Beef liver(thumb nail size)+Beef Kidney (thumb nail size)
Sat Pork liver (same as above)+Pork Kidney(same as above)
So,this is just me but my dog gets 3 days out of 7 days. I can give liver daily with small amount but I like to alternate with Turkey Chicken Beef Pork,it ended up just like that.
> i gave my dog maybe 1oz chicken liver one day and a little less the next day. He had a >major accident in his crate, was this because of the liver?
Question is that when did you start rawfeeding? If you are giving organs too soon before thedog gets used to chicken meat,then,it is possible that introducing organ was way too early.
If you were on 1st week for example, hold off the chicken liver and,wait till your dog digest well and then,if you like, try feeding chicken still,and then give just a smidge and increase theamount gradually to the dog's liver amount.
>Can I give him hearts and gizzards everyday since it's muscle meat
Yes,it is considered as boneless meat group.Not organs. So,you can feed more than organ amount.
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Messages in this topic (36)
5.3. Re: liver
Posted by: "Kaitlin Fraser" fraserk7@hotmail.com fraserk7
Date: Sun Sep 2, 2007 9:55 am ((PDT))
I don't know about others... but I wouldn't recommend feeding just liver,
organs are a much wider range and don't just use one type of meat. Dogs need
10 fatty acids... that don't just some from chicken. Dogs need a range of
different meats. For organs,I( me myself and I) feed liver, heart, and
kidneys.... Thus spreading out the type of organs. I think I had it worked
out that my dog gets organs one and a half times a week. But that's what
works for my dogs... For me organ day is the hardest of all days,...
yesturday was liver day and my little girl is the only one who likes it.
Kaitlin Fraser
Prince SJA therapy dog, CGN
Jester SJA therapy dog CGN
Wenlisa's Command Performance HIC, CKC PTd "Malo" A work of art in
progress.( Raw Fed, )
Sheep's Kin Unusually Unusaul Kiska- Another work of art in even more
progress.( Raw fed)
No dogs are vaccinated in my home.
" No one can walk into a room and bring as much joy, happyness and love as a
single dog can"
>From: "esmolensky" <esmolensky@yahoo.com>
>Reply-To: rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com
>To: rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com
>Subject: [rawfeeding] liver
>Date: Sun, 02 Sep 2007 16:07:24 -0000
>exactly how much liver should be given. Once a week? every few days?
>And how much? i gave my dog maybe 1oz chicken liver one day and a
>little less the next day. He had a major accident in his crate, was
>this because of the liver? for now he is eating chicken.
>Can I give him hearts and gizzards everyday since it's muscle meat or
>are they considered 10% of organs?
>I know liver should be 5% of the diet, but the exact quantity is
>puzzling me.
>E & Reagan
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Messages in this topic (36)
5.4. Re: liver
Posted by: "costrowski75" Chriso75@AOL.COM costrowski75
Date: Sun Sep 2, 2007 10:01 am ((PDT))
"esmolensky" <esmolensky@...> wrote:
>> exactly how much liver should be given. Once a week? every few days?
> And how much?
This is one of those topics that the list archive is made for. If you
have not discovered the them (accessible at the rawfeeding list webpage
on Yahoogroups) you should introduce yourself. "Liver" is but one of
many easily researched subjects.
Liver can be fed to the tune of 3%-5% of the diet. If you are feeding
by dog's weight, then liver can be 3%-5% of what you consider an
appropriate amount of food for your dog. For example, if you are
feeding one pound (16 ounces) a day, you might feed 3/4 of an ounce of
liver a day. Across the span of a week, you might want to feed five or
so ounces of liver. However you decide to distribute it.
If you are feeding by guess by golly and don't know how much you feed
(which is quite fine indeed!) then feed "some". Don't let "some" get
to be a big part of the menu but don't entirely forget to feed it.
No one can give you an exact amount if for no other reason than you
have not given us enough information. Additionally, a dog's needs are
not met by unchanging amounts of food. What works hunky dory one week
may be too much or not enough a few weeks later. "Exactly" is not a
realistic guideline.
i gave my dog maybe 1oz chicken liver one day and a
> little less the next day. He had a major accident in his crate, was
> this because of the liver?
Could be. Could be too much food over all. Could be something else
entirely. The only way to tell is to skip the liver and see if the
stools settle down. For a small dog one ounce of liver might be a big
deal; for a giant breed one ounce of liver oughtn't be much of an issue.
> Can I give him hearts and gizzards everyday since it's muscle meat or
> are they considered 10% of organs?
Heart and gizzard can be included in the "80%" meat part of the diet.
Organ or not, too much heart is also likely to produce loose stools
(which are not generally "bad" but can be quite inconvenient for the
human). I recommend you ease your dog into heart-heavy meals.
I see no reason to feed heart and gizzards every day but there's
nothing "wrong" with it other than the combo is a very limited menu.
You should be working to feed all parts of the chicken.
What size dog are you feeding?
How much are you feeding?
What are you feeding?
For how long?
Chris O
Messages in this topic (36)
5.5. Re: liver
Posted by: "costrowski75" Chriso75@AOL.COM costrowski75
Date: Sun Sep 2, 2007 10:13 am ((PDT))
"Kaitlin Fraser" <fraserk7@...> wrote:
> For me organ day is the hardest of all days,...
> yesturday was liver day and my little girl is the only one who likes
By designating a specific "organ day" you are making it way harder than
meal time/planning needs to be. There is little reason to have an
organs-only meal. I don't blame your dogs for not getting all excited
about an all-liver meal and I LIKE liver!
I recommend you quit having a designated organ day and start adding
them to the other meals. It's easy to disguise undesirable organs and
you certainly reduce the opportunity for jet powered stools.
Chris O
Messages in this topic (36)
5.6. Re: liver
Posted by: "tottime47" tottime@aol.com tottime47
Date: Sun Sep 2, 2007 10:24 am ((PDT))
Hi E & Reagan,
When you buy a whole chicken and there is a packet with the liver,
gizzards & heart inside, that is what is a good judge on how much
liver to feed and how often..........
The liver in ratio to the whole chicken......
I use this in giving liver to my dogs.....If I feed an amount of meat
equal to a whole chicken then I know it's time for some liver, lol. I
try to do this with the other organs too, but it doesn't always work
out that way..
I have one dog that loves organs and I realized I was feeding him way
to many, he never had any diarreah from them but his stools were
pudding soft............
Because I have smaller dogs and can't feed through a whole cow, well
I could eventually
but if I did try it they'd never get other proteins in their diet, so
I just ratio the organs I feed
to the amount of meat in a whole chicken or other small prey like a
I hope this makes sense and hopefully it's the right way for me to
go about it..........
The liver could have been the reason for the crate accident as it
does go through faster, lol. Maybe plan on giving it when you can be
around to take him out for that important potty break?
Hope this helped.....
Carol, Charkee ( I love offal! ) Moli ( I love tripe! )
--- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, "esmolensky" <esmolensky@...>
> exactly how much liver should be given. Once a week? every few days?
> And how much?
He had a major accident in his crate, was
> this because of the liver?
> E & Reagan
Messages in this topic (36)
5.7. Re: liver
Posted by: "Kaitlin Fraser" fraserk7@hotmail.com fraserk7
Date: Sun Sep 2, 2007 10:27 am ((PDT))
I have tried that... it made him not eat the rest of his meal cause he smelt
the liver... this is the pickest dog I have ever owned... all my other dogs
love their food... him... he eats if he's in the mood for it or if you let
one of the other dogs close enough he thinks they may take it.
Malo just hates liver.... cooked liver he likes... raw liver... nope...
unless it's chopped up into bite size pieces... then he eats it fine( and
hand fed) yes he's spoiled
Kaitlin Fraser
Prince SJA therapy dog, CGN
Jester SJA therapy dog CGN
Wenlisa's Command Performance HIC, CKC PTd "Malo" A work of art in
progress.( Raw Fed, )
Sheep's Kin Unusually Unusaul Kiska- Another work of art in even more
progress.( Raw fed)
No dogs are vaccinated in my home.
" No one can walk into a room and bring as much joy, happyness and love as a
single dog can"
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Messages in this topic (36)
5.8. Re: liver
Posted by: "Yasuko herron" sunshine_annamaria@yahoo.com sunshine_annamaria
Date: Sun Sep 2, 2007 11:45 am ((PDT))
>Malo just hates liver.... cooked liver he likes... raw liver... nope...unless it's chopped up into >bite size pieces... then he eats it fine( and hand fed) yes he's spoiled
Hi,did you try mix with tripe? I read couple of times on this listthat some people suceeded by mixing it with wahtever dog never eat on its own.
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Messages in this topic (36)
5.9. Re: liver
Posted by: "esmolensky" esmolensky@yahoo.com esmolensky
Date: Sun Sep 2, 2007 11:47 am ((PDT))
> Questions:
> What size dog are you feeding?
He's about 85# for now, he's a 7mos. puppy. he'll be around 130-200#.
How much are you feeding?
I usually buy 8# whole fryers. I cut it in 4ths. Give 1/2 half in the
morning and the other half in the evening.
What are you feeding?
mostly straight chicken for now
For how long?
Starting tomorrow will be the 3rd week.
As soon as I can find some cheaper pork or other meat I will start to
feed him that.
he had the accident the next day, maybe that I think about it now, he
was in his crate for 8hrs. I couldn't get out of work to walk him.
But he had no issues when I fed him liver the previous day in the
E & Reagan
Messages in this topic (36)
5.10. Re: liver
Posted by: "emil smolensky" esmolensky@yahoo.com esmolensky
Date: Sun Sep 2, 2007 11:50 am ((PDT))
----- Original Message ----
From: Kaitlin Fraser <fraserk7@hotmail.com>
To: rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sunday, September 2, 2007 12:53:19 PM
Subject: RE: [rawfeeding] liver
I don't know about others... but I wouldn't recommend feeding just liver,
organs are a much wider range and don't just use one type of meat. Dogs need
10 fatty acids... that don't just some from chicken. Dogs need a range of
different meats. For organs,I( me myself and I) feed liver, heart, and
kidneys.... Thus spreading out the type of organs. I think I had it worked
out that my dog gets organs one and a half times a week. But that's what
works for my dogs... For me organ day is the hardest of all days,...
yesturday was liver day and my little girl is the only one who likes it.
I fed him liver with the chicken. It came with it. I don't think he can handle 4# of just liver!
E & Reagan
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Messages in this topic (36)
5.11. Re: liver
Posted by: "Kaitlin Fraser" fraserk7@hotmail.com fraserk7
Date: Sun Sep 2, 2007 2:13 pm ((PDT))
Tripe? Can you tell me what that is? Cause hey I'll try it if it'll work!
Kaitlin Fraser
Prince SJA therapy dog, CGN
Jester SJA therapy dog CGN
Wenlisa's Command Performance HIC, CKC PTd "Malo" A work of art in
progress.( Raw Fed, )
Sheep's Kin Unusually Unusaul Kiska- Another work of art in even more
progress.( Raw fed)
No dogs are vaccinated in my home.
" No one can walk into a room and bring as much joy, happyness and love as a
single dog can"
>From: Yasuko herron <sunshine_annamaria@yahoo.com>
>Reply-To: rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com
>To: rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com
>Subject: RE: [rawfeeding] Re: liver
>Date: Sun, 2 Sep 2007 10:35:48 -0700 (PDT)
> >Malo just hates liver.... cooked liver he likes... raw liver...
>nope...unless it's chopped up into >bite size pieces... then he eats it
>fine( and hand fed) yes he's spoiled
>Hi,did you try mix with tripe? I read couple of times on this listthat some
>people suceeded by mixing it with wahtever dog never eat on its own.
> yassy
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Messages in this topic (36)
6a. Re: New to the raw feeding+dairrhea and worms [ update ]
Posted by: "Andrea" poketmouse45@yahoo.com poketmouse45
Date: Sun Sep 2, 2007 10:24 am ((PDT))
My suggestion would be to get whole chickens and cut them into quarters so that the
back is divided into the four pieces. The back could be too bony for the pup (thus
resulting in the bile bone bit vomit) and the breast quarter could be too meaty (resulting
in the liquid poos). If you feed both leg quarter and a breast quarter throughout the day
the pup should be ok.
You could also work in another leg quarter (though three leg quarters a day sounds like an
awful lot of food for a Vizla pup) so that he's eating more food. I seem to remember that
you are taking off the skin and fat from the chicken, which could also be contributing to
the weight loss. Now that you have the loose stool and bone bit vomit under controll it's
time to start adding things (like breast quarters or fat) back in so that the pup is getting
all of the bird. Choose either the skin/fat or the breast quarters to add slowly into his diet
and see what happens. Keep us updated.
--- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, "ferrarious" <ferrarious@...> wrote:
> I found out that every time he eats chicken buddy ( the back and the
> chest ) he starts to throw up and diarrhea so I started to give him
> only chicken quarters ( legs and thighs ), he eats two quarters a day
> divided to 4 meals. But there is a problem, he lost 500 gr from the
> moment we started raw feeding but what more scares me is that he
> looks skinny, the ribs are stuck out and the back above the belly is
> very thin
Messages in this topic (13)
7a. Re: feeding once or twice a day
Posted by: "redwinejoy" redwine1@windstream.net redwinejoy
Date: Sun Sep 2, 2007 11:46 am ((PDT))
--- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, "Olga" <olga.drozd@...> wrote:
> I think once a day might be worth a try. The one thing I would
> suggest is to try milder proteins like turkey and pork before you add
> lamb, beef or fish. Also, add small amounts of the new protein to a
> familiar meal since he's already shown his tummy isn't good with
> sudden changes. If all goes well, increase the amount of the new
> protein after.
Thanks, Olga: I will try to introduce smaller amounts in the future. I had given him some
small bits of lamb before with not a problem but who knows? He still seems disinterested in
a large piece of chicken. He has eaten little bits I have pulled off and handed him. What is
the longest time you guys would feel comfortable standing your ground as far as not starting
to do anything special to try to entice him to eat? He seems like he feels fine. Joy
Messages in this topic (3)
8a. Re: Having trouble with drumsticks
Posted by: "Yasuko herron" sunshine_annamaria@yahoo.com sunshine_annamaria
Date: Sun Sep 2, 2007 11:48 am ((PDT))
>So far she's had three drumsticks, so she is still very new. I had been feeding her natures >variety and primal so she's used to ground up meat.
Hi,Kellie. If you think that your dogs teeth is perfectly fine and no prob and just having issue with getting her interested in chicken, try ..
1> sear the chicken couple ofseconds just enough to smell good. smell may entice dog to eat it without any prob. and, if plain searing did not help,try quick sear but with garlic added. Sometimes,flavoring helps too.
2> If you were feeding cold,try put themeat in zip bag and put it in warm water and,bring up meat temp to smell good
3> if your dog being fed room tep meat and searing would not work,then try partially frozen.It may help. some dogs like frozen,I read in this list
>Right now though, I just gave her a turkey neck bone and she is still eating away at it with >no problems.
Well, I usually think better to stick to one protin a while till dog digest well,but if your dog seemed to be interested in Turkey than chicken, why not start from Turkey then?
Just Turkey. Feeding is same. Buy a whole Turkey and cut up to appropriate size and feed it.
After you think that Turkey is well digested by your dog, either you go back to chicken with above feeding tricks OR go to the other protins more and back to chicken.
Then see if she still does not like chicken. As long as you feed variety of protins,diet is ok.
So,I am guessing that some dogs may not have chicken in menu.
Good Luck
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Messages in this topic (6)
9a. Re: Keeping white fur white- especially paws.
Posted by: "Jenny S" jenken69@shaw.ca jenken69
Date: Sun Sep 2, 2007 2:13 pm ((PDT))
we have no prob keeping our white dog white .she eats not to messy (she is a very neet eater ) and then she cleans herself on the carpet lol...and no she dossent leave any mess on the carpet .... Check my you tube video doggy napkin ...heehee..
Jenny S
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MfMJXz3AvKI (doggy napkin)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L34YjdBCu8I( Fun in the pool) way to funny..
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Messages in this topic (4)
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