Feed Pets Raw Food

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

[rawfeeding] Digest Number 11933

There are 23 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1a. Re: fatty meats question
From: Giselle

2a. Re: venison question
From: linoleum5017

3a. Re: Back to raw
From: Giselle

4a. Re: feeding digestive tract
From: jmwise80

5a. Re: Need reassurance
From: linoleum5017
5b. Re: Need reassurance
From: Halo Harris
5c. Re: Need reassurance
From: Halo Harris

6a. How do I go about buying Raw
From: ive_anbio10
6b. Re: How do I go about buying Raw
From: Halo Harris
6c. Re: How do I go about buying Raw
From: Giselle
6d. Re: How do I go about buying Raw
From: WAGC
6e. Re: How do I go about buying Raw
From: Cathy Tweeddale Mitchell

7a. Re: Is PrePackaged raw ok for camping
From: Halo Harris
7b. Re: Is PrePackaged raw ok for camping
From: Halo Harris

8a. Re: Iodine requirments
From: Halo Harris

9a. New here and with questions
From: Kelly Beckham
9b. Re: New here and with questions
From: Laurie Swanson

10. bloat (was:Need reassurance)
From: Morledzep@aol.com

11. Venison Organs/Parts & First Rawfed litter
From: aqualitybeagles

12a. Re: Duck and organ question
From: mariola9000
12b. Re: Duck and organ question
From: mariola9000

13a. sharp bones - which cuts are safe?
From: quiltingtuppy
13b. Re: sharp bones - which cuts are safe?
From: tottime47


1a. Re: fatty meats question
Posted by: "Giselle" megan.giselle@gmail.com megangiselle
Date: Mon Aug 20, 2007 8:37 pm ((PDT))

Have your vet draw blood and do a full thyroid panel and send it to:
Dr Jean Dodds for evaluation
with Bea in New Jersey

> Mmmkay, those are both good starts -- but so is a thyroid workup.
> Search through the archives about full-panel thyroid testing (or
> maybe somebody will repost the info) -- your dog may have a good
> reason why he's not losing weight.
> Good luck & please keep us posted --
> -- sandy & griffin (looking very trim lately, though his mom isn't)

Messages in this topic (8)

2a. Re: venison question
Posted by: "linoleum5017" linoleum5017@yahoo.com linoleum5017
Date: Mon Aug 20, 2007 8:42 pm ((PDT))


Happy holidays! To answer your question, many on the list describe
venison as being fairly 'rich,' so perhaps you should try a little at
first, and see how your pets do. If it's going well, keep going with

My BoJ LOVES venison, (but so do I,) so we fight over it. I don't
think I'd be quite so excited about 10-yr. old, freezer burnt meat,

One caution - deer are somewhat in the 'large' category, so weight-
bearing bones like legs, or 'soup bones,' are probably not
appropriate. I let BoJ eat the meat, then trade him another cut for
the bone that I know wouldn't be good for him.

Also, since deer are 'free range,' it is unusual for the meat to
be 'fatty,' as you describe. Is it possible you have other meat in
the freezer, unidentified, in addition to venison? Just a thought.

Enjoy the bounty,
Lynne & BoJ

--- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, "Linda Gower" <pudeltime@...> wrote:
> My question is - how does venison fit into the new meats scale. A
couple of the cuts look pretty fatty, but the rest is fairly lean.
How rich is venison?

Messages in this topic (4)

3a. Re: Back to raw
Posted by: "Giselle" megan.giselle@gmail.com megangiselle
Date: Mon Aug 20, 2007 9:09 pm ((PDT))

Hi, Beckie!
Welcome back to the raw side!

I have a few questions before I make any suggestions;
1) What, exactly, were you used to feed?
2) How many meals per day did you feed?
3) How much at a meal did you feed?
4) What meats did she like when you fed raw before?

'nother Q, did the vet tack her stomach when she torsed?

with Bea in New Jersey

> Hello! My name is Beckie. I live in Wyoming and have a Great Dane
> named Lena (7 years old). (3 cats too). My dog recently suffered a
> near fatal gastric torsion.
> I used to raw feed. I have always believed a species appropriate diet
> was the best thing to do. However my dog always looked almost
> skeletal. She started to lose weight on the raw diet, no matter the
> amount, or the type of meat (I tried pork and other fatty meats to put
> weight on her).At best, she maintained her scrawny weight(100-110#'s).
> People started to ask me if I was to poor to feed my dog. I was
> actually spending a fortune on her. Once, she stayed at my mom's
> house, ate IAMS and gained weight. Reluctantly, I changed her over to
> Now with this gastric torsion, I see that I should have stayed on the
> raw diet. However, I have a few concerns about switching back over.
> 1:no matter how starving she is, if she doesn't like it, she won't eat
> it.
> 2:She seems kind of afraid of food since her episode.
> 3:she used to "hork" foam+some of her meal nearly every time. really
> bad for my carpets
> 4:Raw feeding sources were/are hard to find here. (maybe there are a
> few more raw feeders here now, we could order together)
> Thank you,
> Sincerely,
> Beckie Wilson

Messages in this topic (2)

4a. Re: feeding digestive tract
Posted by: "jmwise80" jmwise80@yahoo.com jmwise80
Date: Mon Aug 20, 2007 9:26 pm ((PDT))


I had just heard that there was bad bacteria in the digestive tract. I
don't really know what bad bacteria is, but know my pup had some sort
of reaction the day after coming in to contact with blood from the
deer's gut. In an uneducated mind it made sense. Small game I'll feed
whole, but for my own goofy comfort zone I think I'll skip the big game
guts. Don't feel like taking up the freezer space.

Michael Wise

Messages in this topic (3)

5a. Re: Need reassurance
Posted by: "linoleum5017" linoleum5017@yahoo.com linoleum5017
Date: Mon Aug 20, 2007 9:26 pm ((PDT))


I'm in agreement w/the previous reply you received, (from
Blackmons?) that you are doing a good job starting with fowl, and
that puppies need regular, nutritious feedings. Yet I sympathize
with your money limitations. I searched the archives, and found
there is a place called 'freecycle,' that helps w/economic
challenges of living. Here is one post:

******Re: Cheap meat sources, and an egg question *******

--- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, Hllywoodcaper7@... wrote:

> Do you have a local freecycle group? >
> Freecycle (yahoo group) in your area may have people who would give
you old
> and freezer burned meat too. HTH! Tamatha ;)
Lynne speaking, now: So, if you can get onto Freecycle, you might
be able to afford providing enough meat/nutrition for all your pets,
instead of prolonged, unfortunate fastings. I see freecycle is
connected to yahoo groups, so please share whatever you find out, so
the rest of us can get in on it, too.

Best of results,

--- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, "Brandi Bryant" <bbryant573@...>
> OK - I started my dogs on RAW about 2 weeks ago. I have 4 dogs:
3 GSD, and
> one Whippet Mix
> I gave my 2 adult male GSD - chicken quarters - 2 in the morning
and 2 in
> the evening?

And now I now
> that with RAW you don't have to feed them everyday - so payday
come and I
> went to the store: Everyone ate without any problems, but Duke
> my GS had diaherra - kinda slimy but no bone in it - so this
morning I
> finish cutting up the whole chicken -

I'm afraid that i'm going to run out of meat before my next
payday. And
> I know it's alright to skip a couple of days in between meals,
right? But
> is that alright to do with puppies?

And I'm thinking that maybe next week,
> I can start adding some of that pork that I bought?
> And what can I put on the meat to help with dry skin? Anything?
> Thanks for all your suggestions,
> Brandi
> >

Messages in this topic (5)

5b. Re: Need reassurance
Posted by: "Halo Harris" h.halo@yahoo.com h.halo
Date: Mon Aug 20, 2007 9:42 pm ((PDT))


I don't think its a good idea to be feeding puppies
once a day. Twice is the norm. Puppies nutritional
needs are higher until they are mature. Even when
mature I wouldn't risk bloat. Bloat does not happen
only to dogs fed kibble. Better to break up the meals
into twice daily. Just my opinion.
--- John and Jeni Blackmon <jonjeni777@sbcglobal.net>

> Brandi,
> I don't know if you ever got any reply's so here
> goes.
> Sounds like you have the chicken down pretty good.
> You have a good mix of items going on, and good
> sizes for the different dogs too, that's ok.
> Now for the puppies, they shouldn't be missing
> meals, if you can help it. When people say it's ok
> for dogs to miss a meal it is usually after they
> have gorged on a really big meal, and you probably
> don't want a puppy to do that, they are growing and
> developing and they need certain nutrients, spread
> over time, and they need them regularly, so try to
> give them meals at least once a day, if they are at
> least over 40 pounds. If your puppies are over 8
> months old, and giant breed dogs, then one meal a
> day is fine, but you really shouldn't purposefully

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Messages in this topic (5)

5c. Re: Need reassurance
Posted by: "Halo Harris" h.halo@yahoo.com h.halo
Date: Mon Aug 20, 2007 9:49 pm ((PDT))

Sorry for being bluntg butg raw or no raw, if I
couldn't afford to feed my dogs everyday on a healthy
raw diet I just wouldn't feed raw. This is not
healthy no matter how you look at it and my heart goes
out to any dog that has to be kept hungry because
their owner can't afford to feed them. I don't agree
that it is okay to let dogs go two days without meals
on a regular basis because of money. You ask if this
is okay for puppies to fast and the answer is no. I am
sorry but no its not acceptable to let puppies go

> --- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, "Brandi Bryant"
> <bbryant573@...>
> wrote:
> >
> > OK - I started my dogs on RAW about 2 weeks ago.
> I have 4 dogs:
> 3 GSD, and
> > one Whippet Mix
> >
> > I gave my 2 adult male GSD - chicken quarters - 2
> in the morning
> and 2 in
> > the evening?
> And now I now
> > that with RAW you don't have to feed them everyday
> - so payday
> come and I
> > went to the store: Everyone ate without any
> problems, but Duke
> > my GS had diaherra - kinda slimy but no bone in it
> - so this
> morning I
> > finish cutting up the whole chicken -
> I'm afraid that i'm going to run out of meat before
> my next
> payday. And
> > I know it's alright to skip a couple of days in
> between meals,
> right? But
> > is that alright to do with puppies?

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Messages in this topic (5)

6a. How do I go about buying Raw
Posted by: "ive_anbio10" ive_anbio10@yahoo.ca ive_anbio10
Date: Mon Aug 20, 2007 9:27 pm ((PDT))

Hey everyone!
I am from ontario canada, and I dont really know where the best
places to buy meat is. The cheapesst price I have seen for extended
chicken legs is 1.99/lb. I think that buying pork with bone would
really help out my dog and how he constantly acquires plack on his
fangs......when I go to the butcher shop, or market, what kind of
meat (pork and beef) should I ask for? Should I ask for any meat that
may have fell on the floor and that isn't adequate for human
consumption? Do I ask for pork/beef shoulder or leg or what? He loves
raw, he loves anything you give him and has no problem with digesting
chicken bones or meat. Because of his size, I do need meat that is
large enough to teach him how to use his teeth, but dont know how to
go about getting raw this size. Would it be odd if I said I was
buying the meat for my dog, or does the group just not mention this
from the buyer? Should I call random butchers and ask if they have
slabs of meat and organs that I can buy in bulk for a cheaper amount?
So far, I have initiated talking with a man, let him know that I am
buying meat for my dog, and asked him if he has slabs of meat, maybe
not fit for humans (fell on floor, or bits and peices that he cant
sell) and if he is willing to sell it to me....He gave me the
butchers card, but I dont know what to ask the butcher for when I
call him. What meat should I ask for, and if I buy in bulk what is a
good price to suggest him to sell it to me for.

I really want to fully transfer to raw, but my budget is $70 max a
month....anyone have any suggestions?


Messages in this topic (5)

6b. Re: How do I go about buying Raw
Posted by: "Halo Harris" h.halo@yahoo.com h.halo
Date: Mon Aug 20, 2007 10:42 pm ((PDT))

Sorry, I don't know if its a good thing to buy meat
that is not deemed edible for human consumption. I'd
be afraid your going to make your dogs sick especially
if they are not use to raw. I am not sure how prices
are in Ontario but where I live your not going to buy
very much raw for 70.00 a month.
--- ive_anbio10 <ive_anbio10@yahoo.ca> wrote:

> Hey everyone!
> I am from ontario canada, and I dont really know
> where the best
> places to buy meat is. The cheapesst price I have
> seen for extended
> chicken legs is 1.99/lb. I think that buying pork
> with bone would
> really help out my dog and how he constantly
> acquires plack on his
> fangs......when I go to the butcher shop, or market,
> what kind of
> meat (pork and beef) should I ask for? Should I ask
> for any meat that
> may have fell on the floor and that isn't adequate
> for human
> consumption? Do I ask for pork/beef shoulder or leg
> or what? He loves

Boardwalk for $500? In 2007? Ha! Play Monopoly Here and Now (it's updated for today's economy) at Yahoo! Games.

Messages in this topic (5)

6c. Re: How do I go about buying Raw
Posted by: "Giselle" megan.giselle@gmail.com megangiselle
Date: Mon Aug 20, 2007 11:14 pm ((PDT))

Hi, Ive!
It seems like a good time to post this lovely list again;
> where do you look for meat suppliers?

Permission to repost from Lis

1) look up meat and poultry packers, processors, and distributors in
the yellow pages. You may be able to get great prices from them if
you order in bulk, and/or they may have a discount outlet that is
open to the public.
2) I get many of my best deals in Asian/Oriental markets. I've also
heard that Hispanic and Caribbean markets have great variety and
prices too.
3) you may be able to join a barter group.
4) google breeders (i.e. rabbit, goat, lamb, etc.) who are in your
geographic area. They may have culls they want to get rid of, or
lower prices overall.
5) look up bulk suppliers and frozen bulk foods in your yellow pages.
6) if you have a Chinatown nearby, definitely make a visit.
7) let your friends, relatives, and neighbors know you want any
freezer burn or old meat when they clean out their freezers, and tell
them to pass the word along.
8) if you belong to a church or social group, tell those members to
mention it to their friends and relatives as well.
9) see if there are any co-ops or meat buying groups near you. Check
on Yahoo, or google to see.
10) try Craigslist - it's amazing what you can get for free or cheap.
11) and I get meat and fish all the time (for free) through
Freecycle. Join multiple lists if there are a few close by.
12) some Wal-marts and some Costcos and some Sams Clubs have good
deals, but you may want to make sure it's not seasoned meat.
13) definitely watch the the flyers, and you can usually see the rest
of the flyers online (the ones that don't get delivered to your house,
but are only a short drive away).
14) *** hands down, the bulk of my best deals have been marked down
meat at regular grocery stores. They reduce it the day before it is
going to expire, and I go as early as I can to get it before it is
15) tell friends and relatives who hunt and fish that you want first
dibs on any body parts they don't. You can probably get at least the
organs and maybe the head. Also ask them to put you in touch with
their other friends who hunt and fish.
16) a great tip I learned here a while back â€" some restaurants
throw out things they don't use, like the organs that come inside
whole poultry, or raw meat that falls on the floor. see if they'll
save them for you. Find somebody who knows somebody who works there.
17) farmer's markets are great, but pick and choose carefully for the
best bargains. and sometimes at the end of the day some vendors will
reduce their prices, cause they don't want to take it back with them.
18) some people contact taxidermists, who have no use for the meat.
19) find people on this list from your vicinity, and ask them where
they get their meat deals. Join other raw feeding lists (there are
many), and ask if there are other raw feeders in your area.
20) tell your butcher you want the meat that they would normally
throw out, that is almost out of date, that people ordered and didn't
pick up, stuff that was dropped on the floor, their freezer
cleanouts, and parts that don't sell (like trachea, lungs, spleen,
etc.). Some butchers will save their trim for you (once they get to
know you). Build a relationship with them first.
21) yes, roadkill works too (where it is legal). In some places you
can get your name on the list and get called when they have large
roadkill (like deer)
22) you can raise your own meat/poultry if you have the room
23) post a message in CarnivoreFeed-Supplier or CFS-Canada if you are
in North America:
24) speak to local farmers
25) also look for heart, tongue, and gizzards which count as meat (as
opposed to organ) in the world of raw feeding, but are often cheaper
than other muscle meats
26) find somebody who knows somebody who works at the grocery store.
They can introduce you to the meat guy, who may become more willing
to save stuff for you or reduce items about to expire, once they know
27) check the internet. Some suppliers have affordable prices, even
after shipping costs are calculated.

with Bea from New Jersey

> Hey everyone!
> I am from Ontario Canada, and I don't really know where the best
> places to buy meat is. The cheapest price I have seen for extended
> chicken legs is 1.99/lb. I think that buying pork with bone would
> really help out my dog and how he constantly acquires plaque on his
> fangs......when I go to the butcher shop, or market, what kind of
> meat (pork and beef) should I ask for? Should I ask for any meat that
> may have fell on the floor and that isn't adequate for human
> consumption? Do I ask for pork/beef shoulder or leg or what? He loves
> raw, he loves anything you give him and has no problem with digesting
> chicken bones or meat. Because of his size, I do need meat that is
> large enough to teach him how to use his teeth, but dont know how to
> go about getting raw this size. Would it be odd if I said I was
> buying the meat for my dog, or does the group just not mention this
> from the buyer? Should I call random butchers and ask if they have
> slabs of meat and organs that I can buy in bulk for a cheaper amount?
> So far, I have initiated talking with a man, let him know that I am
> buying meat for my dog, and asked him if he has slabs of meat, maybe
> not fit for humans (fell on floor, or bits and pieces that he cant
> sell) and if he is willing to sell it to me....He gave me the
> butchers card, but I don't know what to ask the butcher for when I
> call him. What meat should I ask for, and if I buy in bulk what is a
> good price to suggest him to sell it to me for.
> I really want to fully transfer to raw, but my budget is $70 max a
> month....anyone have any suggestions?
> Ive

Messages in this topic (5)

6d. Re: How do I go about buying Raw
Posted by: "WAGC" wagc@sasktel.net frustrated_tracey
Date: Tue Aug 21, 2007 12:42 am ((PDT))

Could you go to an elk farmer? I can buy whole live elk in Saskatchewan for $100.00. Just have to shoot and process it myself. If there are sheep farmers around you can ask them also. I know the farmer here sells his sheep and sends them off to a butcher, all internal organs are returned to the farmer. So you might want to ask them, same as cattle, farmers will usually butcher their own cattle, you can get all the internal organs that he doesnt sell or use himself. Hutterites are giving me old laying hens for free now but if they do sell them it'll be 1.00 a bird, feathers off, but still intact whole bird. If you have a CWD zone for deer you might want to ask some hunters to go out, if you dont hunt yourself. Last year a couple of friends shot over 70 deer and gave them all away, (I'll be asking them this year for all the deer they can get me, plus what I bring in) you just have to wait for the CWD test results to get back, so just chop it up and freeze it. I know there is an abundance of deer in Ontario, so you probably can ask anyone who hunts.


----- Original Message -----
From: Halo Harris
To: rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Monday, August 20, 2007 10:48 PM
Subject: Re: [rawfeeding] How do I go about buying Raw

Sorry, I don't know if its a good thing to buy meat
that is not deemed edible for human consumption. I'd
be afraid your going to make your dogs sick especially
if they are not use to raw. I am not sure how prices
are in Ontario but where I live your not going to buy
very much raw for 70.00 a month.
--- ive_anbio10 <ive_anbio10@yahoo.ca> wrote:

> Hey everyone!
> I am from ontario canada, and I dont really know
> where the best
> places to buy meat is. The cheapesst price I have
> seen for extended
> chicken legs is 1.99/lb. I think that buying pork
> with bone would
> really help out my dog and how he constantly
> acquires plack on his
> fangs......when I go to the butcher shop, or market,
> what kind of
> meat (pork and beef) should I ask for? Should I ask
> for any meat that
> may have fell on the floor and that isn't adequate
> for human
> consumption? Do I ask for pork/beef shoulder or leg
> or what? He loves

Boardwalk for $500? In 2007? Ha! Play Monopoly Here and Now (it's updated for today's economy) at Yahoo! Games.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Messages in this topic (5)

6e. Re: How do I go about buying Raw
Posted by: "Cathy Tweeddale Mitchell" duckndogs@telus.net duckndog
Date: Tue Aug 21, 2007 12:45 am ((PDT))

On Tue, 21 Aug 2007 04:09:36 -0000, ive_anbio10 wrote:

> Because of his size, I do need meat that is
>large enough to teach him how to use his teeth, but dont know how to
>go about getting raw this size.

What breed and what size is your dog?


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Messages in this topic (5)

7a. Re: Is PrePackaged raw ok for camping
Posted by: "Halo Harris" h.halo@yahoo.com h.halo
Date: Mon Aug 20, 2007 9:28 pm ((PDT))

Thanks Sabrina, unless I can find it where I live its
too late to order it. I'll keep a lookout.
--- Sabrina <odonata24@yahoo.com> wrote:

> How about freeze dried raw food? I went camping
> with raw food and had
> a difficult time sharing the cooler with our food
> and prepared raw
> food for the dogs.

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Messages in this topic (13)

7b. Re: Is PrePackaged raw ok for camping
Posted by: "Halo Harris" h.halo@yahoo.com h.halo
Date: Mon Aug 20, 2007 10:42 pm ((PDT))

Yes, unfortunately prepackaged food has to be
refrigerated, I think I am just going to do what you
suggested and bring mackrael, sardines, and some of my
own raw in zip lock bags.

--- Yasuko herron <sunshine_annamaria@yahoo.com>

> >You could just feed them what you normally do, to
> make is easier feed meals just for the >night.
> Hi.I agree. And,you can bring canned Salmon(in
> water),Canned Jack Mackerral(in water),Canned
> Sardine(in water) with can opener and it can become
> one easy meal that needs no refrigiration!
> I am curious but,pre-packaged raw food does not
> need any refrigiration or freezer to store?

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Messages in this topic (13)

8a. Re: Iodine requirments
Posted by: "Halo Harris" h.halo@yahoo.com h.halo
Date: Mon Aug 20, 2007 9:40 pm ((PDT))

Okay thanks for the input. Kelp is one of the
supplements that one should not take likely for
overdosing and causing even a healthy thyroid to have
--- Sandee Lee <rlee@plix.com> wrote:

> I don't know, Halo. But that's the problem with
> supplementing "just in
> case"!! You have no way of knowing what is
> required, how much is too much
> and how it is going to affect your dog. Best to
> save the supplements for

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Messages in this topic (8)

9a. New here and with questions
Posted by: "Kelly Beckham" songbird_125@yahoo.com songbird_125
Date: Mon Aug 20, 2007 9:50 pm ((PDT))

Hi, my name is Kelly and I have a 2 year old pit mix named Babs that I rescued about 2 months ago. I'd like to switch her over to raw food, but I don't know the first thing about how to go about it. I'm super busy between work and school and don't really have time to look for info. So my question is where is the best place to find information on how to start and what to feed her? Thanks for all your help.

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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Messages in this topic (2)

9b. Re: New here and with questions
Posted by: "Laurie Swanson" laurie@mckinneyphoto.com las_lala
Date: Mon Aug 20, 2007 11:14 pm ((PDT))

I think the best place is this list--you can just start reading
current posts, or search the archives for "new" or "newbie." The
references you were sent when you joined are what we recommend--if
there's certain info you want, let us know and we can tell you which
of those sources might be more targeted to what you need.

General beginning info: Chicken is usually easy for newbie dogs and
owners (to find at a reasonable price, to feed, to digest). Buy
unenhanced/no injected solutions/broths, etc. Get whole birds or
halves or quarters (no smaller parts--to minimize gulping/choking
hazard). Feed prox. 2-3% ideal adult body weight per day and adjust
as necessary for over/underweight, activity level, etc. So, a 50#
dog gets in the ball park of 1-1.5#/day. After a week or two, you
can start slowly adding in variety--any meats/organs you can find
(turkey, pork, beef, lamb, goat, fish, venison). Think of a whole
prey animal and work toward assembling that as best you can over
time. Feed mostly meat, some bone, and a little organs. Put the
food down, supervise casually from a bit of a distance (not
hovering), let the dog eat.


--- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, Kelly Beckham <songbird_125@...>
So my question is where is the best place to find information on how
to start and what to feed her?

Messages in this topic (2)

10. bloat (was:Need reassurance)
Posted by: "Morledzep@aol.com" Morledzep@aol.com morledzep
Date: Mon Aug 20, 2007 10:31 pm ((PDT))

In a message dated 8/20/2007 8:43:20 PM Pacific Standard Time,
h.halo@yahoo.com writes:

I don't think its a good idea to be feeding puppies
once a day. Twice is the norm. Puppies nutritional
needs are higher until they are mature. Even when
mature I wouldn't risk bloat. Bloat does not happen
only to dogs fed kibble. Better to break up the meals
into twice daily. Just my opinion.

****No One knows what causes bloat.. it's not caused by too much exercise too
close to meals, it's not caused by small or big meals, it's not caused by
drinking too much water before or after a meal or when they are exercising.

Just because a dog does something just before it bloats does NOT make that
the cause of the bloat. The absolute truth is that NO ONE can control whether
it will or will not happen.

Feeding smaller meals all day long will NOT prevent bloat. Eating one meal a
day will NOT cause a dog to bloat, or prevent it either. eating big meals
every other day will NOT cause bloat, or prevent it either..

IMO raw fed dogs are less likely to bloat, but even raw feeding is no
guarantee that your dog won't bloat.

Check the archives.. there is lots of good info on the likelyhood and causes
of bloat... spouting old wives tales and misinformation is not constructive.

Catherine R.

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Messages in this topic (1)

11. Venison Organs/Parts & First Rawfed litter
Posted by: "aqualitybeagles" a-qualitybeagles@earthlink.net aqualitybeagles
Date: Mon Aug 20, 2007 10:44 pm ((PDT))

Well, deer hunting season has begun again here in SC and we brought
home our first deer tonight. We kept the loins & hams for ourselves,
but I plan to feed the rest to my 7 show Beagles who have been raw fed
since April. I have the lungs, liver, heart, kidneys, brain, eyes,
shoulders (they're bloodshot but the BULLET HAS been removed), neck
w/trachea, and the carcass (which still has alot of meat around the
ribs, back, and brisket. Is everything I mentioned alright to feed? I
thought some other parts I didn't keep would have been ok as well, but
I guess I can be more particular next time as this was the first time
I've cut up a deer with the intention of feeding my dogs instead of

Also I now have my first rawfed litter here. They were born Aug. 19th,
six tricolor babies. Their mother has been rawfed since April and the
puppies are all healthy. Is there anything I should NOT fed her while
she's nursing? When should I offer meat to the babies? How should I
offer it? What kind of meat should I offer first, and how often should
I try new meats with them? Is there anything else I should be aware of
with them or their mom?

Thank you to everyone on this list who has helped me switch my pack
over to raw, it has been a blessing and a huge relief from all the vet
bills for stinky ears (HERES TO NO MORE STINKY EARS!!!)!

Laura Peters
A-Quality Beagles, Reg'd.

Messages in this topic (1)

12a. Re: Duck and organ question
Posted by: "mariola9000" mariola9000@yahoo.com mariola9000
Date: Mon Aug 20, 2007 11:14 pm ((PDT))

--- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, "Laurie Swanson" <laurie@...> wrote:

***Hi Laurie,

Thank you for the explanation.
The butcher at the counter said that pork melt is intestines, but I
did not think he really knew.I did not buy it though, because my dog
still is not able to tolerate the organs. Maybe next time.

> Pork melt is pig spleen. It's a good organ and my dog loves it.
> Rotate it in with your other organs, all of which make up prox. 10%
> of the diet.

The stomach did not looked bleached, but I guess since I do not know
for sure, I will not be getting it there.

BTW - how do I access archives? I seem to have problems with my
searches - either I am doing it wrong, or I expect too much.


> I think the stomach is bleached or something--I never buy it. I'm
> sure there's info in the archives if you want to do a search.

Messages in this topic (5)

12b. Re: Duck and organ question
Posted by: "mariola9000" mariola9000@yahoo.com mariola9000
Date: Mon Aug 20, 2007 11:15 pm ((PDT))

--- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, Yasuko herron
<sunshine_annamaria@...> wrote:

***Thank you, Yassie for your advice.

BTW -where do you find meat like elk? I have yet to find sources for
venison and rabbit. The only rabbits I found were at Lunardi's $7.99
per pound! The duck I thought was a steal at $1.99 pound.But as I said
earlier it looks very bony to me.

>1lb pice of Duch+Elk hunk meat will be this week's introductory meal
for my dog;Corgi 30lb.

***Well, I guess it is what it says - beef lip. I did not buy it though.
It looked quite muscular through the saran wrap.

> I have never seen it.It is really a lips of cow in package?
> Kind of yucky to imagine:-P I consider the stuff without bone as
muscle -meal candidate but if it were nothing but skin and bit of bone
like pork ear,I consider recreational/snack.
> ---------------------------------
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> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Messages in this topic (5)

13a. sharp bones - which cuts are safe?
Posted by: "quiltingtuppy" mamacass@iprimus.com.au quiltingtuppy
Date: Tue Aug 21, 2007 12:42 am ((PDT))

Hi Everyone,

Week 3 of raw feeding and our puppy's a trooper!, many thanks to all the wisdom freely
provided by this list your helpful hints are fantastic!

I'm starting to get enthusiastic in the meat section at the supermarket!, what's on special
with lots of meat, some edible bone... I fell down though with some pork chops, I thought
the hard bits I felt through the packet were cartilage or fat but it was a small piece of bone,
not razor sharp but not like the prey model 'au naturel'.

How sharp is too sharp? I'm assuming that all cuts of meat will have a bone sawn through
somewhere. Do dogs just learn to deal with it? Do I never buy a 'chop'?

I'm sure there's a simple answer but it's not obvious to me right now so thanks in advance of
any reply!


Messages in this topic (2)

13b. Re: sharp bones - which cuts are safe?
Posted by: "tottime47" tottime@aol.com tottime47
Date: Tue Aug 21, 2007 6:55 am ((PDT))

Hi Stephanie,

No problem, just cut out the bone and feed the meat without
it...dogs don't need bone at every meal.

Carol, Charkee & Moli

--- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, "quiltingtuppy" <mamacass@...>
>I fell down though with some pork chops, I thought
the hard bits I felt through the packet were cartilage or fat but it
was a small piece of bone,
not razor sharp but not like the prey model 'au naturel'.

Messages in this topic (2)

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