Feed Pets Raw Food

Sunday, August 12, 2007

[rawfeeding] Digest Number 11903

There are 25 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1. New kittens rescued today - need to start raw
From: tolearn4fun

2a. Re: Oxtail-happy,Elk -so tiring patient match of 1 hour plus
From: cmhausrath
2b. Re: Oxtail-happy,Elk -so tiring patient match of 1 hour plus
From: delcaste
2c. Re: Oxtail-happy,Elk -so tiring patient match of 1 hour plus
From: Yasuko herron
2d. Re: Oxtail-happy,Elk -so tiring patient match of 1 hour plus
From: temy1102

3. chicken allergies????
From: Ivette Casiano

4a. Re: Someone mentioned pig something or other for...
From: Giselle
4b. Re: Someone mentioned pig something or other for...
From: angelsnoopers64859

5a. File - Admin-Trim it, Sign it, and Sig lines-PLEASE READ!!!
From: rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com

6.1. File - Other related lists
From: rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com

7. Pregnant dog questions
From: Jenny S

8a. Raw and Kibble for Giselle
From: Georgia Gilham
8b. Re: Raw and Kibble for Giselle
From: Goin8@aol.com

9a. bone and blood in the stool
From: span88888
9b. Re: bone and blood in the stool
From: Yasuko herron

10a. Re: rawhide
From: cdhaik
10b. Re: rawhide
From: blechatlb@aol.com

11a. Re: Any dogs 10+ years on raw?
From: lmclaen

12a. Re: meat from farmers?
From: Laurie Swanson
12b. Re: meat from farmers?
From: Yasuko herron
12c. meat from farmers?
From: blechatlb@aol.com

13a. Re: Next new meat? (first week on raw)
From: eyed_blue

14. kitten- Asia
From: Coco WestCoast

15a. Re: raw and kibble mix
From: temy1102

16a. Re: Lamb meat
From: Yasuko herron


1. New kittens rescued today - need to start raw
Posted by: "tolearn4fun" 2learn4fun@comcast.net tolearn4fun
Date: Sun Aug 12, 2007 11:08 am ((PDT))

We have not had cats in MANY years, but my hubby agreed to rescue two
16 week old barn kittens this afternoon whose mother was killed by a
cougar (never underestimate the power of hysterical daughters crying,
pleading and begging to their daddy).

These kittens have been fed crap-in-a-bag (not sure what the mother
hunted and what she taught the kittens). They were spayed/neutered
this week right before their mother was killed, so they still have
stitches and are on limited activity. She also gave them their first
rabies vax. We won't be vaxing further.

How do I start introducing raw food to them? I have LARGE raw food for
our huge dogs. Will raw feeding prevent hairballs and help with poop
like it does for our dogs? I will start reading through the archives
for cat things ASAP when the chaos settles down, but any advice will be
greatly appreciated.


Messages in this topic (1)

2a. Re: Oxtail-happy,Elk -so tiring patient match of 1 hour plus
Posted by: "cmhausrath" cmhausrath@yahoo.com cmhausrath
Date: Sun Aug 12, 2007 11:20 am ((PDT))

Yasuko herron <sunshine_annamaria@...> wrote:

> Yestreday was my groceryshopping day and,I found big piece of Ox
tail on shelves of meat department area.
> My question is that,I do not remember if I saw any posts about
edible bone or hard to crack category bone for tail.

Hi Yassy --

If you've got whole oxtail (I'm jealous!), go on and feed it.
Palette may or may not eat all the bone, but it shouldn't be in the
dangerously-hard teeth-breaking category. Griffin eats the whole
thing, when he's lucky enough to get it.

> By the way,yesterday,human had pizza which made my dog to protest
not to eat her Elk Rib and whine for smell of good pizza.

Okay, see, Griff wants to come live with you. Whole oxtail, elk
ribs ... woo! He would **love** it.

If Palette pulls a strike on the elk, you can just send it along to
me, honey.

-- sandy & griffin (who both love all game meat)

Messages in this topic (5)

2b. Re: Oxtail-happy,Elk -so tiring patient match of 1 hour plus
Posted by: "delcaste" delcaste@yahoo.com delcaste
Date: Sun Aug 12, 2007 1:42 pm ((PDT))

when I look at the bone in package on the shelves,when you touch it, it
feels bit soft,but is it category of feumer bone;better to avoid
letting dog eat bone?or is it ok category bone?

Hi, Sandy

I have pugs and a pit. Do you think the pugs could handle oxtail bones?
I can't get them whole but I've seen some cut up ones that are pretty
big. It must be where the cow's tail is connected to the rump. I would
give the smaller pieces to the pittie. Sound good? Thanks for your

Silvina and the pugs & Chino

Messages in this topic (5)

2c. Re: Oxtail-happy,Elk -so tiring patient match of 1 hour plus
Posted by: "Yasuko herron" sunshine_annamaria@yahoo.com sunshine_annamaria
Date: Sun Aug 12, 2007 1:42 pm ((PDT))

>If you've got whole oxtail (I'm jealous!), go on and feed it.


I may have just being lucky.I don' t know but at least yestreday,if you went to Giant Super market,you could have had same deal.

I don't know if Richmond area had Giant or not but like you wrote in different posts;you told poster to ask meat guy whatever you looking for andyou may get whole anything,you may find one too.

>Palette may or may not eat all the bone, but it shouldn't be in the dangerously-hard teeth->breaking category.

I thought so. I am still testing water sort of situation,I need to find out lots of things;what she likes,what she doesn't like...how much she can torelate things..

This way of feeding really need observation and to learn more about your dog.

>Okay, see, Griff wants to come live with you. Whole oxtail, elk ribs ... woo! He would >**love** it.

Ha-ha. Well,since beginning,I sort of made list of what protin I like to feed as menu and gather up from suppliers when started and stocked up feeezer good enough for maybe 6 months to a year.

Some could buy just 10lb minimum,and such things would last quite long.

>If Palette pulls a strike on the elk, you can just send it along to me, honey.

As for Elk,I have not fed Elk boneless and Elk heart and Elk Tongue yet.

So,still more need time to figure out about her saying about Elk,but if you want and if Palette did protested like this all the time, it maybe possibility:-P


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Messages in this topic (5)

2d. Re: Oxtail-happy,Elk -so tiring patient match of 1 hour plus
Posted by: "temy1102" tammy.a.jp@gmail.com temy1102
Date: Sun Aug 12, 2007 5:07 pm ((PDT))

i'm not sandy, but if i were you, i'd feed the bigger pieces to the
pit and the smaller pieces to the pugs. my 7 lb. dog strips the meat
and just gnaws on the bones, and my 50 lb. dog crunches up the whole
thing. you wouldn't want the pieces so small that your bigger dog
would try to swallow it whole, right?

tammy & grover

Messages in this topic (5)

3. chicken allergies????
Posted by: "Ivette Casiano" ivettecasiano@yahoo.com ivettecasiano
Date: Sun Aug 12, 2007 11:38 am ((PDT))

<<...Possible? I imagine so. Most anything is possible.
Probable, on the other hand? I think not. My personal opinion, from
my own experience & 4 years on-and-off of reading & contributing to
this list, is that people LEAP to assume that something is a food
allergy. In reality their problems can be more readily explained
some other way, but people like to feel that they're in control ...>>

Sandy, I whole-heartedly agree with you. Do I have your permission to copy your post and send it to my boyfriend? What you describe about his control issues is "right on the money" and our poor dog is suffering for it. Now that I'm enlightened, I'm trying to change his way of thinking. Someone else on this or another list suggested I offer to be in charge of the feeding for one month and then we'll see. I'm going to try it and hope my bf goes for it.
These lists have been invaluable to me in this uphill struggle (not with Nugget, but with my bf).
Thanks again.

Ivette Casiano
"Live for today, plan for tomorrow"

Yahoo! oneSearch: Finally, mobile search that gives answers, not web links.

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Messages in this topic (1)

4a. Re: Someone mentioned pig something or other for...
Posted by: "Giselle" megan.giselle@gmail.com megangiselle
Date: Sun Aug 12, 2007 11:42 am ((PDT))

OT answer!
A link on OES gait;
When walking, exhibits a bear-like roll from the rear. When trotting,
shows effortless extension and strong driving rear action, with legs
moving straight along line of travel. Very elastic at the gallop. At
slow speeds, some dogs may tend to pace. When moving, the head
carriage may adopt a naturally lower position."

from another site; "The Old English sheepdog's gait appears
effortless, yet it is powerful and fast. At slower speeds, the dog may
pace or shuffle, giving it a "bear-like" roll."

I remembered this 'cause a Newfy's gait is often described similarly.
Its actually the skin that rolls as the dog moves - seen it umpteen times.
So, I think its a result of the function of a slightly different body
structure, rather than a 'jelly roll, carb-laden' appearance. ; )
with Bea in New Jersey

> ***** <snip>
> OT question about the OES. The breed is always described as having
a rolling gait. Is that a look that's been perpetuated perhaps by
> carbokibble feeders, or does their physiology actually incline them
> to that side to side effect? I wonder if a carbohydrate menu
> produces a less loose appearance. Just curious.
> Chris O

Messages in this topic (6)

4b. Re: Someone mentioned pig something or other for...
Posted by: "angelsnoopers64859" angelsnoopers64859@yahoo.com angelsnoopers64859
Date: Sun Aug 12, 2007 2:59 pm ((PDT))

Thank you.
I don't really care what AKC or any other site says they SHOULD be.
They are skinny minnies. One is worse than the other. On Max, you can
see every rib and those awful hip bumps. I don't want "fat" dogs just
healthy for their size. Mollie just got done with puppies so I expect
she will start putting on weight. They eat lamb and chicken primarily
with an occassional whole rabbit. I ffed twice a day but when they
are looking good and healthy I will cut to one. It seems the more I
feed the skinnier Max gets. I took him to the vet and had lots of
testing done to the tune of $200. No worms, no disease. Vet says he
is healthy just lanky, like a teenager who hasn't filled out. He runs
off everything he eats but I noticed the other day he was unnaturally
skinny. I have never seen a dog that big so thin and still be on his
feet. I called the vet and she says I am just a worrywort to just
wait for him to age a little and settle. He is 13-14 months old. I
will feed him pig a few days a week and see how it goes.
Thank you so much for the advice.

--- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, "costrowski75" <Chriso75@...>
> "angelsnoopers64859" <angelsnoopers64859@> wrote:
> >
> > I have Old English Sheepdogs who are at 50 lbs. right now and I am
> > looking to add 5-10 lbs onto them.
> *****
> So. Are they skinny ninnies or are you working to get them to the
> typical carbo-loaded conformation ring look? You'll never get them
> to that jelly roll appearance by feeding them a species appropriate
> diet, since of course there's no significant carbs on the menu.
> Feeding more food (to bowel tolerance) will put on weight though,
> feed larger, fattier meals and if necessary add more meals and
> exercise. Feed them according to what you would prefer them to
> weigh, not what they currently weigh.
> Pork and lamb come with lots of fat, so most any but the leanest
> will help. Skin-on pork shoulder, trotters, hocks, brisket bone,
> riblets--pork will be easiest and cheapest to find. Lamb breasts
> fat repositories, so look for them, untrimmed.
> Also consider beef chuck roasts and brisket (not corned!),
> and plenty fatty. You can also get beef and pork fat, which you
> add to every meal.
> Don't pluck chicken or turkey fat, consider feeding domestic duck.
> Try to introduce fat gently, to minimize digestive upset. Slow and
> steady. You can have buff, healthy dogs through proper feeding,
> getting there quickly may not happen.
> OT question about the OES. The breed is always described as having
> rolling gait. Is that a look that's been perpetuated perhaps by
> carbokibble feeders, or does their physiology actually incline them
> to that side to side effect? I wonder if a carbohydrate menu
> produces a less loose appearance. Just curious.
> Chris O

Messages in this topic (6)

5a. File - Admin-Trim it, Sign it, and Sig lines-PLEASE READ!!!
Posted by: "rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com" rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com
Date: Sun Aug 12, 2007 12:48 pm ((PDT))

Hello all! (Don't delete without reading. Yes, there is a test later.)

Firstly, the raw feeding list was established in 1999. It has evolved under a couple of different names, but remains with primarily the same list moderation team.

This primary objective of the list is to provide a place where people who
feed raw food or who want to feed raw can discuss this and closely associated issues.

This is not a list to discuss which kibble or home cooking method is best.
There are other email lists that can provide you with that sort of forum.
The forum here is specifically to discuss appropriate raw diets.

*******A learning environment

We aim at all times to maintain a learning environment.
Every so often someone joins the list with a different agenda.
We work hard in the background to do everything we can to keep discussion on topic at all times, and those who don't find the environment comfortable (about 0.5%), we encourage to join other more suitable email lists.

The most important thing is you join a group you are comfortable with.
We acknowledge the vast differences that exist between people and their learning styles, and as you'll appreciate we can't make everyone happy.

Now for a few of the easy rules:


This means when you are replying to an email DO NOT include the ENTIRE EMAIL in your reply.

You can include a SMALL portion of the email you are replying to. Try to stick to a couple of relevant lines.

Delete all headers and footers.

List members who do not trim their posts will be placed on moderation.


This means when you are to sign your name at the bottom of every single mail you send to the list.

List members who continue to send unsigned posts after being warned risk having their mail deleted!!

This is a high volume list. Changing subject lines allows people to delete those messages that are topics they have no interest in. IF you change subject lines properly then when responding to a post of the same subject you should not have to include ANY of the email you are responding too since those reading the thread will be able to follow it anyway.

Several lines are ok but nothing over 4 lines please.
(and please don't advertise in your signatures either)

You will not get OFF of moderate until you prove you can trim your posts and change your subject lines. ALSO the moderators do not have time to trim your posts for you so if a post comes through moderate that is not trimmed it will be sent back to you to trim before it is sent to the list.

If you are currently off of moderate but stop changing subject lines or trimming posts for some reason you will be put back on moderate.

Following these simple rules will make life easier for folks on digest
and save money for those folks who must PAY for their Internet by the amount of time they are on line.

Thanks so much.

List Moderators

Messages in this topic (5)

6.1. File - Other related lists
Posted by: "rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com" rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com
Date: Sun Aug 12, 2007 12:48 pm ((PDT))

This list is part of a group of lists run by the same moderation team. Since several of the lists are quite large we often encourage that threads be taken to some of the smaller subject specific lists so you may want to join the lists that cover issues you are interested in now.

The lists are:














And if you are stuck on a particular issue that you just can't seem to work out, try this list:




For vets, vet techs and vet students only

There is also a list of lists where other raw feeding lists can be found. Many are breed specific, location specific or subject specific.


Thanks from the moderation team!

Messages in this topic (115)

7. Pregnant dog questions
Posted by: "Jenny S" jenken69@shaw.ca jenken69
Date: Sun Aug 12, 2007 1:40 pm ((PDT))

Hi ..ok kinda stupid questions here ...but i'm 99% positive my Shih-Tzu is with puppies :)..yesterday she was vomiting up yellow bile all day, listless and wouldn't eat .I'm sure her temp was up as well..i've been reading up on it and I'm sure she is a week into it ..
anyway my question is how much do I feed her once she regains her appetite as well what's the best ratio. she wont eat eggs and dossnet eat organ meat very often just turns up her nose at it so would it be ok to cook it for her just to make sure she gets the nutrients from it..as well should I put her on any kind of supplement or calcium..
Thanks ..we are very excited and want to do whatever necessary to make sure she does well ..(this is her first litter)..
Jenny S
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MfMJXz3AvKI (doggy napkin)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L34YjdBCu8I( Fun in the pool) way to funny..

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Messages in this topic (1)

8a. Raw and Kibble for Giselle
Posted by: "Georgia Gilham" georgia800@cox.net georgia800
Date: Sun Aug 12, 2007 1:41 pm ((PDT))

Hi Giselle

I really liked your feeding points for Brian.
I would be interested in your list to help with costs of feeding
georgia gilham

Messages in this topic (2)

8b. Re: Raw and Kibble for Giselle
Posted by: "Goin8@aol.com" Goin8@aol.com menoebs
Date: Sun Aug 12, 2007 2:28 pm ((PDT))

I would be interested in seeing your price argument also.

Audrey Johnson

"My Goal in Life is to be the kind of person my dog thinks I am!"

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Messages in this topic (2)

9a. bone and blood in the stool
Posted by: "span88888" span88888@yahoo.com span88888
Date: Sun Aug 12, 2007 1:42 pm ((PDT))

I put Naya, my 2.5 year old beagle on the raw diet 4 months ago. She's
had her typical problems with diarrhea and vomiting which comes and
goes depending on what, when, and how much I feed her.

3 days ago, I went to pick up her stool which looked fine, but I was
pricked by a shard of bone that was so sharp it nearly pierced my thumb.
At that time there was no blood in her stool.

I had a feeling it was a chicken bone, so the following afternoon, I
gave her pork ribs and chicken (without bone). That evening, her stool
was red and still with bone chips in it.

This morning her stool was soft and black without any bone.

It seems like she hasn't been able to digest the bone lately.

I haven't fed her today and I'm not sure if I should put her back on
kibble for now or continue with the raw meat without bones.

I'm worried she may have internal bleeding but I'm going to see how
her next stool looks before I bring her to the vet. Right now she's
full of spunk and constantly hounding me for food (as usual), but it
might be misleading.


Messages in this topic (2)

9b. Re: bone and blood in the stool
Posted by: "Yasuko herron" sunshine_annamaria@yahoo.com sunshine_annamaria
Date: Sun Aug 12, 2007 2:58 pm ((PDT))

>I put Naya, my 2.5 year old beagle on the raw diet 4 months ago. 3 days ago, I went to >pick up her stool which looked fine, but I was pricked by a shard of bone that was so sharp >it nearly pierced my thumb.

Hi,Steve.I used to see shard bone in poo a lot wen i just started ,and it went away but occasionaly,rare but still, I see it too..

I am not worrying too much about bone in poo.

>I had a feeling it was a chicken bone,

If you wanted to detect what bone it was,you may want to do jounal like i do.I keep record of waht I fed,how much etc.It helps when I wanted to do detective work or manuver the way of feeding.

> That evening, her stool was red and still with bone chips in it.

You mean dot in poo or quitered in poo? If it were dotted red,I don't worry about it.It maybe from bone marrow stuff.

>This morning her stool was soft and black without any bone.

Poo being soft maybe from too much fat, too much food,too new to soon, or need more bone,or ..did you give organ a lot?That makes poo softer too.

Soft poo meant solid poo head with softer end,I think it is normal and I not to worry about it.

Poo being black maybe from organ if you fed or just being dark colored poo,it is from pork.

I think my dog makes yellowish colored solid poo when I feed pork but I remember Sandy on list told me Griffin does dark poo after pork.

It maybe different from each dog but it could be that.

My dog makes dark colored pooo when I fed rabbit,Bison,Elk,Beef,Lamb.Poultry and pork makes yellowish brown poo for my dog.

As long as the color changes depending on what you feed, and dog being happy looking,I don't worry about it.

If tarry poo no matter what you feed,then,I may worry and go see vet.

> I'm not sure if I should put her back on kibble for now or continue with the raw meat >without bones.

I think changing back to diet require digestive system adjust to new kibble diet again,and it may not be in good interest of your dog,plus you know that raw feeding is better than kibble.

What is your dog poo status?

She just go poo 1 a day or cannot controlled?
If the dog can control the poo(no accident in house, no frequent poo visit and watery poo),you are ok.You may just need more bone to add meal.

If poo is soft,and if you worry about,then,feed more bone and,if the dog cannot controll the poo,andpoo being watery,then, maybe try help sooth thestomach with Slippery Elm that everyone is talking about and see how your dog does
Usually it helps firm up the poo with more controll,I hear.

If just 1 time poo and ok poo just color being black,keep an eye on it andsee if the color changes depending on what you feed,keep journal and see the reaction.

If the color stay black,go see vet.

I hope this helps.


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Messages in this topic (2)

10a. Re: rawhide
Posted by: "cdhaik" cdhaik@yahoo.com cdhaik
Date: Sun Aug 12, 2007 1:44 pm ((PDT))

No i would never reccomend rawhide, i have had both dogs with
blockages and choking and will never let my dogs near them again. Even
on the big bone size. So no bully sticks are better and all the other
yuck bits of raw feeding (pigs feet, heads and so on) for fun chews.

Caren y Amber y Rain y Angus

Messages in this topic (13)

10b. Re: rawhide
Posted by: "blechatlb@aol.com" blechatlb@aol.com blechatlb
Date: Sun Aug 12, 2007 5:11 pm ((PDT))


The hair is often burned off of rawhides with arsenic. Not something you
want your dog to ingest! Bully sticks are a better choice. I recommend those
made by Free Range called Moo! - These are 'drained' and have less of a smell,
if that is of concern to you. They are from free range cows that are grass
fed, no hormones or antibiotics.


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Messages in this topic (13)

11a. Re: Any dogs 10+ years on raw?
Posted by: "lmclaen" lmclaen@yahoo.com lmclaen
Date: Sun Aug 12, 2007 2:27 pm ((PDT))

Thanks all for your responses, it's all very encouraging!! Laeny

Messages in this topic (6)

12a. Re: meat from farmers?
Posted by: "Laurie Swanson" laurie@mckinneyphoto.com las_lala
Date: Sun Aug 12, 2007 2:27 pm ((PDT))

Hi Jennifer,

I live in Seattle and shop primarily at the grocery stores (bigger
stores and health food stores) and Asian markets. I joined our local
WA/OR buying group and got a bunch of grass-fed lamb from a farmer
through the group. Also, from doing some online research and
inquiring, I got in on a deal for grass-fed beef from a ranchers' co-
op. So now my freezer's full.


--- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, "jennifer_ricotta" <ricottaj@...>
> Is anyone getting their meat from farmers or are you all buying in
bulk at the grocery store,
> butcher, or costco type place?
> Jennifer

Messages in this topic (6)

12b. Re: meat from farmers?
Posted by: "Yasuko herron" sunshine_annamaria@yahoo.com sunshine_annamaria
Date: Sun Aug 12, 2007 2:59 pm ((PDT))

>got meat from ranchers' co-op. So now my freezer's full.

HI,Laurie. Ranchers co-op is something each state may have? How did you google?
Just put ranchers in search key word?

Price for meat is quite reasonable that way?

I am curious.


Yahoo! oneSearch: Finally, mobile search that gives answers, not web links.

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Messages in this topic (6)

12c. meat from farmers?
Posted by: "blechatlb@aol.com" blechatlb@aol.com blechatlb
Date: Sun Aug 12, 2007 5:10 pm ((PDT))


I get most of my meat from a farmer who delivers to me, but I still shop
sales at the various grocery and ethnic markets.


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Messages in this topic (6)

13a. Re: Next new meat? (first week on raw)
Posted by: "eyed_blue" eyed_blue@yahoo.co.uk eyed_blue
Date: Sun Aug 12, 2007 3:22 pm ((PDT))

Thanks Chris, thats cleared a few things up for me.


Messages in this topic (6)

14. kitten- Asia
Posted by: "Coco WestCoast" cocowestcoast@yahoo.ca cocowestcoast
Date: Sun Aug 12, 2007 3:52 pm ((PDT))

recently adopted Asia (kitten)which is 3 months, she had first set of
shots. I know vaccines don't always work so how do you keep pet
healthy and virus free without shots on a raw diet? She will be indoor
but we people track things in and I will also be getting a puppy in 6
months or so.
Also, I want to raw feed and think chicken breast would be a good
start for both?


Messages in this topic (1)

15a. Re: raw and kibble mix
Posted by: "temy1102" tammy.a.jp@gmail.com temy1102
Date: Sun Aug 12, 2007 5:10 pm ((PDT))

wow that was a really heartbreaking story! poor nugget and you! i
can't help so much on the science of things, but what i've learned
lately is that many of the people i've spoken to will not or do not
start their dogs on raw until they've already gotten sick. young dogs
appear to be thriving on kibble, but that's because they're young.
only when they are older and start weakening and having so many
problems and people start to realize, "oh my god, i could lose
him/her!" do they start to think seriously about their dog's
nutrition. i wish so much that i could have fed our elderly family
dog on raw for his whole life, but we only started when he was 13, and
at least his life-threatening conditions have disappeared. although
he still has severe allergies and skin problems, the turnaround has
been amazing.

tell your boyfriend to think about his dog's future. something that
helped convince my mom about raw feeding was when i told her, "if we
had pet rabbits, would you be okay with us feeding them meat? then
why is okay for our dogs to be eating grains and vegetables?"

also, my oldie who was kibble fed all his life had loose stools for a
loooong time in the beginning. several months actually. and even
now, if he's under any stress or if he's skipped a meal, he'll have
loose stools again. my foster puppies were littermates, and one of
them had great stools after only a couple weeks, and the other one
took a month. it really depends on the dog. i remember reading
stories about prisoners of war who were fed the same thing day in and
day out, and when they were released and could eat normal food again,
would have horrible digestion problems. our dogs have lived on poison
for a long time, and although that's what they're used to, it is NOT
okay to continue feeding it to them. it just takes time.

hope this helps! good luck!

tammy & grover

Messages in this topic (8)

16a. Re: Lamb meat
Posted by: "Yasuko herron" sunshine_annamaria@yahoo.com sunshine_annamaria
Date: Sun Aug 12, 2007 5:10 pm ((PDT))

>Six cut I think is tee-rific!

Hi,Chris.If you order 6 way cut,you already being decided what you get?

Or you can decide which cut you want? Isit come with organs?



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