[rawfeeding] Re: Food Aggression [was: where do you feed your dogs...]
--- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, "carnesbill" <carnesw@...> wrote:
> --- In rawfeeding@yahoogroups.com, "rachelerm" <rachel@> wrote:
> >
> > I thought the "if you growl you
> > lose your food" thing made sense, but have I just made the
> > whole thing
> > worse by actually demonstrating that I *am* competition for his
> > food???
> I think the best way to handle a problem like this is to give the
> dog a little more food when you walk close instead of taking away
> from him. Give him a small piece of something extra tastey.
> Something he really likes. In my case, that would be a small piece
> of beef heart. This gives the pup something positive to associate
> with you coming close to him whlle he eats.
> Often times people who mess with their dogs by taking food away
> while they are eating just to see if they can often create the very
> problem they are trying to avoid. I have seen this happen many
> times in my training practice.
One thing you absolutely need to be sure you do NOT do is just teach
him not to growl. You need to teach him that it is OK that you are
by his food. Otherwise he will stop growling, but may one day
attack "without warning" because he is still guarding but you have
taught him not to growl (the "warning"). Its called "taking the
ticker out of the time bomb.."
I suggest the book MINE! by Jean Donaldson. It is a small book all
about resource guarding. Bill is right, you need to teach him that
having you by is food is a good thing, because even you have to take
it this time, you usually replace it with something BETTER!
Kathy r
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