Feed Pets Raw Food

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Re: [rawfeeding] What do you stock your freezer with?

> What do you stock your freezer with?

Currently my freezer is STUFFED FULL.. very little room left for anything..

besides the human food in one small part, grin

I have
30 lbs of huge Turkey drumsticks,
40 lbs of smallish chicken leg quarters,
5 lbs of 4 oz sliced tripe in 1 lb ziplocks,
5 lbs ground beef with liver, heart and lung
9 lbs of beef heart
3 lbs of beef liver,
12 lbs of beef roasts
28 lbs of whole turkey
12 lbs of whole chicken
18 lbs of cut up 1 lb bags of turkey white meat
9 lbs of cut up 1 lb bags of chicken
30 lbs of pork spareribs
2 lbs of chicken livers
4-24 oz bottles each of frozen chicken, turkey, pork fat/broth (although the
pork fat may end up made into soap this summer)
5 - 6 lb tubes of pet grade food that i forgot WHAT they are..
frozen fish, that was cheap and i didnt label the bags oops
freezer meat from neighbors freezer that died
15 lbs of freezer burned meat that i dont know what it is, but its still a
bloody color.

I WAS feeding pyrfectly weighed dinners of 2lbs per meal, once per day, but
am now guessimating dinner and putting in spoonfuls or gobs of Chicken with
bone, turkey no bone, pork w/cartlidge (not that often as it makes for loose
stools with Heather), ground beef, a couple bites beef heart (probably 1oz
per bite) 3 to 4 oz of tripe, couple bites of liver, sometimes i add a
small sardine, or a dollop of the meat broth. sometimes a capful of olive

want to get the salmon oil, IF i have extra money next month.

Heather tends to eat less her choice in the summer so is between 1lb
to 1.5lb per meal, sometimes if still hungry i will give her quarter
lb of cooked
meat (i cant always get all the meat off bones that i do not feel safe
feeding her, so i simmer the meat off, remove the bones, siphon off the
liquid fat to the used mtn dew bottles (no deposit on them ) and pkg up the
meat for treats or a bit more dinner.) i used to weigh the cooked meat to
figure out how much i lost in money *by the pound* from my purchase (over
half on the turkeys grrr) the last batch of turkey drumstick / pork joint i
didnt weigh.. (im trying to get away from my percise nature, grin, feels
soooo against the grain for me grin) but i sort of know what a 4 oz glob
looks like..

what she doesnt eat at one time.. is picked up and put back for the next
meal. OR its refrozen for a meal down the road. I also have a grocery bag
full of such tidbits and after i get a bit further into this latest strategy
of raw feeding and trying to see IF i can totally eliminate her itchy cycle
THEN i will start pulling out the left over bags of previous meals not

right now.. the chest freezer in the barn is full the top line.. the lid
just does close and the freezer in the house is stuffed as well.

How much salmon oil DOES one give to a 125 lb pyr?? (not fat but muscled out
for mobility work, as she is my service dog. )

Josephine MorningStar & Heather, Pyr MASD
Native American in Massachusetts

Never threaten anyone. It ruins the surprise

Copyright (c) 2007 Josephine Morningstar
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